Showing posts with label Formula for Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Formula for Prayer. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Teach Me To Pray?!?!

Hi! Wanna perfect formula that will get all your prayers answered?

Why? Is something wrong with how I pray?

Well... not wrong, but not exactly right either! 


Yes! Are you getting all the things that you pray for? 


Then, don't you want to know how to make sure you get what you pray for from God? 


Why not? 

 Because I don't "need" to get all my prayers answered for the things I think I want.

You're kidding! Right? 

No, I am not!

Jesus said to pray without ceasing.
He said let our requests be made known.
He said that we don't know to pray as we should.
He said the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
And He gave us a model by which we ought to petition God.
He said to pray to God in His Name.
He also said to ask, and to ask to receive according to God's will for our lives.
He also said to believe that we receive and we will.
And He said to ask nothing wavering - no doubting!

God said that He will provide for our needs - not the luxuries of our wants!

I learnt my lesson long ago about praying for things, and getting them, and then being bitterly sorry afterward, and then blaming God for my cock-ups!

 I am content with what I have, and I pray about things just so I can talk to God about everything in my life, not because I want everything that my greedy eyes see!

God said that I should, in all my ways, acknowledge Him, and that He will direct my paths so I tell Him about everything in my life!

He is my Friend and my Father, and I trust him, and so we sometimes just talk, and just because I pray about something doesn't mean that I need it!

Oh, really!?

And what's wrong with my just telling things to my Friend?

We don't have "fill in the space," nor particular Monday, Wednesday, Friday, nor between two and five and six and nine, morning or evening sessions, to have a request heard and answered!

Oh, my!

I trust God's Word - I am His child - and He is my God.

I bow to His will, and He protects me from my own folly, and provides for my daily needs.

I pray from my heart - not from a plan!

I bow before my God for He is not man
To fool me, confuse me and lead me astray
He sits on His Throne
And I meet with Him there.

I open my heart - He looks deep inside
He clears out the cobwebs, deceits and the lies
He gives of His love - my burdens He bears
And He has no need of spit 'n polish
Nor graces and airs!



God needs me to be honest
Open and true
Not behave like an idiot
Who has not a clue
Who follows the world's ways
Who lauds the wisdom of man
Who has forgotten that the Good Book proves
That Jesus Christ died to save man!

I don't need your theses
Your prayer shawl nor holy oil
For you are wearing a card hat
That's covered in tin foil!

I won't attend your next seminar!
I won't buy your book
For you are nothing but
A fancy liar, and a old crook!

I'm not paying for your mansion
I'm not paying for your sweet ride
You need to get on your knees
And in Jesus Christ confide
That you've lost your way
That you've been trusting in your own eyes
That you need to be converted and need to
Stop telling your bold-face lies!

Jesus said: 
"Come to me as you are!
I know how you feel!
I, too, have been tested
And I can reveal 
That I overcame the world so
That sin's flag may no more be unfurled;
That big lusting eyes just give you a whirl 
But, afterward, you'll fall on your bed curled up in despair
So, come unto Me and be healed."

Open your heart to Him
Deny yourself, let Him enter in
No formula, just say "Lord, I give in!"
And He will be your everything
Not things, bought, sold, and decaying
Trust Him!
Speak from your heart!
Live for His Tomorrow!
Learn from Him today
And, on Judgment Morning
You will really see that prayer - from your heart
Truly pays ... in spades!

So, sorry! YOU can't teach me what to say when I - to My God - pray!