Showing posts with label #Jesus Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Jesus Christ. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015


Just One!

One Heart - chose to love us
One heartbeat - says that God is Love
One voice - to speak of, and sing for, the King
One soul - to save - and He would have still died
One hell - saved for those who have Him denied
One who is Whole - and The Guardian of The Human Soul
One Love - Christ! Behold!
One hate - Satan’s perfect date
One sorrow - for sin
One date - with death
One perfect destiny - to profess and possess
One Truth - Jesus Christ IS God IS alive AND coming to Earth again
One fate - for those who fail the Blessed Test
One true call - to answer to Eternal Life
One awakening - to be glorified
One Lord - of the Ages
One God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
One baptism - the plunge into and the emergence from the watery grave
One Hope and Surety - that Jesus Christ loves His children through and through
One Heaven - the reward for not living the Lie
One hell - for denying that the Lord Jesus Christ for you died
One death-knell - guaranteed, one day
One Prayer of Belief - Lord, I'm sinner! Please save me!
One Savior - Jesus, who paid our costs
One Forgiveness - which is of God Almighty
One vow - to see God in Eternity
One Mediator - between God and Man
One Shepherd - of The Sheep
One Father - of All
One Son of The Father - who was sent to seek and to save
One Holy Spirit - which was sent to comfort and teach
One Sabbath - called Holy and Sanctified
One Alpha - Jesus Christ
One Omega - Jesus Christ
One First-fruit - of ALL
One Revelation - of God’s Glory
One Way - to God
One say - my Spirit-activated conscience's own
One to pay - Him to whom our life is owed
One grave - the silent, temporary, dusty bed
One glory - to which we are by Faith led
One life - to live for and through Christ
All One

O ur weak sight
N eeds God's
E verlasting Light to see to
F ight the
I gnoble deeds of
G reed and gluttony, and the gross grains and groundings of
H ate is healthful and
T emptation is terrific transport to sin without shame.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

WHO or WHAT Am I? - A Puzzle

Many people deny that Jesus Christ is God Almighty!

Many people refuse to believe and accept that Jesus Christ is The Creator - I am not one of them!

He created me - bless His Name - and He created the object of our puzzle today.

Take a serious look - study, cogitate, ruminate, understand - and come to a conclusion on the identity of the object, and decide for yourself if such an object could have come out of other than Almighty Hands:

I am missing half of myself in a pack.
I can be found in a tree, in a tin, or on a shelf, and in a sack and a box.
I look like an animal and, yet, I look to be a plant, and if you bite me naturally I will break you - I can and I can't.

These are my attributes:

I am boilable, bakeable, breakable, cutable, chewable, crushable, drinkable, and sliceable.

I am brittle and still, no legs and I fill, naturally, unaided, and am practically indestructible by His will.

I leaf and I lose, and I stand where I / you choose.

I'm in a grove, or a stand, and male and female paired lover from God's Hand and we are living - not ungratefully - thankfully!

I am oil.
I'm wood.
I'm a flower - and a good hood.
I am black, red, brown, and amber light.
And in my glory, I am quite a beautiful sight.

I'm a cookie, a cake, a chair and a lake
My beauty is unbeatable
My strength is unbreakable
My price is astronomical but cheap for
My aid to health is most notable.

I am little - then big
I am a ball into a twig
And from me you can take a swig.

Who OR What am I?

Look for me, and you shall find me in the midst!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: God Bless, Build, Burden and Blind and Help Us!

Gaining Heaven Is A Participatory Endeavor!

We cannot, and should not, believe or behave as though, live or die, win or lose, lie or deny, Heaven - like turkey on a sumptuously laid celebration table - is waiting for any and all, whether early to commit or late to arrive!

Heaven awaits those who R.S.V.P. their acceptance of the Formal Invitation by the specified Due By date - which is upon receipt of the Spirit's Call - and we will not be permitted to call up a friend's father's favorite frat brother to bounce another person and get us a preferred placement.

Each Invitation To Live In, With, and For Jesus Christ is Private and Particular and Personal and Pointed:

Private to YOU, ALONE! 
Personal for YOUR HEART ONLY! 
As finite beings of dying dust, energized by The Creator's Life's Breath, we can at any moment expire without a prior written, and received, and accepted, and filed, Notice of Immediate Action.

There is no appeal. There is only acceptance, and compliance.

So, with this eventuality in mind, let us accept that:

God's Mercy is Faithful. 
God's Goodness is Love. 
God's Angels watch over His Children
And the Light of Life shines from Heaven Above.

And let us ask God to:

Bless the Heart that shares God's Word. 
Bless the Head that seeks to reason with God. 
Bless the Feet that walk in Right Paths. 
Bless the Eyes that seek to do Good. 
Bless the Hands that work to show God's Love.
Bless the Body which is traveling to The Home Above. 

Let us, therefore:

Bless Our God for His Sacrificial Love
which gives us the Right to go Home!

And let us ask Our Father to:

Build up in us a dynamic Hope for our Heavenly Home. 
Blind our Eyes to Sin and its leaven. 
Burden our Hearts with Love for our Fellow man. 
Help us to do Right while Life shall stand. 
Let us a Help to our Brothers and Sisters be while
Showing the same love as Christ in Galilee.

Heavenly Father,
Let our Bodies boldly bear the brights beams of the bracing beauty of Beulah
Let our Ears eagerly extend to entrap Eternity's Enlightenment
Let our Eyes eagerly envisioning Everlasting Life
Let our Feet freely follow The Father in Faith
Let our Hearts hold heady hope for Heaven
Give us Helping Hands that hold Healing and Hospitality
Hold our Lives as Lost in Love for the Living Lord
Let our Mouths make Majestic and 
Meaningful Music on our Mission for The Master
And, at the end, Lord, let the
Saints' Spirits spiral in unmeasured satisfaction in the splendor 
of the Sacrificed Savior as we go ... Home! AMEN.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Super Christian!?

Your broad hat nearly took out my eye!
Your high heel nearly severed a toe!
The baubles on your dress dug a hole in my side
And, Lady, I must confess that your words
To sweet, old  Brother Joe were offesive
And they have me feeling mighty sore
Since you say that you’re a super Christian -
Which designation the Holy Bible doesn’t spell -
And your current behavior, my Sister, is that of a bat outta hell!

Gizmos and gadgets do not a Christian make!
Loving grace, and a quiet spirit
Is all that it really takes
To point a dying soul to The Lord Of Love Has No Limits!
So take off your war paint, and
Lower the volume of your voice!
Look to the Lord Jesus, and learn to rejoice
For the soul who is reaching for His Savior to find
And get a grip on yourself - your behavior is asinine
And behave like a real Christian
Like Jesus Christ in really thine!

Today is a new day!
Another opportunity to a good example set
And stop misbehaving! You're acting like a whelp!
Jesus gives the victory over all that besets!
So take a page out of my book
And seriously get yourself some help!

I once was just like you!
But, bless Jesus, I have changed
Or else, believe me, I tell you
I would rearrange your face with my shoe!

You don’t kick little puppies
And you don’t survive on lies!
So get thee behind me, you child of Satan!
You’re making me itch like I’ve got hives!

Father, have mercy on us Your people
Satan is walking among us today!
Lord, oh how we're being led astray!
Renew in us gentle spirits!
In straight paths Lord, let us glide!
Lord, give faith to the faithful, and
Lord, let Your sweet love in us all abide
For we are fast, fast, failing, and
The searching soul we depress!
The needy is seen as an eyesore, and
The poorly dressed is to us a laugh fest!
Have mercy, Dear Lord, I beg You!
Please renew us! Please make Thou us clean!
And while you are at Your remaking, Dear Father
Start with me, and that wicked Isalene!

Dear Ones:

A simple question: What example have we set OR are we setting for those seeking after our Master?

I sincerely pray that it is the example that says "I'm a Child of The King of Love who shepherds me!"

Let's think on this!


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Prayer: Bless Mommy and Daddy

Heavenly Father,
Bless Mommy and Daddy!
Help them to be good to themselves 
And to each other!
I pray that they will daily seek Your Face, Lord
And that they will teach us to be praying hearts by their good example.
Please continue to show them
Your Love, and Your Hand of Provision.
Grant them grateful hearts, loving and gentle hands
And hopes focused upon Jesus Christ and 
His soon return, and prepare them, Lord,
to meet our God for He will not be silent.
Keep them in Your care
Until the Day Breaks
In Jesus’ name and for His sake.
We love you, Lord.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Sabbath! + No Permission!!

Jesus Christ gave no one permission
To try to make me hate myself
You may goad, you may grudge, you may grind me
But you can’t make me lay on an ice shelf!

God - The Lord - IS my Shepherd
In Him I shall NEVER know want
For care, for comfort, food, nor shelter
For His Angels around me encamp!

Jesus Christ - He is my champion
He always gives me the victory
Over demons, defilers, detractors
And even friends that are hidden enemies!

So do your damnedest you rotten old devil
It won’t work - I’m a child of The King!
I will tell My Father on you
And in the Lake of Fire you'll take your last swim!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

God Ain't No Black Bat

People seem to be taking up position
For - or against - Almighty God
Their actions often seem haphazard
And their thinking appears mightily flawed!

Some people don’t believe in God
Some people behave like they are god
Some people insist believing doesn’t matter
Some people say The Bible's God is a fraud!

Half believe that God IS
Half believe that God ISN’T
Half believe that if they could believe He might prove real, and
Half believe that if they do He mightn’t!

No riddle me this, no riddle me that
God is real - He ain’t no black bat
Call upon Jesus - faithful is He
Call Him! He’s real! Call Him and you’ll see!

My God is real
We talk every day
He is on the mainline
There is no cell signal decay
You may trust me - I speak truth
I gain nothing by a lie
But if you don’t believe in God
Believe me! You ARE going to die!

Great Deception in the atmosphere
Great Deception in the governing chair
Great Deception in the church of God
But, my people, I am here to declare:

Jesus Christ IS God’s Son
And He is God, too
Along with Holy Spirit
Also God too, it is true
These three be One God
Which looks out for man
So ignore Deceiving Old Satan 
Who tried to alter God’s Plan
Come to the Altar
Believe, and say a prayer!
There is singing in heaven
When a sinner declares
That God is His Father
Jesus is Redeemer, Savior, Friend
Holy Spirit is the Comforter
How Heaven erupts with “Amen!”
And how it cheers so abundantly
And cheers aloud in victory, for
Jesus Christ - the Conqueror, He
Has set another sinner ... FREE!



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Milk and Honey!

Father, pray give me the milk of the gospel
That I may repent from my sin
Then give me the honey of strong meat
That I may not sin again!

The Land flowing with Milk and Honey
Is available to all who would take care
To heed the words of The Master
And His Salvation they’ll then share!

Problem, Father, that I am confessing
Is that in the churches we attend
The ministers are saying that mere men
Can’t ever be free from sinning time and again!

These ministers aren’t even feeding us with plain milk
For they don’t even believe in Your Word
And they deny that the work of the Holy Spirit
Can keep us from acting like street curs!

Father, You promised Your children
Discernment with milk in their insides
To know the good from the evil, and
How to be safe from Satan and his wiles and lies!

Father, You promised us also
Enlightenment with honey from Your hives
Refreshing again, reviving - not fame
But these preachers! Oh, Lord, what a shame!

These so-called ministers of the gospel
Are using Your Gospel as a basin catch-all
To collect tithes and offerings from Your People
To fatten up their retirement plans against a fall!

They seek to retire in luxury
Upon terra firma - the earth!
And their behavior is such an abomination
For they’re trying to prevent the Spirit giving birth!

The fruit! The fruit of the Spirit
Is sadly lacking - see how they perform!
Possessions, presentations, awards, rewards, banquets
With no showing of new culture nor reborn reforms!

Father, Your promised to Your Children
That Your Word would not return to You void
And we’ve built hope for our homes up in Glory
On the fact that You will not be toyed!

Set aside, and chastise!
Appoint to disappoint!
You are God! Your Word is the Way!
Come soon! Don't delay!
These people think they'll free get away
And so behave like You, God, are just a mere popinjay!

But we who believe
Trust The Lord to relieve
Us from soul assassins, and presenters from hell
So, again, we lay claim
To Jesus - He - always the same
For in sin's tomb He bore all our shame!

We seek for The Light!
We do what is right!
We reject Satan - He, the old fright!
We won't let another gospel steal us away
From Life - where time has no sand
And age can never make a grand stand!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

This World Has Fleas!

This world has fleas
Sin and disease
If I sit and play with it
You know I’ll sneeze 'n seize!

Sin has a price
It’s like a leech - and gives lice
And playing in its mud pit
Will fill me with vice!

Jesus can save
From sin - no more a slave
Put Him first - He’ll remove the curse
He can make a saint from a sow’s ear!

Jesus Christ has a device
It’s called Eternal Life
Forsake sin, and its children
Redeemed - He’ll put you on Solid Rock Ice!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - Saints and Sinner

Jesus said that you must be newborn again!

Saints are Preserved
Sinners are Reserved!

Saints from sin they do repent
Sinners bold don’t e'er relent!

Saints always and ever they pray
Sinners just don’t give a care!

Saints they seek always to self-deny
Sinners oh, how they self-rely!

Saints look to the Eastern Sky
Sinners stuff themselves with apple pie!

Saints may have pockets that be to-let
Sinners seek for what they can get!

Saints seek always to be reformed
Sinners to norms they be conformed!

Saints to Jesus they apply
Sinners seek their eye to satisfy!

No more a sinner shall I be
I, now a Saint, forsake the Me
Looking to Jesus who set aside my disgrace
With His Blessing I shall see my Dear King’s face!

"No!" to Self!
"Yes!" to Him!

Friday, March 13, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH and Pastors Pedaling Pablum

Preacher, why are you pedaling pablum?
Why, Sir, do you obfuscate?
Don’t you know we are nearing the City
Where sinners cannot enter in the Gate?

Why do you declare and decree that
God has promised earthly riches to all
When you know that is not what the Word says
And you know that you’re misrepresenting the Lord?

Why do you tell believers that Jesus wants them
To be perfectly happy in this life
When you know that we are just passing through?
Have you no fear of the Father
For it seems that Satan is ruling you?!

Why do you make the faithful believe that
Our God just needs a belly rub
Like He is just a Happy Buddha
Who gives spurious profits, peace and love?

Why do you not preach sin and repentance?
Why do you not preach salvation and grace?
Why do you not preach of the coming Judgment
When the lost will face permanent disgrace?

Why are you telling the people that God does not care
What we say, do, or are?
Don’t you know that God will hold you responsible
For those lost souls at the Judgment Bar?

Won’t you stop lying to the lost, worn and wandering?
Won’t you stop making Christianity a disgrace?
Won’t you stop making the faith of the faithful
Something you can pick up like a win at a horse race?

Repent, be reformed, seek God’s revelation!
Stop letting feelings and experiences guide your way
For Jesus Christ, Himself, He the Creator, said
“Come, let us reason today!”

Almighty God is the God of All Order
Almighty God gives every man a measuring cup
And the way you are misleading God’s people
Tells all that your cup is filling up!

So, if you want God’s wrath poured out upon you
Without mercy, undiluted, full strength
Continue the lawlessness that you are doing
And, believe me, upon you God’s indignation will be shed!

“Come out from among her my people!"
This message from God is a loud cry!
Come out, and live God’s people, for why, pray tell
Should you give up eternal life and forever die?

Buy truth, sell it not, all ye faithful!
Trust God and not mammon esteem!
Wear faith, hope, love, and charity for garments
And the Great God will bless you indeed!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

JOB AVAILABLE: Servant of God


for the position of


Company:                             Heaven At The Last, Corner of Kings Highway and Eternity, Let's Go!
Chairman of The Board:    God The. Almighty
Chief Operating Officer:    Jesus Christ Bridegroom Lamb Savior Redeemer-Friend
Communications Director: Holy The. Spirit


A. Certified Follower of Immanuel with passes in:

1. Pray Without Ceasing
2. Confession of All Sin
3. Repentance With Humility
4. Broken and Contrite Spirit
5. Old Man Set Aside
6. Fruit of The Spirit
7. Personal Cross Calmly Carried
8. Rejection of The World
9. Hated of Men
10. Original-10 Commandment Keeper


Salary:                      Unlimited
Bonuses:                   Innumerable
Travel Allowance:    Off The Chart
Vacation:                  None Needed
Sick Leave:              Unnecessary
Training:                   Inexpressible
Uniform Provided:   White Linen Robe (Graded: Indestructible)
Jewelry Allowance:  Covers complete cost of The Gold Crown and accompanying Gold Harp
Housing:                   Must Be Seen To Be Believed


This is a permanent position, and involves the separation of self from all things in the Corporeal Realm, and all applications will be carefully vetted to screen out the following:

1. New Age Theology
2. Another Gospel
3. Do What Thou Wilt
4. Vain Philosophy
5. All categories of ISMS
6. Hidden Agendas
7. Divide and Conquer
8. Disputings 
9. Demigoguery
10. Denial of ROM.5:8
11. Denial of MATT.28:6

1. No persons holding God’s Traffic Director (GTD) certification, Seeking Elevation Through Fatuity (SELF) degrees, Neither Wise nor Omnipotent (NWO) licenses, nor those certified at Fallen Angel Truth Syndrome (FATS) level need apply unless they have received a subsequent Amendment #7373682623 to their certifications. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy!

2. If you are in the TUTC&FJC (Take Up Thy Cross & Follow Jesus Christ) training, but have not yet fully qualified in either ACTS2/38 or ACTS22-16, please submit your application marked with either the Code #7729469 or Code #73848466464 for fast-track processing.


The Company, Heaven At The Last, as chaired by God The. Almighty, is a lean and clean and righteous-operating organization.

All who would be Servants of God are required - without exception and no excuse -  to walk the Straight and Narrow Way (S&N Way).

As you walk the Straight and Narrow Way, you may expect to visit some, or all - time permitting - of the following facilities:

1. The School of Hard Knocks
2. Christianity is Comfort for a Fool Cafe
3. Self-Denial is Stupidity Cabaret
4. If You Are Kind Get Behind Boutique at The Mall of All Nations
5. Good The Shepherd at Green Pastures
6. The Valley at The Shadow of Death  
7. Hated for Christ's Sake Ministries
8. Prosperity Gospel Hall
9. Feel Good Theology Mission and Mansion
10 Apostate Palace, and
11. Jesus Is Mine - The Musical at Hisway Station

You will receive, as a part of your Benefits Package, the Gift of Justification, at the time that you accept the position which also comes with a Blood-Bought, all expense paid, one-way ticket on Sanctification Airways.

By the time of your arrival at Company Headquarters, you will have passed through Mortification of Thy Members, and received Bodily Glorification which is permanent in nature, and which has the Immortality Badge attached.

BUT ... before you board your flight to Heaven At the Last, you will receive the training manual entitled B.I.B.L.E., which contains all the basic instructions before leaving everything and everybody else behind. You cannot learn the instructions for anybody else, but we encourage you to share what you learn with any and everybody you meet on the S&N Way.

We encourage you to immerse yourself in these instructions and making them a part of your reason for living. The instructions therein contained will make you an individual fit to be called Servant of God, so please treasure your B.I.B.L.E. manual.


All persons who apply to be Servants of God have a personally assigned Powerful and Holy Angel for protection.

All persons who apply to be Servants of God also - and most importantly - have the Indwelling Comforter sent from our Chief Operating Officer, Jesus Redeemer-Friend, and authorized by our Chairperson, God The. Almighty, Himself!

We take care of our own, and we do, and have done, and will do, all within our Righteous Powers to ensure your successful graduation into the Heaven At The Last family!

We will see you soonest in Heaven At The Last and, as we say here:

"God Speed!"

N.B.:  Please affix this Public Yet Personal Identification Number (PYPIN# 266337733-746) to your application to prove that you are not a robot, or your application will be summarily rejected.

2. Applications will be accepted until Thief In The. Night, our Financial Controller, designates that the CUP Budget is at the maximum. Ladye Grace is still reviewing applications, so please get yours in post haste!

SOMSTTL Job Request No. 253774647

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Gauntlet

I know that I'm throwing down a gauntlet
In that Old Satan's evil face
But there is nothing that he can do to me
For Jesus Christ stood up in my place!

Satan did his best to destroy me
He left no avenue untouched
He tried to maim, to break down, evil kill me
He thought he had me in his clutch!

But then one day I met Sweet Jesus
The King of whose I am
The Savior, my Lord, my Redeemer
For whose sin He left Heaven above, and came down.

To defeat Satan, Jesus had to die a death that was shameful
Jesus had to bear all the sin and the shame
Of the whole world, yesterday, today and tomorrow
He had to sleep in the cold, dank, ground!

But victory of victories
At sunrise, Jesus Christ arose the first day
And ascended, triumphant, unto The Father
Such a glorious day! Great day!

So, Satan, do what you know you want to
You have no part in this regenerated child
Who believes in, and holds on, to her Master
You know, Jesus, The Christ, crucified
Who paid my price - I stand a champion
Who died that I can now live
Get thee behind me, you Liar, you Hypocrite, you Murderer
Jesus Christ already crushed your wicked head!

Glory! Oh Glory! Hallelujah!
Come, My Lord! Come, Angel Band!
Come, wing me to my home up in glory!
For I earned me, through Christ's blood, my bona fides!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Open Letter to Church Pastors Against Unbiblical Teachings


Dear Pastor Man:

I hope that this letter finds you in good spirits, and doing well.

As for me, I have known better days and, believe me, this day has proven to be amongst the worst days of my life, and all because of you!

You, Sir, today, unequivocally, proved yourself to be an infidel, an apostate, and decidedly, no "Man of God!"

How dare you, a finite being, decide that your knowledge of God - who God is, what God has and has not said, and should have said, has inspired and has not inspired - is infinite and, as such, has given you the right to determine that I shall spend Eternity without Jesus Christ?


FIRSTLY - there is nothing about your current behavior that is indicative of your having ever received a call from the Holy Spirit to be a minister of His Gospel since the stench of the world now perfumes all of your activities amongst the brethren!

SECONDLY - you are displaying to all observers that you have within yourself simony, the sin for which Paul the Apostle condemned Simon Magus. You demand preeminence in your interactions by demonstrating that you, Sir, because of your gifts and skills, are “it!”

THIRDLY - where do you get off privately interpreting the Word of God? Do you know the words of God? Do you really read, and seek to understand the words of OUR Master??

FOURTHLY - why are you pedaling all of your Satanically-inspired, new, and heretical teachings as Holy Writ?

You have crossed that dread line, and I will no longer be silent and become a party to your egregious conduct and teachings! And so,

Will you please show me - not from any corrupted, or new-age bible - but from the Living and Holy Word of God, where it says that:

1.  I need to know how to have sex with God!?!?!
     a. The Holy Spirit is like sperm?

Are you insane?

2.  I need to look into deep into the eyes of a fellow church member - male or female - and, when there is that certain “spark of sexual awareness,” that we have “connected” to the Holy Spirit, and we should let the Spirit have His way!?

Do you really believe that the Holy Spirit is a drunken frat boy?

3. Walking around a demonically-inspired labyrinth, connecting to all my senses, and praying is efficacious as I will feel as though I am a pilgrim from a bygone era?

Do you remember this verse:

Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.


John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

4. I need to leave my unmentionables off when I come to church so that the Holy Spirit may gain entry? Entry to what? Why? To what end?

Have you been drinking that with which you should have anointed yourself?

5. I should empty my mind and wait for the impartation from the spirit?

Don’t you know that an “empty” house is a perfect place for demons to inhabit? Don’t you know that the Bible expressly speaks against this very practice?

Since I am converted, and have communion with the Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, what would I be doing by "emptying myself" but making way for the original denizens of my heart to return and take residence, and return me to the path of evil! Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26

6. I should repeat the same word, or phrase, over and over until I enter a trance-like state and wait for revelation? Why?

Is our God a god of chaos and confusion?

7. I should always do what feels good?! That God wants me to be always happy in this world!?

Don’t you know that without a cross there is no crown? Have you ever read Psalm 50:5, you know, the one that talks about the covenant of SACRIFICE!

8. I should allow some jack-leg excuse for a prophet/pastor to lay his/her hands on me so that I may receive the Kundalini Spirit.

Sir, the only spirit I acknowledge and would wish to have within my being is the ONE AND ONLY spirit known as the Holy Spirit of God? Furthermore, my Almighty God’s Holy Spirit will not cause me to bark like a dog, crawl on the floor like a snake, and spin my head like something out of Friday the 13th!

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

Lord, help us!

9. I should just read the Bible for its “stories!”

The Holy Bible, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, is not some garbage dime-store novella! It is The Gospel of Truth, and it is The Guide for this life of woe.

Lord, come for Your world!

10. I should not worry about sin because God loves me just as I am - sin and all - and everything will work out at the end!

What hogwash! Have you ever read 1 John 1: 9? You know, the one that say “IF WE CONFESS OUR SIN, He is faithful ...etc.?

Oh, I forgot! The Bible is just stories for you! My bad!

11. Our Father, which art in  Heaven - is a woman!

I ask you: “What have I, or any of the other bible-believing Christians in this congregation ever done to you that you deem it necessary to teach and preach practices to us that could only have originated in the pit of hell, and can only lead us into hell in a hand-basket?

Why have you turned from the old way marks?

Do you not fear the True and Living God?

Do you even believe in the True and Living God? Jesus Christ? The Holy Spirit? That there are Watchers and Recording Angels?

Is your need for money so dire that you would teach and preach smooth things to placate a sinful and dying congregation whose ears are so itchy, and whose fear of conviction of wrong-doing causes them to break out with hives, that you would deny Jesus Christ, His precepts and His promises in order that your bank account will be always be filled with cash, and a new car always in your driveway?

Where, Sir, is your conscience?

Don’t you know that a worker should be worthy of his hire?

Don’t you remember that Jesus Christ, Himself, has said that when He comes, He is bringing His reward with Him to give to each person according to what his works have been?

Don’t you know that you can’t plant Indian corn and reap Guinea corn; that you reap exactly what you sow?

Since I fear God, and know that I, too, am a sinner saved by God's Grace, and since there is no desire by me for you to believe that this problem has no solution, following, from the INSPIRED and HOLY WORD OF GOD,  are some suggestions to fix what is unfailingly apparent - to those of us in this congregation who trust the Living God - is ailing you at this time:

The first thing that we believe that you need to be reminded of, is:

John 3: 16, 17
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

and that Jesus Christ IS the answer to all that ails ALL humanity!


Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

James 4: 7-10
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalms 51: 6-13
6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

I Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Romans 15:13
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Sir, yours is not a hopeless case! Far from it, for on those occasions when you do allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into His truth, your sermons are sound in doctrine, teach the people, reprove those of us who are slipping, encourage us who are flailing, and comfort us in our hope in God Almighty, and in our waiting for Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to come!

Please, I beseech you, ask Our Almighty God to help you to turn your back on, and walk away from whatever is pulling you down into wonderland, and forward to destruction!!

When you walked full in your faith in God, you led the Lord's flock with honesty and integrity, and I am pleading with you, please turn back to Jesus Christ before it is too late!

Please, do not set your heart on the things of this life for they are all dross.

Please do not believe that you have "made" life to suit your wants, needs and desires! It is a deadly delusion and will cause you to lose the Hope of the Faithful, that is, Heaven with Jesus Christ!

Brother Man, please accept this chastisement, and subsequent words of encouragement, as word given to a beloved son who has strayed, and is wished to return home.

Praying and Petitioning Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in your behalf,

Sister Faith,
and for the brethren:
Hope, Charity, Love
Gentleness, Goodness
Kindness, Meekness,
Temperance, Joy, Peace,
Long Suffering, and Christian

P.S.: Rest easy, and assured, in Psalm 23, Psalm 46, and Psalm 91!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Got any Peas?

The modern church is thus defined
By three single peas
No! Not the peas you put in the pot
But the ones that so the people please!

First up is the Popularity P
Oh, how the brethren just love it
If you have reach, access and a strong grip
They’ll grab you for their fob pocket!

Second is the P of Personality
How the people love themselves a winner
They don’t fret, nor yell, as long as the rhetoric’s swell
Even if it’s leading them past heaven and straight on into hell!

And lastly there’s the P of the panache that is Prosperity
That prefers the riches of the earth - not the riches of God in heaven
But the Bible plainly says “use it here - you’ve had your pay!"
So what’s left when you’ve thrown Glory far away?

Dear Ones:

The Early Church also had P’s but they bore not even a passing
resemblance to the P’s in this Modern Church movement.

We have lost our sense of self as Children of the Master,
and we have been miscued on the direction and mission of the Church -
not the various denominations - the Church of The Living God which
Jesus Christ died to save unto Himself.

The Early Church lived as they believed, and chose poverty, peace-keeping
and proselytizing, suffered persecutions, powered on through
prayer, and many went to prison.

They achieved their Crown through the borne Cross!

We want to wear our crown without bearing our cross! Hmmm?

Time to change
Time to rearrange
Time to get out of the range
Of that old Devil!

Time to reassess
Time to confess
Time to get clean from the mess
That is modern religion!

Time to look at the Cross
Time to think of the cost
Time to know what will be lost
And do a 180!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sinning Is No Pleasure

Sinning is no pleasure
It gives the body no ease
It comes through the heart of man
And gives one “Lost Kingdom” disease!

Sinning is a false profit
It gives the soul no rest
It nags, and gives the conscience fleas
Until the soul repents and confess!

Sinning is an act of rebellion
It’s as witchcraft is what God says
It is better to let Christ guide your life
So that you may have eternal days!

Turn your loss through sin
Into a Jesus Christ win!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Father, This is Just a Short Note

Father, this is just a short note to say that 
I love You!
I need You!
I trust You!
Father, I bless You for Your Hand of provision, and my deliverance, each and every day.
The trials are many (no cross no crown!) - that's not so bad - but it's the petty comments
against my chosen lifestyle that are a bit hard to take.
"Come and have fun!"
I don't want to have their idea of fun!
" You're going to die anyway!"
Lord I'll die in You - not without You, 
and definitely not regretful!
I know that I'll live again for You know my name, 
and it's written down with those of the saints of all ages!
Glory be to Jesus - I'll see Him as He is, with nothing between!
Home, home, my heart is beating!
Home, home, is all it says!
Home, home to be with my Jesus
Father, help me count the ways!
My transport to heaven is coming and
Yes! It's already on the way!
Thank You!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Need To Prove God Exists?!?!

I don’t need to prove that God exists
By any word from the brilliant scientists
I open my eyes and can list all His Works
Without their much hissing and twists!

There's flowers and trees, green grass and leaves
And wind - who can explain the wind?
There's man like myself - sea mountains and shelves
Oh, why bother listing? Try talking to God and forget your self!

I’m alive because the Great I am
Holds me in His hand
I live in hope because Jesus Christ, the Lord
Died at the hand of  Satan-inspired cruel man!

I walk because my Jesus walked
Down the lonesome road
I talk because the Lord of Life
Is sitting upon the Throne!

I see because the King of Love
Showed Himself the Light of the World
I breathe because Jesus molded my lungs -
He created me - and said that I can!

Now, you vain creature
Look at yourself, and know that God is your maker
Stop riding in clouds and talking loud
As if you’re The Good God’s adviser!

You’re a worm - a little puff and some dust
And it is time that you realize it
For if the God you despise should squeeze your nose
All that’s left is your shell in some open-back clothes!

Bless the Lord! Change your ways!
Become chaste! Give God praise!
Yes! Give to God what you know is His due
For He sees - and knows - whatever you do!


Jesus is the Word
And the Word is Truth
Therefore, Jesus is the Truth!
Trust Him!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Prayer: Lord, Make My Pathway

Lord, make my pathway up the mountain rocky
So that I may have something to grip
For if the way is smooth, Lord, 
You know that I will surely slip!

Lord make my way straight and narrow
And help me walk like the proverbial arrow
For You know, Lord, that anything less
Will find me in hell's bar playing faro!

Fulfill my needs, Lord, don't give me my wants
For my eyes are bigger than my stomach
'Cause if my wants are wantonly met
The end result is much throwing up and sorrow!

Lord, keep contented ever my heart
Whether with little or much
Keep my hand in Yours, Lord,
For this world's cup is surely filling up!

Help me, Lord, to keep my eye on the Son
And my heart on the Holy Spirit
Help me to love You as I ought
For Beloved Jesus my lost life bought!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Vespers At The End Of The Sabbath

Joshus 24:14-15 (KJV)

 14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Walking with the Lord Jesus Christ must be an act of the Will for we cannot inherit our walk with the Lord from our parents, nor can it be passed on to us by association, nor by associating with Christ-followers.

We must make the decision, out of the intellect, to, this very day, and each and every day hereafter, to walk in the Light of God's Love if we desire to be saved to Eternal Life.

We must come to the realization that we need to - every single day that we breathe - consciously make the decision to give over our will and our way, to the care and safekeeping of The Creator God who loved - and loves - us enough to have sent His Only Begotten Son to become sin for us, and to die on that shameful tree, so that we might have abundant life.

John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Jesus Christ stated that He had to be lifted up, as Moses' brazen serpent, so that by so doing, He would draw all men to Himself.

John 3:14
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

John 12:32
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

It, therefore, must be understood, that as those who had been bitten in the desert by the vile serpent, because of sin, had to look upon the replica of the serpent to be healed, we, too, must look UP on the Crucified Jesus who became sin for us, and confess, and repent of our sin, so that we may be saved.

Jesus Christ is still calling, and drawing mankind to Himself. Won't you answer His call that you may be saved?

Look upon Jesus, sinless is He

Author: Franklin E. Belden

Look upon Jesus, sinless is He;
Father, impute His life unto me.
My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,
Cover with His life, whiter than snow.


Cover with His life, whiter than snow;
Fullness of His life then shall I know;
My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,
Cover with His life, whiter than snow.

Deep are the wounds transgression has made;
Red are the stains; my soul is afraid.
O to be covered, Jesus, with Thee,
Safe from the law that now judgeth me!