Showing posts with label Promise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promise. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019


By Faith, Father
I Come Before You
Hoping Always A Blessing To Receive
That You Are On Heaven's Great White Throne
That Your Love For Me
Will Never Leave Me To Walk This Life Alone!

Help Us, Dear Father
Who Are Christians Called
To Be Christians Who Willingly Answer
The Call To Righteousness
The Call To Service
The Call To Faith
The Call To Obedience
The Call To Depart Sin
And The Ways Of Satan
That Eternal Disgrace
To Love As The Lord Loves
Doing All To Bless Others
Ignoring The Naysayers
So That We May Acquire The Character Of Christ
And Be Found Fit
To Inhabit That Heavenly Paradise!

Pity Us, Father
And Help Us Not To Look Inward
Dwelling On Self 
And The Published Personal Satisfaction
But To Look Up To The Lord Christ
The Author And Finisher Of Our Professed Faith
So That We May Make The Treacherous Journey
Safely And Securely
Comforted And Protected
Blessed And Believing
To The Beautiful Land Of Peace!
Grant Us Ever Increasing Faith!

Please Help Us, Father
To Realize And Accept
That This Dying World Is Not Our Home;
That It Is A School To Learn Christ;
A Hospital Operated By The Great Physician 
Who Heals All Who Believe And Trust;
A Garbage Disposal To Rid Ourselves Of
The Dross Of Sin;
A Way Station To Stock Up
On Those Things Profitable
On Those Things Useful
Those Things That Bless And Not Curse
To Take On Jesus Christ
Inviting The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit
Who Will Lead Us Into All Truth
Chiding Us
Ever Blessing And Equipping Us
Accompanying Us So That We Do Not Journey
To Salvation Alone!

Thank You, Father
For The Living Word
That Compass, Road Map
Song Book, Pillow
That River Stocked With Sweet Water
Our Parching Thirst To Quench;
That Supermarket Filled To Overflowing
With Much Food For Thought;
That Gold Mine
Replete With Hid Treasure Waiting For Ready Discovery;
That Book Of Innumerable Blessings
Impossible To Exhaust;
That Blessing That Shows The Way Of The Cross
That Reveals The Secret Of How Not To 
Suffer Eternal Loss!

Thank You, Father
For Goodness
For Grace
For Truth
For Faith
For Help And Healing
For The Chastisements We Hate
But Which Are So Necessary
If We Are To Enter, By Right
The Holy City's Marked-Character Gates!

I Confess My Known Sins
I Sincerely Repent!
Please Forgive Me!
Please Cleanse Me Of All Unrighteousness
Make Me Whole
A Vessel Useful
A Pillar Strong
A Jewel Precious
Awaiting My Lord, My God
My Savior, My Redeemer
My Only King!

I Need You, Lord
And If Tomorrow, Not Promised, Comes
By Your Certain Grace
I Will Need You Again!
Thank You For The Extended Hand! 

Thank You For Exposing Your Heart!
Thank You For Executing The Successful
Which Saw The Lord Christ Sacrificing
His Life For Mine!
Thank You For The Comfort Of The Holy Spirit!

Thank You For The Good Influence 
And Sure Protection Of The Holy Angels!
Who Minister To Us Who Are The Inheritors Of 
The Purchased Salvation!

I Bless You, Father
I Praise Your Holy Name!
Help Me Not To Indulge In Trifles
And Not To Bring Shame To Your Perfect Name! 

I Freely Give To You My Gift Of Worship
My Free Will And My Choice
I Look Forward With Pleasurable Anticipation
To The Great Coming
In Your Glorious Presence
With The Saints Of All The Ages
In Full Voice
I Shall Rejoice!

Thank You For Hearing
And For Answering My Prayer
For I Pray In The Name Of The Beloved Son
The Lord Jesus Christ!
I Love You!
Please Come Soon!

Monday, January 18, 2016

PRAYER: YOU, Lord, Are My God!

Oh, Lord,
Hear My Call!

Because Sinful Man Does Not Honor You, Lord
Does That Make You The Not-GOD?

Because Sinful Man Does Not Worship You, Lord
Does This Mean Believers Should Elevate The Fraud In Your Stead?

Because Sinful Man Does Not Praise You, Lord
Does This Mean You Are Not To Be Loved? -
Sin Would Have Us Believe Thus!

Today, I Have Decided
That You, Lord, Are My God
No Matter What Others May Say
For You Are Gentle
The Teacher - My Shepherd
Ever Showing Me The Right Way!

Help Me, Father - By Your Grace - 
To Walk Faithful and Ever True
In My Decision
Is Reciprocal Love
You Loved Me First
Even Before Earth's Creation and
Since The Earth-cleansing Flood!
Clean Me, Too!

Father, You Made Your Decision:
Bring The Sinning Children Home!
Father, I Am A Sinful Child
Often Doing Things I Don't Want To
And Not Doing The Things I Should
Today, Lord
I Choose -
Eyes Open 
Heart Yielded Up -
Nevermore To Roam!

So, Lord, If You Will Carry Me
I Will Let You, and
I - By Faith - Promise
To Head For Your Eternal Kingdom
To Spend My Promised Eternal Life
With Eternal You!
I Love You, Lord!
Have Mercy and Bless
In Jesus' Holy Name!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Romans 8:28's Promise

Some days I get really upset when
Things just keep going wrong
It seems everything I touch turns to ashes
And even the short things seem long!

But then I hear the sweet voice of the Spirit
Whispering a very comforting word
To calm my flustered heart, troubled spirit and
Fill my old world with a brand new song!

That's when I sit back and breathe deeply
And a big smile comes over my face
And I think of our God, the Eternal
Who's made provision for believers in the race!

I close my eyes in contentment
And remember the promise He gave
To comfort, compose, and to carry me
When Satan stands up in my face!

... ALL THINGS WORK together for GOOD
To them that love the Lord
And are the called

So, from now on I'm endeavoring to never
Let evil nor malice throw me
For I am on an upward trajectory
And no one's stealing my blessed peace nor sanity!

So, Dear Ones, when your life is in a tailspin
Remember Romans 8 verse 28
Lift your hands, bless the Lord, and shout aloud, and
Tell Satan he's a dollar short, and one day too late!



Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Prayer for Comfort and Strength with Promises

Oh, Thou who hearest every heartfelt prayer, have mercy on us, Your children.

Father, all the signs are in the air that our days on this earth are fast coming to an end.
Everywhere, Father, we see and hear about our brothers and sisters who are being 
hounded out of business, classified domestic terrorists and hate mongers for their 
stand on Biblical morality, beaten, and even martyred for their faith 
in the Lord, Christ. Have mercy.

Father, the Master told us not let anyone deceive us because there will be those who will 
come in His name and will deceive those who have no love for, nor grounding 
in the Holy Word, and we beseech You to help us, Father, to stick to 
Your Revealed and Preserved Word, and to study and show ourselves approved, 
to bury that Word deep in our hearts, to live its precepts, claim its promises, 
and live Christ-like lives as those worthy of our recompense. 

Father, the day seems very near when the laws of our lands will mark true believers 
as enemies of our homelands, and the governments will withdraw their protection, 
and will abandon us to mercies of those who desire our destruction, and we plead 
for Your mercy on us as we pray for the protection and provision, care and comfort 
You promised to us through the little time of Jacob's trouble. 

Help us, Lord, to grab hold of the promise and wrestle valiantly in prayer with 
He Who Is Faithful. Until then, help us to confess all our sins, whether by omission, 
or commission, as Jacob did, so that we may be saved and blessed.

Father, in Isaiah 49, You promised not to forget any of us who have our hope in Jesus, 
and we eagerly claim this blessed promise, for we are graven in the palms of His hands. 

Father, in Zechariah 2, You promised that whoever touches us, 
touch the apple of Your eye, and we, in child-like trust, faith and humility, 
claim this promise for we are worthy by the Blood.

Father, have mercy on us, and upon those who are seeking Your Face and,  
if there is just one more person that we can reach for Your Kingdom, help us to 
seek out and minister to that searching soul as for a lost sheep. 

Father, we beseech You to grant us strength to stand firm in the Faith, strength for 
our journeying, courage for the way that we must travel, willingness to turn the other 
cheek when abused and opposed, to keep a song in our hearts, and to have a soft 
answer to turn away the wrath of our foes as we go on Your errands.

Bless us, and keep us in Your care this day, and always, for we love You, Lord,


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Because He Lives

Because He Lives

I was enjoying singing a favorite song of mine, Because He Lives, when the following thought came to me. I used the testimony of verse one, and the chorus, of Because He Lives to write my inspiration. Please take a moment to think on it! BJ

God sent His Son
He didn't have to come!
They called Him Jesus
The miracle-worker!
He came to love, heal and forgive
He did it all for love for free!
He bled and died
That was HIS decision!
To buy my pardon
I can't pay Him back!
An empty grave is there to prove
He said it couldn't hold him!
My Savior lives!
He kept His promise to rise again!

I Serve A Risen Savior, so

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Blessed Assurance, Jesus IS Mine!
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Faith, Faith Is The Victory!
Because I know who holds the future
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
My life is worth the living just because He lives!

Jesus, My Lord, Will Love Me Forever!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Short Prayer - Humble Promise

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     It's Me, again!

    Here is a really short prayer promise, just for you.

    Please feel free to use, and share.

Humble Promise

Humble promise, gracious praise,
Oh, Lord, I'll love you all my days!
Let not Your Spirit from me depart,
Your Word to others, I will impart.

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


In Faith - a Little Ditty just for YOU!!

Greetings, Friends!

     I hope that all is well with each and every one of you!

    The following is a little ditty that I wrote as a means of celebrating my faith in The Holy Lord.

    If anyone would like to put this to music, please feel free to do so, and, PLEASE, share same with the rest of us if you do!

In Faith

In Faith I see The City,
That Jesus calls my home.
On earth I have not plenty,
In Heaven I'll not know want.
By faith, I'll hold the promise,
Of land to call my own,
In a beautiful, wonderful City,
From where I'll never roam! 

Enjoy, and be gloriously blessed!