Showing posts with label Conquerors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conquerors. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hold Fast to Your Allegiance

Hold Fast to Your Allegiance

Hold fast to your allegiance
Jesus is coming very soon
Be thou always at the ready
E'er morning or night or noon!

Pray, pray without ceasing
Wrestle, wrestle thou with thy Lord
Bury, bury thyself in the treasury
That treasury that speaks faith and reward!

Dig, dig deep, ever deeper
Seek out its hid treasures each day
Live always the life of the faithful
Please, please don't turn away!

Yon sinner may loudly deride you
Yon sinner may seek even your life
Don't fear him, he cannot really harm you
Your soul is not open to his strife!

Hold fast, hold fast to thy allegiance
Swift help's already on the way
Let no one rob you of your reward for
King Jesus is coming any day!