Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Little Things Count: The Grain Of Sand!

Would You Put Your Neck In A Noose To Save Your Skin!?! 

Would You Lie To Yourself For Physical Comfort 
Accepting The Plain Truth 
Would Case Your "Inner Child" Unbearable Pain!?! 

In Whom Or On What Is Your Hope Resting!?! 

Are You Preparing To Walk The Lonesome Road 
When All Earthly Supports Are Removed 
All That Is Left To Sustain You 
Your Daily Gift Of A Ration, A Portion, Of 
Jesus Christ's Holy Faith!?! 


Living Our Daily Lives Now In The Faith That Cannot Fail 
Over Things Which Are Mere Annoyances 
Strengthens Us 
Increases Our Faith To Handle More, Bigger, Weightier
Even Mind-Blowing, Stomach-Churning, Soul-Destroying Trials! 

If We Can't Run With Men
Then How Will We Run Against The Race Horses 
The War Horses!?! 

Many Of Us Count The Little Things In Life 
Forget Or Ignore The Fact That 
The Little Things Count! 

A White Cotton Sheet Is Beautiful! 
A Black Satin Sheet Is Beautiful! 
Put One Dime-Sized Dot Of Black Satin Dead-Center 
On Your Pristine White Sheet 
And Suddenly
We Have A Problem! 
Little Things Matter! 

Let Us Decide Today 
To Gain Our Little Victories In The Small Matters Of 
Truth And Right-Living 
So That We Will Have The Constitution 
To Handle The Big Things Later On! 

By The Way
Please Ask The Clam Why A Grain Of Sand Inside His Shell
- A Misery To Him - 
A Big And Profitable Deal To The Jeweler!

Faith Frees! 


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Lead, Follow, Or Leave!?!

Lessons To Live By: 

It Was Long Ago But I Remember 
Sitting In A Corporate Meeting And Hearing 
The Managing Director Say Bluntly To All Assembled: 

"If You're A Leader, Lead! 
If You're A Follower, Follow 
But If You Can't Lead And Won't Follow
Feel Free To Leave!" 

At Another Meeting
In The Midst Of Reading The Riot To Us All
The Statement Made Was: 

"There Are Only Two Kinds Of People In This Organization 
And That Means You're Either Income Or Expense! 
If You're An Expense, You'd Better Be Able To Justify 
Why You're Worth Being Carried!" 

I Have Never Forgotten Those Words 
And Now
You Shouldn't Either! 

As Christians, We Are Well Aware That Jesus Christ 
Our True And Only Leader 
We Are To Be His Faithful, Obedient
Enduring, Productive, Followers! 

Since We Cannot Lead Jesus Christ Our King
We Must Follow Him 
If We Won't Follow Him
It Is Guaranteed That We Will Be Left In Deep Darkness 
Outside The Glorious Living Kingdom! 


We Have Already Been An Expense To Almighty God 
Where Our Doings Caused Jesus Christ 
To Lay Down His Life For Our Salvation! 

As Such, And With Loving Gratitude In Our Hearts
We Should All Be Bringing Income, Wealth Aka Souls 
Into The Kingdom Of Grace 
For Love Of Our Lord Jesus 
By Telling Them That Jesus Saves
What He Has Done For Us
What He Is Now Doing
What He Will Do For Us 
For Them Also! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Think About This Long And Hard 
Act According To How You Value Your Salvation 
Purchased With Innocent-Blood! 


Monday, January 31, 2022

No Clones: No Lemmings!

There Will Not Be Any Clones Or Lemmings 
In The City Of God 
So It Is Amazing To See The Professed Children Of The Heavenly Father 
So Caught Up In The Ways Of The World That 
There Is No Obvious, Apparent, Difference Between 
A Christian And A Worldling! 


How Do You See Yourself!?! 
How Does The World See You!?! 
How Do You See Yourself In Christ Jesus!?! 
Do You Know Who You Are In The Lord!?! 
Do You Even Care!?! 

Christians Are Heads, Not Tails
Light, Not Darkness
Salt, Not Brackish
Not Carbon Copies, Book-Ends
Nor Mass-Produced Worn-Edged Copies Of
An Over-Used Mold For Under-Performing Cups, Buckets And Bowls! 

Be Warned! 

Following The Multitude Does Not Exempt Us 
From Being Personally Held Responsible For 
Paying The Price For All That We Do In The Flesh! 

Please Choose To Remember Who You Are In 
For Christ Jesus 
Dare To Walk According To His Will And In His Way 
Even If You Walk Alone On This Earth! 

The Crowd Is Never Right: 
Follow The Lord Christ!

Please Don't Foolishly Follow Fast-Fashion 
On The One-Way Junket To The Fury Of 
The Flames Of Hell! 

Please Choose To Be Who The Lord Jesus Called You To Be 
Start Using What Gifts And Skills You Have Been Blessed With 
In His Holy Service! 

You Are An Unique Individual: 
Live As One Precious In The Sight Of The Eternal God! 


Sunday, January 30, 2022

Digging Pits For People Is Unfruitful, Unpaid, Labor!

Don't Dig A Pit For Anyone 
Unless You Dig One For Yourself! 

Don't Be A Haman Or You Will End Up As He Did 
Hanging On The Same Gallows That He Prepared 
To Snuff Out The Life Of The Innocent Mordecai! 


Self-Righteousness Has The Uncanny Ability 
To Build A Castle Without A Foundation! 

Are You Walking Around With Hatred In Your Heart!?! 

Hatred Should Be Directed At Sin, Not People! 

Do You Hate Someone Because Of Their Height
House, Health, Humor Or Holiness!?! 

How Is That Working Out For You!?! 
Is Your Bank Balance Or Your Paycheck Raised
Do You Go To Heaven Nightly!?!

Let's Consider Our Ways 
Choose To Be Wise! 

If You Wish To Be Considered A Murderer, Hate Away! 
If You Desire To Be The Cause Of Your Own Destruction, Dig Away! 
If You Want To Give Peace A Chance, Pray Away 
Choose To Live In Peace With All Men ... Where Possible! 

Digging Pits For People 
Time-Consuming, Back-Breaking, Thankless
Unfruitful, Unpaid Labor! 

Since We Say That We Are Humbly Serving The Great King
Let Us Dig Up The Rocks Placed In People's Pathways 
Make The Way Smooth For Whoever Is Traveling To Zion
The City Of  God! 

Brethren, Beloved 

Neither A Pleasure Nor A Treasure City 
So Return Your Tickets Of Intent To Do Harm 
To The Proprietor Of Lost-Man Body-Farm
Beelzebub The Bold 
Compliments Of Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who Asks Us To Give Whatever Grieves Us Into His Hands 
For Help And Healing! 

Protect And Bless Your Own Head: 
Do Good And Bless Others! 


Saturday, January 29, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Sorry-Not Sorry Ain't Christian!

We Ask The Lord For Pardon 
By Saying That We Are Sorry 
There Will Be No Pardon For Us 
Our Sorry ... Our Penitence
Contains No Corresponding Humility! 


Why Would You Say: 
"I Am Sorry!" 
When In Truth And Fact You Are Not!?! 

You Insult The One To Whom You Apologize 
Show That Your Credibility 
Definitely Not In Stock! 

Why Dimish Yourself In This Way Vulgar 
By Using Your Voice In The Manner Crude 
Including Going So Far As To Repent To Almighty God
Using The Faith And Name Of Christ Jesus
When You Know That You're Nothing But A Snot-Nose Fraud!?! 

I Am Genuinely Sorry To Use Such Strong Language 
This Behavior Cannot Go Unremarked 
You Place Yourself In The Unenviable Position Of 
Having The Lord Cause You To Be Thrown Into The Outer Darkness! 

Jesus Christ Was Always Humble
Not Given To The Airs And Graces Of Putrid Pride
There Is No Way I Tell You Plain And Straight That 
Within The Pearly Gates You Will Abide 
With That Unregenerate Attitude Cozied Up On Your Insides! 

If You're Sorry, Be Sorry
If You're Not, You're Not
So Don't Add Insult To Injury By Adding Perjury 
In So Doing
By The Lord God Almighty
You Shall Surely Be Denied! 

Be Wise! 

Sorry-Not Sorry 
Is Not 
A Part Of The Christian's Bonafides! 

Let An Actively Working Conscience 
Be Your Choice Constant Companion 
On-Board, On-Duty, Faithfully-Enduring Guide! 

Against Satan
In Jesus' Christ Holy Name
Turn Deceit And Destruction's Rip Tide! 


Friday, January 28, 2022


There Is No Opportunity To Love Unwisely 
When We Love The Lord Jesus Christ In Whom Is No Variableness 
No Specter Of The Demonic Device! 


If We Are Truthful As All Christians Should Ever Be
We Will Admit To Having Loved And Lost
Have Felt Like The Recipient Of An Angry Horse's Brutal Kick! 

It Is Time That We Learn Once And For All Time That 
Love Is Not A Chemical Given To Reaction 
To Be Turned Up, Down And Off 
Depending On When And How The Recipient Of Our Affection 
Cooperates With Our Then-Current Emotion! 

A Decision That Does Not Depend On Atmosphere
Entertainment, Cash, Credit
Presence, Presents, Or Loss! 

Let's Stop Looking For Love In Unprofitable Places 
Choose To Take The Lord At His Word: 

Put The Lord, First, Last, And Always
Depend Upon His Word
Follow After His Will
Walk In His Way
Wait Upon The Lord 
After You Have Asked Him To Provide Your Blessed Companion! 

Samson Loved The Pagan Delilah 
That Lying Money-Grubber Who Took His Eyes! 

King Solomon Loved Many Pagan Women 
Who Turned His Heart Away From The Lord! 

King Herod Loved The Vile, Blood-Thirsty Herodias 
Who Took Fore-Runner John's Head! 

Brethren, Beloved

Character Counts When Companions Call! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Your Life's Companion 
Will Either Help You To Get Home To Glory 
Or Book You A Free Ticket To Hell!

Samson And King Solomon Came To Their Senses: 
King Herod Did Not! 

Learn From The Errors Of Others 
Be Wise! 

Love Sees: 
Keep Your Eyes! 


Thursday, January 27, 2022

THE BAD MARRIAGE: Self In Sin With Satan

KJV Job 34
21 For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.
22 There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

Uplifting Self
Being Entangled In Sin
Being Enmeshed With Satan The Damned 
Like Being Anchored In A Bad Marriage To The Unth Degree 
With An Exceedingly Abusive, Jealous, Vindictive
Manipulative, Emotionally-Bankrupt, Idol-Worshipping Spouse 
Who Deprives You Of Physical And Spiritual Food 
Even As They Regularly Attempt To Cut Off Your Air Supply 
As They Venomously Ask: 

"Why Are You Staying Alive!?!" 


Before The Darkness Descends
While There Is Still Some Life Left In Us
Where There Is Still Hope
Should Not We Permit The Spirit Of Truth 
To Bring To Our Remembrance That 
We May Trust The Lord Christ For Sure Salvation 


Unceasingly Plead With Our God 
To Deliver Us From The Destruction Of Disobedience
The Darkness Of Death And Damnation!?! 

Those, Like Lucifer Nka Satan, Who Willfully
Wittingly, Recklessly, Reject 
The Love Of The Kind King And Righteous Judge 
Have No Love For The Living God
For Themselves
Nor For Another Living Soul 
And, Thus
Have Nothing To Lose 
When They Embark On Their Reigns Of Terror! 

Sin Has No Feelings! 
Self Is A Bold Sinner 
Satan Is Condemned And Damned With Nothing To Lose 
So Causing You To Lose What He Can Never Reclaim 
Makes His Short Time Left To Exist Worth Living! 

Get Out Of The Soul-Destroying Marriage Of 
Self In Sin With Satan 
Rush To Salvation In The Savior Jesus! 

Everything To Gain
With The King Of Love
Who Calls You To Live And Not Die! 

Answer That Emergency Call Today! 


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Choose Life ... And Blessings!

Provocations And Enticements Aside
We Always Have A Free-Will Choice! 

By The Word Of Man You Would Be Dead! 
By The Will Of Almighty God You Are Alive! 

The Word Of God Creates! 
The Will Of Man Decimates! 

The Word Of God Illuminates! 
The Word Of Man Enervates! 

The Word Of God Satiates! 
The Word Of Man Obfuscates! 

The Will And Way Of God Elevates! 
The Will And Ways Of Man Tittilate! 

With Whom, And For What, Will You Stand!?! 


We Have This Choice: 
Exercise Faith In The Living Word Of The Eternal God 
Or Indulge Doubt Concerning 
The Eternal God's Ability To "Back-Up His Mouth!" 
Aka Do Exactly As He Has Promised! 

With Regard To Ourselves
Are We Being Faithful To Our Promises To Our Dear Savior!?! 

Do You Understand And Accept That 
Giving Your Word To The Lord 
Standing Upon This Word 
Through The Gift Of Faith Daily Given To You To Help You 
Your Only Safeguard Against Descending Into Doubt And Despair 
Which Are Lively Tools Of Satan!?! 

We Will Make Mistakes 
We Have An High Priest Who Feels 
Understands What We Go Through 
Provides Help To Us In The Person Of The Holy Spirit 
Who Comforts, Guides, And Corrects Us 
Sets Us On Straight Paths! 

You Need Help!?! 

Ask For Help 
Reach For The Hand That Brings Hope, Help 

You Need Rest!?! 

Reach For Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace
Jesus Christ The King
In Whom Is Rest And Refreshing! 

Choose Love! 
Choose Life! 
Choose The Lord! 


Tuesday, January 25, 2022


If You Want A Monkey Off Your Back
Let Him Go! 

It Is Sad To See So Many Of Us Who Call The Name Of Jesus
Claim The Power Of His Resurrection
Walking Around Consumed With Bitterness 
Over The Things Of Yesterday Which Cannot Be Undone 
Laboring Under The Yoke Of The Spirit Of Unforgiveness 
We Are Fooling Ourselves That 
Not Forgiving Someone Who Hurt Us 
Making Us Powerful-Strong! 


If You Have Been Carrying This Monkey On Your Back
It Is Time To Get Out Your Nuts! 

Unforgiveness Hurts One Person 
This Is Us 
We Refuse To Forgive! 

Forgiving Someone Frees Us To Walk Upright
Unconcerned About Who Thinks That We Are Weak 
Cuts Off Their Supposed Control Of Our Momentary Feelings! 

It Is Time To Stop Being A "Bumble" Bee Or A "Killer" Bee 
Start Being A Real "Honey" Bee! 

Dare To Take Pollen From The Flowers In The Garden Of God 
In The Hive Of Your Mind 
Make The Sweet Nectar Of A Peaceful, Hopeful
Blessed-To-Be-A-Blessing Heart 
Do Honor To The King Of Your Life 
Who Asks You To Forgive Just As You Desire To Be Forgiven! 

The Lord Jesus 
Never Going To Forgive You Your Trespasses Against Him 
You Refuse To Forgive Those 
Who Have Trespassed Against Aka Hurt You! 

Imagine Being Rejected At The Border Of The Promised Land 
Your Hardness Of Heart Made You Smell Like Self, Sin, And Satan! 

Count The Cost 
Choose Profit Over Loss! 

Be Ye Healed: 
Obey The Lord! 
Boldly Forgive Someone Today! 



Monday, January 24, 2022


Many Of Us Are In For A Rude Awakening 
When We Appear Before The Judgment Seat Of Jesus Christ 
Our Usual Pass The Buck, Blame Someone Else
Will Have Exhausted Its Usefulness 
We Will Be On The Hook For The Unpaid, Long-Overdue Bill Of 
Take Personal Responsibility! 

It Is Safe To Say That 
Lucifer Blamed The Father For His Cockups 
The Father Refused To Let Him Have 
What The Father Gave To His Son! 
End Result: 
Condemnation And Damnation! 

Adam Blamed Almighty God For Giving Him A Defective Wife 
For His Own Willful Disobedience! 
Eve Blamed The Serpent For Deceiving Her Into Wanting More 
When She Already Had Everything That She Needed! 
End Result: 
Cursed, Cast Out
Pain, Hard Labor


Jesus Christ Having To Die To Save The Race! 


We Are No Longer Children! 

We Have Knowledge Of The Experiences Of Others 
Which Should Counsel Us To Be Wise: 
Satan Can't Make Us Do Anything! 

As Humans, We All Do What Our Flesh Desires! 
As Committed Christians
We Should All Be Doing What The Lord Wills! 

Mistakes Happen
So Please Choose To Recognize The Error
Repent Of The Sin
Accept Loving Correction
Align Your Desires With The Father's Will! 

Taking Responsibility For Your Own Actions
Minus The Arrogant Attitude
Plus The Humble Spirit 
Equals A Definite Growth In Grace On The Road To Glory! 

"I Was Wrong, And I Beg Your Pardon!" 
Yields Fruit Most Pleasant To Enjoy! 

Dare And Choose To Do Right 
To Glory Rise To Live With Eternal Light 
In The Land Of No Night! 


Sunday, January 23, 2022

Enmity And Adultery!

For Us To Be Accused Of Committing Adultery Means That 
We Are In A Binding, Legally-Ordained, Marriage 
We Have Been Caught Walking Wild! 

To Be Told That The Worldly "Friendship" That 
We Are Indulging In 
Outside Of Our Marriage To The Lord 
Turns Us Into His Enemies Through Enmity 
Should Shock Us Into Wakefulness 
From Our Napping In Enemy Territory! 

When The Lord Pronounced The Curse On The Serpent, A Name For Satan
He Said That He Was Putting Enemity Aka Bitter Hatred 
Between The Seed Of The Woman 
The Seed Of The Serpent! 

The Serpent's Offspring Are Rabid, Unrepentant, Sinners 
Who Are Heel-Biters Aka Snakes In The Grass 
Who Were Going To Get Their Heads Whacked! 

Jesus, The Seed Of The Woman, Would Be Injured In The Heel 
Would Emerge Victorious From Death, The Grave, And Hell! 


Be Wise Before Bending To, And Canoodling With, Beelzebub 
Aka Satan Aka The Serpent! 

The Lord Can Save Us When We Become Satan's Enemies! 


We Can't Survive Being The Enemy Of The Eternal God! 

Sugar And Sin Taste Good 
Will Put You In The Burying Ground! 

Vegetable Soup And Salvation Taste Good 
Will Make You Healthy And Strong
Get You ... Redeemed
Into The Living Kingdom Before Long! 

Some Friendships In This Life Are Not Worth Cultivating 
Or Keeping! 

Please Don't Let Divorce Be The Option! 
Keep Your Marriage Vows: 
Remain Faithful And Loyal To Your Lord! 


Saturday, January 22, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Discontentment Is Satanic!

Stop Letting The Eyes Of Others Spend Your Money 
Aka Stop Allowing The Envy Of People's Stuff And Nonsense 
To Debit Your Bank Account, Literal And Spiritual! 

Someone's Eyes Saw "It" First! 
Someone's Hands Acquired "It" First
Now Your Heart Is Viewing "It" 
Through Someone Else's Vision 


Your Once-Contented Heart Has Become That Of 
A Discontented Brown Cow 
Who Kicks Over The Pail Of White Milk That 
She Ate Much Green Grass To Produce 
To Bless Many Others! 


Discontentment Is Satanic 
This Is Why We Are Instructed To Be Contented 
With Such Things As We Already Have! 

No Christian Should Ever Want To Have 
Their Last Stand Be, Nor Die, On The Hill Called Envy! 

Do You Know How Who Got What!?! 

Are You Able To Do What Was Done 
To Have What That Person Holds!?! 

Will Your Maker, Savior, Healer, Helper, Sealer 
Be Satisfied With Your Vain Choice!?! 

Please Do Not Allow Someone's Mouthful To Block Your Airway 
Aka Don't Let Look-At 
Cause You To Buy Can't-Afford 
At Even-If-Kills-Me Mercantile Exchange! 

Satan The Damned Tried That For The Win: 
He Failed At Winning
Had A Partial Win At Lying
Is Waiting For The Grand Finale: 
Eternally Dying! 

This One Time, Dear Ones 
Learn Something Profitable From King Fraud: 

Envy Kills The Future
By Blighting The Present!

Listen Carefully
Obey Unwaveringly
Live Enduringly By Every Blessed Word That 
Comes From The Mouth Of The Lord! 


Friday, January 21, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + At The Border Of Change!

Walking To The Border Of Change In The Valley Of Decision 
Is Not 
A Journey For The Self-Sufficient 
Or For Those Who Know Not How To Be Humble, Meek! 

Living Wisdom Says: 

He Who Knows Not
Knows Not He Knows Not
He Is Fool: 
Shun Him!

He Who Knows Not
Knows He Knows Not
He Is A Child: 
Teach Him!
He Who Knows
Knows He Knows
He Is A Wise Man: 
Follow Him! 

Our God Eternal Is All-Knowing
So Let Us, As Believers, Adopt The Persona Of A Child 
Permit Our Father To Teach Us All That We Need To Know 
So That We Will Have The Sense 
To Follow His Leading At The Border Of Change 
So That We Will Cross The Valley Of Decision Safely 
Reach The Promised Land Unscathed! 


A Self-Sufficient Person 
Will Never Court Humility Or Meekness 
In Order To Ask For Much Needed Help! 

Since We Are Warned Against 
Leaning On Our Own Understanding
Doubting That The Lord Himself Is Able To Help Us
It Stands To Reason That Anyone Smelling Of Self 
Will Have No Need Of The Savior! 

Please Don't Fall Into Satan's Well-Set Trap Of Pride! 

We Need The Lord Jesus Christ
We Need To Be Rid Of 
The Deadly Influence Of Satan, King Fraud! 

Meekness And Gentleness
- The Opposite Of Pride -
Were Good Enough For Our Dear Jesus 
In His Earthy Sojourn
So They Must Be Good Enough For Us! 

Please Exercise Your Daily Gift Of Faith For The Day
Or You Will Not The Great Gates Of Pearl Enter In! 

Change Must Come: 
Dump Self 
Dump Sin For The Eternal Win! 

Be Your Heavenly Father's Well-Beloved
Obedient, Trusting, Child! 


Thursday, January 20, 2022

TRANSFORMED: Unmasking The Masked!

Is Your Mask On!?! 
Is Your Facial Expression Shellacked In Place!?! 
Does Anyone Know The Real You 
Or Are They Just Looking At The Someone That 
Time And Circumstance Grew!?! 


We Have All Worn Masks Of One Kind Or Another 
At One Time Or Another 
As Children Of The Father
As The-Bought With The Blood Of The Son
As Those Comforted By The Holy Spirit
We, By Faith, May Set Aside The False Image 
By The Love Of Jesus Christ ... The Great Physician
Display The True Me ... The True You! 

Our Savior Could Not Lie 
Let Us Die Lost! 
He Had To Live The Truth 
Die The Death 
So That We, Convicted Of Sin And Of Righteousness
May Ultimately In The Father's House Of Joy And Peace 
Eternally Live! 

Masks Cast Shadows Which Hide The True 
Highlight The False: 
This Behavior Practiced By Satan 
Placed Our Lord Upon Calvary's Cruel, Accursed, Cross! 

Today Is The Day Of Salvation 
When We Must Throw Off The Mask Of Sin 
Let The Light That Is The Life Of Our King Jesus 
Shine In Our Eyes 
Revealing Our New Lives! 

Nothing That Defiles May Enter The Glorious City 
And So 
I Beseech Us All To Get Rid Of Anything And Everything 
Which Will Stop Grace And Mercy 
From Transforming Our Lives! 

The Death-Mask Of Sin Is For A Time: 
Nothing That Bears The Stench Of Finite-Time 
Will Enter Eternity! 

Be Transformed: 
Renew Your Mind! 

Let The World See Jesus Christ In You! 

Drop Sin And Self 
Keep Salvation 
Recognize That We Are At The Last Mile Marker 
On The Road To Home! 

Be Real! 
Get Ready! 
Be Redeemed! 
