Showing posts with label #Prayer Is Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Prayer Is Power. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Minus God + Pray a Prayer

Life - Christ = Death
Free Will - Responsibility = Death
High Life + Satan = Death
Gluttony + Greed = Death
Money + Access + Reach + Grasp - God = Death
What God + I Am A God = Death
Wilding + Witchcraft = Death
Drugs + Alcohol  = Death
Deviltry + Debauchery = Death
Devilish Deals + Desire + Free Will = Death

I'm A Sinner + I Need To Be Saved + Give Me Jesus = Life
Deny The World + Accept Salvation = Life
Not I + Christ = Life
Confess Sin + Confess Christ + Repentance + Baptism = Life
Grace Of God + Death Of Christ = Life
Give Him My Will + Give Him My Way + Jesus Is Mine = Life

Pray a prayer about the present
Pray a prayer to repent of the past
Pray your prayers for The Holy Jesus
And Heaven's Coming down at the Last

Pray a prayer for your friends
Pray a prayer for your enemies
Pray a prayer for Jesus to rid you
Of Sin and its myriad disease

Pray a prayer in the morning
Pray a prayer at noon and at night
Pray a prayer for Jesus' help
To Satan and his minions daily fight

Pray a prayer of thanksgiving
Pray a prayer for keen sight
Pray a prayers for eyes for only Jesus
And Satan won't find in you delight

Pray a prayer against The Predator
Pray a prayer for the lame
Pray a prayer for assistance
That Satan wouldn't find you good game

Pray a prayer and bless Jesus
Pray a prayer and Bless God
Pray a prayer and Bless The Holy Spirit
And tell them you know that Satan is a fraud

Pray a prayer to the Father
Pray a prayer in the Name of The Son
Pray a prayer under the Agency of The Holy Spirit
And soon ... you will be flying with the Saints through the clouds!

Monday, May 11, 2015

I Don't Have To Elope!

A ship without a captain
A heart without a home
A harbor that offers no shelter
Love, lonely, lost, alone.

A reward for doing nothing
Remorse for what holds no shame
Crying for what gains not
Innocence carrying another's blame.

Living a life without boundaries
Acquiring gain without work
Taking another's need for your want
Blocking exits Lighting fire and then sounding Be Alert!

Right now wrong gives the Wicked might
Good now bad makes Evil glad
Light now dark give the Satanic insight
Look to hear. Hear to see.
Lord, have Mercy?
Woe, Woe, Woe is me!

Spirit is to Comfort.
Jesus is to Save.
Father God offers Grace and Mercy
To whom to Satan is here enslaved.

Prayer is Power.
Confession Is Relief.
The Blood bought Salvation.
The Resurrection decimated Death and Grief.

The Ascension deeded Hope.
The Return dispatches Redemption and,
 Bless God, as a Faithful and True Believer,
With Death I won't have to elope!