Showing posts with label #Miracles for Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Miracles for Sale. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Miracle$ For $ale!

Father, I needed - and still need - a miracle, and
I went to the Man in the center Altar chair!
When he found out that I didn't have two pennies together rubbing
He said: “You really need to talk to the Man Upstairs!”

So, Father, I am coming to You!
I am bringing to You all I have!
I present to You, Lord, my only payment!
I present to You my faith in Jesus Christ - Your Only Son - Dear God!

Yes, Lord, I believe in Christ Jesus!
I believe in the efficacy of prayer!
I believe that You, Almighty God, are able
To bring relief to my achingly bad despair!

I ask You, Lord, to deliver!
I ask You, once again, to show me that You care!
I present my faith in this lil' mustard seed, and
I beseech You, Lord: “Please make the way clear!”

My ways are not Your Ways, Lord!
My thoughts are definitely not Your Thoughts!
But my heart is humble, my Spirit’s willing, my will yielding
To Your guidance where'er my weary feet will travel o’er!

Forgive me, Father, for not coming to You directly in the first place!
Forgive me for believing that the Pastor had my back!
Forgive me for forgetting that with You all things are possible
And for bypassing You and turning to that miracle-pimping hack!

Never again, Lord, will I ever
Put the Man of the Cloth before the Son of Man!
Open my eyes, ears, heart and my reason
To the promptings of The Shepherd with whom this life began!