Showing posts with label Trustworthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trustworthy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Psalm 25:15 KJV
Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.

Would You Wait On Somebody That You Do Not Trust!?! 


Would You Have Faith In Somebody 
Whose Words You Do Not Believe!?! 


Would You Follow Somebody Who Has Shown You That 
They Are Faithless!?! 


Would You Park Your Life 
In The Climate-Controlled Garage Of Somebody 
Whose Motto, Mantra, Reason For Living 
... And Teaches You The Same ... 
"Do Whatever You Desire
To Whomever You Desire
For Whatever Reason You Desire
For However Long You Desire
Wherever And Whenever You Desire It!?!" 

Please Say "NO!" 


That "Do Whatever ... !" 
The Word Of The Father Of Lies
Your Adversary The Devil
The Piercing Serpent
Who Desires Aka Who Craves 
Aka Who Is Greedy To Gain ... Your Destruction! 

That Unremitting Liar 
Bound For Unquenchable Fire! 


Breathe Deeply To Calm Yourself 
Lovingly Look At The Ten Commandments Of 
The Lord Our God 
Notice The Obvious For Even The Blind Man: 
Four-Fifths Aka Eight Out Of Ten Commandments 
Bluntly Say To Us 

This Is The Word Of The Consistent
Faithful, Trustworthy, God Of All Grace 
Whose Word Is The Truth! 
Follow Him! 

Remember, Remember, Don't Ever Forget That 
Always "YES!" Is Never Best 
So Take The "NO!" 
Live In Jesus Christ's Glow! 

Only Our Lord Christ Helps, Heals, Saves And Seals: 
Please Cling To Him! 


Thursday, October 23, 2014

God DOESN'T Change

God DOESN'T Change

The Lord is still on His throne
And the Truth is still the Truth
Don't let the skeptics sway you now
For Jesus is soon coming down – the signs are around you!

Some people they would have you believe
That our God IS rolling with the times
Don't trust their word I pray you
For they're just trying to sway you – from the Truth!

Malachi 3 verse 6 clearly says
For I am the Lord, I change not; …”
So when someone you trust is telling you otherwise
You'll know that they're among the unwise – don't trust them!

Yesterday, today, forever and ever
Our God is always the same
No fits or starts with commands to amend
On His Sure Word you can always depend – believe it!

It's only those with personal agendas
And remits from that Dragon so foul
Who whistle in the wind, spit up in the air
And put truth-seekers on three-legged chairs – unclean spirits!

I beseech, I'll plead, I'll even beg you if I need
To make sure of what it is you believe
Take down the old Bible from off the top shelf
And read the Word's Words for yourself – they're trustworthy!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Master warned us in Matthew 24:4 to ... “Take
heed that no man deceive you.” This was/is no idle warning as,
at this time of the end, many are changing, misinterpreting,
deleting, questioning, doubting and causing others to doubt
the Inspired Word, and even trying to force others
to deny the Lord Jesus Christ on penalty of death!
I implore you to know for your own self:
(1) in whom you believe;
(2) why you believe in this being;
(3) whether you can stand up and DEFEND your belief; and
(4) if you are willing to die for said belief!
We are living in perilous times, and soon we will all
have to face the “music” if we CHOOSE (and it is a choice)
I am asking each one of us to take the time to write
a sentence or paragraph or essay outlining
WHY we have our hope in Jesus Christ.
Are you able to say why?
YOU had better be sure for yourself because
neither the Bishop, Pastor, Preacher, Teacher, Guru,
Priest, Apostle, Guide, Companion,
nor the Prophet can answer for you!
Stand up for AND Hold on to King Jesus!