Showing posts with label #Ancient of Days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Ancient of Days. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reading The Word of The Lord Is A Pleasure

Reading the word of the Lord is a pleasure
It satisfies the soul
It gives great hope and blessed promises
To lead me to my Ultimate Goal!

The goal that I seek is to live in Glory
To be a pillar in the House of My God
To sit with my Jesus upon His Great Throne
As He sits with Almighty God on His own!

What grace and mercy is showed us
What love and light are displayed
What glory will unfurl through the ages
As we learn from the Ancient of Days!

Reading the Word of God provides treasure
That satisfies my longing soul
It feeds, and feeds, without measure
And brings pleasure, and rest, untold.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Prized Memory Chest

I have an untidy table
That’s set up shop within my mind
It holds the trials and troubles of yesterday
And sins that I can’t seem to leave behind!

One day, I sat talking to Jesus
And wondered why this should be 
He looked at me so tenderly
And I just started to glow!

“Little One,” said Jesus, so kindly
“You say you trust Me, but no!”
“You give me all your troubles and trials,
But the sins, you just won’t let them all go!”

“I promised that I would cast all confessed sin
Into the Sea of My Forgetfulness!
I’ve forgotten, and forgiven you of them, but
You’ve locked them in your prized memory chest!”

“This is not what I want, Child, for you
For stored sin is like a diseased boil with a crust!
You pick it, and pick it, until you’ve torn the crust off
And it is soon running all over with pus!”

“No! Child of Mine! I offer you better!
I paid the price of your crimes!
I took to myself all your sins -
I love you enough to have died!
So, look to Me!
Give it up! 
Go all in!”

“I AM the Lord of All Creation!
I AM the Lamb of Calvary!
I AM the High Priest of the New Covenant!
I AM the Great King who set you free!”

“Look at my hands! Do you see these nail prints?
This is because I love you so much!
So if you say you love, and trust, Me
Wipe your table clean, and please fold it up!”

“With no space available for storage
No favorite spot for a safe hiding place
You will be free from Satan constantly accusing you
And calling you a Christian Disgrace!”

“My Child:
 I AM able to bear all!
I AM able to carry your load!
I AM the Lover of your Soul!
I AM Your Savior! Your Redeemer! 
I’ve got this!
I’ll see you at The Victor’s Abode!”

Saturday, January 24, 2015

To Whom Do You Sing Your Praise?

When you sing the message
Are you really singing to God
Or are you putting on a performance
For someone who isn’t the Lord?

Are you praising, or performing
Are you putting on a show
Which does not praise Your Creator
Because it praises the world?

Think once, think twice, I beseech
Know to whom you’re giving your praise
Make sure it’s to Your Creator
The Ancient One of Days!

Don’t fall into the trap that
Satan has placed for the world
By saying that whatever/however you’re singing
All music to the King is all praise!

Old Satan, the Old Minister of Music
Is alive, and kicking, and well
Able to blind you with his tricks
To perform music that give him his kicks!

He writes the songs that make this world sing
He lays the beats that makes Saints retreat
From lewdness, lechery and looseness
From rhythms that sends sinners to use bongs.

This same music is stomping into the Church of
God, the Father, the Spirit, the Son
Hijacking the old Saints from the praises
To honor Him, the Worthy, the Lamb!

Our God is the God of All Order
His Angels sing praise in majesty
Swelling and ringing, triumphant
Praising the God who loves humanity.

So, again, I ask you: “Who are YOU praising
When you sing the gospel message today?
Is it the God of All Creation OR
The god who leads children astray?"

Dear Ones:

When we, as singers and musicians, allow ourselves to become the focus, and center, of attention by our "performance," as we “praise” God in song, we are praising our selves, for we have allowed ourselves to accept the praise and worship that belongs solely to the God of Heaven.

Let us, therefore, be very, very careful ... that we do not find ourselves in the position in which King Herod found himself for accepting the worship, and adulation, that rightfully belonged to Almighty God.

Acts 12:21-23

21 On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. 
22 They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.”
23 Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.

Satan has made it painfully clear that his sworn task is to deflect worship from the God of Heaven by any means necessary, and available.

Even if our “worship” does not name Satan himself, he seeks to ensure that if he can't get it, that God, Himself, does not receive same by encouraging us to believe that we, too, are gods, hence the designations we hear of godfather and empress and myriad divas (goddesses) of music, which appalling, even revolting, appellations are finding themselves in our houses of worship!

Lord, have mercy on us, and help us to see You as You are, and worship You - forgetting self - for You, alone, are worthy!

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,