Tomato Love ...
He was just a Brown Seed
Planted in some Black Sod
With Clear Water poured on his bed.
Gold Sun Shone on him!
Warm Heat made him Sleep
And before he could Snore twice
He had Root Legs
Branch Arms
And a Pretty Head - too Sweet!
He was Tended by The Word
Soft Manure of Encouragement - Daily Heard
And before there was Fanfare
Branch Arms had acquired nubbins!
Sun, Water, Word, Heat
A Poke in The Root Legs
Rest ... and Repeat
Was Tomato Love's Growing Cycle
Until The First Reaper was
A Bountiful Harvest!
Tomato Love is Beautifully Lush - but quite green!
He is Off To The Grand Market
Spruced Up Pretty and Clean
A little stem and a couple leaves showing!
The Lord who Bought Tomato Love
Was something called Connesieur
Who knew his Onions and Tomatoes
And took his Specimens with Great Care!
There Must Be SOMETHING In To Them.
His Mandate is Perfect
His Eye is Keen
He wants His Tomatoes
To be filled - Juicy - with lots of Seeds!
The Juice is for Serving
The Seed is to Make Tomato More, and
His Heart will be Blessed
As he looks to The Glorious Sea Shore!
You see, Tomato Love is an Heirloom
No Hybrid is he
He is True to His Roots
No Ponsi Seed anywhere in his Body!
On The Day called Dispatch
Tomato Love was Smelling Delicious
And Looking flushed - Deep Red!
He was Firm and Yet Soft
And his Lord's People were Waiting to be Fed!
The First Cut was Painful
Three and Four not So Bad
And when it was All Over
There was Rejoicing in The Yard for
Enormous Numbers of Seed were
To be Preserved!
The Juice was Efficacious and
Many had Been Served!
Every Note of Tasty Truth had been Heard!
Every Ray of The Sun Absorbed
Missing None who Cared
And Those Seeds Set Aside for Tomorrow Service
Will be Kept Safe - God Missing None!
Every Man has Two Calls Upon His Life:
The Call of The Holy Spirit
The Call of Sin Satan!
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