Showing posts with label Blessing Tongue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessing Tongue. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Tongues a/k/a Red Rags Waving!

I Met The Tongues!
Truly Red Ones Indeed
Language is Their Specialty, and
Variety is their Speed!

There was Vitriolic
There was Sarcastic
There was Majestic Tongue
There was Foolish
There was Frantic
There was Dynastic Tongue
Then, Lo, and Behold
Before I could Make a Sound
I Heard, Felt and Shivered
As Fiery Tongue made Everybody Move Around!

There was Iniquitous
There was Impious
There was Bad-Talk Tongue
There was Tamed
There was Tempermental
There Unruly Tongue
And in a split second of our Meeting
Bitter and Envious were making Me Frown!

There was Sweet-Talk
There was Girl-Talk
There was Pillow-Talk Tongue
There was Jest
There Restful
There Messy-Talk Tongue, but
The Worst of this Lot
Was a Devilish Dude
Who Prided himself on
His Talk being Crude!

There was Vile
There was Vilifying
There was Educated Tongue
There was Silly
There was Sad
There was Putrid 'N Proud Tongue
The Mother was Dastardly
Their Daddy was Untamed
Their Grampy was Discordant
And their Granny was called
That Tongue Full-A Hate!

There was Boastful
There was Blasphemous
There was Potty-Mouth Tongue
There was Naughty
There was Nasty
There was even Long-Talk Tongue
But The ones that Impressed me
Were Old Blessing and Caring-Talk
Praying and Truthful-Nice Tongue
Who Cleaned up for them all
Ever watching for where Wicked
Wild and
Just-Wrong Tongue would fall!

Some Tongues are a Handful -
Many have Strayed Away!
From The Words of The Master
Some have Simply Walked Away
Forgetting, E'en Ignoring
The Truth on The Way
That Blessing and Cursing
Shouldn't come from The Same Tongue Walking
Truly Walking
On The King's True Pathway!