Showing posts with label Burden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burden. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Living Stream

The Living Stream

One day I happened on a stream 
Called the Grace of God
Where all who bathed emerged again
Clean, blessed, and ready to rejoice!

This stream was like no other stream
Where one only could get wet
This stream it flowed, and flowered, and
Covered in joy, not regret!

All those who entered in the stream
Were those who saw their need for
A cleansing and a renewing of
The spirit plagued by the sins they abhor!

These were the ones who accepted the call
Of Jesus via Hill Calvary
And recognized that without it they would be lost
And chose to let Him bear their cross!

The Grace of God - that stream profound
Draws in one who is lost and 
Releases one who’s been found!

It washes, it cleanses
It refines and it heals
It covers, and establishes
Those who before Him kneel
And confess, and repent
Seeking renewal and reform
E’en setting aside Earth - the crown with the thorns
And seeking the jewel of Heaven
Eternal, everlasting
With Jesus, the Savior
The Redeemer, our Friend
Who made the way easy 
For this man to be cleansed
In His stream 
By God’s Grace
His glory to share!

Step in now, walk boldly
Into the cleansing stream
When it covers your head - don’t cower
For it’s then it releases the Power!

Don’t be afraid now!
He who loves - holds you
He who died - stands
He who arose is e’er ready 
To protect and console you!
Be strong! He will shield you!
He is the Great I AM!

He is calling, always calling
He is knocking at your heart’s door
He is able, ever ready
To sit with you and to show  
How to walk in His faith
His testimony to share
So that others beholding
Will want Him their burden to take care!

So, my brother, my sister
All you who believe
Get ready with the help of King Jesus
Your freedom to receive!

Walk into the water!
Walk into the flood  
For it heals, and it cleanses
All because of  Living Blood!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

God's Workmanship - A Poem

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     I hope every one had a Happy Sabbath, and that all is well in your world!

     I recently had the occasion to gaze upon a set of photographs showing what men, surgeons of high degrees - who "knew" that they could fix with a knife, surgical vacuum and filler and pads, etc., what the Lord through Christ Jesus had created with His own hand - had done to the faces of those who had sought their professional skills to "fix" what "ailed" them, or else ...! You may add your own ending to the previous sentence!

     To say that the end result for all those persons seeking perfection for already beauteous faces/features is a dire testament to the price paid for those of us whose hearts are so burdened with the things of this world, that we are willing to destroy ourselves for what is ephemeral. It is so much smoke and mirrors, and it makes me very sad.

     There was a time when this type of behavior was displayed by the "rich and famous!" Now this behavior is to be found among the "regular" people.

     In Ephesians 2:10 KJV, we see the following:

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. 

    In Song of Solomon 4:7 ESV, we see the following:  

You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.

     Can't we  learn to be satisfied with what the Good Lord has done for us, unless it is out of medical necessity?

     In the old days, we often heard the elders say: "Beauty fades, but ugly lasts for ever!" and "She/he is handsome/beautiful, but he/she has no mind!" What an indictment!

    We are asked to look at people/self in the same manner as our Lord did when He was with the Prophet Samuel as he was doing the Lord's commission to find an earthly king for Israel: " ...[M]an looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks upon the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 in part, ESV.

     What is wrong with many of us is NOT external, it is internal, and only Jesus Christ the Great Physician can fix what ails us.

    Dear Ones, let us forget about those things which fade, and look, instead, toward to the Eternal Kingdom and Eternity with our Lord and our God.

    Today's offerings are poems - one has its own page, and is entitled God's Workmanship, and one which appears at the bottom of this post  is entitled Mirror Therapy.

    God does not makes mistakes! He made each and every one of us just right!

     Sin caused the problem.

     Our God has, and is, the solution!




The mirrors in the olden days
Always replied when queried
Who’s the fairest of them all?”
You always are, my dearie!”

I had this mirror on my wall
That’s now sitting on a shelf
Because whenever I looked I saw
Someone not my reflected self!

I wondered how this was possible,
And my mirror calmly replied:
You don’t like yourself very much
And it’s reflected outside!”

I decided to change my image by Design
By enhancing the Miracle inside me,
The mirror stands proudly back on the wall
And my Inner Vision shines back at me! **BJC**