Showing posts with label Cheap Thrills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheap Thrills. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Satan Sells Fool's Gold!

How Would You Feel Being In A Relationship With Someone 
Who Only Offered You A Good Time
Cheap Thrills
No Commitment 
And For Sure
No Happily Ever After Aka No Forever In Heart And Home!?! 


Jesus Christ Has Plainly Told Us:
"Let No One 
Aka Man, Woman, Child, Angel Or Demon, Deceive You!" 

Since This Is The Case
Why Are We Being Complicit In Our Own Proposed Destruction 
By Rejecting The Sweet Fruit Of The Gospel Of Truth 
Aka Life In And For Christ
- Hard, Sure, And Eternally Secure - 
To Accept The Smoke 'n Mirrors Circus Magic Show Of 
License, Lust, And Lies
Easy To Embrace 
Popular To Live 
Impossible To Hold
It Is A Hole
As Manufactured, Offered, And Maintained 
By Satan The Damned!?! 
Good Times Don't Last 
Good People Do ... By Almighty God's Great Grace! 

Satan Cannot Create Anything Good 
He Can Abominate It! 

We, Humans, Christians, Have The Ability To Create 
Be In A Committed, Caring, Permanent Relationship 
With Jesus Christ The Kind And Gracious King
By Invitation Easy To Accept And Foster! 

Satan Sells Pyrite, Fool's Gold, A Fraud! 

Jesus Christ Bestows Tried Gold, Precious ... Priceless! 

Know The Difference 
Be As The One Wise! 

Make The Hard Decision! 


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What Does it Profit a Man

What Does it Profit a Man

This world has nothing to offer me
Except a lost sinner's unremarkable grave
For between life's start and the finish thereof
Is a few laughs that aren't even close to sincere

The prince of this world is a master of
Deception, wickedness and destruction
He offers toys and some so-called joys
And the assured loss of your election

What profit the world if your soul is lost
And Christ's promise of eternity forfeited
Think carefully, for the way is broad
That leads to sorrow and soul affliction

You can look forward to spills, and lots of cheap thrills
Dread disease, broken homes, and fear
Your toys then become terrors that bleach the soul
Until it's like dead bones in the valley of decision

That, my friend, is all that's left
When you seek after this world
With all its greed, and need for speed
That put you on the wrong side of heaven

Forgive me, but I will not walk with you
This world has nothing to offer me
I prefer the narrow path, hard though it be
That leads me to Christ for Eternity. **BJC**