Showing posts with label Forget Satan's Dope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forget Satan's Dope. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2015

Contrariwise Blessing!

You Hit Me - Bless You!
You Spat on Me - Bless You!
You Gambled for My Clothes - Bless You!
You Pierced My Side - Bless You!

You Took My Life, but
I Bless You with Eternal Life, so
Remove Now from The Life of Strife, for
I Give You My Life!

I Live!
I Love You!
I Lift You Up, so
Stand ... and Give
A Testimony of Your Hope!

Don't Grope!
I Am Your Hope!
Stop Holding his Rope!
Tell him "Nope!" -
His Bloat does not Float!
Get In My Salvation Boat -
I Made The Sea!