Showing posts with label #Salvation is Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Salvation is Free. Show all posts

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Around The Truth?!

Today I found out something
That made me feel real bad!
I liked being "around the truth"
And that, of course, makes Jesus sad.

Now, if I had been "in" the truth
My life would be so peaceful
But being around the truth
Allowed me to act wholly deceitful.

I put on my "stepping out in-the-truth" clothes
I put on my "walking in-the-truth" shoes
I put on my "showing myself to be in-the-truth" face
But I did not ingest the truth - nor did I seek its embrace.

I spoke great words of truth to all
I sang the songs of truth for all
I even went down by the market stalls
And that is when I had a bad taste of bitter gall.

Old Delbert was a simple man
Who knew His God and His Salvation Plan
And when he asked me to stay for a span
I should have run for he proceeded my guilty conscience-flame to fan.

Old Delbert lovingly tore me to shreds
Asking me to believe in God and not only with my head
He strongly, gently, pushed, and urged
Me to stop trusting in God by using the Bell curve.

Oh, dear, I said within my mind
If he wasn't so nice I would have cussed out his behind
For denying me my most sacred cows
Lip service, good works but no holy unto God vows.

What more does this God want from me?
I already give him my time and money!
Shouldn't I have something for myself
For after working hard I need to set me a spell!?

I must have me some "Me-time!"
No sharing, no touching, no thoughts
Of others - nor God - just leave me alone!
I gotta have me a gossip! Where my telephone?

Well, I had me my good old gossip, see
And that is when I realized that Grandma FiFi
Was writhing on the floor and reaching out for me
And that is when I screamed out for God
And realized all along that ...I ... had ... been ... a real fraud
For I wanted God to do me a good
Because I wanted, no,  needed it - not because I soundly stood
Upon His Words of Life
But because - for good or ill - I was under life's knife
And needed a friend - The True Friend - God - He
Who would do me a solid even though I was ... ungodly!

My heart in my hand!
My head in the can!
I finally realized that God ain't a Man!
Denial, disrespect, dishonor to Him I gave
But now that I'm in trouble
I want Him to save me
From hurt, grief, destruction
And I saw myself for a slave
To life, to time - I could bondage escape
If only the Truth wasn't just on the page!

Lord, help me to stand!
Please, please, forgive me!
I now understand!
Have Mercy!

Dear Ones,

Even though we take Jesus Christ for granted, He welcomes our Repentant, Humble, Sorrowful, Broken, Hearts to His Everlasting AND Forgiving Arms!

He is waiting! Call on Him! He will answer YOU!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

In The Day Of Doubt

In the Day of Doubt
Yesterday, along with Past History,
History in the Making, Been There and
Done That, and Why Bother
Will join with Worry, Wonder,
Why Me, Why Now, Perhaps and
Just Because to cause you to Deny Hope
Doubt Faith, Question God and
cause you to, perhaps, Believe Belial’s lies
and Distrust Jesus’ Divinity and pastorage over your Life!

As you catch yourself, Prayers from the Past
Hope For Glory, Truth Prevails, Yesterday’s Triumphs in God
Why Worry, Prayer is Power, Sunshine In My Soul Today
Jesus Saves, Grace Is Provided, Peace That Passeth Understanding
Pray Without Ceasing and Love In Any Language
Remark that you should Find Hope In God, and remind you that there is
Victory in Jesus!

Then, as you rise from Momentary Faltering, look inside and see
No Spirit of Fear next to The Spirit of The Living God
Whose face is Serene
Whose voice is Comfort
Whose touch is Rest
Whose smell is compassion
Whose embrace is Love Divine, and realize that - though often Pressed
Stressed, Distressed, Bothered, Bewildered
Benighted and Bedevilled
Confronted, Confounded and Cursed - despite the Dizzying Array of
Devastating Deviltries designed to destroy your Deliverance to your
Divine Destination of Heaven At The Last, your Salvation is Secure
As long as you - Child Of The Living God -
Do Not Blind Your Faith by
Wearing Your Sight and
Exchanging Reason for The Feeling Which Always Fools.

The Assurance Of The Blood
That Bought/Brought Believers from Sinners To Saints
Cannot Fail!

Rest ... and Be Refreshed!
Cry .... but Don’t Deny, or you will Fry!

Jesus Christ 
- Lamb Of God ... Lion King, Judge, Jury and Executioner - 

For It All

Friday, April 3, 2015

Salvation Is NOT For Sale!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Come and get your salvation
Salvation for sale!

Salvation on sale!!
Salvation on sale!!
It only cost its Creator
A cross and three nails!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Get yourself your own salvation
Forget the burial detail!

 And then ...

I turned the corner
And there whom I should see
But Jesus, The Creator
Saying so softly ...

“Salvation is free!
Salvation is free!
Get your soul’s salvation
I give it to all freely!”

“No money, no price!
No lie! No device!
Get your free Salvation!
Don’t roll The Liar’s Dice!”

“Salvation is mine!
I paid for your crimes!
Get your free salvation
No need to mortgage or even buy twice!”

“Free Grace!
Undying Love!
Untrammeled Mercy!
These come not from the Pastor
And assuredly not the Pope!
I, the Creator
I, your True Friend
I offer you an inheritance
Not vain promises of men
Who speak lies for a profit
Who profit when you've  paid
Whose sole motivation
Is to acquire money and fame!
I offer no early riches!
I offer you Earth’s hatred and disdain!”

“And when your battle hard
Is victoriously won
I offer you My Crown
A seat upon My Throne
A mansion of your very own
A new name plus sweet peace
And a walk never alone
Living in Glory - Almighty God’s Home!”

“Come along and walk with Me!
No! Don’t buy salvation today!
Son of Man - He alone gives it away!”

“Salvation is free today!”



“Please pray!
Don’t pay! Don't pay!
I, alone, can make the Way!
Salvation is free to you ... today!”


“Salvation is free to you!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What Means THURSDAY?

Help and
Understanding and
Rest and
Salvation and
Deliverance are freely
Available from
Yeshua (Jesus)!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

VESPERS: At The End of The Sabbath - Preachers And Prophets Who Profit And Prey!

Prophets who profit
Preachers who prey
Shepherds selling salvation
Saints in sorrow and decay
Pleading for a True Word 
Of Hope from on High
Instead get a salty platter of burnt bacon
With a side of Satan’s lies as fries!
Children needing chiding
Mothers without milk
Fathers foregoing freedom
Leaders who link
On what is life’s golf course
Where love is on the lam
Where Peter is Patricia
And Cathy is now Cam!
Where Victory in Jesus
Can be bought for a fair price
Where patience is putrid
Where pray is an affront
Where Free-Will is a stallion
And Do Right is a jockey
Where one baby has DNA times three
Oh, Lord! What a disgrace!
Father come for Your world
For, as custodians we fail,
For, were we corporate custodians
We would be in jail
For dereliction of duty
For double-dealing it's true
For scales with weighted bottoms
For writing checks which have long tails!
Just thinking about this
Is making me tremble and flail!
Father, won’t You hurry?
Please! They’re singing a song
Which, to all right-thinking people
Sounds much like a good-bye song!
Taps! is our musical!
Taps! is the theme song!
Taps! are we wearing
As we walk along
So everyone can hear us
So all can believe that the end is fast approaching
When this earth we must leave!
Some will go to Glory
Where they will find rest
But those who remain behind
Are dead once - and then twice
For believing in Satan - and not in Jesus Christ!
I’ll issue a call here 
Salvation’s door is still swinging free
Say a prayer and push the door
There’s no entrance fee!
Jesus is our Captain!
He holds straight the line
He hears prayers - and He answers
Yes! He IS Divine!
He gives free to all who
Would in Him believe
Gather at the Altar
And you will receive
The Bless of Our Captain
So Satan can’t you deceive!
If you believe in Jesus
Let’s say our prayers
And then cheer!

Thank You, Father, for the food
Thank You, for Jesus who on earth stood
Ready and willing, our sin to take hold
Killed and was buried, but the cold sod couldn’t hold
Him there forever
No! That it could not do
Returned He to Glory
Preparing our place
A mansion is Your House
One day we will stand
Victorious because of love
According to Your Plan!
We worship You!
To You our song we raise
And for Your great sacrifice, Father
We say "Lord! We love You!"
Please accept You our praise!