Showing posts with label King Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King Jesus. Show all posts

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Blood is Still Blood!

All who would to The Savior flee
Listen, now -
Let Me speak to thee!
The Holy Word
Quite plainly cries
Woe unto them who
The Living Word profane!

Good can never be Evil!
Evil can never be Good!
Renaming can't change that for -
Without God -
Blood is still Blood!

Glitter does not make Good Character
But Character can make shame!
Keep good companions
Act ever always from Sweet Love!

Look to King Jesus -
Not the Lord of The Dung Flies
Who is ever deceptive
Who on Holy Love lies!

Trust God time and again!
Evil Sin is The Enemy!
My cry to You, Dear One:
"Refrain! Refrain!"

Friday, July 17, 2015


Father, have Mercy on Me?!
I am Looking in My Mirror -
Who is it that I see?
A Vile Sinner?
A Sinner Saved By Grace?
A Self-Righteous Saint?
Who Am I Truly?
Would You Help Me See Whether
I Am Truly Walking With and In Thee?
Sometimes I'm Humble!
Sometimes I Self-Elevate!
I Often Don't Know My Own Mind -
I Calculate and I Vacillate!
But, Lord, even as I Contemplate
My Great Quandary
As I see My Own Self
Through My Looking Glass Darkly
Please Help Me Put Aside 
Pride in Self
Pride in Possessions
Pride in Skill and 
Pride in Prosperity, and
Please Help Me to Gain 
Lawful Entry Into Your Gates for 
This Sinful Nature's Pressing and Pulling On Me!
In The Name of King Jesus, Please Save Me!
I Love My Savior, Lord!
Please, Please, Clean and Heal! 
Help Me!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Do Not Listen To Satan!

Do Not Listen to Satan!

I told you do not to listen to that Old Satan

He is not your friend, I believe is what I said!

He's just trying to take you away from Jesus

Any means, any method, using women and often other men!

Satan, he does not like us humans

He despises the very essence of common man

Because, to him, we have taken what should have been his

And given it to Jesus, the Christ, the Prince Immanuel!

Satan dislikes, e'en loathes, anything that our King loves

He proved that fact, in First Man's Eden home

He longs for the praise, and the worship, that belongs to

He who sits upon the Everlasting Throne!

Don't believe him, when he says, that he can give you

The desires, and even the very longings of your heart!

He tried that one once, oh, yes, with his Creator!

He only wants to get you to walk into the dark!

Take you a lesson, in survival, from our King Jesus

When he was tempted, of Old Satan, long ago!

Jesus said: It is written! Get thee behind me!

Worship God! Eating bread is not everything!

Please, do not let, old Satan, catch you off-guard

Be thou prepared – like Gideon's 300 men

Be alert, on your guard, listen, look out for danger

Trusting in Him whose word will always conquer sin!

Bless the Lord! Worship the King! Trust not in fables!

Trust not your eyes, your ears, nor the longings in your heart

Seek not the world, its dainties, nor its bounties

Look to your Lord, the King of Everything!

Read the Word, not cunning fables, don't listen to smooth words

Which are designed for the be-knighting of the soul

Don't give in to him – Satan wants only our soul death!

Give in to Jesus, the King of Everything!

Give your all to Jesus, the King of Everything!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Prayer for When Hearts are Burdened

Sadness is all around
For the burdened, the bothered, and the bullied
Who are searching for a way to find rest from these earthly woes.
Please provide a balm to soothe their troubled minds
Help them to find Your Blessed Peace.

Father, sickness is all around
Were it not for Your Living Word
We would be scared indeed.
Please help us to always keep in our minds that
You are the Great Physician,
There is always a Balm in Gilead.

Death is all around
Were it not for Your Holy Word
We would be sorrowful
But, blessedly, You have taught us
Not to mourn as the heathen do, and to comfort each other
With the knowledge that the Dead in Christ shall rise first
We Who are alive, and remain
Shall be caught up together with them
To meet our Lord in the air.
What a blessed assurance!

Oh, Father, draw us nearer to You
As we reach for You in our distresses.
Please open our eyes
To see You clearer and clearer still
With every passing hour.

Please help us to stand upon the Blessed Words of 
Life and Comfort
As we live our lives as Strangers for a Holy Cause.

We humbly beseech You for a glimpse of Glory
For just a fleeting moment.
Give us strength to stand upon The Shore today.

Oh, come soon, Great Lord
Take us to our Eternal Home in Glory
Where the Old Order is forever gone
All is Peace. 
Until then, please guard, guide, and protect us from 
The Wiles of The Devil
Please provide us with Care and Comfort
Help and Healing
All according to Your Will and in Your Holy Way.

These Mercies we humbly ask
In The Matchless Name of King Jesus
We Thank You for hearing and answering our Heartfelt Prayers.
We love You.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Bible is a Sword!

The Bible is a Sword
That we must learn to wield
Not flash around all showy like
And acting ignorant in our zeal!

What point having a sword to wield
And not knowing how to use it
When we whip it out to make a charge
And chop off our own nose with it?

We must become great warriors
Fully trained with our weapons
Our bodies honed, our eyesight keen
Pride put away, and our haughty spirits cleaned!

Let us endeavor from today
To learn our scripture every day
Let us not be puffed up, nor loud
And, instead, let us do King Jesus proud!



Opposers of The Truth

Opposers of The Truth

Trust not your soul to the opposers
Those who don't love the Word
Read you the Bible for yourself
It is God's immutable Word!

Those dread opposers of the Truth
Do not have a valid opposition
And they only oppose the Truth because
It makes true believers question their earthly tradition!

They also oppose the Truth because
It gives the masses power
And strength to stand up, and loudly say
"Lord, please take this stumbling-block away!"

The Truth opposers are separated from
The poor, the meek, the frail
By wealth, position, learning and
The rarified air they inhale!

They love not Jesus nor His Word
They've chosen Satan as their lord
And all around they feint and confound
Preferring destruction to turning around!

These men and women who oppose
The transcript of God's character
Try to deny Jesus access to the child
Who would upon Him safely rely!

They oppose, then propose new rules by which
Mere mortals should unerringly abide
Do what thou wilt!” is their song and chant
For that vile devil did them enchant!

Through seven church ages – six have passed
These opposers have been so bombastic
Deftly exalting human authority – what nerve
Over individual conscience – it's a curse!

Every human received at its conception
A free will, and a conscience, without exception
Which both inherently know to do the right
But doing the right seems oft' to come with a fight!

Let no man, parent, church nor the state
Remove from your will your conscience to activate
For each man, alone, will the Judgment seat face
And before the Lord his accounts he must state!

Each account is settled according to the work
Even the lengthy account of the Arch Deceiver!
For King Jesus is bringing each man his reward
As none can hide his account from God, the Lord!

So associate you not with The Truth opposers
Learn for yourself – The Word is not still!
Do not try to oppose God – you cannot win!
And the opposers of The Truth, they cannot you fill!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Balaam's Ass Required


I wish I could be a Balaam's Ass
To some of these modern-day preachers
Who seem activated by a Balak spirit
Seeking to make God's people act like they're illiterate

By clothing, ritual, word and deed
These preachers seek to enrich themselves with speed
By putting great price to the teaching of the Word
Which does not edify and makes spirits curd

Plant a seed, buy an oil, purchase a miracle
Preacher man is begging, he needs a new toy
Congregations, they then come out to pray, and pay
Satan's advocates big money to be led astray

Cry shame! Oh, Lord, have mercy, come and defend
Your people who go church for a good word and to pray
To You, by the Spirit, in Jesus' name
Come, Thou, Dear Lord! Defend! Defend!

They teach for doctrine the commandments of men
They have willingly departed the faith
And sold their souls for a pot full of stew
Whilst giving up heaven's reward and refusing it to believers, too

One of these preachers I, myself, heard say
That the shepherd's prosperity has first to come into play
Since the shepherd leads the sheep, he should get his first
Because if he walked behind, all he'd get is some poo in the purse
(emphasis added!)

We warn you now, you apostate preacher
We are servants of the Galilean Teacher
Change your ways, amend, oh, root out
The behaviors that cause a dumb donkey to speak out!

Fear not, I tell you, believer in the Lord
Our God, the Almighty, He will supply a sword
To the angel who will cut them off if they don't turn back
And return to teaching, and preaching, the Lean Word – not fat!

First they took our money, then they stepped on the truth
Followed by our souls they seriously imperiled to boot
But, thankfully, some of us knew the dear Creator's voice
And that was enough to make our hearts rejoice

Our Lord had no mansions, no diamond cellular phones
No bodyguards, no choppers and definitely no cars
He preached the Message – it was UNDILUTED!
No color, no spin, and certainly it was not trimmed convoluted!

Sola Scriptura. The Word! The Word!
A “Doth saith the Lord!” should be heard, you cur!
Preach conscience, repentance, new birth, that sin's a stain
And only Blood can remove it, or on the soul it remains!

Oh, preacher, God forgives! So please repent!
Confess! He's faithful! Oh, won't you relent?
Confession and repentance are good for the soul
Give your burden for false riches to Jesus, He'll take it in control!

So, Dear Ones, I beseech you
Don't idly sit by
And let the preacher betray his calling
And lead you to die
Become Balaam's Ass
Open your mouth and speak
Stop swallowing the nonsense
That some of these preachers teach

Don't give up real gold
For this earth's deadly dross
That rusts, and gets stolen
Stop playing with the fluff!

Hold on to King Jesus
His Word – it will guide
To mansions on gold streets
Water of Life running by!

Read your Bible for your self
Compare text with text
Demand that your preacher
Preach in context even if he gets vexed!

Your gaining heavenly life depends
On your personal understanding
That Jesus is coming soon
He's even at the door
Prepare now – get ready!
Don't get a surprise when He shows!

Only those who are unprepared
Will be caught unawares
So put your spiritual house in order
So you won't be dismayed

My braying is over for now
I have said my piece
Until I see you next time
Go thou in peace!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

God DOESN'T Change

God DOESN'T Change

The Lord is still on His throne
And the Truth is still the Truth
Don't let the skeptics sway you now
For Jesus is soon coming down – the signs are around you!

Some people they would have you believe
That our God IS rolling with the times
Don't trust their word I pray you
For they're just trying to sway you – from the Truth!

Malachi 3 verse 6 clearly says
For I am the Lord, I change not; …”
So when someone you trust is telling you otherwise
You'll know that they're among the unwise – don't trust them!

Yesterday, today, forever and ever
Our God is always the same
No fits or starts with commands to amend
On His Sure Word you can always depend – believe it!

It's only those with personal agendas
And remits from that Dragon so foul
Who whistle in the wind, spit up in the air
And put truth-seekers on three-legged chairs – unclean spirits!

I beseech, I'll plead, I'll even beg you if I need
To make sure of what it is you believe
Take down the old Bible from off the top shelf
And read the Word's Words for yourself – they're trustworthy!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Master warned us in Matthew 24:4 to ... “Take
heed that no man deceive you.” This was/is no idle warning as,
at this time of the end, many are changing, misinterpreting,
deleting, questioning, doubting and causing others to doubt
the Inspired Word, and even trying to force others
to deny the Lord Jesus Christ on penalty of death!
I implore you to know for your own self:
(1) in whom you believe;
(2) why you believe in this being;
(3) whether you can stand up and DEFEND your belief; and
(4) if you are willing to die for said belief!
We are living in perilous times, and soon we will all
have to face the “music” if we CHOOSE (and it is a choice)
I am asking each one of us to take the time to write
a sentence or paragraph or essay outlining
WHY we have our hope in Jesus Christ.
Are you able to say why?
YOU had better be sure for yourself because
neither the Bishop, Pastor, Preacher, Teacher, Guru,
Priest, Apostle, Guide, Companion,
nor the Prophet can answer for you!
Stand up for AND Hold on to King Jesus!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Baby Picture

The Baby Picture

Today I saw a photo of a Baby
His brains - like cottage cheese - were falling out
He was surely worse for wear
Since his mama pushed him out

This baby's crime it was confessed
Was that he was the child of a Christian
His killing was a message sent
To those upon whom their blade could be bent!

I ask you fair, I tell you proud
The message was received e'er loud
The only purpose it served you see
Was to harden my resolve to with King Jesus be!

What purpose have I to live?
What reason have I to love
When those who would dictate my pace
Want my soul to be their slave?

Listen well, I tell you true
I'll only be a slave to the One who
Gave His life to ransom mine
That's JESUS CHRIST, the Lord Divine!!

So If your Soul IS enslaved to Satan
You chose your lot – I have chosen mine!
My Lord and my Almighty God
Is coming very soon, triumphantly
His ransomed children to take take home
Forever safe, no more to roam!
We'll live in mansions bright and fair
Wearing the bright crowns that Jesus promised
On heads immortal, ever young, ever strong
Singing Redemption's Song in the Gathered throng!

So do your worse for that's your best
You cannot a saint's soul distress
You may our bodies burn, oh yes
But victory is the crown we've earned I must stress!

Oh Calvary, Mount Zion strong
Sing out loud our battle song
Saints dead long, saints alive and strong
Praise our God
We're to Glory bound!