Showing posts with label Psalm 91. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalm 91. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

PRAYER ... For The Sick!

Faith ... And Prayer! 
Praying ... And Faithfulness! 
You've Trusted The Lord Before! 
Trust Him Now! 
He Is Faithful! 
Trust Him No Matter Whatever May Happen: 
Our Faithful God 
Available And Able! 

Please Trust Our Lord Christ for Available Grace:
He Said To Approach His Throne Boldly
We Will Find Grace, Favor, To Help Us! 

Please Read Psalm 1
Psalm 23
Psalm 46
Psalm 91
1 John 1:9 
Dare To Trust in The Lord Forever
For In Our Lord Jehovah 
Everlasting Strength! 💖🌹


Heavenly Father, 
You Are The God Of Grace
Good And Faithful
Ever Worthy Of Our Praise: 
We Humbly  Give Our Praise! 

We Thank You For Our Spared Lives
For The Roofs Still Over Our Heads
For Health
For Strength
For Friends And Family
Even Though We Curse The Darkness 
Instead Of Turning On
Turning To  The Light Of Life That 
Chases Away Doubts And Despair
Make Bearable The Tests And Terrors Of
The Unknown That Try Our Bodies
Minds And Spirits In These Times
Please Have Mercy On Us
Forgive Our Often Lack Of Faith
Draw Us Ever Nearer To You! 

There Are Those Among Us
Who Are In This Hour Desperately Ill 
In Need Of A Touch Of Our Master's Hand! 
We Need A Blessing
In The Name Of Our Savior
Jesus Christ The Lord
I Confess And Repent
For Our Having Broken
All Of Your Ten Commandments That 
Are An Hedge Of Safety About Us!
Forgive Us! 

I Humbly Pray For A Blessing
For Each Of Us Today
Confirming And Cementing Our Faith
In The Finished Work Of Christ On Calvary
Showing That You Are Able Always To Save,
Heal, Provide, Protect
Help And Hold Us Close To You
Leaving Us Mere Mortals
With The Only Option Of Saying: 

"This Is The Lord's Doing
And, Bless God
It Is Marvellous In Our Eyes! 
We Love You, Lord
Worship Your Holy Name!" 

May The Holy Angels Surround Us
Protect Us
Influence Us To Do The Good And The Right!

Please Come
Fall Upon Us
Abide In Us, Holy Spirit!
Please Heal Us
Body, Mind And Spirit!
Please Feed Us With Food Good For Us Today!

Please Lift Us Up, Heavenly Father
So That We May Lift You Up
Bless Us To Praise Our Dear Lord Jesus
Glorify You Great Name
For It Is The Name That Is Above All Names
Jesus Christ The Righteous King
That We Humbly, Fervently Pray And Plead!
Have Mercy And Bless Us!
We Love You And Need You!
Please Come For Us Soon! 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Lord Has Not Promised ...!

The Lord God Almighty
Has Not Promised Unto Any Man
The Day Called Tomorrow:
Do Not On Satan's Bold Lies Stand!

When The Creator God
Plainly Says:

You Should Buy The Free Clue
Recognize That Any Living On A Distant Tomorrow
One Who Shall Surely Not Have
Even The Ability About It To Sorrow!

 The Lord Also Says:

The Day Given
The Day Blessed
Anything Else Anticipated 
Asking One To Become 
Unnecessarily Stressed!

Today Is A Present
A Gift To Be Unsealed
So Do Yourself A Favor
Let It In All Its Heaven-Clad Glory
Be Gratefully, Joyfully, Accepted
As It Is Plainly, Beautifully, Revealed!

Take What The Lord Is Giving
Be Blessed To Be A Blessing
For That Is Your Success
Not Hunting And Pecking
Indulging In Known Sin
Which Must Then Be Confessed!

Do Not Live Carelessly!
Confess Your Known Sin
Repent Each And Every Day!
Do A Daily Debrief!
See For What There Is Or Should Be Grief
If In The Night
Or At The Morning's Shining Light
Your Life Is Required Of You
You Shall Go To Your Long Home
Assured Of The Eternal Day
In The Land Where
There Is No More Death
No Crying 
No More Sorrow!

Wisdom ...

Be Not As The Unwise
Who Plan For What Is Not Sure
Who Think That Death Is For Everyone Else
When Death Is Knocking At Their Own Door!

If Your Tomorrow
Does Not Include A Life With Christ
Be Ye Warned:
Your Life Is Not One That Can Be Called Blessed
For You Are Living On The Wing
Not The Prayer
Your Outcome Is Not One That
The Righteous People Of The Eternal God
Should Embrace Or Cheer!

The Lord Christ Has Given Unto Us 
Promises Preserved In His Innocent Blood
Which He Freely Gave For Our Soul's Salvation!
He Has Promised Us An Eternal Home
His Eternal Life
He Has Promised Us That He Will Never Again
Destroy The Earth With A Flood!

The World Is Reserved By The Lord
For Destruction With Unquenchable Fire
By His Hand ... Alone
All Who Choose Not To Live By His Merits
Shall Find Themselves 
- Along With Satan And His Fallen Angels -
Destroyed By It!

A Word Of Cheer 
For All Who Choose To Believe ...

Satan Is The Father Of Lies
His Stated Purpose Is To Deceive
The Lord God Of All Grace
Faithful, Just, Loving, Kind And Ever True
He Is Calling, Calling, Calling
Pleading With You, Beloved
To Love Him
To Follow Him Faithfully
To Him ... Alone
To Be Obedient, Loving And Prayerfully True!

This Is His Sure Word Unto You:

Saturday, September 8, 2018


How Can You Not Want To Intimately Know Christ Jesus!?!
He's The Forever Friend!
How Can You Not Want To 
Personally Know Christ Jesus 
When He's Offering Life To All
That Without End!?!

He Wants Too Much!

Too Much Of What, Pray Tell!?!

He's Not Like Anybody Else!
He Doesn't Play The Game!
He Doesn't Want A Little Bit Of Me
And Be Contented
He Wants Me Body Soul And Spirit
My Will
My Way
My Thoughts
My Actions
My Heart!
He Wants Me To Depart Old Habits Tried And True
And He Wants Me To Stop Sinning!
He Wants Me To Be Consumed With And In Him!

That's True!

How Can I Possibly Do That Is What I Ask You!?!
How Can I Stop Sinning
When A Sinner I Was Born!?! 

I Was Shaped In Iniquity
Planned Sin, You Know!
Mother Before Me Was Likewise Born!
Right Now, My Heart Is Torn!
I Feel Like A Sheep That Has Been Naked Shorn!

Don't You Believe Him!?!

Believe Him About What!?!

Victory Over Sin, You Know ... For Starters!
Setting Aside Self And Sinning
Decidedly Turning Satan Away!

That's Impossible!
Who Can Turn Satan Away!


Yes, Myrtle!?!

Mavis Adalua Greene
You Mean To Really Tell Me
That Your Satan Is Bigger Than
The Creator Of All Things!?!

Uh, Ah, ...!

Girl, You Must Be Drunk! 
Satan Is A Fallen Angel
A Reprobate That Can't Go Back Home
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Lord And King
Savior Redeemer Friend
Sitting High And Lifted Up
Upon Heaven's Great White Throne!

You Really Can't Believe That Satan Is A Boss
When His Lying Warring Ways
Got Him Out Of Heaven Tossed!

Jesus Christ Bought 
Brought Us The Victory
The Victory Over Sin
I Refuse To Believe That 
You Would Let A Lost Cause Like Satan
Cost You Heaven
You Think He Could Win Something
Over The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
Who Triumphed Over Death Hell
The Self-Same Satan
The Cold Dark Grave
On Calvary's Old Rugged Cross!

Well, When You Put It Like That
It Becomes Apparent That 
I Must Seriously, Honestly
Rethink My Present Standing Position!

Girl, You Better Hurry And Change Direction
Before You And The Second Coming
End Up In A Colossally Bad Collision!

I Am Certain That You Know That
Now Is The Acceptable Time!
That Now Is The Day Of Salvation!

Jesus Christ 
Even Now
Still Extending Sweet Mercy To Fallen Mankind
So Accept It Now
For Soon There Will Be Total Division!

Total Division!?!
What On Earth Do You Mean!?!

Sheep And Goats!
Good And Evil!
Blessed And Saved!
Damned And Lost!
Souls Protected And Ministered Unto By Holy Angels
Souls Activated And Used By 
Fallen Angels Aka Demons!

I Don't Like The Sound Of That 
Evil Damned Goat Lost Demon-Possessed Business!
Did You Really Have To Tell Me About That!?!

Am I Your Friend, Yes Or No!?!

You've Been My Number One Since Forever!

Since That Is The Case, Then I Had To Tell You The Truth!

Why Does Truth Always Have To Be So, So, So Out There!?!
So Stark!
So Plain!
So Straight!
So Uncompromising!
So In Your Face!
So, So ...!

So Necessary!
So Unavoidable!
So Honest!
So True!
So Needful!

Yes! Yes! Yes!
All Of That!
When I Ignore The Truth
I Can Pretend All Is Right With Me And ...!

... You Can Walk About Proud
Supposedly Thriving
Under A Base Mantle Of Gross Falsity!

Let Me Show You Something ...

Under A Dry Blanket Is Warm
Under A Damp Blanket Is Warm
Everything Around You Is Wet!

If Every Person Around You Is A Bold Sinner
You, A Proud Christian
Looking Down Upon Them Wicked Sinners
Timidly Commit The Occasional Favorite Sin
What Does That Make You!?!

It Makes Me A Self-Righteous "Christian" Sinner ... Damned!

Is It Worth It!?!
Have You Ever Really Studied Psalm 91!?!


Psalm 91 ... He That Dwelleth In The Secret Place Of The Most High
Shall Abide Under The Shadow Of The Almighty ...!

I Read It All The Time!
I Really Like It!

But, Do You Understand What It Means!?!

They're Pretty Words That 
Make Me Feel Comforted And, And ...!

... And Even Now
You Don't Understand That
They're A Promise Given
To The People Of God
To Provide For And Protect Them
During The Time Of Trouble
And To Receive Them Into His Great Glory
At The Appointed Time!

I Just Read ... And Feel!

Aka You Don't Think On
You Don't Dwell Upon The Meanings Of The Words
Your Taking Them On Board
Will Require You To Change Your Ways
Your Life
Your Living!

That's True!!
How Do You Know That!?!

I Know That Because I Was Once Like You!
If I Didn't Look Too Deep
I Could Rest Easy!
I Could Peacefully Sleep!
I Could Blithely Carry On
With Then Present Living
I Was To The Lord God Almighty
Lip Service Giving!

Oh, Dear!!

That Expression Sounds Like You Already Had
That Encounter!

Had It!
Hated It!
I Try Valiantly To Avoid It!

So You Bravely Aka Cowardly Prefer
To Live A Lie
Than To Wisely Necessarily Face
Almighty God's Cleansing Truth
Which, Accepted
Will See You
- In The Fullness Of Time -
In Jesus Christ's Lovely Presence
Enjoying Eternal Youth
Ranging The Universe
Praising God
Seeing God Face To Face
Interacting With Those On Unfallen Worlds
Eating From The Tree Of Life
Walking Streets of Gold ...!

Stop! Stop!
Just Stop!

Isn't It Time
That You Take Your Burden To The Lord
And ...!

... Yes! I Know!
Leave It There!

Sooo, What Were you Waiting For!?!

A Moment Like This ...!

... The Lord Be Praised!

Thank You, Lord Jesus
For New Beginnings!

Just Don't Forget That
New Beginnings Are Only Possible
You're Alive!
Please Don't Ever Take Tomorrow For Granted!

I Know ... Tomorrow Is Not Promised!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Playing With Praying

I Went To "The Magician!"
I Needed A Little Something
To Get Me Through The Day!
I Prayed The Exact Fee
Achieved The Exact Play
Walked Away!

It Wasn't Very Satisfying
I Could Look Right!
I Could Speak Like I Was Walking Right
I Could Pretend That I Was Living In The Light!

...   sigh ...

Go Along
Got Along
Doing Wrong
For A Song.

Not Very Helpful ...

Put In
Get Back!
Put God First
Life For You Won't Be A Hearse!


Get What
You Give!
No Water
In A Sieve!

Hmmm ...

God Is Love
Is God!
Look Away From The Fraud!

Okay, Already!
Out With It!

Stop Looking In!
Stop Looking About!
Cast Your Gaze On Things Above
For There Is Where You Find The King Of Love!

Stop Praying For Temporal Things!
Start Praying For The Things Of God!
Let God Lead
You On The Way
Throw The Gotta-Have-Things-Medicine Away!

Say Your Prayers From Your Heart!
Trust God To Provide For You
From His Heart!
God Cannot Lie!
If You Believe
Trust Him
You Will Fly
Home To Heaven
When He Receives To Himself
His Own
By And By!

Put The Living God First
Not Things To Be Purchased
With The Contents Of Your Purse!
God Will Provide!
He Has Blessings For You
For Peace With Him
You Sue For

God Is Real!
Sin Assails!
Jesus Took The Nails - Trust Him
Then Satan
Against You
Can't Prevail!

Real Life Begins
When You Let Jesus Christ In!
Satan Can't You Grope
When Hope In God
Is Your Anchoring Rope!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Living Night Light

I Read My Bible Last Thing Before Bed
And Sleep like a Baby - Nothing to Dread
My Sleep is Peaceful - No thing can Bring Fright
For The Word of God IS My Living Light!

Sometimes I Go On Grand Journeys
Crossing Great Seas
Sometimes I walk In A Splendid Garden
Among Beautiful Trees!

BUT ...

Ever So Often
There Is A Program Interrupt
And I Must Face Some Challenge
Before I Can Wake Up!

I Have Met The Dreaded Dragon
The Beautiful Snake
Selling for Pittance
The Demonically Glorious Prosperity Stake
To Be Had
If I would Only
Admit That Jesus Christ Is A Fake!

By Denying The Master
I Can Receive
Sin's Pleasures and Rewards

BUT ...

Because I Love Jesus
I Cry: "Jesus Christ Is My Lord!"

AND ...

Before I Can Even Own It
I've said My Prayers ... Yet Again
And I am Gently Snoring
"Thank God for Jesus!

Jesus IS The Light
That Gives To Me My Sight
To Live and Laugh
To Work and Play
To Pray and Worship
And To Not For Sin Pay!
He IS My Redeemer
My Friend To The End
And, With The Blessing Of The Father
I'll Walk With Him To My Life's End!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

What God?!

I cringed at The Venom!
My skin crawled at The Sarcasm!
I felt sad at The Fulfillment
Of The Prophecy
Of The Scoffers at The Time of The End.

This was a person so-called intelligent
Better he should be called Satan's tool
For to hear him speaking
Was to hear The Voice of the Bible Fool!

"What God?
There is no God!
My bad!
Soooo Sorry!
You really believe in that Sky God?!
You have got to be stupid
To believe in such a great Fraud!
Since I came along
I have been hearing
 'He is returning!'
'He's Coming!'
'He is on His Way!'
He hasn't come!!
Has he lost his compass?
Doesn't he know the "direction?"
How come he can't find his way here?!
When he comes I will believe in Him!
Until then ... Get out of my way!"

Lord, Jesus!
"He has nothing for us!
We don't want him!
Leave us alone!
Let us just live as we like, and have fun, and play!
There is nothing after this life!
Get out of my face you ignoramus!
Got to play fast for soon we die!"

My heart felt like lead dropping into my stomach!
I felt the hair growing on top of my head!
The fear of Almighty God rose within me
For if I was God he would be lying down dead
For here he was - On God's planet
Drunk ... on the Oxygen The Creator God provides
Living ... off of God's Grace - He pays no compensation
Body Daily Healing
Fate Daily Sealing
Loving the Sin Card
Living in Lard
Waiting for the Lake Frying Pan
And himself therein to bake!

He is Food for The Fraud!
I am Fool for God
Who, all through the changing scenes of my life
Has proved Himself germane
To me time, time, and again
And I will not Him now profane!

Oh, Lord, open their eyes
Wash away the dirt and the flies and
The lies that are obscuring their Sight
Give them Bright Light
Before the descent of Final Night
Have Mercy
Pity them
In their plight!

I walked away ... sad
A prayer was all That I had to offer
Lord, let it be enough!

I walked away ... Glad
For it showed
That we are getting
Closer to Home!

My Lord
I love You!
You truly make my heart glad!

One More Day ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Open Letter to Church Pastors Against Unbiblical Teachings


Dear Pastor Man:

I hope that this letter finds you in good spirits, and doing well.

As for me, I have known better days and, believe me, this day has proven to be amongst the worst days of my life, and all because of you!

You, Sir, today, unequivocally, proved yourself to be an infidel, an apostate, and decidedly, no "Man of God!"

How dare you, a finite being, decide that your knowledge of God - who God is, what God has and has not said, and should have said, has inspired and has not inspired - is infinite and, as such, has given you the right to determine that I shall spend Eternity without Jesus Christ?


FIRSTLY - there is nothing about your current behavior that is indicative of your having ever received a call from the Holy Spirit to be a minister of His Gospel since the stench of the world now perfumes all of your activities amongst the brethren!

SECONDLY - you are displaying to all observers that you have within yourself simony, the sin for which Paul the Apostle condemned Simon Magus. You demand preeminence in your interactions by demonstrating that you, Sir, because of your gifts and skills, are “it!”

THIRDLY - where do you get off privately interpreting the Word of God? Do you know the words of God? Do you really read, and seek to understand the words of OUR Master??

FOURTHLY - why are you pedaling all of your Satanically-inspired, new, and heretical teachings as Holy Writ?

You have crossed that dread line, and I will no longer be silent and become a party to your egregious conduct and teachings! And so,

Will you please show me - not from any corrupted, or new-age bible - but from the Living and Holy Word of God, where it says that:

1.  I need to know how to have sex with God!?!?!
     a. The Holy Spirit is like sperm?

Are you insane?

2.  I need to look into deep into the eyes of a fellow church member - male or female - and, when there is that certain “spark of sexual awareness,” that we have “connected” to the Holy Spirit, and we should let the Spirit have His way!?

Do you really believe that the Holy Spirit is a drunken frat boy?

3. Walking around a demonically-inspired labyrinth, connecting to all my senses, and praying is efficacious as I will feel as though I am a pilgrim from a bygone era?

Do you remember this verse:

Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.


John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

4. I need to leave my unmentionables off when I come to church so that the Holy Spirit may gain entry? Entry to what? Why? To what end?

Have you been drinking that with which you should have anointed yourself?

5. I should empty my mind and wait for the impartation from the spirit?

Don’t you know that an “empty” house is a perfect place for demons to inhabit? Don’t you know that the Bible expressly speaks against this very practice?

Since I am converted, and have communion with the Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, what would I be doing by "emptying myself" but making way for the original denizens of my heart to return and take residence, and return me to the path of evil! Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26

6. I should repeat the same word, or phrase, over and over until I enter a trance-like state and wait for revelation? Why?

Is our God a god of chaos and confusion?

7. I should always do what feels good?! That God wants me to be always happy in this world!?

Don’t you know that without a cross there is no crown? Have you ever read Psalm 50:5, you know, the one that talks about the covenant of SACRIFICE!

8. I should allow some jack-leg excuse for a prophet/pastor to lay his/her hands on me so that I may receive the Kundalini Spirit.

Sir, the only spirit I acknowledge and would wish to have within my being is the ONE AND ONLY spirit known as the Holy Spirit of God? Furthermore, my Almighty God’s Holy Spirit will not cause me to bark like a dog, crawl on the floor like a snake, and spin my head like something out of Friday the 13th!

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

Lord, help us!

9. I should just read the Bible for its “stories!”

The Holy Bible, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, is not some garbage dime-store novella! It is The Gospel of Truth, and it is The Guide for this life of woe.

Lord, come for Your world!

10. I should not worry about sin because God loves me just as I am - sin and all - and everything will work out at the end!

What hogwash! Have you ever read 1 John 1: 9? You know, the one that say “IF WE CONFESS OUR SIN, He is faithful ...etc.?

Oh, I forgot! The Bible is just stories for you! My bad!

11. Our Father, which art in  Heaven - is a woman!

I ask you: “What have I, or any of the other bible-believing Christians in this congregation ever done to you that you deem it necessary to teach and preach practices to us that could only have originated in the pit of hell, and can only lead us into hell in a hand-basket?

Why have you turned from the old way marks?

Do you not fear the True and Living God?

Do you even believe in the True and Living God? Jesus Christ? The Holy Spirit? That there are Watchers and Recording Angels?

Is your need for money so dire that you would teach and preach smooth things to placate a sinful and dying congregation whose ears are so itchy, and whose fear of conviction of wrong-doing causes them to break out with hives, that you would deny Jesus Christ, His precepts and His promises in order that your bank account will be always be filled with cash, and a new car always in your driveway?

Where, Sir, is your conscience?

Don’t you know that a worker should be worthy of his hire?

Don’t you remember that Jesus Christ, Himself, has said that when He comes, He is bringing His reward with Him to give to each person according to what his works have been?

Don’t you know that you can’t plant Indian corn and reap Guinea corn; that you reap exactly what you sow?

Since I fear God, and know that I, too, am a sinner saved by God's Grace, and since there is no desire by me for you to believe that this problem has no solution, following, from the INSPIRED and HOLY WORD OF GOD,  are some suggestions to fix what is unfailingly apparent - to those of us in this congregation who trust the Living God - is ailing you at this time:

The first thing that we believe that you need to be reminded of, is:

John 3: 16, 17
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

and that Jesus Christ IS the answer to all that ails ALL humanity!


Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

James 4: 7-10
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalms 51: 6-13
6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

I Timothy 3:16
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Romans 15:13
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Sir, yours is not a hopeless case! Far from it, for on those occasions when you do allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into His truth, your sermons are sound in doctrine, teach the people, reprove those of us who are slipping, encourage us who are flailing, and comfort us in our hope in God Almighty, and in our waiting for Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to come!

Please, I beseech you, ask Our Almighty God to help you to turn your back on, and walk away from whatever is pulling you down into wonderland, and forward to destruction!!

When you walked full in your faith in God, you led the Lord's flock with honesty and integrity, and I am pleading with you, please turn back to Jesus Christ before it is too late!

Please, do not set your heart on the things of this life for they are all dross.

Please do not believe that you have "made" life to suit your wants, needs and desires! It is a deadly delusion and will cause you to lose the Hope of the Faithful, that is, Heaven with Jesus Christ!

Brother Man, please accept this chastisement, and subsequent words of encouragement, as word given to a beloved son who has strayed, and is wished to return home.

Praying and Petitioning Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in your behalf,

Sister Faith,
and for the brethren:
Hope, Charity, Love
Gentleness, Goodness
Kindness, Meekness,
Temperance, Joy, Peace,
Long Suffering, and Christian

P.S.: Rest easy, and assured, in Psalm 23, Psalm 46, and Psalm 91!