Showing posts with label #Love of Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Love of Jesus. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hate You?!

Hate you?! Why should I hate you?
Hate leads to murder
And that price is way too rich for my blood!
And if you don’t believe me
You need have a look at the time of the Flood where
Murder, mayhem, malice and mischief
Greed, graft, and gotcha
Carnage, caprice, and callous cons - no peace
Put pitiful people to call out: "Help!?! Police!!

I am following Jesus, for He said
Do good! It’ll attend you!
Shun evil companions, bad language disdain
And don’t the name of the Father ever, or once, profane!

Sure, I use four-letter language - to bless, not curse!
My words are love, aide, kind, best
Help, balm, cure, able
Everything else, I aver!
I want to be like my Master,
And that is not a chore!
He loves me, and I love Him
And He guides me day by day!
So hating you, my friend
Is not an option in my lore!

H indering, harassing
A ggravating, abusing and
T ormenting
E verybody and anybody to achieve ecstacy!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Wants 'n Reliefs

I want my neighbor’s possessions!
My neighbor wants my peace!
Each wants what the other has
And neither want brings us any relief!

Lord, help us each to find comfort
In what You've provide for us
Help us learn to be contented
And stop running after what’s in the bush!

What more can any man ask for
What more can any man need
Than to know the love of Jesus
And daily His Word of Hope read?

For, in the Words of the Master
Each child is daily fed
The God of the Jerusalem Temple
Provides to each his needed daily bread!

So, if peace, my friend, not possession
Is Gods’s kind gift to you
Be thankful you don't have to learn like Solomon
That things don't make a comfortable bed!

Be contented with the Lord as your portion
You are blessed for He carries you along
Give praise that your stomach/heart is not empty
And sing! - for to Christ you belong!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Father, You provide my daily bread
You give me somewhere to lay my head
Let me never Your Way depart and
Keep the Love of Jesus ever in my heart.