Showing posts with label John 3:16-17. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 3:16-17. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


The Truth Shall Set Us Free!
No Color
No Spin
Truth Is And ... Done!
Truth Is Not A Fun Run!

Truth Hurts
Truth Helps
Truth Heals
Truth From The Living Book
Is Lamp
All Things Reveal!
Truth Utilized
Will Get One For Heaven Sealed!

Truth Is A Cloak
Truth Is Armour
Truth Comes Of The Living God
Truth Is Not
- Cannot -
Be A Colored Banner
By The Wily Fraud - Don't Him Laud!
He Will Never Be God The Lord!

Truth Is The Door
Truth Is A Bed
Truth Is Bread
Truth Is The Shield
Protection From The Darts
From The Likes Of Men
Whose Consciences Are
Dead! Dead! Dead!

The Real Utterance That Hallows ... Our Way!
The Key From The Lord
That Says:

Repentant Sinners
For Their Own Sin
Shall Not Pay!

Jesus Prayed
Jesus Obeyed
Jesus For Our Sin Completely Paid
Jesus Did Not
In Death Stay!

Jesus Got Up
Jesus Returned
To The Heavenly Way
Where He
The Only Way
Waits ... Interceding
Pleading His Own Blood
To Make Sure That We
- Faithful
Enduring Believers -
Have A Seat At The Welcome Table
When Comes
The Great Celebration Day!
He's Soon Coming Our Way!

Truth Seals
Truth Feels
Truth  ... To A Hopeful Child Of God
The Only Deal
- No Gamble -
Is Worth
In This Life
Let No Mere Man
Nor Devil Set You To Quaking!

Do You Do Truth?
Is Truth
To You
The Broken Tooth
To Be Patched
To Be Replaced
Like Roof Thatch?!

God Restores!
Jesus Christ - The Door
To Heaven - 
Angels Guard! 
The Holy Spirit Comforts
We Have With Eternity
- For Good Or For Ill -
A No-Cancellation Date!

Do You Relate?
Do You ... Man Skeptical
By Dark Deeds
Not Caring
What Is Thy Fate?! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

They Minister Grace?! - Be Ye Wise!

It Is A Terrible Thing
When Those Who 
Should Be Ministering To The People
On The Grace Of God
- Over Sorrow For Sin -
Are Instead Publishing
Faith In Bodily Pleasure
Over Soul Satisfaction
Are Proving Themselves
To Be Unprofitable Servants
Dealers In Disgrace!

Is It Worth More
To Despise Your Birthright
For A Bowl Of Red Bean Stew
Than To Accept The Holy Gift
Of The Glorious God
Purchased With Innocent Blood For Me
For You?

Is It A Light Thing
To Be A Traitor
To The Creator God
Who Sustains Us
Instead Claim Refugee Status
With The Wannabe God
Who Well And Truly Hates Us?

Why Do We Trust
The Man
Not The Master?!

Why Do We Live With Our Eyes
For The Here And Now
Not With Our Faith
- With Hope - 
For The Kingdom Of Light Later?

Maybe The Others Don't Know Of The Book!

You May Be Right!
Tell Them About The Book!

We, Christ Believers
Have A Good Book
That Tells
The Whole Story:

There Are Two Acts
- Old Testament And New -
There Is Ever The One Drama!

The Old Testament
Conceals The New Testament!
The New Testament
Reveals The Old Testament
In The Back Of The Bible
Within The New Testament
Is The Revelation Of Jesus Christ
The Book That Reveals All
Where All The Books
Of The Two Testaments
In The Denouement Of The Devil
The Coming Of The Cavalcade Of The Judge
The Triumph Of The Christ-Followers
The End Of Those
Who Care Not For 
The King Of Love!

There Are Trumpets
A Great Earthquake
Giant Hail Stones
The Dragon
The Beast
The False Prophet
A Death Decree
Seven Last Plagues
The Seal
The Mark
The Wrath Of The Lamb
The Church Of God
The Bride Of Christ
Candle Sticks
Quiet In Heaven
War On Every Hand
There Is The Proclamation
Of The Covenant Of Peace
There Is The Birds Of Prey Feast
1600 Furlongs Of Blood
The Destruction Of The House Of The Beast
Which Traded
In Sweet Odors
Purple And Pearls
Selling The Souls Of Men
For A Fat Purse!

There Was A Curse On The Purse!

Consult With Old King James
The Preserved Word Of God
Not Those Copyrighted
Fluff Pieces
Published For Profit
By Wicked
Corporation Men And Women!

Do Not Trust
Men Or Women
Pastors Princes
Popes Presidents
Nor Priests
Who Have
"Your Best Interests At Heart!"

"For The Common Good!"

Invite Satan
To Hock Your Feet
So That In The Race
For Victory Over Sin
You Shall Suffer Defeat!

In The Hunt For
Hid Treasure
One Must Have
A Genuine Treasure Map
Not A Map
With Lines Missing
With The "X"  Mark's The Spot
Destination Cut Out
The Dud Of Damnation
As The Nail
In A Sure Place
Loudly Celebrated
Whilst Known Only
To The Select-Few Crew
Purchasers All
Will Into
The Lake Of Fire
Spectacularly Fall!

Destination ... Fail!

Take The Fool For Christ's Advice
Stick With The Armour
Ever True!
Get A Shepherd's Scrip
Add The Five Smooth Stones
Put Your Back To The Sun
Position Yourself In The Son
Walk The Narrow But Straight Path
Stand Up For Jesus Christ
Kill The Giant Goliath
Use The Two-Edged Sword Of Truth
After Making Sure Your Feet Are
For Delivering The Gospel Of Peace Shod
Making Sure Your Head Is Securely Covered
With The Helmet Of Salvation!
Lift The Shield Of Faith
Against The Fiery Darts Of The Wicked
With A Humble Prayer
For Grace
Take The Offered Mercy
With True Companions
Those Influencers For Good
- The Holy Angels -
Let The Holy Spirit
Guide Chide
Help Teach
Lead You
With The Blessed Assurance
That In The Great Battle
You Will Succeed!

A Word Of Caution ...

Hold On To The Lord Christ
You Desire To Attain
His Eternal Life!

Christ Has Living Water
Dispenses The Bread Of Heaven
Only To Those Who Desire It!
Do Not Doubt!
Do Not Be Double-Minded!
Keep A Song In Your Heart!
Go On God's Errands!
Walk Wisely!
Be Sober!
Be Vigilant!
There Is The Adversary
Out There
Roaring And Raging!

Don't Fear!
Jesus Christ IS Ever Near!

Remember ...

The Wine Of Babylon Is A Mocker!
The Strong Drink Of Men
Encourages Raging!
The Rose Of Sharon Is Ever Lovely!
Do Not To Fleshly Lusts
Ever Be The Slave!

"Create In Me A Clean, Oh, God!"
Is Of The Highest Worship
Obedience To The Way
Of The Eternal God
Is Right Up There With It!

Willful Disobedience
- Presumption -
Is Iniquity
Aka Planned Sin
It Is One Of
If Not The Best Most Sold 
Requested Advertised
Tools Of The Dragon
The Use Of It
Will Cause You To Be Cast
- Into Outer Darkness -
Where Teeth Will Gnash
Men Will Wail
For Out There
Will Be Dogs
Lovers Of Self
Haters Of God
The Effeminate
Lovers Of The Lie
Those, Brethren
- Separated From The Holy God -
Eternally Die!

I Could Go On
At This Point
I Shall Not!
King James Holds
The Invitation To Salvation!
Read John 3:16-17
You Will
- If Truthful -
Be Convicted
On Truth Sold! 
There Is Therein
Nothing Called The Nefarious Plot
Deliberately Seek Out
1 John 1:9
For Good Measure
Your Blessing Pleasure
Psalm 100
Is Perfectly Fine!

Comfort Yourselves
With The Following Words:

"We Shall Not All Die
But We All Shall Be Changed
In A Moment In The Twinkling Of An Eye ...!"


In The Words Of King David:

"As For Me
I Shall Behold Your (God's) Face
In Righteousness!
I Shall Be Satisfied
When I Awake
With Your (Christ's) Likeness!"

Read The Preserved Word
For Your Self!
Trust No One
- Overt Covert -
Who Works For
Sometimes On Vacation
Working For God
Cooperating With The Lord

It's A Lie!
Sigh And To The Living God

Have Inordinate Pride
Are Beautifully
Rainbow Colorized!

Is The True Word
To Get
To Hold
The Attention Of
The Wise!
Be Wise Unto
Your Own Soul's Salvation!
Be Wise!
Be Wise!

Out →→→ THERE

The Demonic Device!

Let The Living God's Heaven

Your Soul's Sole Goal!
Dump The Deceitful Man's Leaven!

Thursday, August 25, 2016


God's Grace
Gives Me
Living Hope
One Day
In Him
I Stand Firm
To Mortal Life's End
I, Too
With All The Faithful
Of All The Ages
The Commendation Of
"Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant!"
"Enter Into The Joy Of Thy Lord!"
Everlasting Life
A White Linen Robe Of Christ's Righteous
A Victor's Palm
A New Name
An Everlasting Kingdom Gold Crown!

And Yet ...
It Has Been Said:

Let Us Break Down This Quotation To Get To The Real Truth For Only A Person Who Does Not Have A True Picture Of The Living Holy Eternal God Will Accept This Statement!

My Dictionary Study:

Conceive:      Appreciate; Apprehend; Envisage; Grasp
Appalling:      Astounding; Unnerving; Awful;
Strangeness:  Abnormal; Singular; Inexplicable; Odd
Mercy:           Blessing; Generosity, Gentleness; Lenience; Unmerited Favor

My Bible Says:

Let Us, Therefore, As King James Bible Believers - Not Elevating Self And Its Concepts - Make The Above Quotation Personal To Our Journey With Jesus Christ BECAUSE There Is Nothing Strange In The Love Of God:

Mortal Man
That I Am
Full Of Shame
Oft' In Disgrace
I Cannot Appreciate
The Astoundingly 
Blessings Of Grace 
The Eternal God
Which I Shall
One Day
In The Resurrection
Of The Just
As An Overcomer
The Evil One
In Jesus' Name!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Do You Love Jesus?


I Love You!
Do You love Me?

I want to Love You!

Can You Love Me?

I believe so! Sure!

Will You Love Me?

I'm feeling My Heart grow!
In the constancy of Your Love
I'm sure My Love for You will show!
I long to belong to You -
God knows!

Do You Love Me?



If You Love Me
Do what I Say!

If You Love Me
Let My Love Hold Sway!

If You Love Me
You won't Me Betray
And You will Walk in Me
Day by day!

If You Love Me
Walk in My Sight!

If You Love Me
Stay in The Fight!

If You Love Me
You will be At Peace both Day and Night
For I hold You in My Heart
Secure and tight!

If You Love Me

If You Love Me
Cling to My Every Word!

If You Love Me
Reject the Wild and the Absurd
And You will Hold in Your Hand The Costliest of Pearls!
... If You Love Me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rational Nonbelievers ... Dying To Live Free!?!

I am not a Humanist!
Neither am I "Dying to Live Free!"
Jesus Christ IS My Creator -
I Follow Him! I'm Signally FREE!

I am no Freethinker!
I cannot Walk by My Sight!
Jesus is My Pathway -
His Word is the Lamp lighting My way!

I am no Illuminated Highness!
I am no Self-willed Sin-loving Slave!
I Believe in Jesus Christ, My Lord!
I will Rise from Death! I'm by Jesus Christ Saved!

I do not need books to "Prove The Godhead!"
I will not seek to be Rational and Freewheeling re: GOD!
I Trust God's Word! I had have Sin - Jesus is My Cure!
I will be Lifted Up! Almighty God IS The Lord!

Do not try to "MOVE My Mindset" from Believer to Nonbeliever!
I "Came OUT" of Sin - not to Sexual Immorality Deviancy!
I will not use "God's Understanding"
To cover Licentiousness with Dr. Dog, Honor de Cat
Biggie Horse, Striped Stripped Human and Decaying Duppy!
Get away from Me! I'm not Sipping Deada with You and Satan!
I'm Blissfully, Happily in Jesus Christ FREE!

Divine Intervention IS My Bulwark -
Keep Pragmatic Interventions out of My Way!
I Trust Believe in The Living God - not Wicked Sin-loving Man
Who can't keep himself off the Can!
How, then, can he keep My Soul from being Damned?

Rational Nonbelievers a/k/a Freethinkers
Atheists, Satanists, Witches, Warlocks and the Like
Are in for a Rude Awakening
When Jesus Christ Returns ... As "The Thief In The Night!"

SO ...

Don't use your Corrupted Education as a Smoke Screen for Sin!
You do not have an excuse for Non-Belief for
God's Message of Love, Help, Hope and Healing
Salvation, Sanctification, and Redemption
Is written in Each Soul -
You WILL ANSWER for Disbelief when Jesus Christ breaks through The Clouds!

I am Free!
You can be Free - Give up Your Idols!
Stop bowing before the god of Sales, Self
Self-Aggrandizement, Free Sex, Gratify Me and Me Satisfy!
Give up your altar to That Demon and 
Bow before Almighty God -
He WILL Your Suffering Soul Surely Securely Satisfy!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Audacity of Sin!

#TrueSoulConversion changes One's Heart and Life!
It alters The Mind
The Judgment
The Affections and The Conversation!
No more do we walk out of Line for
We're connected to the Heart of The Divine!

A Saint cannot willfully choose
To walk in Sin and play with Refuse
And carry The Banner of The Cross
Without knowing that he is truly lost! He knows!!

Self-deception is a Satanic Ploy
That Old Boy Satan
Viciously victoriously employs
Always in the guise of Self-be-pleased
Until one is in the Muck and Mire begging
"Lord, have Mercy, will You please!?!"

The Master will not save us in Sin!
The Sin must be removed from deep within!
Confess The Sin - Repent to Him
Then The Dear Savior will Enter In!

That Preacher Teacher is a bold-faced liar 
Who says Jesus accepts a practicing, willful, wanton sinning "Saint!"
Jesus is The Holy God
And will not permit Uncleanness
To hold sway in His Presence!

There is a difference 


A #SinnerSavedByGrace 


A Self-satisfied so-called Saint 

sauced up on #AnotherGospel who

Sings the Songs,
Says The "Necessary" Prayers
Religiously pays the Specified Tithes and Offerings
Does Missions 
Teaches Bible Class
Works on Committee and
Usher Board, and is a
Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle

Who happens to be a Pedestrian Malicious Sinner who calls upon God

Holding The Bible and
Molests a child
Cheats and steals
Commits Adultery and Fornication
Is Ritually Abusive
Indulges in Self-abasement with Mankind, and 
Commits Bestiality

While denying The Lord His Right as Almighty God 
As s/he sings "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want!"
And changes him/herself into what God did not create them to be, and calls him/herself "Saved!"

God Is Not A Disgruntled Worker 

who makes

Monday Morning Merchandise!

God Does Not Make Mistakes!

God Does Not Drink Alcohol!

God Changes Neither His Mind 


His Clothing!

Almighty God 


The To-be-Saint 



a/k/a Confess and Repent!

With the Acceptance of The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross as the Payment for Individual Sin, Grace Applied, and Mercy shown, that Used-to-be-Sinner will walk Holy, Self Denied!

Sin IS audacious and The Sinner may fool himself, but he cannot fool God who is All-seeing, All-knowing, and Ever-present! 

God is Lord and Savior, Righteous, Redeeming, Comforting and Coming ... and He cannot be mocked!

Far from just knowing what you did last night, God knows what you are going to do in 
one year, 6 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, five hours, 39 minutes, 17.525 seconds worth of blinks of your eye from now! 

So, if you will be saved:

Take a Deep Breath
Buy a Clue
Get a Grip
Drop the Pretense
Confess The Sin
Repent of The Past
Accept Christ
Savor The Indwelling Holy Spirit
Give God His Glory
Start Walking Toward The Eternal City
Enjoy The Protection of The Holy Angels
Live in Jesus' Peace 
as you 
Bathe in His Grace 
Bask in His Mercy!

Send Sin Scuttling Back to Satan!

Get The Great God 


Gain Glory!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Open Letter to Church Pastors Against Unbiblical Teachings


Dear Pastor Man:

I hope that this letter finds you in good spirits, and doing well.

As for me, I have known better days and, believe me, this day has proven to be amongst the worst days of my life, and all because of you!

You, Sir, today, unequivocally, proved yourself to be an infidel, an apostate, and decidedly, no "Man of God!"

How dare you, a finite being, decide that your knowledge of God - who God is, what God has and has not said, and should have said, has inspired and has not inspired - is infinite and, as such, has given you the right to determine that I shall spend Eternity without Jesus Christ?


FIRSTLY - there is nothing about your current behavior that is indicative of your having ever received a call from the Holy Spirit to be a minister of His Gospel since the stench of the world now perfumes all of your activities amongst the brethren!

SECONDLY - you are displaying to all observers that you have within yourself simony, the sin for which Paul the Apostle condemned Simon Magus. You demand preeminence in your interactions by demonstrating that you, Sir, because of your gifts and skills, are “it!”

THIRDLY - where do you get off privately interpreting the Word of God? Do you know the words of God? Do you really read, and seek to understand the words of OUR Master??

FOURTHLY - why are you pedaling all of your Satanically-inspired, new, and heretical teachings as Holy Writ?

You have crossed that dread line, and I will no longer be silent and become a party to your egregious conduct and teachings! And so,

Will you please show me - not from any corrupted, or new-age bible - but from the Living and Holy Word of God, where it says that:

1.  I need to know how to have sex with God!?!?!
     a. The Holy Spirit is like sperm?

Are you insane?

2.  I need to look into deep into the eyes of a fellow church member - male or female - and, when there is that certain “spark of sexual awareness,” that we have “connected” to the Holy Spirit, and we should let the Spirit have His way!?

Do you really believe that the Holy Spirit is a drunken frat boy?

3. Walking around a demonically-inspired labyrinth, connecting to all my senses, and praying is efficacious as I will feel as though I am a pilgrim from a bygone era?

Do you remember this verse:

Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.


John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

4. I need to leave my unmentionables off when I come to church so that the Holy Spirit may gain entry? Entry to what? Why? To what end?

Have you been drinking that with which you should have anointed yourself?

5. I should empty my mind and wait for the impartation from the spirit?

Don’t you know that an “empty” house is a perfect place for demons to inhabit? Don’t you know that the Bible expressly speaks against this very practice?

Since I am converted, and have communion with the Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, what would I be doing by "emptying myself" but making way for the original denizens of my heart to return and take residence, and return me to the path of evil! Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26

6. I should repeat the same word, or phrase, over and over until I enter a trance-like state and wait for revelation? Why?

Is our God a god of chaos and confusion?

7. I should always do what feels good?! That God wants me to be always happy in this world!?

Don’t you know that without a cross there is no crown? Have you ever read Psalm 50:5, you know, the one that talks about the covenant of SACRIFICE!

8. I should allow some jack-leg excuse for a prophet/pastor to lay his/her hands on me so that I may receive the Kundalini Spirit.

Sir, the only spirit I acknowledge and would wish to have within my being is the ONE AND ONLY spirit known as the Holy Spirit of God? Furthermore, my Almighty God’s Holy Spirit will not cause me to bark like a dog, crawl on the floor like a snake, and spin my head like something out of Friday the 13th!

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

Lord, help us!

9. I should just read the Bible for its “stories!”

The Holy Bible, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, is not some garbage dime-store novella! It is The Gospel of Truth, and it is The Guide for this life of woe.

Lord, come for Your world!

10. I should not worry about sin because God loves me just as I am - sin and all - and everything will work out at the end!

What hogwash! Have you ever read 1 John 1: 9? You know, the one that say “IF WE CONFESS OUR SIN, He is faithful ...etc.?

Oh, I forgot! The Bible is just stories for you! My bad!

11. Our Father, which art in  Heaven - is a woman!

I ask you: “What have I, or any of the other bible-believing Christians in this congregation ever done to you that you deem it necessary to teach and preach practices to us that could only have originated in the pit of hell, and can only lead us into hell in a hand-basket?

Why have you turned from the old way marks?

Do you not fear the True and Living God?

Do you even believe in the True and Living God? Jesus Christ? The Holy Spirit? That there are Watchers and Recording Angels?

Is your need for money so dire that you would teach and preach smooth things to placate a sinful and dying congregation whose ears are so itchy, and whose fear of conviction of wrong-doing causes them to break out with hives, that you would deny Jesus Christ, His precepts and His promises in order that your bank account will be always be filled with cash, and a new car always in your driveway?

Where, Sir, is your conscience?

Don’t you know that a worker should be worthy of his hire?

Don’t you remember that Jesus Christ, Himself, has said that when He comes, He is bringing His reward with Him to give to each person according to what his works have been?

Don’t you know that you can’t plant Indian corn and reap Guinea corn; that you reap exactly what you sow?

Since I fear God, and know that I, too, am a sinner saved by God's Grace, and since there is no desire by me for you to believe that this problem has no solution, following, from the INSPIRED and HOLY WORD OF GOD,  are some suggestions to fix what is unfailingly apparent - to those of us in this congregation who trust the Living God - is ailing you at this time:

The first thing that we believe that you need to be reminded of, is:

John 3: 16, 17
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

and that Jesus Christ IS the answer to all that ails ALL humanity!


Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

James 4: 7-10
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalms 51: 6-13
6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

I Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Romans 15:13
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Sir, yours is not a hopeless case! Far from it, for on those occasions when you do allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into His truth, your sermons are sound in doctrine, teach the people, reprove those of us who are slipping, encourage us who are flailing, and comfort us in our hope in God Almighty, and in our waiting for Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to come!

Please, I beseech you, ask Our Almighty God to help you to turn your back on, and walk away from whatever is pulling you down into wonderland, and forward to destruction!!

When you walked full in your faith in God, you led the Lord's flock with honesty and integrity, and I am pleading with you, please turn back to Jesus Christ before it is too late!

Please, do not set your heart on the things of this life for they are all dross.

Please do not believe that you have "made" life to suit your wants, needs and desires! It is a deadly delusion and will cause you to lose the Hope of the Faithful, that is, Heaven with Jesus Christ!

Brother Man, please accept this chastisement, and subsequent words of encouragement, as word given to a beloved son who has strayed, and is wished to return home.

Praying and Petitioning Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in your behalf,

Sister Faith,
and for the brethren:
Hope, Charity, Love
Gentleness, Goodness
Kindness, Meekness,
Temperance, Joy, Peace,
Long Suffering, and Christian

P.S.: Rest easy, and assured, in Psalm 23, Psalm 46, and Psalm 91!