Showing posts with label James 1:21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James 1:21. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SEXUAL SIN: Superfluous Naughtiness!?!

There Is Nothing Cute About Naughtiness 
Since It Is Attached To Filthiness
Which All Refer To Sexual Sin! 

Sexual Sin 
Always Against Your Self! 

Anything That Is Superfluous 
Does Not Serve Any Good Purpose 
Should Be Avoided At All Costs! 

Sad To Say ...

In These Times In Which We Live
Naughty Is Nice
Superfluous Is A Necessity 
Filthiness Is De Rigueur Aka Fashionable! 


We Have At Our Fingertips 
The Sure Word Of Almighty God Known Able To Save Us 
If And When
It Is Engrafted Aka Cut Into
- Made A Part Of Our Lives -
To Make Us Sweeter, Stronger
Act And Live Better
To Profit Us Eternally! 

You Are Not Alone ...

We Are Encouraged To Meekly Seek The Eternal God 
By Righteousness Aka Right-Doing
Inner Humility ... Not The Public Kind For Praise

What You Put In
What You Get Out!

Let's Permit Patience To Do Her Perfect Work In Us 
To Thoroughly Prepare Us 
To Meet Our Lord, God And King
The Final Judge Of All Flesh! 

Be Wise ...

No One Can Force You To Be Naughty 
No One Can Force You To  Be Nice! 

We Are Free-Will Agents 
With Freedom To Choose To Do Right ... Or Not! 

We Who Choose To Be Free In Jesus Christ 
Will ... By Saving Grace
Separate Ourselves From Sexual Sin 
Even If We Are Called Prudes And Killjoys! 

Jesus Christ Paid For Our Peace:
Don't Squander It!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

RUBBISHING THE WORD: Gainsayers Gainsaying God!

They Hated The Message
They Hated The Messenger
They Hated The Record Book
For They Loved Living By Lies!

The Messages Disturbed Their Peace
The Messenger Dashed Their False Hopes
The Book Bore Record Against Them
For This Right Reason
Got From Them No "Up-Votes!"

These Were The Church Doctors
The Personages Who Wielded The Devil's Dope
As Life-saving Hope-Rope!
These Are Our Modern Sellers Of
Religious Memorabilia
Who Regularly The Good Book
- With Malice -
Daily Misquote!

These Are They 
Who Have Great Privilege
Lacking No Want
Bring Unto The People
Greed-For-Gain The Disease
Because They Envy The Lives
These Leaders Brazenly Flaunt!

These Are They
Just Because It Is Something
Controversial To Do
Bring To The Seeking People
Discontent At God's Way As Fashion
Just Because ... That Is How The Devil Plays
Every Day!

Let's Take A Short Journey ...

Turn Your Eyes To Old Jerusalem!
Look At The Teachers Of The Law
Those Self-Righteous Pharisees!
Look At The Unending Stream Of Rituals Set 
For A Longing-For-Truth People
To Make The People
Disbelieve God
Trust Men For Favor
Ever Always Dragging
Living Below Par!

Jesus Christ Called These Wretched Teachers
Servants To Sin!
Jesus Christ Called Them
Children Of Their Father The Devil
That They Knew Not The Father God
- To Them For Love Unto Salvation -
Had Sacrificially Sent Him!

Jesus Christ Had Plainly Stated That 
He Could Free Them
With Hardness Of Heart
Terminal Love Of Living
In High-Life Parks
These Elevated Ones
Rejected Their Savior
AND SO ...
Ultimately Perished
In The Self-Imposed Dark!

Man Is Not Punished
For What He Does Not Know
Has No Way To Know!
In Times Of Our Ignorance God Winks!
God's Rod Of Correction Is Laid Out For Those
Who Believe
God Is Their Good Golf Buddy
Whom They Regularly Cheat On The Links!

God Is Not Blind!
God Wears No Fashion Glasses!
God Has No Favorite Children
Because Of Station On The Earth
All Who Lead Astray God's People
In Word And By Action
At The Last
Be Amongst The Cast Out Of The Earth
Those Of The Rebel Faction!

You Who Are God's People
You Who Know And Love God's Name
You Who Choose To Believe In God's Eternal Word


Cherish The Eternal Word Of Your Father In Heaven


Be A Guided Sheep


Forget Following The Wilful Wicked In The World!


Truth IS Settled In Heaven!

Truth Frees Men From Sinning On The Earth!

Friday, October 16, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + Preaching Of and For God?!?

At any given Divine Service, you will find The Pastors pontificating on "The Merits of The Gospel" as though The Gospel has Inherent Demerits!

If you heard one of them speak, you heard all of them speaking  - with a few idiosyncrasies, of course.

Pastor Vain spoke ad nauseum of his "foine" self and his mastery of Biblical "Mustyries!" If you found a mention of Jesus or God in any of his sermons, count yourself blessed!

Pastor Lain was, well, a poseur who knew a lot of nothing about trifles ... and he was a ladies man! He sold the congregation on his personal merits as a passionate purveyor of the Gospel, particularly The Song of King Solomon ... "be...oot...i...fulllll!"

Pastor Drain always wanted donations for this, that, and the other project which was always just short of goal, and when you left his service, you were physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially drained.

Pastor Paine was never satisfied unless somebody in the congregation was on the floor howling for help, hold me, and hallelujah! "Water from Stone!" is his motto!

Pastor Plain was of the position that The Plain Word was Plainly Powerful, and Exposition was execrable! He saw no need to help the Seekers to understand anything. He seems to have forgotten that Jesus Christ "taught" the People!

Pastor Inane was The Boss: Pray. Pass the plate. Say two iffy words - done Preach! He done gone! ...So is his mind!

Pastor X. Plain could, well, explain the moo out of a cow! He always has diarrhea! His mouth doesn't stop running, and he never arrives at The Conclusion Of The Whole Matter! He leave the congregation well, empty.

Pastor Disdain has never met an act of an Apostle with which he could not find fault, nor the Discipline of Discipleship that he will not denigrate. He probably writes his own bible ... on demand!

Idiosyncrasies aside, these Pastors were one:

1. Don't ask them questions.

Who is The Pastor here?
Read my lips!

2. Don't correct their errors.

Who called YOU?
When were YOU called to be The Pastor?

2. Don't ask them the significance of Christ's Baptism, nor its significance to a Believer desiring to be baptized.

Christ was baptized, and so should you!
End of story.

Dear Ones:

Jesus Christ said "Repent and be baptized everyone of you!" ... to pay for your sin.

Almighty God said "Come let us reason together ..!"

The Spirit says "Come!"

The Flesh says "Go!"

The Heart says "So?!"

The Devil says "Enjoy my Show!"

We need to know Jesus for ourselves, and what He represents to, and for, us!

Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Light and The Life.

Jesus calls all His Children to renounce the Old Man (Sin) and put on New Life (Salvation).

Jesus calls us to Walk Holy for He IS Holy.

Jesus also calls us to be Wise.

Since Our God did not say "Do!" because He said so, but gave us all a reason To Do because He wants an "educated consumer of The Gospel," let us indeed be wise unto Saving of Our Own Souls by not accepting "food" that is only of the "cut and swallow" persuasion.

Let us not permit ourselves to be made merchandise of by The Carnal Purveyors of The Gospel.

Let us lift up God so that His Light shines upon us, and in us.

Let us Study to Show that we are worthy of our Hire (Salvation) for, in Heaven, all residents will have given "Satisfied With Jesus Christ Consent" after having been given "Full Disclosure to The Transaction for The Acceptance of a Home In Glory Land."

Almighty God needs us to be in "The Know!" 

Let us not let The Hirelings cheat us of Our Daily Bread - The Water of Life!

Almighty God Preserved His Word to The Saving of Our Souls, so

Let's Eat!
Don't Let The Eye-Servants Cheat
Us of The Bread of Life!

Let us The Word Chew
To be Renewed!

Let us The Living Word Swallow
So that Our Soul-Ground will not be Fallow!

Let us of The Water of Life Drink
Let us Thank God, and for Ourselves Think
So that The Devil can't cause us to Stink and Sink!

Come On!!
Let's Eat ... and Repeat!!