Showing posts with label Heavenly Father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heavenly Father. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Let The Lord Lead You With His Love!


How Well Are You Able To Handle Disappointment 
Or, More Particularly
Are You Able To Handle Disappointment!?! 

We Live In A Fast-Paced World 
Which Accepts Neither Denial, Disappointment
Disapproval, Nor Deprivation 
And Yet
As Committed To Christ Christians
We Must Be Able To Accept All These With Grace 
Our Heavenly Father Always Knows Best 
Ever Does Right For And By Us! 

Let's Let Him Lead Us Today 
It Is Done With Abiding Love Which Does Not Suffer Loss! 


Monday, September 14, 2020

Jesus Christ Knows Your Every Need

Isaiah 65:24 KJV – KJV Bible Verses

As Children 
We Often Went To A Parent With A Questioning 
Only To Hear Them Reply 
Not To Their Name Being Called 
In Answer To Our As Yet Unasked Question! 

We Responded With A 
"But I Didn't Ask For Anything Yet!" 
To Which They Replied 
"I Know What You Need 
And The Answer Is Still 'Yes!'" 

We Then Shed A Happy Tear And Squealed For Pure Joy! 

Our Parents Knew Certain Things! 

Our Heavenly Father 
Who Loves Us Better Than Our Parents Ever Can ... Or Will
Knows Absolutely, Positively, Unerringly, Without Limit
Ever Last Iota About Us ... Before We Do 
Because He Knows All
Sees All
Is In All 
Feels All That Concerns Us
He Is Able To Do All Things 
To Bless, Keep 
Prosper Us All The Days Of Our Lives! 


Dare To Lean On Jesus Christ 
The Lord Of Life
The Shepherd Of Rest
The God Of Grace
The King Of Love Who Does All Things Well 
Knows Everything That 
On The Dash Between Our Day Of Birth 
Our Day Of Death ... And Beyond! 

Think Of
Pray To 
Lean On The Lord 
Who Knows Before
Who Acts Before
Who Answers Before 
We Can Even Verbalize Our Requests! 

Our Lord Jesus Is Not A Useless Idol! 
Our Lord Jesus Can Deliver! 
He Can Delay
He Can Destroy
He Will Be Derelict
He Will Never Desert Us! 

Our Beloved Jesus Is Holy: 
Worship Him Alone! 

Remember ... 

A Personal Gift To Us From The Eternal God!

Choose To Believe The Lord
Be Forever Blessed!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

SALVATION: Please Open Your Gift!

Real Good Or Really Bad
Nobody Earns Salvation
Nobody Is Refused Salvation!
For This Blessing, Our Hearts Should Be Glad!

The Free Gift Given To All
Compliments Of The Eternal God
Not Worked For
As Posits Satan
That Unholy And Bold Wannabe God-Fraud!

Please Open Your Gift! 

Know Your Forever-Friend ...

Jesus Christ Is Calling!
Everybody Is Welcome!
You Don't Have To Wait For A Special Call!
The Living Word Of Truth Is Preserved
Openly Given
Free To Whosoever Will
So, Reach Out And Grab The Extended Hand
Receive The Living Word
Enjoy Peace Now
And To Come
Eternal Living!

Know Your Enemy ...

Satan Is The Liar:
The Love Of Jesus Christ, The Lord
Neither Deceitful Nor Forbidding!

Satan Is The Father Of Lies! 
He's Always, Always, Taking
The Lord Christ
The Savior Of Man
The Creator, Redeemer, Provider
Lover Of Every Man's Soul
Ever, Always, Gifting ... Giving!

Jesus Christ Is Life
Is Light
The Way To Truth
The Truth
His Words Are True
He Never, Ever, Indulges
In Ad-libbing!

The Facts Are Fixed ...

The Lord Loves Me!
The Lord Loves You, Too
When We Commit Sin
We May ... With A Contrite Heart
Humbly Present Ourselves
Before The Father ... In Jesus' Holy Name
Know Of A Surety That He Will Forgive
Bless And Spiritually Proper Us, Too!
His Love Is Personal
To Each And Every One Of Us, Too
And That, Brethren
Almighty God's Gospel Truth!

Do Not Wear
- Not Even In Jest -
Gainsaying, Prideful
Walking-Only-To-Damnation Shoes!
They Are Not For Me Nor You!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

PRAYER: My Hallelujah Friend

Please help me to Endure until The End
Help me not to faint and The Journey Suspend
Help me to know in my Heart that on You I can Depend
Help me to Stand with You, Lord, my Hallelujah Friend!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

PRAYER: Father, You Are Not Keeping To The Agreement!?!

Father, we have an Agreement, and
It is not working, and I am not happy!
You are supposed to wink at my foolishness!
Yesterday You didn't and now 
I feel hurt and sad
And angry and dismayed
And foolish and fearful!
What am I doing, or did
That was, or is, sooo wrong?!
Why is this happening to me!
Why meee!?!

"Beloved, I Love You and Will Always Care for You 
Even when You are Disobedient and Self-willed.
But #LivingLifeOnYourOwnTermsHasConsequences.

In My Holy Word, it states that in times of Man's Ignorance -
OF WHO I AM - God winks!

But that ignorance is when You Do Not Know Right From Wrong, Truth From Error, are Lacking Knowledge, and are Fallen In (not into) Idolatry.

Beloved, You know better, and You should have Prayed and Asked for Help to help You do and be better than your Situation. You did not.

I heard You say in Your Heart that You Did Not Care What Was Said
Or Done, that You were going to Have Your Own Way.

You did, and, hence, Your Sadness and Fear now.

My Child, Because of Love, I Will Not Permit You 
To Indulge in the Sin of Presumption and then say
"Thank God, I'm a Christian!"

Your saying You are a Christian does not give You an ESCAPE FREE card.
Assuredly, it will Guarantee You Punishment.

My Judgment begins in My House, and I Love You too much
To let You live a Slack and Reprobate Life.

You Daily give Me Your Will, and You Beseech Me 
To Guide Your Way and, so
You have My Response
For You Acted with Malice and
You Deliberately Chose Disobedience Over Deprivation
Of what could not, and, assuredly, did not 
Your Heart satisfy.

You say I am Your Father.
You say You Trust Me.
You say You will Obey My Commands and Follow My Ways
But You Honor Me in Your Words and not in Your Actions.

I accepted Your Request to Lead You to Green Pastures and
To Restore Your Soul.

Well, as Human, You know of and have seen Restoration Work in action.
It is messy, noisy, and painful and expensive, but The End thereof is Beauty Over Total Destruction.

So, Dear Child, is The Way of Your Restoration.

It is going to be Messy - to get rid of the Rot and the Rust and the Corrosion that is now Manifest in Your Character.

It is going to be Noisy - for You are going to cry because of the Tearing Down of Strongholds.

It is Painful - when the Waste of the Past and Current Bad Behaviors are being removed.

It is Expensive - because You have to Pay the Costs for Restoring the Old Bad to New Good, and

You will feel Bereft of the Familiar, and Naked without Old Bad Comforts.

I Am Holy.
You must be Holy, too.

You must Remember My Charge:



Disobedience is as the Sin of Witchcraft


I will not share My Glory with idols who have eyes and see not
Who have ears and hear not
Who have hands and feet, and accomplish nothing.

I Provide for Your ... Needs
I Protect You from ... Harm
I Guard Your ... Abode
I Guide Your ... Footsteps
I Teach You ... My Way
I Chide You ... for Your Willfulness
I Chastise You ... for Your Back-slidings
I Comfort You ... in Sorrow and Distress
I Love ... You ... with An Everlasting Love
I Abide ... in You
I Hide You ... in the Shelter of My Wings
I Help You ... to Reach Home
I Heal ... You ... in Your Hurts and in Your Heart ... to Your Very Soul
I Hold You ... Marked ... in My Body

I Will Never Leave You ... nor Forsake You.

I, however, will not Permit You to Go Astray while You are Humbling Yourself Before Me in Godly and Saintly Fear.

I will not Force You to Obey - You have Will.

I will not Force My Way Upon You You have Choice.

I will Encourage You, and Keep You by My Holy Spirit
As Long as You Desire Me to be Your Father, Your Lord, Your God, Your Savior, Your Comfort, Your Redeemer, Your Commander, and Your Friend.

My Child, Seek My Will for Your Life in Whatever You do, and
Do Not Follow the Mixed Multitudes - therein is Corruption, and Death.

Walk Upright!
Do Right!
Live Right!
Stay in My Light and
Receive My #GarmentOfRighteousness - I will not accept yours.

Despite Your Setbacks 

You will, again, know Joy Now, and Then
Joy Everlasting in the Day To Come
If You Stay The Course, and 
Let My Light Guide You Safely Home.

My Child, I Have Not Forsaken You.
Had I done so, Feelings of Sadness would be
The Least of Your Problems.

You Are My Child, Greatly Beloved -
Walk On in The Son."

Father, I'm Sorry!
Please Forgive Me!
Help Me to Do Better Today...
I Love You.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Prayer: Father, Keep Me

Father, if experiencing all my trials
will keep me in Your care, give me trials.
If misfortune and earthly woes
will keep me praying at Your Door, Lord,
I will take them.
And, Lord, since living for Jesus
guarantees me a bright crown,
help me to live, to love, and
to give a helping hand -
not a snub, to Your children.
Bless me, Lord, so that I 
may bless another.
I love You.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy Sabbath!

Today I pray
I sing a glad song
The Angels draw near
The Savior is present
Before Him I bow -
The Lord of The Sabbath
Who blessed me, and how!

Heavenly Father, I thank You, I bless You
And a glad song I raise 
Before the Dear Savior who with great joy I praise
For living, for loving, for dying and raising
Again to Your Presence -
The Ancient of  Days
So that I may come boldly
No failing, no fear
To receive of the Blessing
That daily You share.
Thank You, Lord! Amen.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Prayer for The Fruits of the Spirit

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me because I am not happy.
Father, I am not happy because I just found out that I not only look like my daddy, 
but I also have his character.  
I lie, cheat, steal, and I bear false witness against my neighbors.
I am selfish and disobedient, and often walk in my own way.
I totally lack self-control and am often faithless to those in charity with me.
I may not like making a noise but, oh, how I enjoy causing a good riot.
I am not a nice person and I am asking You, my Heavenly Father
to make me like You!
I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous to
give me Your DNA, Your character. I want, no, I need the fruits of Your Spirit.
Grant me love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, kindness, forbearance, 
Self-control, and faithfulness. 
Lord, I really need the self-control and
I am pleading for the working of Your Holy Spirit to
help me to will and to do of Your good pleasure.
I don't want to be like my daddy anymore.
I need to become like You, my Father.
Have mercy, and bless.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Holy Sabbath Day Prayer and Blessing

Another six days' work is done
Another Sabbath is begun
Around our table take our seat
And to our Lord we sing a treat

Accept our sorrowing for sin
Accept our offering of  prayer
Accept our offering of praise
Accept our souls to You we raise

Again, Dear Lord, we meekly seek
Another blessing, another week
Always in worship, we with love
Before Your Throne, we here bow down

Heavenly Father, we, Your believing children, thank You for Your watch-care through the week that is now passed from time into eternity.

We thank You for our food, our shelter, our clothing, eyes that can still see The Book, ears that can still hear The Word through which our faith comes, hands, Lord, that can still do a good work for The Kingdom, and feet that are still able to go on missions of mercy.

Father, we ask You to shore up our reserves of strength for the battle still ahead. We beseech You to cement Your Holy Word deep into our hearts where only that two-edged sword wielded by Our Master can divide, and grant us Your continued Grace, and Sweet Peace.

We ask, Father, for the surrounding and protection of the Holy Angels, and the blessing of the sleep of the Just.

Hear and answer our prayer, in the matchless name of Jesus, and for His sake. Lord, we love You. AMEN.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Sabbath Prayer and Blessing

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for another opportunity to come into Your presence on Your Holy Sabbath Day, and to be able to offer You thanks, and give You praise for keeping us through the week now past.

Thank you, Father, for the blessings you have bestowed upon us, for those seen and unseen, known and unknown and for the protection You provided against perils that we never even considered or imagined.

Father, we thank You for the Gift of Calvary which allows us to come to You personally, without fear or trembling, to present our petitions.

We ask you, Father, to help us not to be so contented with the things of this life that we forget You. Help us to not be so concerned with our trials and tribulations that we forget the bounties You bestow each and every day, and the wonders un-imagined that are in store for us when, with the aid and indwelling of Your Holy Spirit, and our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ, we ascend to heights unknown.

Father, we ask a special blessing upon Your children  around the planet whether sick, suffering, dying persecuted or prosecuted for their faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, in war zones, and in the midst of drought and famine. We ask You to provide for each according to his or her need for food, for shelter, clean water, warm and clean clothing, a kindly word, a thoughtful deed, care, comfort, help and healing.

Father, have mercy on the leaders of our nations, and the leaders of Your flock. Help these men and women not to stray from the straight and narrow path and to do right in Your sight. Help our ministers to teach and preach the undiluted Word and to seek You Face in all their works and deeds.

Father, we invite You to come and abide with us during these Sabbath hours as we take our rest in You.

Oh, Lord, bless, and pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us that we may bear good fruit to Your honor and glory.

We  ask these mercies in the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous, and thank You for hearing and answering our prayer. We love You, Lord.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Prayer to Humble Self

Heavenly Father,
Help me to humble myself before You 
when Your Hand of chastisement is upon me.  
Father, help me, I beseech You, to bend to Your Will 
for my life before I am forced to break under your judgments. 
I ask this mercy in the name of Jesus Christ.