Showing posts with label Come Unto Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Come Unto Jesus. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Until The Day: Obedience

I am a Sinner ...

Jesus Christ called to Me!
I answered: "Yes?"
He said to Me: "Come to Me. Answer My Behest!"

I answered Jesus.
I asked: "What for?"
He said to Me: "Walk through My Life. I'm The Door!"

I asked: "What happens when I walk through The Door?"
Will I be happy?
Will I get bored?
Is there any one there to call my friend?
What will I eat?
Are You Pretend?
How long do I stay?
What shall we talk about?
Are you Good for real?
Or are You just a talk that's all about?
What do you do? All day? At night?
Do you wear pajamas?
Do you have teeth?
Do you bite?
Where did you come from?
Who is your Mommy? Your Dad?
Do you break things when you are angry?
Do you get drunk when you are mad?
Do you have a wife?
Do you love her? Do you provide?
Or do you spend your money on race horses?
On Chef's Pride?
Can I trust You?
Are You Honest?
Are You Faithful?
Are You True?
I don't have a good Earth Father?
Can You be My Father True Blue?
Can I tell You My Secrets?
Can I share with You My Fears?
Can I have a clothing allowance?
Or will my clothing have patches and tears?
I know I ask a lot of questions. I am distrustful of Gift Horse claims.
I have been burdened and beaten.
I have been bothered and scared.
Can You protect me?
Can You hide
Me from the terrors that broadside?
I have no good examples
Of what a real father should be
So would you please answer my questions?
Answer them True! I will surely then follow thee!

I am a Sinner ... Saved By Grace.

Jesus calls to Me.
I answer: Yes, Lord!
Is there work for Me to do today?
I am willing, Dear Lord, please send ME!
I am not afraid to work - It is Day! I faithfully pray!

Jesus sends me out on daily missions.
What the day's work holds - I don't know
But I remember Jesus' Answers
When He wanted me to enter 
The God Family Abode!

Jesus answered all my many questions
He left not one answer out
He drew me to Him most gently
And sang Me His Heart's lullaby:

Come unto Me you who labor

Come unto me! Come! Find your Rest!
Cast your care upon Me
I died that You will be blessed!

I give a burden to each of My Children

The faithful ask me to help them hold strain
They learn that I am meek and so gentle
I AM not self-seeking nor profane!

I give to each as his faith garners

I polish each to finest purest Gold
I give to each a bright white garment
That shall not ever grow old!

Each of My children is promised

Eternal Life in The Fold
Nevermore to be bothered
By sin sorrow, shame, hate nor
Feeling Getting Being old.

The River of Life is there for My children

My Face is theirs to behold
My hands are there for the holding
My heart is where You'll never know cold!

Companions are Angels excelling

In strength - they accompany You life long
The Tree of Life bears fruit for the taking
Then there is Praise
Light to Light - no night long!

Learning is Yours - I AM teaching

Laughter is Yours - I AM Love
Comfort is Yours - I AM Salvation
No evil can enter God's Gate Door to Everlasting Love!

He said ...

Until The Day Of My Returning

Occupy! Work till I come!
Give no place to The Evil
Work! Work ... Until I come!

So, today I am on a mission
Of Peace, Hope, Inspiration
Of Love
To tell #TheJoyOfSalvation
To encourage all to answer Jesus - He IS Faithful
He Is God's True, Abiding, Holy Love.


Dear Ones:

There is a time to ask questions.

There is a time to follow orders! The time to obey!

We, as Christians, have long had the ignoble propensity to question God ... even after we have found The Answer.

This is not the time for "Questions - Just Because!"

By now, we should be asking "OURSELVES" whether there is anything, something, something else, anything else that we may do to further The Work Of The Kingdom.

Please do not let anyone discourage you because you lack "paper credentials!" That does not make you unfit for service! 

The Holy Spirit Teaches.

I am now at the point where I sincerely believe that we are better off without these "credentials" because they are causing many to disbelieve Truth, to Doubt God, and to Call Jesus a Good Man, and The Holy Spirit, a Thought! Lord, help us?!

God is not desirous that any soul should perish, so he is calling ... the Saved to Work ... the Sinner to Repentance ... All to Salvation!

He IS Calling! Will you Answer OR Will You Wonder AND Wander Away?

Many Are Called!

Many Will Answer "A CALL" but not ... The Call Of Jesus!

Few Will Be Chosen.

Remember ... God uses the simple things of this world to confound the wise!

Jesus Uses The Willing

Not Those Who Are Just Chillin'

Get HOT!


Don't be LUKEWARM!

You will surely lose your Soul!

We are asked to Trust God!
Believe God!
Pray Without Ceasing!
Bless God!
Live For God!
Reason With God!
He never, however, says to Question His Sovereign Will.

Remember ... Obedience IS better than Sacrifice. (1 Samuel 15:22-23)