Showing posts with label #Sabbath Rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Sabbath Rest. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH!! Prayer: Father, Thank You!

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for my spared life!
Help me to remember
that I will always need You!
Help me to never forget that
since I have no reason to regret that!
You, Lord, are Good, and You are Faithful.
Help me to never allow my eyes
to dictate what I shall be fed, and help me
to be contented with Your walking speed.
I ask You to help me to trust You as a
blessed child of a Beloved Father.
Thank You for the blessings and the
bounties You provide to me each and 
every day, and I ask You to keep me
steadfast, and don't let me ever again stray.
I love You, Lord, for You alone, are worthy.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Satan Can't Tell The Future

Satan can’t tell the future
Even if he had a crystal ball
'Cause it is not within his realm
Listen up! He is not the Lord!

Satan cannot create life
His reality is to destroy
He ever lives to reap a harvest of the unbelievers
Who choose to be in his employ!

Satan can deceive you
Satan can lead you astray
Satan will seek to destroy you - 
Choose Jesus, and run
Runway, far away!

Rebuke Satan!
Bless the Lord!
Stand on God’s promises!
Cover up in the Word!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Happy Sabbath Happy Rest!

Happy Sabbath!
Happy Rest !
God invites each one
To come and be blessed
To set all work aside
To give a relieved sigh
And abide
In King Jesus!

Happy Sabbath!
Happy Rest!
All our work has been done
We worked unto rest
And we have been blessed
For our hope is here placed
In Him who won the Race
On King Jesus!

Happy Sabbath!
Happy Rest!
So gracious
How blessed
Calls us to desist
From care, work and stress
To turn our hearts and our eyes
To God who sanctifies
With truth from on high
To Our Father!

Come now, please draw nigh
Lift your voice to the sky
Praise Him who can't die
And on whom we rely
Praise King Jesus!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy Sabbath!

Today I pray
I sing a glad song
The Angels draw near
The Savior is present
Before Him I bow -
The Lord of The Sabbath
Who blessed me, and how!

Heavenly Father, I thank You, I bless You
And a glad song I raise 
Before the Dear Savior who with great joy I praise
For living, for loving, for dying and raising
Again to Your Presence -
The Ancient of  Days
So that I may come boldly
No failing, no fear
To receive of the Blessing
That daily You share.
Thank You, Lord! Amen.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Is Your All On The Altar - Sabbath Prayer and Blessing

Bless the Lord, Oh, my soul! And all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!

Father, we come before You on another Sabbath Day and thank You for this opportunity to stand before You in quietness, and in peace, and safety.

We thank You, Lord, for the Blessed Assurance that makes us able to stand before You redeemed, justified, and sanctified, all because of Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for the myriad blessings You have bestowed upon us during the hours of the week now past, and for numerous blessings You will bestow upon us before this Sabbath is over.

Father, we thank You for the gift of Calvary. We thank You for the roofs You caused to be placed over our heads, the food You bountifully placed upon our tables, for good health, for supple strength, for loving friends, and devoted family, and we especially prayer for straights paths for our children,

Have mercy, Lord, on the leaders of our various nations and assemblies, and we ask You to open their eyes so that they may see that You, the Most High God, rules over the affairs of men, and that Your Will is sovereign. Help them, Lord, to return to the old way-marks whereby there is safety.

Father, we pray for Your children around the planet who are facing stiff opposition for their faith in the Lord, Christ, for their standing for truth, for right-living, and for love of the Edenic family. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.

We pray, Father, for the presence of the Holy Angels to surround and guard, and guide each and every member of the Family of God, and we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in double portion, and for the direction that only the Spirit of God can provide so that we may speak powerfully of the Gospel of Christ to this dying world.

Father, we beseech You to help us to sit still and listen... to the Quiet Voice, and grant us spiritual ears to hear, and the will to obey, and to place our all on the Altar of Sacrifice. Help us to let go of our reigns to the Holy Spirit, and let Him take control of our will, our ways, our days and our years.

We ask You to help us to STOP, as ordained of the Sabbath, and to rest, and find refreshing from the hustle and bustle that marked each weary day of the work-week. Please quiet our minds, our thoughts, and our actions so that we may indeed be filled from the Storehouse of Heaven, and be blessed.

We ask You, Lord, to help us to live as the peacemakers, the hungry and the thirsty after righteousness, the meek, the merciful, the mournful, the pure in heart, the poor in spirit, the persecuted for righteousness sake, the salt of the earth, and as light in and to this dark world, so that we may obtain the blessings of Christ. Help us to rejoice, and to be exceedingly glad for the great reward that awaits us Heaven.

Grant us Your Grace, Lord, to stand firm, to the end of our days, so that we may be counted worthy to be citizens of the Kingdom, and to receive our robes, and our crowns.

Father, please bury Heaven deep within each of our souls until the Day breaks when we shall see King Jesus.

We love You, Lord, and we thank You for hearing and answering the prayers of Your believing children. AMEN.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sabbath Rest




We are:

S incerely seeking Christ's righteousness as we serve the
A lmighty God of all grace who restores and
B ountifully blesses His children, and
B estows
A ll great and marvellous things upon
T he faithful ones who
H ope and abide in His love!! We
R est our bodies from all our labors and

E levate our spirits to the Throne of Grace as
S weet peace descends to calm our souls as we
T ransform from rushing to refreshing.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

SABBATH - An Acrostic


S abbath is a memorial of God's creative work
A llowing those who remember to receive
B lessings from above
B e still, and put away your work and rest, and
A ttend to your Creator
T he Holy One, The King of Heaven, our
H igh Priest – Jesus Christ, the Lord!