Showing posts with label Ephesians 1:5-7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ephesians 1:5-7. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thoughts of God's Love ...

I had Me a Think about God's Love - again - and - again - I am Glad that God has The Job and I do not! 

Mankind is unkind
Mankind destroys and then whines
Mankind is ungrateful
And treats God as they would a wild vine!

So, with that being said, let Me ask Us ...


Why what?

Why does God Omnipotent, God The Omniscient, God The King Omnipresent, Creator of The Universe, i.e, Heaven and Earth, tolerate us?

Why didn't God just destroy Sinful Man and Corrupt Earth - all with Finality - and Create a Brand New Earth from Scratch, and a Brand New Man from The New-Made Earth?

When we Answer these Questions, we will then Understand why We Should Reverence God.

Couldn't God have make a New Earth?
With ease!

Couldn't God have made a New Man?
Certainly, and with Pleasure, I'm sure!

So, why didn't He?


God gives us The Clue when He States in His Word ...  

He Says He Can Never FORGET Us!

Another Clue: 

Let US make Man (He already knew who we were) in OUR Image (body appearance) AND Likeness (ready/able to accept immortality; ready to be a being of His Light).

I don't know about you, but I do not want anyone that I do not love to be like (representative of) Me, and I definitely will not have them taking care of my possessions! 

Therefore, by basis of deduction, God MUST LOVE Mankind.

Third Clue ...

Since God is LOVE, and He has Thoughts Concerning Us, it is Obvious that He LOVES US!

Let us consider that BEFORE we were Made, God had The Plan of Redemption in Place!

Does this not suggest that God was making Defective Merchandise?
Not by a long shot!

This is clearly telling us that despite our Anticipated Willfulness, and in spite of The Anticipated Sacrifice of Personal Blood, The Godhead knew us in ... LOVE!

If we look to Lucifer - another Personally Created and Crafted Individual - and his Jealousy-inspired Rebellion, and the subsequent War, and the resultant Expulsion from Heaven, we would see, again, the Answer.


I will venture to say that God said in His Heart: "Let My Love for My Creatures Lead them into My Light," and it is so. 

The Almighty God ALWAYS GIVES US TIME to choose to OR to choose not to be cared for, and guided, by Him.

God's Creatures will either Love Him because of WHO HE IS to them OR Hate Him because of WHO HE REFUSES TO BECOME for them.

God's Love, or The Expansiveness of God's Love, is Unknowable for a Finite Creature.

God's Love REQUIRES Choice on the part of the Creature Receiving that Love.

God's Love contains The Patience Of The Eternal.

God's Love contains God's Measurement in Eternal Time.

God's Love contains God's Blessed Hope 
Which is Measured by God's Faithfulness 
To Constantly Plead with Us Out Of His Love For Us 
His Measure of Time Convinces Us to 
See, Experience, Understand and Accept 
His Love and His Way 
Because of Sinful, Willful Self, Selfishness and Greed
See, Experience, Deny and Summarily Reject 
His Love and His Way as Contemptible.

In short, God's  Love IS The True Transcript of God's Character which character is showered upon us UNTIL ... The Appointed Time ... which we cannot apprehend.

There is an old expression: 


The God Of Love 
who sheds 
The Love of God Abroad
Who Made Time
Who Is Not Constrained By Time 
The Time-Bound 
Time Not Measured by Man 
but by 
The Eternal God
To See and To Know and To Decide 
To Love God As Lord.

God Made Mankind 
Out Of 
His Love
His Time
His Pleasure!

God's Love contains His Grace
God's Love contains His Mercy
God's Love contains His Justice
God's Love contains His Hand of Provision
God's Love contains His Peace
God's Love contains His Pardon
God's Love contains His Compassion
God's Love contains His Caring, and
God's Love contains His Pathway To Our Perfection.

God's Love is Infinite
God's Love is Free
God's Love is Overflowing
God's Love is Faithful
God's Love is Truth
God's Love is Light.

God's Love Seeks after His Children.
God's Love Seals His Children from Sin and Death.
God's Love Sanctifies His Children unto Himself.
God's Love Saves His Children from That Separating Line.

God's Love Heals
God's Love Helps
God's Love Holds, and
God's Love Hands Us Hope.

God's Love Pleads
God's Love Leads
God's Love Feeds, and
God's Love IS The Steed Which Will Get Us Home.

God Gave Man 
A Free Will
A Personal Choice!

Will You Exercise Your Free Will 
Personal Choice
Bless God
Return His Love For You? Today?

I Have! Please Join Me!

God's Love is Costly Array
and is
out of
The Holy God
The Living God
The Eternal God
The God called Man's Savior Friend
The God Who Will Succor His People
Until Life's Journey's End!