Tuesday, October 3, 2017

PRAYER: Lord, Help Me Not To Turn Aside ...!

Thank You For The Blessings
In The Here And Now!
Thank You For The Blessings
Great And Small
In The Great Day To Come
The Blessings Gloriously Eternal!

I Beseech You
With All That Is In Me
To Not Let Ingratitude
Willful Ignorance
Nor Leaning To The Impossible
Become A Part Of Me
Or My Outlook
I Am Looking To
And Longing For The God Who Promised 
To Strengthen Me
To Lift Me Up
To Provide For Me
To Forgive Me
To Save My Soul From The Second Death
To Prepare For Me An Eternal Home
To Leave The Beautiful Land
And Come For Me
To Take Me There To Be With Him

I Believe The Word, Lord!
Let Not My Faith Fail!
Let Not My Hope Be Crushed!
Let Not The Light Fail To Burn
Because I, Doubting
Become A Fool
And Forget To Put The Available Oil Of Truth
In My Lamp!

Let Your Word, Lord
- From Your Mighty Hand -
Be To Me As My Daily Bread
And Desired!

Help Me Not To Turn Aside
To Fables
To Doctrines Of Devils
Giving Heed To The Seducing Spirits
Who Are Even Now In This Hour 
Plying Their Death-Dealing Trade
Calling The Unwary People
To Sure Damnation!

Keep My Eyes Open And Healthy, Father!
Grant Unto Me Spiritual Eyes
A Heart Of Flesh
Suitable For The Residence Of The Loving King
And Also Make Me Pure
For I Desire To Reach The Golden Shore!

Make Me Free - You Promised!
I Love You - I Am Blessed!
Lead Me - I Am Following!
Let Not The Doings Of The Damned
Cause Me Unprofitable Stress -
Give Unto Me Your Peace
That Man Cannot Understand!

You Are My God - I Worship You
I Give Unto You My Life
And My Prayers
And My Worship
Until The End Of My Days!
In Jesus' Holy Name I Stand, And Plead!

Monday, October 2, 2017

PRAYER: Lord, Help Me To Run Life's Race For The Win!

Heavenly Father,
I Come As A Child
A Servant
A Willing Learner
A Follower Dedicated To Christ
A Soul Consecrated To The Eternal God
Indwelt By The Holy Spirit
Ever Watched Over
By God-Appointed Angels
Beseech You
In The Only Name That Matters
- Jesus Christ My Lord -
To Help Me To Let Go
- Willingly Let Go -
Of Those Things
Which I Cannot Keep
To Hold On
To Those Things Given By You
Which - If Enduringly Faithful -
I Cannot Lose!

Help Me, Lord
To Run The Race For Life
So That I May Behold My Jesus In Peace
Achieve The Laurel Of Glory
The Garment Of Righteousness
The Glorious Crown
The New Name In Glory
The Mansion Of The Blessed!
I Desire The Eternal Rest!

Do For Me, Lord
What Only The Holy God Can Do
Is My Heartfelt Plea!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Baleful Harvest vs. Sure Reward!

Conscience Talks
Performed The Wedding Ceremony
Between Bitter Utterance
Humiliating Truth
Of Their Union
They Begot Children Called
Great Remorse And Constant Recrimination
Mouthy Ventilation And Spiritually Vexed!

It All Started Out Quite Simply!
A Little Hiccup
Over Here Across There
A Little Cough
"It Just A Lil' Sore Throat!"AND THENA Little Wipe At The Side Of The Mouth
You Know ...

Clean Yuh Come! Clean Yuh Shall Go!

Nobody Ain't Know That You Had With Sin Laid!

Tsk! Tsk ! Tsk ...

As The Old Bard Once Said:

What Must Must, Must Must
So  ...

YOU Plant What You Grow!
YOU Reap What You Sow!
Don't Tell Nobody You Don't Know!
Look Out, Scout!
You're Lying Like A Cheap Rug
Your Base Premium Fibers
Are Soon Going To Publicly Show!

Do Not For An Instant
Believe That
Wrongdoing Goes Unpunished!
Wrongdoing Covered Up
On Your Account
Piling Up
He Who Knows All
- Sees All -
Will Call You Out
- In His Time -
Even If No Man Finds You Out!
Look Out! Watch Out!

Is Must Be Said That ...

That One Known As Discovery Day
Is Publicly Called A Bastard
He Doesn't Fear
His Mouth To Wash Out!
He Has A Job To Do
Does It Very Well
For No Pay
No Matter What You Do
Or Pray!

All That Was Hidden
Is Given An Exposé
What You Planted In Darkness
Is Reaped
In The Bright Light Of Day
Look! See!
A Baleful Bountiful Harvest!
Pay Day!

You May Say ...

But, I Apologized!
I Repented!
I've Been Forgiven!
I've Found Favor With The Lord!

I Say To You
To Us All:

Forgiveness Of Sin
Is Not An Exemption
The Punishment For Sin!

Check Out King David
For A Witness
Sin Has Painful Effects
Always Pays Harsh Rewards:

What Had Steamed Up His Eyeballs
What Had Sweetened King David's Mouth
Also Bruised His Backside
Burned His Heart
Tore His Soul
Forced Him Out Of His Home
Forced Him Out Of His Kingdom
Away From The Then-Visible
Evident Presence Of The Holy God 
Brought A Nation To The Brink Of Ruin
By War
Cost His Undisciplined
Favorite But Traitorous Son
His Life And His Soul!

Satan Knows That
The Man Woman
That He Can Get To Believe Personal 
Fickle-Public Publicity
Is The Man Woman
Who Will Be Self Confident
Self Exalting
Self Satisfied
Self Dependent
Will No Longer
- With Confidence -
Seek After The Holy God
For Their Needs!

Add Self Sufficiency ...

This Perfect Liar
A Prostitute At The Core
A Fiddler With A Mean Bow
That Gives The Deluded Person
The Pox
A Life Sore!

A Life Sore Does Not Heal!
There Is No Cure For It!
It Is Ever Weeping
Its Owner Would Love To Give It Away
Has No Choice
But To Live With It
Support It
Keep It!
There Is No Adoring It!

Please Do Not Try To Cover Up 
Known And Wilful Sin!
You Are Waging War
With The Impossible
You Bring God's Name
Into Disrepute
Strengthen Others The Truth To Refute
Raise Up Poisonous Snakes
In Your Own Household
Weaken Your Own Hand
When You Think To Rebuke Others
On Your Own Conscience
Your Thought-Of Rebuke Stands
All Because Of A Little Cultivated Sin!

You Cannot Sin
You Yield To Temptation!

You Will Not Stand
Avoid The Problem
By Giving The Temptation
A Very Wide Berth!

Give To Jesus Your Hand
He Heals Man Of The Curse
In So Doing
Soul Damnation
Will Never Be Your Hearse!

Please Do Not Run With Sin In Your Hand!
It Is A Sharp And Serrated Scissors
If Your Heart Is Savaged By It
You Are Sure To Be Damned!

Please Endeavor To Walk Slowly 
In Child-Like Faithful Trust With The Lord
Walk Boldly Holy Against The Fraud
Heaven At The Last
The Sure Reward!

Saturday, September 30, 2017


For All The Brethren
Facing ... Life's Storms!

Bow Your Head In Faith!
Say A Prayer With Hope!
With Our Beloved Lord 
Jesus Christ
Who Is Our Peace
We Shall Weather The Storm
His Word Stills The Winds
Calms The Seas
Comforts Hearts Forlorn!

Yes! The Storm Is Raging!
Yes! The Day Seems Bleak!
Yes! Your Heart Is Troubled
King Jesus Speaks:

Oh, Weary One
Cease Your Fretting!
I Created The Wind!

Oh, Fearful One
Cease Your Murmuring
I Gave You The Voice
With Which You're Speaking!

My Ways Are Not Your Ways
Neither Are Your Thoughts Mine!
I AM God!

Be It Storm Of Wind
Flood Fire
Test Tempest

I Made It All!
I AM God!

Trust Me!
The Battle Is Mine!
Hold On To Your Hope In Me!
Lean On My Love For You!
I AM The Lord!
You Get The Good!
I Get The Glory!
In Me Is Your Bliss!

Gold Is Tried In Fire!
Clay Must Be Molded To Shape!
Rocks Are Piled On Each Other 
Before A Sturdy Wall May Take Shape!

Cloth Must Be Cut To Make A Garment!
Beans Must Be Boiled To Make A Stew!
New Wine Must Be Poured In New Bottles
And For You To Live With Me
I Must Make You Anew!

Change Is Never Easy
Never Comfortable! 
A Shoe Will Pinch
Before It Wears Well! 
Sugar Salt Leavening
Must Be Used Judiciously
Or One Will Not Have
Good Eating Bread!

You Are Being Prepared
For Your New Life! 
These Things Are In My Counsel
I AM God!
Take Not The Shortcut To Glory
As The Devil
And Soon
You Shall See Your Great Reward!

By Faith
With Humility
See To Your Labors! 
Pray! Call On Me! 
I AM Here!
Trust Not Your Feelings
Your Eyes
Your Eyesight! 
Trust Me! 
I AM Your Light!
I Will Heal You Of Your Fears!
Cast Upon Me Your Cares!

Take My Peace!
I Give It!
It Passes Human Understanding!
Take My Hand!
Let Me Lead You Home!
Take Daily Grace
For Each Day's Journeying
And You Won't Have To Live
With Remorse

As You Through This Life Doth Course!

Mercy For You Is A Given!
Call On Me!
I AM With You All The Way!
You Are Not Alone!
I Give Unto You Of My Spirit!
Heed The Teaching!
The Chastening!
Listen And Follow!
I AM Leading!
I Make For You The Sure Way!

Humble Yourself
Under My Hand!
I AM Mighty
Mighty To Save!
I Know All
Am In All
I See All
Believe In Me!
Heed The Salvation Call!

Walk By Faith! 
You May Stumble
But Trust In Me

I Shall Not Let You Fall!

Your Way To Eternal Life
Is Not A Smooth Walk
For, Beloved
You Are Climbing To Zion Hill!
You Need Foot Holds
Hand Holds
Clefts In The Rock For Shelter!
On A Smooth And Sheer Face
You Have Nothing
Upon Which Your Foot
Your Hand 

Your Body
To Place!

You Have The Choice!
Climb Rough With Me 

Enduring All
Or Try Ascending

By Walking Smooth With Sin
And Assuredly 

Please See Yourself
As An Evergreen Tree
As A Deep-Rooting Desert Palm! 
Send Down Your Roots Into Me
The Living Giving Water
And Live
The Water Of Life
For Life

From Me
Is Flowing Free!

The Desert Wind
Blowing Sun-Heated Sand
May Sting You!
Scorpions In Your Roots
May Make A Nest!
Give Unto Me Your Vexations
And Soon
- Overcoming - 
Settled In Spirit
By My Grace
You Shall Rest
And By Me
You Shall Surely Be Blessed!

Take Heed!
The Angels Are Watching Over You!
Let Them Influence You 
For Your Eternal Good! 
Trust In The Lord!
Walk In Faith
With Your Heavenly Companions
You Shall Reach Home
The Haven Of Rest
Forever Blessed Of Your Lord!

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding!
Lean On Me!
I AM The Eternal!
The One Holy!
The Living God!

FOOL: Tool

What Is The Point Of Dying
Doing What Your Soul Loves
Not Being With
Seeing In Peace
Him Who Loves Your Soul!

What Is The Point
Of Having Your Routine
Your Regimen Down Cold
- To Elite Perfection -
Not Being Able
To Defend Yourself
For Your Known Sin
To The Creator Of Your Soul?

What Is The Point
Of Living In Sin
When You Can Be Saved From Sin
By The Savior Of Your Soul
You Invite Him
Your Heart To Live In?

Why Sell Your Unsellable Sinful Soul
To A Bankrupt Death Merchant
When You Can Accept Forgiveness Of Sin
From The Redeemer 
Who Is Your Creator
The One Who Made You A Living Soul?

Why Lose Your Soul's Salvation 
For A Sensation
When Sensation Will Soon Be Lost
Bought For You
On A Cruel Cross
Can Only Be Lost
By Your Own Hand
You Personally Cast It Away
With A Couldn't-Care Swift Toss?

Why Pay
For What Can't Be Purchased
For What Can't Be Sold?!

So, So, Sooo Close!
You Just Lost Me Right There!!

You Can't Buy God's Gifts!
You Can't Owe For Gifts!
You Can't Pay For Forgiveness And Salvation!
You Can't Owe For Redemption And Heaven!

If You Can Trust From Aka Get Easy Credit
If You Can Owe Aka Promise To Pay
Over Time Pay God
YOU, Yourself
Have No Need For The Sacrifice Of Christ! 
You Are Your Own Surety!
You Are Your Own Security!

However ...

You Can Buy Hell!
You Can Sell Damnation
You Make Your Purchase Of Hell And Damnation
By Bartering
Giving Away
Your Right To Eternal Life
By Listening To Satan
Utilizing All Called
The Satanic Device!

Can't Do That!
Won't Do That!
That Would Make Me A Fool
And To All Intents And Purposes
I Become An Unremunerated
And That My Brotha
Ain't No Where Near Cool!

All Right Then!
I Rest My Case!

Friday, September 29, 2017

HAPPY SABBATH + The Lord, The Lord!

Wants Me To:
  • Trust His Word
  • Follow Him Without Fear
  • Believe Him Without Doubt
  • Answer Him Ever With "Yes!"
  • Tell The Other "No!"
  • Live Victoriously For Him
  • Consciously Die To Self
  • Think Eternally
  • Walk In His Faith
  • Claim His Promises
  • Constantly Read His Love Letter
  • Call Him Possessively 
  • Think Of Him Continually
  • Talk About Him Habitually
  • Declare His Wondrous Works Expansively 
  • Seek Him Everywhere
  • Sing His Praises Rejoicingly
  • Go To His Father Prayerfully 
  • Lean On His Arm Dependently
  • Rest Easy In His Green Pasture
  • Find Instant Refreshing By His Still Waters
  • Ask Him To Restore My Soul
  • Accept Daily Grace Always Sufficient 
  • Take His Mercy That Is Free To Me
  • Know That I Have Strong Body-Guards
  • Repent Of Yesterday
  • Confess Known Sin
  • Wash In His Blood
  • Know The Truth
  • Live In His Light
  • Buy Fire-Tried Gold From Him
  • Wear The Clothing He Provides
  • Let Him Treat My Blind Eyes With Salve
  • Ask For The Indwelling Comforter
  • Not Grieve The Holy Spirit 


Do It All
Because Of Love
Because He Loved Me First
- Always And Best -
Died To Save Me
Has Gone To Prepare Me An Eternal Home
In The Glorious Kingdom Of The Blessed
As My Personal High Priest
Is Interceding For Me!

It Is Too Much! I Said.

He Ever So Gently Said: There Is More.

Are You Real?!
Prove Me.

What If I Stumble?!
Call Out To Me.

What If I Die?!
Die In Me!
You'll Rise To And With Me!

How Long Before You Tire?!
My Love Is Not On Hire.

Can We Talk?!
Whatever Whenever Wherever
Just Because
In Communion - Total Union.

What Do You Get?!
Your Whole Heart
Your Soul To Control
Your Life.
I Love You To Death.

I Love You.

Take My Hand
Do Not Let Go
Stay Under My Shadow
We Are Going Home

Do Not Look Back
Look Up To Me
Do Not Worry
Do Not Fear

You Cannot Be Forsaken
I Am Your Creator
You Are Mine
My Forever Treasure

Walk In Accord With Me
And We Shall Be Together Forever.

For The Ceaseless Ages Of Eternity.

Take My Hand, Faithful God!
You're The Rock Of Ages!
In You, I'll Stand!
I Was Tired!
I Am Weak!
You Make Me Strong!
I Wandered The World
And Lived As A Disgrace!
But In This Day
I Behold Your Face
And Know
I Need You, Lord!
Help Me To Stand!
I Want To Go Home!

You Hear My Cry!
You Hear My Call!
You Hold My Hand!
Holding You ... I Cannot Fall
Here's My Hand
Trembling Small
Lord Of My Life
Please Lead Me Home!

The Way Is Hard
... And Easy, Too!
The Lord Loves Me!
The Lord Loves You!
The Adversary Of Souls
Cannot Separate Us!
No Power! No Want!
No Plan To Pervert
Will Prosper Against You
If The Lord You Don't Desert
So Close Earth's Eyes
Walk In Christ's Faith
He's Leading Me And You!

Hell Will Rage!
Damnation May Roar!
Minions Will Seek
To Get The Cheap Score
Stand Firm In The Faith
Christ The Lord Is The King

Live By Grace!
Mercy Is Free!
Truth Is Your Shield!
Peace Passes Understanding!
The Love Of God 
Is Your Weapon To Wield
Take The Hand
That Precious Hand
Christ Is Leading Us Home!
Safely ... HOME!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

In The Service Of The Living God!

In The Service Of Love
- The Service Of God -
Is The Will To Please
By Serving God
According To His Requirements
To Do It Willingly
Because We Return His Delightsome Love!

Doing The Will Of God
Is Not A Burden
To The One Who Trusts
Who Loves
Who Honors
Who Worships
Who Readily Obeys
Because The Pleasure Derived From 
Being In God's Service
Beautifully Lights Life's Oft' Dim Pathways!

There Is No Turning Away From Duty!
There Is No Stopping The Glorious Work To Laud Self!
There Is No Wondering Who Is Not Working
There Is Wandering Around 
The Self-Serving Soul's Market Shelves!

The One Who Loves The Lord
That It Is Its Own Reward
All Who Work Out Of Love
In The Service Of The Lord
Will Find That With Divinity
They Walk In Accord!

I Love The Lord!
I Think Of Him
I Work For Him
If With Endurance
I Stay The Course
In The Day Of Appointment
There Shall Be No Finding Of Spiritual Adultery
No Eternal Separation 
By The Condemnatory Divorce!

Let Us Willingly Obey
The Lord's Commands
In His Service
We Faithfully Stand!

Lord Almighty,
We're Yours To Command!
In Jesus' Name
Keep Us Faithful!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

CREATED BEINGS: If Greedy Waits ...!

Satan Is The Liar!
His Hands Are Never Clean!
His Intentions To Man Are Cruelly Vile
His Prized Methods Are Truly Obscene!

Do Not The Part Of a Satan Act
Challenging God For Supremacy
You Are A Created Being, My Friend
Without The Creator God Holding Your Dusty Hand
Your Beginning
Your End!

Nothing In This Life
Is As It Appears
Do Not Name Your Eyes
Your Traffic Director!
Be Pleased To Take The Living God
As Your Sole Portion
You Will Not Have The Lake Of Fire
For Your Blue Sea
Nor Your Vast Ocean!

If Greedy Waits
Hot Will Cool! 
If Lust Is Cooled
Common Sense Will Rule! 

The Lord Christ Is King
The Giver Of All Good Things
Be Pleased To Honor Him
You Will With The Hosts Of Heaven
Before His Throne Of Glory


We Have Options!
Bend ... Freely
Break Forcibly!

Either Position Taken
Mankind Will Give God
His Glory!