Showing posts with label #Jesus Saves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Jesus Saves. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Satan can no longer accuse the Brethren before God
And this has him mighty mad!
He now acts the Roaring Lion
And he is hungry, real, real bad!

He shakes his head from side to side
He stares at his victim and, oh boy!
Hear the roar, and if you're not covered by The Blood
You are going to end up in His meat store!

Satan sells to some out for knowledge
Satan sells to some out for fame
Satan sells some on horse racing
And Satan sells many on glories and double gain!

Satan sells some "The Package Deal" for which they choose "No Escape!"

The trifecta of the 3B's
Beauty, Brains and Bottom
Prove irresistible to many
And so their living soul they cast down.

Some may look like the buggy lamp
But to their shareholders they look like the moth's bright flame!
Some acquire their beauty by the wielding of a sinful knife, and
Others were born with "The Face!"

But then, we see bright Beauty has a two-bit Brain and a bare Bottom
Bold Brain has no fancy Bottom nor brilliant Beauty
And big Bottom has banal Beauty and borderline Brain
But they all have one thing in common - a craving for what is not theirs!
They all want all that is visible and viewable
Even if it leaves them in Satan's chains.

And then, there are those who are ordinary, man or woman
Ordinary as a chair
Who for want of what "those people" have
Are willing for themselves to be enslaved:



Rooaarrrr, Rooaaarrrrr!!??!!

Reach !


Yezzz!! Alllll!!

Roar Rooooaaaaarrrrrr??

My Sooouullll!?!!?!!

Roarrr, Roooaaarrr, Roooaaaarrrrrr!!!

You sure??!?!?!!!


Okay!!! It's yours!!!!


Dear Ones:

There are many people who honestly believe that their worship of Satan is right because that is what they have been taught. No deals made - they just worship. These persons are those we still have an opportunity to reach through the Prayers and Pleadings of the Household of Faith  and the working of The Holy Spirit. 

If we pray without ceasing, by God's Grace, and with His Mercy they, too, may come to enjoy the rights and privileges of inheritance with King Jesus in His soon coming Kingdom. Let us pray -unceasingly - for their repentance, relief and release. 

The rest - those bold and wickedly unrepentant sinners - are in God's hands. He will have Mercy.

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Accuser!

On a certain day, in assembly, Satan came before the Almighty Presence.

In abject fear, he says:

"Greetings, God!"

In unveiled contempt, he says:


Satan does not even acknowledge the working of the Holy Spirit but, instead, screams:

"Accusation! Accusation!!


"Those humans you created believe in ME! 
They belong to ME. 
I AM their GOD! 
I give them toys and earthly joys 
And they love anything that cloys and annoys!
They kill Your prophets!
They love lies, and deceits, and quarrels a fair treat, and any ways that cause decay!
And they love, Love, LOVE MEEEE!!
Give ME what is MINE!!"

"Father. I love them."

"They despise your book of rules.
They prefer my style and live by my favorite rule "What I want I chose!"

"Father. I love them."

"They love the idols You hate! 
They belong to ME!!"

"Father. I love them."

"I want themmmm! They are Miinnneeeee!"

"Jesus. They are Ours. Redeem them."

"But they are are greedy!?!"

"Jesus. Bring them back."

"But they are scornful and spiteful!?!"

"Jesus. Bring them back."

"But they are murders and thieves and liars, and whoremongers and, and ...!?!"

"Jesus. Bring them back."


"Father. I bought them back."




Tuesday, April 7, 2015

No Brittle Heart Can Cry!

Today, I had a thought
And, I must confess
That a heart that can cry
Is a heart that is blessed!

Today, I met a man
Who was bouncing a pretty ball
And he sought by his actions
To cause me to fall!

Then, I met a man
Who was wearing working jeans
Who set out with vileness and acidity
To make me feel unclean!

Then, yonder was the man
Good-looking, and striking, tall
Who, in dulcet tones and cultured vanity
Tried to make me answer Satan’s call!

And then, I met ... Him
Who prodded, and me open pried
And with love and gentle touch 
Oh, how He me tried!
My still-longing heart broke
And, with body heaving, I cried:

“Lord, save me!
I’m helpless! 
I’m tired!
I feel pain! 
Lord, my soul is so poisoned
And I duly so complain!
I worry, and wonder -
I’ve wandered - gone astray!
Please, Father! Please help me!
I don’t want to go out in sulphured flames!
You gave me great treasures!
Yes! Laughter and tears!
Tears for my cleansing
And Laughter’s healing claims!
I laugh for Your healing!
I cry - for, Lord, You cleanse!
Please, put a pin in Old Satan!
Please, Lord! Defend! Defend!
Put my tears in Your Bottle!
Hold my heart in Your Hand!
Shelter me with Your Wings!
Save me! I bought #TheJesusSavesPlan!
I deposit my sins
My repentance, my will, and my way
And eagerly await
Compound-compound interest
And dividends so grand
When the Pearl Gates are swung open
By Your Great and Mighty Hand
For my triumphal entry into 
My Heavenly Home in Beulah the Land!”

Friday, April 3, 2015

Salvation Is NOT For Sale!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Come and get your salvation
Salvation for sale!

Salvation on sale!!
Salvation on sale!!
It only cost its Creator
A cross and three nails!!

Salvation for sale?!

Salvation for sale!!
Get yourself your own salvation
Forget the burial detail!

 And then ...

I turned the corner
And there whom I should see
But Jesus, The Creator
Saying so softly ...

“Salvation is free!
Salvation is free!
Get your soul’s salvation
I give it to all freely!”

“No money, no price!
No lie! No device!
Get your free Salvation!
Don’t roll The Liar’s Dice!”

“Salvation is mine!
I paid for your crimes!
Get your free salvation
No need to mortgage or even buy twice!”

“Free Grace!
Undying Love!
Untrammeled Mercy!
These come not from the Pastor
And assuredly not the Pope!
I, the Creator
I, your True Friend
I offer you an inheritance
Not vain promises of men
Who speak lies for a profit
Who profit when you've  paid
Whose sole motivation
Is to acquire money and fame!
I offer no early riches!
I offer you Earth’s hatred and disdain!”

“And when your battle hard
Is victoriously won
I offer you My Crown
A seat upon My Throne
A mansion of your very own
A new name plus sweet peace
And a walk never alone
Living in Glory - Almighty God’s Home!”

“Come along and walk with Me!
No! Don’t buy salvation today!
Son of Man - He alone gives it away!”

“Salvation is free today!”



“Please pray!
Don’t pay! Don't pay!
I, alone, can make the Way!
Salvation is free to you ... today!”


“Salvation is free to you!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Believe and Behave!

Believe and Behave
Bless God and don’t be a slave
To the world and its beckoning caves
Of sin where the soul decays!

Believe and Behave
Bless God and don’t be a slave
To the emotional highs and lows
That carry you to Satan through its flows!

Believe and Behave
Bless God and don’t be a slave
To neither money nor men
Nor carnality in the den and glen!

Please, Friend, believe that this life is ending
For your soul there’s contending
Satanic Forces are offending and
Jesus Saves is defending!

Stop and look and listen and STOP
To choose the right side - not the suicide
For there’s either Life with the Loved Glad
Or Loved Life with the Lost Sad!

A decision then must now be made
For even a “no decision” card is the decision played
And the wrong decision equals eternal death in spades
Eternal separation - no Life in Bright Glades!

Believe and know that Christ Jesus Saves!
Behave now as you have for so long prayed!
Pray, pray, and sing His praise in oh so glad song
And you will indeed Live Forever ... e’er long!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rambling: Because of Sin

Because of Sin

Because of sin these old bones are a-creaking
Because of sin these eyes just don’t quite see fine
Because of sin I covet, I steal, and cheat the tax collector
And pretend to all that my life here is sublime!

I need a God - the one that can hear me
I need a God that can answer my prayers
I need a God who is always at the ready
The God in whose hands I have been stained!

I’m not into divas for they are  just idols
The only goddess I recognize is potty porcelain
The only God I believe in is the Almighty
For everything else is just plainly profane!

I am sick and tired of being sick, and being tired
I am sick and tired of sin’s humongous cost to me
I am sick and tired of this old world and where it’s headed
And can’t wait for Jesus to come and rescue me!

All around me nothing is what it appears to be
All around me is death, dying and decay
All around me there seems to be no hope for
Mouth giants without substance are holding sway!

Oh Lord, You know that this heart is feeble
Oh Lord, You know that my courage is ready to fail
Oh Lord, help me to stand up on Your Word, and
Give me Your strength to help me to hold strain!

Father, I bless You and, yes, I do reverence You!
Father, I bless You for Jesus taking the blame
For, Father, without Him, without His sacrifice, His dying
I would live my life as though sinning is something really game!

But ... because Jesus Christ took on the form of a servant
But ... because Jesus Christ took off His divinity
Because His heart hurt so badly for humanity
Because He suffered, bled, died and resurrected to Glory
Father, I can come freely unto to thee!

Thank God for Jesus!

Father, please keep us faithful, and ever in an attitude of readiness, for The Day is hastening toward us! Amen.