Showing posts with label #Deadly Sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Deadly Sin. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: It's Eve's Fault! OR, Is It? + A Personal Puzzler

I love Him because He loved me first
I will live because He's alive
No matter how you look at it
Because of me Jesus was crucified!

Jesus had no reason for repentance
None for sorrow
None for blame
But on that accursed blessed day on Earth
He suffered shame for my rebirth!

When I was young I used to say that I wished that I could see Eve, for it was because of her Living Sin that I was dressed all way down past my knees!

I did not stop to consider that if Adam had denounced Eve, I could have been living in His Presence!

I thought of how to "slap" her face for all the problems she's caused me, for wearing clothes in Summer time is egregious - that really fried me!

The years go by in sickening haste
And anger at Eve acquires a whole new dimension
For it was her folly and fault I see Do say
That causes Sin to be my constant attention invention contention!

New ways to Sin, to lie and cavort were always on my front burner
Look sharp, my friend
For I must tell that this was so until I met The Master
Jesus Christ The Lord - My True Friend!

Nothing much to recommend the day
Ordinary to start until it then went into decay
From bad to worse, with a glance or two at the mind's hearse
And that was when it became apparent:"Girl! Put that "car" in reverse!"

My profligate life was mine to own, no more at Eve could I throw stones
Every mark on Christ was mine alone
I put Him on the Cross
For personal ME He'd atoned!

Dear Ones,

Adam and Eve committed the Sin of Disobedience  ... but it had a firm foundation:

Eve saw that the Forbidden Fruit was pretty. (Lust of the Eyes)
Eve heard that the Forbidden Fruit was good for her to eat. (Lust of the Flesh)
Eve heard that she could be as wise as her Creator. (The Pride of Life)
Adam chose to eat the Forbidden Fruit because Eve tempted him with it (Lust of The Eye)
Adam chose to disobey God because he didn't want to lose Eve's companionship (Lust of The Flesh)
Adam chose to believe Eve's story of acquiring God's hidden wisdom (The Pride of Life)

Eve's eyes were bigger than her stomach and wrote a check she could not personally cash.

Eve dismissed her faith in her Creator when she believed what Satan told her - believing Satan equals doubting God.

Eve's Sin was committed on the heel of a Lie
Which had acquired legs on the wings of Doubt and Coveteousness
Which had a heart fed by Greed through the veins of Hate
Nurtured by a Vain Vision of satisfying the Vain Hunger to acquire God's Glory and Worship.

So much for one teensy, weentsy lie.

Sin is never what it appears to be: eating a fruit caused banishment, released evil, actuated death and destruction, exposed laborious work and physical and spiritual pain, and cost God the Life of Jesus Christ, and more.

Let us remember that when temptation comes it very rarely is about what is actually showing its face.

Pray ... without ceasing, and remember that Satan will tempt you if you enter the arena of your weakness BUT, BUT, BUT, he cannot make you commit the Sin!

Again, pray without ceasing!

Here is

A Personal Puzzler:

1. Jesus died once for all!
Did the Godhead say Jesus is accepted assigned to die because of
One Sin for One Man OR
All Sin for One Man OR
Every Individual Sin for Every Individual Man for All Recorded Time?

2. If Jesus Christ died for the Whole Wide World, how many Sins did He pay for IF every human - by virtue of Sin - has at least a Legion of Sin?

3. Categorize wise humanity's idea of Sin, i.e., big, little, black, white, good, bad, evil, trifling, etc.. against God's clear definition. Which Sin do you feel it is okay to commit tomorrow?

4. What killed Jesus?

5. Is Jesus "really" alive to/for you, today? How?

6. If Jesus - having been crucified for Sin - is alive today, why is there still rampant Sin in the world?

7. If there is still Sin in the world, does this not mean we have to crucify Jesus afresh?
a. If Jesus is to be crucified afresh, are we personally offering assistance preparing for the execution?

8. If a person does not believe in Jesus, does that mean that
(a) Jesus did not die for that person's sins and that
(b) That person - in choosing to be their own surety against Final Death - will have the opportunity to offer a creditable, effective, case-winning, self-defense when the Judgment is called, and that they may win their case?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

When Greed Is A Creed

When greed is your creed
There is a need
To water your greed's seed!

When greed is your creed
There is a pressing need
Your growing greed to constantly feed!

Greed is a seed
A seed with a need
To grow and expand
Engulfing the man
Who refuses to stand
Upon the firmest of ground
Hard rock - not sand!

I tell you today
Come away - don’t delay
For greed costs - it don’t pay!

Greed is a greedy sow
Always saying “Feed me! Feed me, now!”
Rutting, digging in like a plow
Greed wants more now
Right now. Right now!

The seed of greed is a deadly
Its a right deadly sin
Never looking up outward
Always in - deep within
It forswears the host's family
It denies the host’s will
All it ever wants is
Plenty of swill! Please fill! Fill! FILL!!

Commonsense has no bedding
Reason has no legs
The old god that has preeminence is
The god of Please Fill
Me with some goodies
I like how they taste,
Their feel on the tongue
Gives a most glorious cheap thrill!


One day comes the reckoning
The Reckoner is He
Who made each a creature
A worshiper of God to be
Not to worship king mammon
Not to worship Evil Lore
Not to worship the old stomach
That has no stopper
And made with elastic for sure!

Walk away, I beseech you
Ask King Jesus for help
Place your all on His Altar
And you will be helped
To deny the world
Its bounties, its needs
And to kill off most assuredly
That pig called Hog 'N Greed!

Pray for relief today
Pray for relief and say
I give Lord, my will, my way
I’m Yours, I’ll follow You all the way...