Showing posts with label #Faith of Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Faith of Jesus. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jesus Is Coming. Jesus IS Coming!

If I did not believe in God
Right now my heart would be chilled
For everywhere all you are hearing
Is of Christians being violently killed!

If I did not believe in God
Right now my heart would be still
For every where all you are hearing
Is of the removal of man’s freewill!

But ... I do believe in Jesus Christ, the Lord
And I trust unwaveringly His every word
For in the debris that is this world
I can hear singing, and I know every chord:

Jesus is coming - look to the east!
Jesus is coming - there will be a feast!
Be not dismayed  that this world is decayed!
Jesus is coming - He won’t be delayed!

Rest from all labor!
Peace from the world!
Joyous celebration of The Coming of Our Lord!
Gird your loins about!
Steady your gaze!
Prepare to be amazed!
Gaze on and sing aloud your praise
For here He comes - The Ancient of Days!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Prayer: Father, Have Mercy On Us!

Father, have mercy on us!
All around us we see that evil is become good,
And good has become evil.
Every where it almost seems as though
Your believing children are forsaken ...
Father, have mercy on us in these harsh
And cruel times where it is already being said
that Jesus Christ is not the only answer
Or the only way Home
And that the Holy Bible is not the Sacred Word!
Father, help us to stand firm on Your inerrant Word
And to keep the Faith of Jesus!
Help us, Father, when they denigrate our belief
And hope, and faith, and love, to remember
And to hold on, and to continue trusting
In Our Beloved Christ and His sacrifice!
Help us always to remember that You have
No godchildren, nor grandchildren, nor stepchildren; that 
You are not blind, nor deaf, nor dumb;
That You neither wear dark glasses, nor pyjamas, and that
You, Father, surely don't like ugly, be it personality or practice or policy.
Until that Great and Dreadful Day, keep us
In Your love for Jesus Christ's sake. 
Father, we love You. AMEN
