Showing posts with label Gossip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gossip. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2020


Strangely, We Can Always Find Time To Gossip
To Cuss-Out People
To Belittle People
Even Find Time To Tear-Down Our Own Selves! 

We Say That We Love The Lord Christ
Most Assuredly Know That 
He Answers Humble, Heartfelt, Prayers Of Faith 
And Yet
With The Myriad Needs Known Abundant In This Mortal Life
We Dismally Fail To Make Good Use Of
Our Access To The God Of Grace
The King Of Glory 
Sunnily Neglect To Reach For 
The Extended Hand Of Help And Healing That
Always Just A Prayer Away! 

We Rob Ourselves Of The Grand And Glorious Pleasure Of 
Grasping The Great Good Given To God's Faithful People
We Find Time To Talk Turkey And Baloney
Instead Of Truth And Blessing! 


Our Priorities Are Skewed! 
Our Interests Are Pitiable 
Even Downright Lawless 
We Are Short-Changing Ourselves By Neglecting Our Prayers 
Aka Our Intimate Moments With Our Forever Friend
Our Father In Heaven! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

There Is Much That We May Receive From The Hand Of God 
Will Not Receive 
We Do Not Ask For Our Godly Desires Through Prayer! 

Is As
Opening Your Heart As To Your Very Best Friend
So, Pray
  Ask In Faith
    Believe The Preserved Word
      Persist In Prayer
        Trust The Giver
          Align Your Desires With The Word Of God 
              Keep Your Hand Out ... And Your Heart Open! 

The Lord Our God Ain't A Lying, Dying, Man
He Doesn't Bad-Talk Us 
For Asking For His Good And Perfect Gifts
As He, Himself, Has Asked Us To Request: 
He Cherishes The Gift Of Our Trust! 

Let's Stop Starving Our Own Souls
Militantly ... But Humbly ... Get The Business Done!
Prayer Is An Oasis
So, Pray, Pray, Pray
Infinitely Enjoy 
The Fabulous Feast Of The Forever-Blessed!

Do A Jacob
Wrestle With Your Lord
Get Yourself
Your Free Name-Change!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

GOSSIP: Harpooned!

There's A Whale Of A Tale
About A Whale's Tail
Which He Would Flail
And That Without Fail!

Now ... A Whale's Tail
Is A Thing That Flails Like A Sail
Because, Well
A Whale Tells Its Tale With Its Tail!

Just Because You Can Tell A Tale
It Doesn't Mean That A Tale Should Be Told!
Just Because You Have A Tail
It Doesn't Mean That You Should Wave It Bold!

When Whalers Were Whaling
The Whalers Watched For The "Blow Hard"
To Broadcast From His Blow Hole
 And Without Fail
That Whale Got Himself Harpooned!
Very Soon Thereafter He Was Nothing But Lard ... Oil!

Nice Story!
What's Your Point!

Stop Broadcasting Your Guts To The World!
Your Faults: Tell To The Brethren!
Your Sins You Tell To The Lord!
Everything That You Know
You Do Not Have About It To Speak
So Learn To Keep Your Own Counsel
Stop Making It Your Mission
Other People's Business To Leak!

Back It Up, People!
The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown Down
And We All Know What's Going To Happen
Now That Soni Has Been Dragged Up The Grater
And ... Down!
Looka Dah Frown!

Pull Yourself Together, Minnot!
There Will Be No Having Out In Here!
The Lord Has Given Us Clear Counsel, Brother
So, Please Take Your Chair!

Brethen, Beloved

To Indulge In Idle Gossip
Not The Place Of The Child Of God
It Is An Evil Disease
We Will Be Called Upon To Give An Accounting
When We Stand Before The Judge
Jesus Christ Our Lord!

We Have A Work To Do For Our Master
We Must Desist With All Heavenly Power
From Doing The Work Of Satan ... Our Adversary
The Known And Damned God-Fraud!

We Are Called To Do Good ...!

... And Good Will Attend Us!

With That Said
Let's Let The Word Of Truth
Speak To Our Hearts:

Now Listen Carefully To Me:

Man, Of His Own Accord
- Following His Own Selfish Inclinations -
Will Not Seek To Do That Which Is Good! 

However, Those Of Us 
Who Have Taken The Lord Christ For Our Inheritance 
Are Walking In The Light Of The Sun Of Righteousness 
Will Do All The Good That We Can 
To Bless Others 
And Ultimately
Bless Ourselves In The Doing! 

Our Reward Comes From The Lord Himself 
So Let Us Not Do Our Good Deeds 
To Receive The Putrid Praise Of Carnal-Minded Men 
Who Love And Worship Self 
Deny The Sovereignty 
Power Of Almighty God! 

Almighty God Is Good All The Time 
As The Lord Christ Has Commissioned
So Should His People Ever Be! 

Do Good Today And Be Blessed! 
Confess And Repent Of Known Sin And Be Blessed!
Bless The Lord By Your Willing, Faithful, Service
Be Blessed To Be A Holy Spirit-Filled Success!

Gossip Is The Serpent's Nest!
Do Not Indulge Gossip
Not Even As The So-Called Jest!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

DO UNTO OTHERS: Character ... Assassination!?!

Character Assassin 
A Big-Up Christian
In The Old-Time Church!
Character Assassin Is Also A Paid-Up Member
In The League Of Doom
Who Thoroughly Enjoys His Part Full-Time Destructive Work!

He Cares Not For Facts!
He Likes And Enjoys Being The First One
With Breaking News
He Gives Not One Whit About
Getting Corroborating-Witness Views!

Character Assassin Should Truly Be Ashamed About
Calling Himself A Man Of The Book
I'd Venture To Spot You A Whollar
Aka A Whole Dollar
That He Doesn't Know How
The Inside Of The Good Book Looks!

You Done Know That There Is A Back-Story ... 

Character Assassin Grew Up With Appetite And Passion
Appetite And Passion Are Two Fiends
Who Get Their Own Way By
- I Can't Talk Too Hard -
Subversive Means! 

Those Two Non-Respecters Of The Holy God
Weak Man
The Damned Devil
- Were Working Overtime -
Encouraging Character Assassin
To Ever Always Satisfy His Base Appetite
No Body Could Convince That Wretch
To Submit His Will To His Maker
Before He Makes A No-Cancel Appointment
With The Funeral Parlor's Grossly Efficient Premier Undertaker! 

Hard-Ears You Won't Hear
Own-Day Yuh Got To Feel ... 

Every Self-Respecting Christian Knows That 
The Lord God Almighty
Kind Just Holy Blessing Faithful And True
Does Not Tolerate Those Who Are Quick To Indulge Tale-Bearing
Every Self-Respecting Christian Knows That 
It Is Upon The Evidence Of Two Or Three Witnesses
That A Matter
- Any Matter -
Is To Be Established!

Well ...

I Should Not Have To Tell You That
Wha' Ain't Pass Yuh Ain't Miss Yuh!
Wha' Guh 'Round Does Com' Round!
Payback Is A Female Dog ... In Noon-Day Heat!

One Glad Morning ...
(There's Always One Glad Morning)!

Character Assassin Rolled Up In His BMW
Aka Bringing Malicious Word Auto-Vehicle!
(He Thinks Calling His Transport A Car 
Is Beneath His Station And Trajectory In Life!)

Upon Exiting His Auto-Vehicle
If You Please
A Black Tar-Ball Aka A Juicy Piece O' Gossip
Hit That Scruffy Piece O'Work Character Assassin
Smack Dab In 'E Bread-Basket
Aka His Stomach
It Left Him Gasping For Air!

I Guess By Now You Understand That
Character Assassin's Chickens Had Come To Roost
Those Chickens Were Having Themselves A Field-Day!

Having Existed, Prior To Now
On Top-Loading Gluttony
They Were Now Experiencing
A Back-End Explosion!

It Was Quite The Explosion!

When The Affluent Effluent Was Finally Cleared Away
The Stench That Wafted Off Character Assassin
Made Dry Eyes Water!

Rank Bahoosie
Major Pifflers Abounded
Because They Covered That Well-Know Character Assassin
Nobody Cared That It Was A Compendium Of Foolishness And Lies!

Isn't It Amazing What A Lil' Payback
On The One Who Constantly Indulged In Dish-Out
Can Do For A Much Maligned People!?!

One Person Shouted:
How Do You Like Them Apples!?!

Another Said:
Tell Me More, Tell Me More, Tell Me More!
I Like What I'm Hearing!

Another Yelled:
Hot Topics In The People's News At 4!

Character Assassin Was Ripped Apart
He Could Hide His Misdeeds No More In The Dark
Because He Well-Knew What A False Tongue 
Against The Innocent Could Do
Character Assassin
- In A Heart-Beat -
Was Lost To Public View!

I Shall Tell You 
The Lord's Honest Truth ... 

When A Character Assassin
Gets His Character Assassinated
It Is Not Ever A Pretty Sight!

The Assassinated Character Assassin
Always Pleads Innocent
Wonders Boldly
Self-Righteously ... Coldly
What Has He Ever Done To Any Body
To Deserve In His Life
Such A Dreadful Blight!?!

The Living Word Is Starkly Plain ... 

Do Unto Others ... As You Want Done Unto You!
Love Your Neighbor ... As You Love Yourself!

Since You Claim Jesus Christ
As Savior Lord And God ... 

If Jesus Christ Won't Perform Such An Act
Then Neither Should You!
Since Jesus Christ Would Never
Speak Like A Tabloid Hack
Then Neither Should You!

Honesty ... Has No Faults!
Kindness ... Has No Step-Brother!
Truth ... Is A Solid Belt
Holding The Christian's Life Together
Any One Who Departs From 
Love's Known Pleasant And Precious Ways
Truly Deserving Of A Bull Pistle's Sharp Flail! 

As In The World
So In The Church
This Ought Not So To Be!

Instead Of The Church
Converting The World
As The Apostate Protestant Church
- Converted To The Ignoble Ways Of The Dying World - 
Energetically Indulges
In Ways Well-known To Be Decidedly  Ungodly! 

The Day Of Small Things
- The Day Of Reckoning -
Fast Approaching!
Is Jesus Christ The Righteous Your Lord And Master
Are You From The Damned Devil
Taking Personal Coaching!?! 

Please Help Us To Permit 
The Way To Life To Transform Our Hurting
Often Wayward Feet
So That At The Appointed Time
From The Conquering King
"Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant!"
Will Be The Words Heard
When Face To Face We Shall Our Dear Savior Meet!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Humbly Pray And Plead!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Ninth Symphony: A "GOOD" GOSSIP!


Cue Basso Profundo ...

Cheap Talk
Slave To Our Words
Rabid Gossip
Do Not Like
Master Of Our Mouths
They Are On All Points ... Opposed!

Cheap Talk
Rabid Gossip
Like Something For Nothing
Take Pleasure In Picking Up
Bring A Bone
Carry A Bone
Fate And Life
- And A Free Meal - 
Generously Make It Possible!

Cue Chorus ...

Slave To Our Words
How Shall I Say It ...
Really, Really

Cue Mezzo-Soprano ...

Slave To Our Words Is 
Bats Left
AND  Bowls Right
Was, Is, Well
An All-Rounder
In The Gossip Game
Always Has 
"The Excuse!"
For Why What 
Was Said
When Who Was Where
With If But And And Annie!

In His Her Their Presence
Things Get Iffy Real Fast!

Words, Words, Words

Come Out Fast!
Faaaaast!  Real Fast ...!

A Lone Violin
Pretentiously Crying, Plays
As The Villain Of The Piece Says:
"Wellllll, I Heard Yesterday

That Tomorrow Was Looking To The Future
But He Had Connected With The Past
And Is Living Today
With Them Old New Peoples From Over Yonder
Out There
Everybody Done Know
Aint 'Bout Nobody Don't Care
But Is Having An Affair With Brown Bear
Who Does Care For That Moojin Pear!
Don't Tell Nobody What I Say -
Keep It Pun De Down Low, Yuh Hear!"

Cue Tenor ...

His Famous Last Word Is Always ...!

Cue The Villain Of The Piece ...! 
"But, I Didn't Mean Nothing By It!

I Just Repeated What I Heard!
Don't Shoot The Messenger!
I Ain't Get Paid For This Pretty Piece O' Free Work!"

Cue The Aussie Narrator ...!

Gossip Is A Real Jerk
Who Enjoys Performing A Good Twerk
If You Are Not Careful
When Gossip Is Finally Finished
His Work On You
Will Make You Go Berserk!

Let The Trumpets Sound ...! 

Does Not Provide
 Praise-Worthy Perks!
Gossiping Is Sin! 
It Does Not Edify! 
It Starts With A:

"Did You Hear?!"

Ends Up Telling Lies
Which Breaks
The 9th Commandment!
It's The Truth - Don't Sigh!
Do Not On Your Conscience Lie! 


Let The False-Oath-Taker
With Contrition


Gossips Will Not Enter Heaven!
On This Truth You May Rely!


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Through the Fire


Genesis 1: 26 - Let us make man in our own image and in our likeness.

Genesis 2:19 - Lord God formed all the birds of the air and the beasts of the field and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

On any given day, Hilda, Carmen and Sybil could be heard preaching the Bible to any and all who would listen, and to even those who couldn’t be bothered to listen.
They could be heard boisterously uttering phrases like “Too blessed to be stressed!” “Thank God for Grace!” and “I’m glory bound!” and “Bless Jesus, I’m saved!”
You could hear them singing:
Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle Savior; Open my Eyes That I May See; I’m Climbing Jacob’s Ladder; Onward Christian Soldiers; and I am Delivered, Praise the Lord!
But, there was something not quite real about any of them.
If you passed by Sybil’s house on laundry day, you could hear her singing:
I don’t like work, and work don’t like me, and that is the reason that I’m so hungry. Hallelujah, I’m a bum. Hallelujah, a bum again. Hallelujah, give me a hand out to revive me again!”
If you passed by when Carmen’s husband had gotten drunk and beat and curse her and the children, you would know that she had completely forgotten all about the catch phrases that she loved to quote to people when she was on her “Jesus Juice!”
You could hear Carmen asking the Lord to let the day come when she would ask Him to give her five minutes to “out that cretin’s lights” permanently. And that was after she had used enough technicolor phrases to make even a sailor blush!
As for Hilda, when she left off her preaching stint every Wednesday morning outside Dolphus' Shop, she stepped inside for the requisite flask bottle of Cockspur Rum which she said was for when “King Arthur kicking in me old tail!”
Of course, after she had taken a liberal dose of her “medicine,” she set about doing her Christian duty to, as she said, “The poor, morally bankrupt and lost souls.”
Everybody knew that was Hilda-speak for “I am going to give and get the juiciest gossip on everybody in this neighborhood!”
And, of course, there was Ms. Daisy. The most devout of the neighborhood Christians.
Daisy could hardly walk during the week, and needed help to do even the most basic things to keep herself comfortable. But, when Church day came along, Daisy could outwalk and outrun everybody, rain or shine, to be the first one in the Sanctuary. She was the one to speak to if you wanted to know the 411 on “them deceitful people in this church!”
These women had forgotten their examples from the Bible: Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Job, King David, Nehemiah, Paul, Dorcas, and on and on.

The Christian’s Lot
The lot of a Christian is hard, often bitter, and contentious. There is no minimizing that.
Look at the Master. He didn’t do anything wrong. He did all that was right in the sight of God and man, and yet, ultimately, he was brutally scourged and finally murdered.
However, with Christ as the only binding example of the Christian walk, we Christians are called upon
1. To be WISE, beyond education, training, situation or circumstance. We must remember that our current situation is NOT our final destination, and we must look beyond what is to what is possible.
2. To be temperate. We must do all things in moderation, including eat, sleep and work and play.
3. To seek to find our innate gifts. Think back to Genesis 2:19. God gives each of us gifts — we only have to seek for, recognize, accept and use, better yet, exploit them. If you want more gifts, remember, first, to use the ones with which you have been blessed.
4. To be our brother, and sister’s keeper. If your neighbor, your husband, or wife, mother, father, brother or sister hurts you, and you can help, even if he or she may have despitefully used you, you are required to assist that person. For, you are to heap coals upon that person’s head and let the Lord take vengeance, which He says is His, and which He will repay.
5. To surround ourselves with positive people, and to set a positive example for those who are otherwise. We must live up to our calling and project a sense of self that is worthy of our Christian calling.
6. To be rounded, a pie, if you will. A bible-thumper does not a Christian make, nor a slice a whole pie. We are to find the things that bring us and others joy, and stop sucking the air out of the atmosphere with our sour looks and pious expressions which only cover very shallow and one dimension beings.
         By way of analogy, I give you Life as told by the Rose:
Rose, that I am, while beautiful to behold and fragrant to the nose, is sheathed in protective thorns to keep at bay those who would mishandle or abuse me.

          As it relates to life, we are to observe, and enjoy, and handle said life wisely, or else the thorns

that are life’s prods to growth with tear us to pieces.
          I also give to you the analogy of the Redwood tree. That giant in nature which grows in community and toward heaven in all majesty.
A Redwood tree will never grow in isolation. It will never reach its potential if left to its own devices. At 1,000 plus feet of height, it needs the community of the brotherhood as support for its growth toward grace, as it cannot grow alone and be called by its real name.
           I also give to you the analogy of the Waterlily. The most fragrant and beautiful salve to the weary and wandering soul who gets life, and attains its regal stature and poise from growing where it is planted, in the dirtiest, dankest, smelliest, swamp imaginable.
In short, that Waterlily has learnt to “grow where it has been planted!” It has found its purpose in life and it lives above its surroundings while being a beacon to the lost, the weary and lone.
Finally, I want us to consider Samuel 16:7 - ... The Lord looketh on the heart.
We must not minimize people just because they are not like us in face, body, clothing, speech, education, living accommodation, financial acumen, bible mastery, or even in smell.
As Christians, we are to be as the Shepherd David:
David took his HARP and played for the soothing of his enemy King Saul’s soul.
David also played ,and sang unto his God of the desires of his heart and his personal observations of the Lord’s creation. David gave thanks and praise while seeing to the welfare of his parents, the displaced of the community; his followers; his army and the stranger within his gate.
David was not arrogant because of his elevation from the sheepfold. He accepted his chastisement when he was convicted of doing wrong in the sight of God and man, and he repented and became that beloved “Man after God’s own heart!”
David always sang of his faith in His Creator and TESTIFIED of His Creator’s saving grace and power.
David, that wise singer, songwriter, harpist, conqueror, builder, and King, after having found his purpose, and after having confessed and was forgiven of his sin, behaved himself wisely in all his ways, and the Lord, God, was always with him. **BJC**