Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Let Your Faith In The Holy God Testify!

The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them! 
The Lies That Men Tell Shall Surely Scald Them! 

The Good That Men Do 
Testifies Of Their Faith In That Holy God That 
Blesses And Keeps Them 
The Truth That They Tell 
Serves To Clean Them
Protect Them 
Set Them Apart For Heaven! 

Who Is Good And Faithful
Up To Heaven Shall Surely Rise! 

Who Is Evil And Deceitful
Practicing Lies For Pleasure And Profit
Shall ... With Satan And The Fallen Angels
In The Lake Of Fire Most Assuredly Die! 


There Is Always Profit 
In Always Doing The Good And The Right 
So Please Do Not Join With Liars And Evil-Doers 
For Supposed Temporal, Earthly, Delight! 

A Ravenous Parasite Within The Heart
A Pus-Filled Stye In The Eye
An Uncontrolled Blight On The Skin Of The Evil-Doer 
Who Carries The Stench Of Death Upon His Person! 

Jesus Christ Calls Us To Life Everlasting
To Good Works
To Walk In Truth And Righteousness
To Live Lives Pleasing In His Holy Sight 
So That In Us He Will Delight! 

Evil-Doers Serve Satan! 

Let Us By Faith
For Grace
With Mercy
Serve The Living God Known Good! 
Walk In The Light ... The Truth!

Thursday, June 20, 2019


I Believe The Living Word Of The Holy God
In My Sojourn In The Vale Of Tears
In The Distress Of My Soul
I Cry:

1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I Shall Ask The Question:

From Whence Does My Help Come!?!


In The Surety Of Oft' Answered Prayer
I Shall Answer My Own Question And Say:

2 My Help Cometh From The LORD, which made heaven and earth.

The Lord Is My Shepherd!

I Can Say Without Fear Of Contradiction
To Anyone Who Chooses To Believe That:

3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved

Assure You That
He Who keeps You Will Not slumber!

Behold, Brethren

I Am Telling You That

4 He that Keepeth Israel [The Israel Of God]
shall neither slumber nor sleep.

He Has No Pajamas, No Alarm Clock
He Can Never Be Caught Off-Side!

Understand This:

5 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

With Alacrity Accept That
He Will Not Let

6 The sun smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

He's Got Us Covered!
We've Got The Comforter, The Holy Spirit Of Truth
We've Got Angelic Protection!

We Have On Offer The Great Salvation:
Please Do Not The Good Gift Refuse!
With Our Lives Entwined In Christ's
We Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose!


Please Take Hold Of The Promise
Realize That

7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil!
He shall preserve Your soul.

Look, I Don't Mean To Be Rude
Buy A Free Clue:

8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and 
thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

I Encourage Us All
To Get With The Lord's Everlasting Life Plan
Become A Redeemed Human
In Your Lot ... In Highest Heaven
In Glory Land
Victoriously Stand!
Take The Extended-To-You-In-Mercy Hand!

What The Lord Jesus Christ
 Personally Has For You
Is Yours And Yours Alone:
Let No One Steal Your Joy In Jesus
Your Golden Crown Of Eternal Life!
Trust The Lord
Successfully Survive
The Mortal Strife!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



Sometimes I get so bothered
When I hear people say
That MY God is not a good one
And I should throw Him away!

They say He kills little children
And He took their mothers away
And fathers who were left behind
Well … they just went astray!

They blame Him for wars and famines
They blame Him for poverty
They blame Him for drought and hurricanes
And all manner of awful disease!

Many people try to blame my God
For their own willful ways
And when they get into trouble
They say He's never any good, anyway!

And when I really think on it
I realize right quick
They cannot diminish my God
And they can't turn Him into a Roman tick!

I'm tired of all these accusations
The cursing, the blame, the regrets
I'm standing up for my God, friend
Because He's never failed ME yet!

So you can keep on blaming OUR God
When YOU exercise YOUR own freewill
I'll keep on with Him to the finish
But you can't Him ever diminish!

God's Holy Spirit comforts me
His Holy Angels surround
I gave my God my will and my way
And His keeping of me is truly profound!

My God is the Creator
Sustainer, Redeemer, my Friend
He leads me on this path of life
And I'm onto Glory bound! **BJC**

Monday, September 8, 2014

New Page "The Choir" Added

Greetings, Dear Ones!

Please join me in praying for the Lord's blessing, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the covering and protection of the Holy Angels for our children and their teachers, instructors, coaches, professors, administrators and security personnel who are returning for the first full week of school since the end of the Summer vacation! May Almighty God have mercy upon each and every one of them.

I have added a new poem page entitled The Choir.

This poem has an interesting story behind it:

 In my home church when I was a young lady, we had several accomplished singers. However, there was a particular Sister in the congregation who had two daughters who both had beautiful voices and, to hear her carry on, you would believe that she was instrumental in them having received their voices. And, of course, the goodly Sister never failed to let you - who "though" you could sing - know that you were no match in the singing department against her gifted daughters. 

Now, on any given Sabbath, you  could expect to hear one or both of the sisters singing, and on this particular Sabbath, every time an item of special music was announced, one of her daughters go up to "perform." Well, they were on a roll at that particular Sabbath evening's program, and the goodly Sister was in kiddie goat heaven!

I guess it was about the third announced item of special music when both daughters got up to go to the rostrum that their dear Mother outdid herself!

She jumped up and, proud as a peacock in all its glory, gleefully shouted: "My STARS!"

Without missing a beat, several of the other singers who has been stung by her insults on their talents responded: "Mon-STARS!"

Sufficed to stay, that was the end of that type of behavior.

Well, go have yourself a read, and have a blessed day at work, school, or at home, whatever your chosen activity.