Showing posts with label Shenanigans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shenanigans. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hold No Converse With Satan

Hold No Converse with Satan

Hold no converse with Satan
You do not have the skill
To put him decidedly in his place, Friend
He will assuredly overcome your puny will!

Jesus Christ showed us the way how
To handle Satan's shenanigans
Meet him headlong, with the Word of God
Against that he cannot defend!

Lean not unto your own understanding
For you are made of finite flesh
You haven't the intellect, nor experience of life
Nor the capacity to deflect him in his strife!

Invite the Holy Spirit's indwelling!
Immerse yourself in the Word of God!
Inculcate good habits – reflect the Word, and
Inspire others to follow our Lord!

So when Satan attacks – don't engage him
Don't be intimate, nor try to negotiate
Just give him both barrels of your gun – THE WORD! and
Don't ever from this plan deviate! **BJC**

Monday, September 22, 2014

The “Christian” Walk

The “Christian” Walk

Lord, I am trying to walk
The straight and narrow way
But there are people in this church
That make me laugh, and not in a nice way!

My Child:
You came to Me today
All torn up inside
About all the things wrong inside your church
Even your Pastor and his new bride.

You spoke about shenanigans
Misappropriations, adultery
Trysts, fornication, and bastardy
And new football lotteries.

Please tell me, Dear Loved One
Why do you see all this?
You can tell me of every one else
But, where am I on your list?

Yes, you will see dishonesty
And infidelity, quite true!
You see everyone else's wrong-doing,
But aren't you dishonest, too?

In My Word Matthew Chapter 7
Written in verses 3, 4 and 5
It speaks of seeing another's small mote
When a big beam is blinding you!

I love you, Dear Child, but chastise you I must
Don't be a hypocrite about other people's dust!
Keep your eyes upon Me, I'm you Savior, your Friend!
Stop airing other people's dust-balls when you operate a pig pen!

Stop judging other people
Clean up your own dirt
Wipe the soot off your chimney
And wash out your dirty skirt!

Keep looking at Me
The clean pathway of Light!
Hold on to right principles
Let My light through you shine bright!

Be sober, be vigilant!
The adversary is very near
To send you away wayward
To blind you with despair!

Keep your eyes on Me – JESUS!
I am your way home!
Walk onward to victory
Look at ME, only, alone!

Put on my solid armor
It will shield you from sin!
It'll protect you, it'll cover you
No sin-dart let in!

So, Dear One, wear these things:
Love, JOY and Peace
LONG-SUFFERING, and Gentleness
Uncleanness – RELEASE!!

Add GOODNESS and Faithfulness
Add MEEKNESS – for sure!
To this we'll add TEMPERANCE
Over these the Law has no cure!

Oh, My Child, whom dearly I love
Keep your eyes fixed ever firmly
Upon My Kingdom, upon Me, for
I poured out My Life's blood – 'twas to save you!

Don't worry about others
You know what YOU must do
Do YOUR work, ever faithful