Showing posts with label #Philippians 4:13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Philippians 4:13. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2015

In The Day Of Doubt

In the Day of Doubt
Yesterday, along with Past History,
History in the Making, Been There and
Done That, and Why Bother
Will join with Worry, Wonder,
Why Me, Why Now, Perhaps and
Just Because to cause you to Deny Hope
Doubt Faith, Question God and
cause you to, perhaps, Believe Belial’s lies
and Distrust Jesus’ Divinity and pastorage over your Life!

As you catch yourself, Prayers from the Past
Hope For Glory, Truth Prevails, Yesterday’s Triumphs in God
Why Worry, Prayer is Power, Sunshine In My Soul Today
Jesus Saves, Grace Is Provided, Peace That Passeth Understanding
Pray Without Ceasing and Love In Any Language
Remark that you should Find Hope In God, and remind you that there is
Victory in Jesus!

Then, as you rise from Momentary Faltering, look inside and see
No Spirit of Fear next to The Spirit of The Living God
Whose face is Serene
Whose voice is Comfort
Whose touch is Rest
Whose smell is compassion
Whose embrace is Love Divine, and realize that - though often Pressed
Stressed, Distressed, Bothered, Bewildered
Benighted and Bedevilled
Confronted, Confounded and Cursed - despite the Dizzying Array of
Devastating Deviltries designed to destroy your Deliverance to your
Divine Destination of Heaven At The Last, your Salvation is Secure
As long as you - Child Of The Living God -
Do Not Blind Your Faith by
Wearing Your Sight and
Exchanging Reason for The Feeling Which Always Fools.

The Assurance Of The Blood
That Bought/Brought Believers from Sinners To Saints
Cannot Fail!

Rest ... and Be Refreshed!
Cry .... but Don’t Deny, or you will Fry!

Jesus Christ 
- Lamb Of God ... Lion King, Judge, Jury and Executioner - 

For It All

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Gauntlet

I know that I'm throwing down a gauntlet
In that Old Satan's evil face
But there is nothing that he can do to me
For Jesus Christ stood up in my place!

Satan did his best to destroy me
He left no avenue untouched
He tried to maim, to break down, evil kill me
He thought he had me in his clutch!

But then one day I met Sweet Jesus
The King of whose I am
The Savior, my Lord, my Redeemer
For whose sin He left Heaven above, and came down.

To defeat Satan, Jesus had to die a death that was shameful
Jesus had to bear all the sin and the shame
Of the whole world, yesterday, today and tomorrow
He had to sleep in the cold, dank, ground!

But victory of victories
At sunrise, Jesus Christ arose the first day
And ascended, triumphant, unto The Father
Such a glorious day! Great day!

So, Satan, do what you know you want to
You have no part in this regenerated child
Who believes in, and holds on, to her Master
You know, Jesus, The Christ, crucified
Who paid my price - I stand a champion
Who died that I can now live
Get thee behind me, you Liar, you Hypocrite, you Murderer
Jesus Christ already crushed your wicked head!

Glory! Oh Glory! Hallelujah!
Come, My Lord! Come, Angel Band!
Come, wing me to my home up in glory!
For I earned me, through Christ's blood, my bona fides!