Faith in GOD!
Have faith
in God
He is your
great Creator
Have faith
in God
He made the
earth, the seas
Have faith
in God
His love for
you is infinite
Have Faith,
Dear Ones, in God!
Have faith
in God
The Father –
He is Holy!
Have faith
in God
The Son –
He is your Savior and Friend!
Have faith
in God
The Holy
Spirit – the Comforter!
Have faith,
Dear Ones, in God!
Have faith
in God
He made the
Plan of Redemption
Have faith
in God
His Son, our
He lived and
And rose
again to glory
Have faith
in God
The King is
coming soon!
Fret no
O'er Satan's
wily deceits, friend
Love you
your Lord
His Precepts
you must live
Offer your
prayers and praise
Each passing
day, friend
Reach out
your hands
The Savior
He will guide!
Give Him
your burdens
You know
that He can bear them
Live for His
Kingdom coming very soon
To take us
Home with Loved Ones gone before, friend
The battle's
And, yes,
indeed, we know it!
Keep your
faith, Dear Ones, in GOD! **BJC**