Showing posts with label #Almighty God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Almighty God. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Accuser!

On a certain day, in assembly, Satan came before the Almighty Presence.

In abject fear, he says:

"Greetings, God!"

In unveiled contempt, he says:


Satan does not even acknowledge the working of the Holy Spirit but, instead, screams:

"Accusation! Accusation!!


"Those humans you created believe in ME! 
They belong to ME. 
I AM their GOD! 
I give them toys and earthly joys 
And they love anything that cloys and annoys!
They kill Your prophets!
They love lies, and deceits, and quarrels a fair treat, and any ways that cause decay!
And they love, Love, LOVE MEEEE!!
Give ME what is MINE!!"

"Father. I love them."

"They despise your book of rules.
They prefer my style and live by my favorite rule "What I want I chose!"

"Father. I love them."

"They love the idols You hate! 
They belong to ME!!"

"Father. I love them."

"I want themmmm! They are Miinnneeeee!"

"Jesus. They are Ours. Redeem them."

"But they are are greedy!?!"

"Jesus. Bring them back."

"But they are scornful and spiteful!?!"

"Jesus. Bring them back."

"But they are murders and thieves and liars, and whoremongers and, and ...!?!"

"Jesus. Bring them back."


"Father. I bought them back."




Monday, May 11, 2015

I Don't Have To Elope!

A ship without a captain
A heart without a home
A harbor that offers no shelter
Love, lonely, lost, alone.

A reward for doing nothing
Remorse for what holds no shame
Crying for what gains not
Innocence carrying another's blame.

Living a life without boundaries
Acquiring gain without work
Taking another's need for your want
Blocking exits Lighting fire and then sounding Be Alert!

Right now wrong gives the Wicked might
Good now bad makes Evil glad
Light now dark give the Satanic insight
Look to hear. Hear to see.
Lord, have Mercy?
Woe, Woe, Woe is me!

Spirit is to Comfort.
Jesus is to Save.
Father God offers Grace and Mercy
To whom to Satan is here enslaved.

Prayer is Power.
Confession Is Relief.
The Blood bought Salvation.
The Resurrection decimated Death and Grief.

The Ascension deeded Hope.
The Return dispatches Redemption and,
 Bless God, as a Faithful and True Believer,
With Death I won't have to elope!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Donor Body?!? Hmmmm...

Hey, Doc!?
Are you really so foolish to think
That the God of all Grace
Would allow you to attach a donor body
Under a another man's head space?

Your arrogance is mind boggling!
Your testicles are brass!
And you are behaving
Like a godless jackass!

Give God His Glory!
Lower your flag of dishonorable estate,
Bow your head in shame,
And you won't suffer The Vile Instigator's just fate.

Don't let Satan's lies blind you!
Don't let blind guides guide you!
Your plan for immortality will only succeed
IF it's the one that Jesus Christ conceived!

Humble yourself today!
There's no godhood for you - you can't buy, so don't pay!
God is Almighty -  each and every day -
And He won't let you Satan's dark fantasies play out today!

Pray to Almighty God!
Repent for linking your life to The Fraud!
Turn back! Get out of The Devil Dog's fog!
Honor Jesus and He will forgive you instead of flog!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Miracle$ For $ale!

Father, I needed - and still need - a miracle, and
I went to the Man in the center Altar chair!
When he found out that I didn't have two pennies together rubbing
He said: “You really need to talk to the Man Upstairs!”

So, Father, I am coming to You!
I am bringing to You all I have!
I present to You, Lord, my only payment!
I present to You my faith in Jesus Christ - Your Only Son - Dear God!

Yes, Lord, I believe in Christ Jesus!
I believe in the efficacy of prayer!
I believe that You, Almighty God, are able
To bring relief to my achingly bad despair!

I ask You, Lord, to deliver!
I ask You, once again, to show me that You care!
I present my faith in this lil' mustard seed, and
I beseech You, Lord: “Please make the way clear!”

My ways are not Your Ways, Lord!
My thoughts are definitely not Your Thoughts!
But my heart is humble, my Spirit’s willing, my will yielding
To Your guidance where'er my weary feet will travel o’er!

Forgive me, Father, for not coming to You directly in the first place!
Forgive me for believing that the Pastor had my back!
Forgive me for forgetting that with You all things are possible
And for bypassing You and turning to that miracle-pimping hack!

Never again, Lord, will I ever
Put the Man of the Cloth before the Son of Man!
Open my eyes, ears, heart and my reason
To the promptings of The Shepherd with whom this life began!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reading The Word of The Lord Is A Pleasure

Reading the word of the Lord is a pleasure
It satisfies the soul
It gives great hope and blessed promises
To lead me to my Ultimate Goal!

The goal that I seek is to live in Glory
To be a pillar in the House of My God
To sit with my Jesus upon His Great Throne
As He sits with Almighty God on His own!

What grace and mercy is showed us
What love and light are displayed
What glory will unfurl through the ages
As we learn from the Ancient of Days!

Reading the Word of God provides treasure
That satisfies my longing soul
It feeds, and feeds, without measure
And brings pleasure, and rest, untold.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What About My Soul?

Everybody is telling me about the comfort of my body!
Won’t somebody tell me about the comfort of my soul?

Everybody tells me of the pleasures of my body!
Why won’t somebody tell me where I can find peace and rest for my soul?

Everybody wants me to join a group which knows what’s best for the common man!
Why won’t somebody tell me about God and the Salvation that comes from His Hand?

Everybody speaks of, and knows, some being who
Knows of a sop to fix my body but of no one who
Will walk a little mile in my pinching shoes!
Please, my heart is really hurting!
My spirit’s in misery!
My conscience is really pricking
And my soul ... Oh, boo, hoo!

Won’t somebody tell me where to find
The Shepherd to lead me
The Holy Spirit to guide me
The Savior willing to take my place
And The Redeemer to wing me away
From the hell and damnation facing me
From The Unseen God people don’t care to fear?

But, inside of me I somehow know
That it’s important that I get into His Care!
And I plead for somebody in the know
Won’t you come and teach me, and help me to grow?

I find no satisfaction for my soul
Despite all my bodily comforts
So, if my spiritual life can be like gold
Please point me - anybody -
To The Living God which is in control!

I’m tired of doing what seems right to me
And then finding out it’s been wrong
I am tired of singing this world’s tune
And finding out it is Satan’s inspired song!

I don’t like Satan - he’s not kind!
I don’t like his tune - it makes my teeth grind!
I don’t like his dance - my toes are all mush!
And his lyrical gymnastics make me feel like a lush!

People, please stop telling me
Of peace and security!
Won’t somebody please tell me about the King
And His Blessed Home called Glory?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

VESPERS At the End of the Sabbath - Which god is God?

I believe God’s truth but
You believe Old Satan’s bold lies
My God's Holy Spirit lives inside me
Your god lives in your clouded eyes, and
He does nothing to help or protect you
For he has no Heaven-given bona fides!

I know my God is faithful
I feel His loving care - EVERY DAY!
Your god has no love for you
And he surely does not seem to care
If you are sad - or happy
If you are having a day - or night - mare
For he is the one who neglects you and
He is not one to offer an ear!

"Come unto me!" says my Heavenly Father
"Come, and you will find rest!"
Your god is the god of all trouble
He’ll stir up - and set you upon - an ant’s nest for
He wastes no time to comfort - or guide you
Into places where you can shine and be at your best!

I ask you: "Which one is the Real God?
Which one welcomes us into rest?
Which one is the One who created us
And answers us when trouble’s on the chest?

I tell you your god is a masquerader!
He is wearing a carnival costume!
He has no right to your allegiance for
He can’t even create a simple bloom!

Infidel, Deceiver, Father of Lies, He
Who suffered from the disease of the I’s
He coveted the Throne of our Father
And seeks to deny us the right to be in bliss!
And if you think that he is your friend
Take a peak at his published hit-list!

How, then, can you choose to honor that god
Who can do nothing to help himself?
Too proud to say: “Father, I’m sorry!”
Too arrogant before His God to bow down
And because he is an incorrigible
He plays the Burning-Man Song:

“Don’t be a Jesus follower
His life is totally the pits
He wants you to pray and to worship
And, ewwww! that gives me the spits!
Come play with me - I really party!
Come party with me - I’m happy to play!
Kick you some puppies as you pass by
Party every day until you die!
Why rest and reflect on your past sins
Come to Bacchanal - I’m teaching some lovely new ones!
I’m the god of Feels and Sensations, and
With me in the lead you’ll experience all!”

Well, my friend, I don’t know about you, but
I will stay with my Almighty God!
The One who loves me enough to chastise me
The One who helps me when I mess up, and fall
The One I cry to when I worry
The One I lean upon when sorrow calls
The One who is The Lord, The True Shepherd
The One God who can destroy Satan’s 8-ball!

No masquerader god will I follow
No party-animal leader for me
No funster who is always about gaming
No specter called Satan will pick me off!

I - a Christian - will walk holy, and in order
I - a Child of the King, and Redeemed - will stand tall
I - a True Believer - in Hill Calvary
I - a Sinner turned Saint - await my Heavenly Call!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Ode to Christian Education

In times of change, the LEARNER will inherit the earth
while the LEARNED will be beautifully equipped
for a world that no longer exists. — Eric Hoffer, American Philosopher

I don’t know about the rest of you
But I grew up in a church school
It all started on a Monday morning
When we had to line up in a long queue

There were children from first form to fifth
And the smaller ones in something called Prep
But the bottom line that I can tell you about
Is that there were no shoulders carrying chips!

We had to study all the usual stuff
Mathematics, English, History and the like
We also had to learn to do a craft
Just in case the economy didn’t last

The emphasis at our church school, was on raising good students
Good people, and especially good citizens for the world to come
So naturally we had to study our memory verses
And learn about something called Facing Life!

I remember my first form teacher, Sister Josiah
Big of heart and body too
She taught me that I could do anything
And showed me how to prove it too!

Sister Watts taught us girls home economics,
Sewing, crochet, embroidery, and cooking
She said any woman who had skills like these
Would always know how her family to feed

Brother Forde taught us our Facing Life class
Dealing with everything from relationships to dealing with self
He taught us that we needed to be strong decision-makers
Never fearful to take care of our selves!

I remember having a terrible temper, and one day was asked to apologize
The apology wasn’t deserved, I didn’t feel sorry, and it showed
So Sister Bayne, our principal, she called me aside, and said
Betty! If you don’t mean it, don’t ever compromise!”

Our church school went further than was necessary
And brought in a celebrity guest to teach,
Her name was Marva Manning and I’ve never forgotten
Anything that she said in her speech

Ms. Manning taught us about dressing on a budget
And how to get our clothing to segue from day to night
She taught us how to be quietly elegant
And how to modulate our voices just right!

And finally there was my fifth form teacher
Sister Maitland, that was her name
She’s the person I’ll always remember
Because of a wonderful game she played.

It was our last semester in high school
When Sister Maitland said she could tell us, each one, who we were
Of course no one believed her
And then the Class was in total uproar!

Sister Maitland had a new name for every student she taught
Which she said epitomized the attributes we displayed
I remember waiting with bated breath
Until my name Sister Maitland gave!

My name, according to the good Sister
Was “Always Willing to Try!”
She explained that that name suited me perfectly
Because I was never afraid to give life a try!

In all the years since I’ve left my church school
I’ve tried valiantly to live up to my second given name
And I can tell you without fear of contradiction
That I have proudly lived up to, and worn, my name!

The results of many of the lessons we learnt
Were often not obvious until we left school
And that was when respect for self, and others, and faith in our Almighty God
Carried us forth to live life most nobly

Our teachers were men and women of great faith
Who strongly believed that teaching was their calling to serve
They loved us, each one, as if we were their own special child
And proudly taught us and guided us to the Word.

So, if you still have doubts about, the value of a Christian education
Look around you as we celebrate today
You’ll see gallant men, noble women, willing workers, lifelong learners, not one shirker

Gladly serving each other in the world, through the Word.