Showing posts with label Wickedness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wickedness. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2016

THE WRONG WAY: Beer And Hymns!?!

Hurt Me Honestly ... With God's Own Truth!

I Thought That I Had Seen Everything Bad There Was To See 
In "The Church Of The Lord"
I Was Sadly Mistaken
There Was Deception
Leaking All Over
Having Drained From Under The Fingernail Of The Fraud!

Imagine My Consternation
When A Church Notice I Read
Without Shame Or Hesitation
"Let's Gather At The Local Bar
Sing Hymns and Get Some Beer In We Head!"*

*Literary License Taken To Maintain My Rhyme, Okay!

The Actual Notice Read:

"Quarterly event in a local bar. 
Basically, we drink beer and sing hymns."

Then ...

Another Church Event Notice Talked Thusly: (I'm Waxing Poetic Here, Okay!)

We Will Bless Your Bicycle
Upon Which We Will Then Take A Ride
And When The Ride Is Completed
Upon Fat Tire* We'll Imbibe!

 *More Beer, If You Please!

And Then There Is ...

The Notice From A Pastor To His Congregation
Saying: Come Join Us
And Get Your Tattoo Done Right Here
There's Need To Go Amongst The Masses
Get Your Tattoos* In This Holy Place
We'll Do Them Right Here For A Price That Is Fair!

There Is Also The Church That Has Its Own Tattoo Parlor On Premises As "Outreach!"

* I Want To Read This Pastor's Bible For Myself!
Then Again, Forget His Bible! I Want To Meet His God! NOT!!

Other Notices Preached Yoga
And Enneagram Personality Profiles
They Even Proudly Lifted Up A Male Pastor
His Boyfriend And Their Pet Dog
Whose Name Is Not Really Called Clyde!

I Read The Notices With Consternation!
I Wondered About Their Stress On Esoteric Christianity*!
I Wondered About Their Emphasis
On Yoga And Aesthetics!
I Wondered About The Church
Which Loftily Offered The Ability To Choose Between Alcoholic
And Non-Alcoholic Communion Wine
For It Seems That This Church Has No Inkling
That What Jesus Offered To The Disciples
Was New Wine**
Grape Juice
Fresh Squeezed From The Grapes Picked From The Vine!

* Mystery Religion/Mystery Schools/Hidden Knowledge 
** Unfermented Grape Juice

And, And ...

One Church Has Cage Fighting Matches!
One Church Offers Alcohol
During The Church Service Divine
All These Things They Say They Offer
Church Membership Is On The Decline!

Gotta Get Them Dollars! Eh?

Teach About Jesus Christ 
As The Soul's Savior 
Call Sin By Its Real Name!
Christianity Is An Hospital
Not A Juke Joint
Nor A Bar!
Spread Out The Authentic Medicine
Sin-sick Seeking Souls Will Come
From Near And Far!

I Am Amazed At The Presumption
Of Modern Christianity
Which Apes The World
And Its Bright Wonders 
- As Can Be Seen -
Forgetting To Call Sin By Its First Name

"Love God As You Are!"

"Feed Your Community - Feed The Soul!"

"God Loves You!
No Need To Repent!
He Knows You
For He Can Really See!"

The Sin Of Presumption
Is One Of The Critical Tests 
That Faced
Our King Jesus!

The Sin Of Presumption
Is One Of The Tests
That ALL Mankind
Must Face
To See Whether We Will Test God
By Maliciously Yanking Sin's Chain
While Knowing Full Well
That Satan Is The One Calling
Teasing Your Hair-Trigger Dog!*

*Your Will

The "Modern" Church
Must Step Away From Post-Modern Christianity
With Its Feel-Good
Do Good Good
Get Good Idolatry
If Any Being Is On The Throne Of Your Heart
Save Mankind's Savior Jesus Christ;
If Any Searing Desire Is On Your Soul
Save To Be By Jesus Christ Saved;
If Any Need
Surpasses The Need For The Indwelling Holy Spirit
Be Aware
That God The Father Judges No Man
The Very Jesus Christ You Reject
Is The Same One
Into Whose Holy Hands
In The Final Judgment
You, Me, We
Will Fall!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Jesus Christ 
Triumphant King
Holy Lord
God All Glorious
The Overcomer
Speaker of Peace
Destroyer of The Devil and The Devilish


Dear Stewart pointed out 
In the IDE/IED acronym play that Jesus says:
"I Did Enough!
I Even Died!"

Well, let me tell you of
That Other Side
Of The One who Lied
Of The one who did Our God Deny:

Satan is The Copy Cat!
When it comes to Creation
He can not do that for
His method is to pull things out of a "Big Black Hat!" 

Satan speaks to Being Creative
But all he can do is to Abominate!
He never can Bless but he will Dominate
And his basic ingredient is to Always Humans Hate!

Satan brags each day of his Expressed Prowess
Over man and woman whom he will Oppress
Of woman and man whom he doth possess
Being ever the usual False Witness!

Satan, as usual, must follow behind God
But with The Spin
He, The Lie, doth Deploy
He gives The Plus plus The Minus 
And he achieves "Goal!" with a thrusting of Self-trust!

Satan motivates himself each day
By making men believe that:

Sin ever Pays
That Man is god
That to Do Good is to Need Greed
That Feeling Flesh is Staying Fresh, and
Gotcha is Good Growing Seed!

And when Satan takes himself a Non-break
He strokes his Ego
Before he on another victim let's go!
He looks in his mirror
And repeats the vile mantra he wrote, and
Proceeds valiantly Wicked Seeds to sow:

"It's All About Meeeee!
I Will With Ignoble Deeds Humans Ensnare!
I Will Ex-filtrate Souls Every Day!"

And he sings to himself his glory song:

"I ENSNAAARE with ignoble needs
I will daily The Humans' Greed feed
With Putrid Praise
With Petty Pleas
With Puffup Pastry
And Pesky Deed Fleas
Of Self and Sin
Of Song and Dance
Of Vodka and Gin
Of Smoke and Mirrors
Of Conquerable Skies and
Dark Domains enchained
Of Life unfettered
Without restraints
With me in charge
By lies about Him
I'll weave my Web of Deceit
And I will deny Them to Him!"

Dear Ones:

Please remember these points:


Seeking Self 
Sets Satan's Seal Securely 
Sinner's Souls!


Saints Solemnly Seek After Their Soul's Salvation!


Seeking The Savior Seals and Saves From Sin!


Satan is The Lifelong Liar
He will reap Almighty God's Ire
Don't fall and join him on the Funeral Bier
The Holy God is going to rain down Living Fire!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


The Way of The Wicked is Convoluted
Their Speech upon it is Sorely Polluted
They go Two Steps Forward, and take Three Steps Back
And are Always Looking The Righteous to Attack!

The Way of The Faithful Leads to Heaven's Door
Where The Savior Awaits
The Rich, Young, Old and Poor!
There's No Left! There's No Right!
There's No Spinning in The Night for
Our Footsteps are Ordered and
Our "Horse" is Made of Light!

Heaven Awaits!
God's Glories Never Abate!
Trust God To Deliver -
Jesus Won't Be Late!