Showing posts with label John 10:27. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 10:27. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Whose Voice Is That!?!

Do You Know The True Sound Of The Voice Of Jesus Christ 
Are You Amongst Those Who Boldly Declare That 
Because We Are Beings Created By The Lord
Our Voices
The Voice Of Almighty God 
Are Indistinguishable From Each Other!?! 

This Idea Leaves Us Ripe For 
Open To Satan's Deceptions!

Lord, Please Preserve Your Children! 

Jesus Christ Said That 
His Sheep Hear His Voice 
So It Is Impossible For A Christ-Follower 
- Personally Known By The LordJesus -
To Respond To Any Other Voice Save That Of Their Lord! 

Whose Voice Are You Hearing!?! 

Whose Teachings Are You Following!?! 

Are You Following The Fashion That 
Imbuing Carnal Creatures With The Voice 
Power Of The Eternal Creator-God!?! 


When We Humbly Pray 
Ask For The Holy Spirit To Guide Our Minds 
As We Diligently Search And Read The Living Word Of God
We Will Hear 
Intimately Know The Voice Of Our Dear Lord! 

The Holy Spirit Of God Guides Us Into All Truth 
He Will Never Contradict The Preserved 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 

Be Vigilant! 

Just As All Around Us 
Counterfeit Food, Shoes And Clothing
About Which We Are Regularly Warned
Beware False Prophets, Priests, Miracles 
The Lying And Corrupt Words From False Christs 
Who Promote Self Aka Flesh 

BeWise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation
Do Not Seek That Which 
Is Not 
Yours To Claim, Own Or Use!

Jesus Christ's Voice 
The Voice Of The Creator, Savior
Redeemer, Lord, God, Shepherd
Forever Faithful Friend
Judge Of All Flesh
Calls Us To Reconciliation
Speaks Peace: 
Our Voices ... Issuing From Thankful Hearts
Grateful For Grace
Are For Prayer And Praise! 

Keep Your Place:
Follow Christ!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Crosswise Ways Missions to Meet Jesus in Glory!?! + PRAYER: We Come Believing, Father!

Morning, Mabel!

Hey, Patsy! How was Church, Girl? 

I had a lil' cold so that I did not make it out today!

Mabel! Let me tell you something! I did not go to our Church today. I went visiting with Clarice and, Lord have His Mercy, tha' Church did hot! And not in a good way either!

Gracious, Patsy! What happen! Nobody  ain' dead, nuh?!

No, no, nothing like that!

Well, Mabel, don't keep me in suspense! What happened?

Well, you know how Clarice is, right? Always out there looking, or as she likes to say: "Looking for the best way to find God!" Well, me and Clarice went down to the Crosswise Ways Church and Missions To Meet Jesus in Glory, Inc., Established April 1, 2015!

You kidding, right!

No! I kid you not! Me and Clarice went in and Girrrrrllllll, it was on!

On!?! What do you mean?!

Well, the Church was rammed! No room to move about and the music in there was better than in any dance hall I ever went to in my former days!


Well, when the people were up into a frenzy, the Pastor tell them to speak in tongues!

What foolishness you talking? No Pastor can initiate talking in tongues! I thought that was the realm of the Holy Spirit?

Well, girl, that is when things went south, and in a hurry! People started screaming in some fancy languages, and using some words that made my skin crawl!

Patsy, what ignorance you really saying?

Girl, come inside here let me show what the Holy Bible say about talking in tongues!

Mabel yells through the side window for Clarice ...



Clarice, come over here right now!

Wha' happen?! I coming! I coming! Let me turn off the stove!

Clarice Appears In the side door ...

What you calling so hard 'bout!? Somebody dead?

No, Ms. I-Am-Looking-Every-Which Way-To-Find-God! Nobody ain' dead!

Clarice, what wrong with you? You keep looking for God but you seem to be going further and further away from Him! What you doing carr'ing Patsy to that Cross-Up House of Bedlam?! You should know that Almighty God is a God of Order - not confusion!

Sit down!
You Know That Place Is Just Wrong ! Even The Name Is Wrong!

Whe'e Jesus Say He Is Goin' Meet He Peoples?

He Said In The Air! We  - Still Living And The Used To Be Dead - Are Going To Him In The Air! De Deads  Gine Rise Firs'!

So how come that "church" you insist upon frequentin' got that wrong name plaste' all ovah de place?!

You ain't got no mo' sense than a three-leg chick'n! ... And you does make me forget that I knows how to speak The Queen's English!

Uh hmmm  ...!

When The Good Lord poured out His Spirit on His Apostles, they spoke in tongues aka other languages, and there were amongst those assembled, persons who could clearly understand what was being spoken!

Was there anyone in that madhouse who could interpret what was being spoken?

Why was the multitude speaking all at once? 

And what was up with all the technicolor language that Patsy said that she heard being uttered?

Well ...?!

I, I, ahhmmm ...!

Has the cat taken possession of that red rag in your mouth called a tongue?!

A Profound silence is felt ...

Clarice Imelda Wilhelmina Eugenia Williams used to be Payne!?!

Oh, dear, Lord! The full name! I now know that I really in trouble!

What In The Name Of All That Is Holy is wrong with You?!
Haven't you learned anything from your travels in all these fancy places that you attend "church!?!"

Jesus Christ Is Simple, Gentle, Meek, True, Loving, Merciful, And Freely Available To All Seekers, and does not request that you give what you do not have to receive the Free Blessings Of Heaven!

Almighty God cannot Lie because Almighty God is not a Man!

All that the Living Eternal Holy God wants from you is your Faith, Belief, Love, Trust, Obedience and YOUR WHOLE HEART!

The Big Question Jumped Out ...

Why are you running after Shadows ... that seem to have talons!?!

Every new church you end up in always cost you something! When are you going to learn!?!

You keep running after The Lord Jesus Christ and, yet, you can't seem to come to a decision about what it is that you expect to receive from Him!

Sniffff ...!!

Ease up, Mabel! You mekking she cry!

She should indeed be crying! This nonsense has gone on long enough!

The Lord Christ says, simply:

Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor
And I, Jesus Christ
- The Only One Righteous -
Will Give You Rest!

He went on further to say to anyone willing to listen and learn:

Take My Yoke Upon You
And Learn Of Me
For I Am Meek And Lowly In Heart ...!

... And for the Grand Finals ...!

... You mean Grand Finale!

Same difference!

He said:

.. And You Shall Find Rest Unto Your Soul!

Clarice, You're running all about and I know you don't rest, neither your body nor your soul!

Isn't it time for you to come to the conclusion of your search into Spiritual Matters!?!

I Know! It's just that I sometimes think that if I choose one church I might miss out on something exciting in another!

When will get it into your head that serving The Lord Jesus Christ is not about hot and sweaty feelings and het up emotions!?!

Serving The Living God requires Reasoning Skills and the exercise of Faith, Trust, Love And Obedience and Willing Wise Worship!

We make our decision for Christ on solid Facts and not the Fantasy artfully sketched and colorfully painted by Overwrought Emotions!

Emotion-Based Worship needs more and more Exciting even Thrilling Emotions to maintain the present belief, and if you keep up this nonsense, you're going to find yourself Indulging in activities too shameful for even you to give voice unto!

I know that you are not ignorant of The Word Of The Living God so let me ask you this:

What is The Power Of Truth!?!

The Power Of Truth is to Transform one's Life and Character!

By beholding we ...!

... Become Changed!

Faith ...!

... Comes by hearing The Word Of God!

Are you really hearing The Word Of Almighty God in all of these different churches you are so avidly attending!?!

I, uh, ahhmmm ...!

Translation: No!

Clarice, I Love You! We Love You but Jesus Loves You More ... and for Eternity!
Please give up this Loose Goose Chase ... Jesus Christ is very near to all who search for him Truthfully!

I am certain that you know that we Cannot Conform or Transform Jesus  Christ to our Rotten self-serving ways or to our Sinful character!

I know! I know! We are transformed, regenerated, to be like The Holy Jesus! 

Please Help Me! Will you all please Pray for Me!?!


We Come Believing, Father
That The Living Word Is Ever True!

Please Lead Us Into All Truth, Oh, Lord
By Thy Holy Spirit
Help Us To Walk Aright
Because We Have No Help But You!

Open Our Eyes!
Remove The Blinding Scales
- Those Blinkers -
From Our Eyes
Help Us To See Jesus Christ As He Is
The Great Physician
Our Only Hope
Our Certain Help
Our Savior, Redeemer
Lord And King
Bless Us With The Strength
Give Into Our Hearts The Strength
To Call Upon That Worthy Name
So That We May Be Saved
Forever Blessed!

Please, Dear Father
Let Your Name Be Glorified
 Jesus Christ Be Forever Praised!
This Is Our Hearts Earnest Plea
We Ask All In The Name Above All Names
Jesus Christ The Lord!