Prophets who profit
Preachers who prey
Shepherds selling salvation
Saints in sorrow and decay
Pleading for a True Word
Of Hope from on High
Instead get a salty platter of burnt bacon
With a side of Satan’s lies as fries!
Children needing chiding
Mothers without milk
Fathers foregoing freedom
Leaders who link
On what is life’s golf course
Where love is on the lam
Where Peter is Patricia
And Cathy is now Cam!
Where Victory in Jesus
Can be bought for a fair price
Where patience is putrid
Where pray is an affront
Where Free-Will is a stallion
And Do Right is a jockey
Where one baby has DNA times three
Oh, Lord! What a disgrace!
Father come for Your world
For, as custodians we fail,
For, were we corporate custodians
We would be in jail
For dereliction of duty
For double-dealing it's true
For scales with weighted bottoms
For writing checks which have long tails!
Just thinking about this
Is making me tremble and flail!
Father, won’t You hurry?
Please! They’re singing a song
Which, to all right-thinking people
Sounds much like a good-bye song!
Taps! is our musical!
Taps! is the theme song!
Taps! are we wearing
As we walk along
So everyone can hear us
So all can believe that the end is fast approaching
When this earth we must leave!
Some will go to Glory
Where they will find rest
But those who remain behind
Are dead once - and then twice
For believing in Satan - and not in Jesus Christ!
I’ll issue a call here
Salvation’s door is still swinging free
Say a prayer and push the door
There’s no entrance fee!
Jesus is our Captain!
He holds straight the line
He hears prayers - and He answers
Yes! He IS Divine!
He gives free to all who
Would in Him believe
Gather at the Altar
And you will receive
The Bless of Our Captain
So Satan can’t you deceive!
If you believe in Jesus
Let’s say our prayers
And then cheer!
Thank You, Father, for the food
Thank You, for Jesus who on earth stood
Ready and willing, our sin to take hold
Killed and was buried, but the cold sod couldn’t hold
Him there forever
No! That it could not do
Returned He to Glory
Preparing our place
A mansion is Your House
One day we will stand
Victorious because of love
According to Your Plan!
We worship You!
To You our song we raise
And for Your great sacrifice, Father
We say "Lord! We love You!"
Please accept You our praise!