Thursday, January 20, 2022

TRANSFORMED: Unmasking The Masked!

Is Your Mask On!?! 
Is Your Facial Expression Shellacked In Place!?! 
Does Anyone Know The Real You 
Or Are They Just Looking At The Someone That 
Time And Circumstance Grew!?! 


We Have All Worn Masks Of One Kind Or Another 
At One Time Or Another 
As Children Of The Father
As The-Bought With The Blood Of The Son
As Those Comforted By The Holy Spirit
We, By Faith, May Set Aside The False Image 
By The Love Of Jesus Christ ... The Great Physician
Display The True Me ... The True You! 

Our Savior Could Not Lie 
Let Us Die Lost! 
He Had To Live The Truth 
Die The Death 
So That We, Convicted Of Sin And Of Righteousness
May Ultimately In The Father's House Of Joy And Peace 
Eternally Live! 

Masks Cast Shadows Which Hide The True 
Highlight The False: 
This Behavior Practiced By Satan 
Placed Our Lord Upon Calvary's Cruel, Accursed, Cross! 

Today Is The Day Of Salvation 
When We Must Throw Off The Mask Of Sin 
Let The Light That Is The Life Of Our King Jesus 
Shine In Our Eyes 
Revealing Our New Lives! 

Nothing That Defiles May Enter The Glorious City 
And So 
I Beseech Us All To Get Rid Of Anything And Everything 
Which Will Stop Grace And Mercy 
From Transforming Our Lives! 

The Death-Mask Of Sin Is For A Time: 
Nothing That Bears The Stench Of Finite-Time 
Will Enter Eternity! 

Be Transformed: 
Renew Your Mind! 

Let The World See Jesus Christ In You! 

Drop Sin And Self 
Keep Salvation 
Recognize That We Are At The Last Mile Marker 
On The Road To Home! 

Be Real! 
Get Ready! 
Be Redeemed! 


Wednesday, January 19, 2022


To See Our Lord Jesus Christ In Perfect Peace
We Must Understand, Accept
Operate Under The Knowledge That "No!" 
A Complete Sentence 
Bearing Full Instructions Incapable Of 
Being Misconstrued, Misapplied
Mistaken, Mismanaged
Or Misinterpreted! 


I Don't Know About You
It Always Cracks Me Up To Hear One Person Say To Another: 

"Which Part Of "No!" Didn't You Understand: 
The N Or The O!?!" 

"No!" Stands For No Options! 

The Idea Of A One-Word Sentence 
Should Not Be Strange To Christians! 

We Have Jesus, Mercy, Grace
Help, Love, Heaven, Peace
Believe, Repent
Liar, Babylon, Hell, Satan! 

Each Of These One-Word Sentences 
Should Instantly Write A Story 
Paint An Unmistakeable Picture In Our Minds! 

Dear One, 

How Do You Feel About Being Told "No!?!" 
Does Your Internal Translator 
Automatically Substitute "Yes!" In Its Place!?! 

Are You One Given To The Idea That 
"No!" Means Let The Negotiations Begin!?! 

Do You Believe That 
Second-Guessing The Lord For Denying You Your Heart's Desire 
Going To Make Like A Bird And Fly!?! 

We Are Growing In Grace 
          Through Faith 
                     Which Works By Love! 

Refusing The Direct Command Of 
The Lord Will Not Get You The New Life
The New Name
The White Robe
The Gold Harp
Or The Gold Crown! 

What We Practice We Perfect! 

Let's Set About Perfecting Our Praise 
Accepting The Good Lord's "No!" Of Love By Faith 
So That By Patient Endurance We Will Hear 





Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Medicine After Death!?!


It Is Normal To Receive Medicine When One Is Ill 
Who Has Ever Heard Of Taking Medicine After Death!? 

When You Know Right
Do Right!


We Have A Very Nasty Habit Of 
Wanting To Meticulously Do The Thing 
Which We Should Have Done 
We Were Punished For Negligence, Disobedience

When Will We Learn!?! 

Negligence Contains Malice! 
Disobedience Contains Willfulness 
Presumption Contains Pride! 

So Much For Being Innocent! 

The Lord Our God Plainly Says: 

"To Obey
Better Than Sacrifice!" 

Isn't It Better To Lay Out Our Pride At The Feet Of Jesus 
In A Bold Act Of Humility 
Than To Have It Knocked Out Of Us 
As Punishment For Gross Vanity!?! 

There's The Old Expression About Taking The Horse To Water 
Being Unable To Make Him Take A Drink! 

The Remainder Of That Expression States: 

But You Can Put Salt In His Mash
Aka His Food! 

Salt Makes One Thirsty 
That Horse Will Run To The Water To Quench His Thirst 
Without Asking Himself WHY He Is Now Soooo Thirsty! 

We Are Not Horses! 


Acting In Haste Results In Repentance At Leisure 
So Stop Wasting Resources On What You Can't Afford! 

Disobedience Costs
Obedience Pays
Repentance Is The Longest Day Of Our Lives! 

Let Us Do All That The Lord Asks As 
When Required 
We Will Not Be Put On The Prepared-For-Satan Funeral Pyre! 

Choose To Be Satan's F.O.E: 
Utilize Faith
                       Obedience, And 
                                   Endurance In Your Warfare! 

Faith In Almighty God
Obedience To His Will, And 
Endurance On The Walk To The Father's House Of Love! 

You Will Arrive Home Safely! 


Monday, January 17, 2022

One Disorder, Three Lives, Three Outcomes!

If I Knock On Your Forehead
Will You Cheerfully Answer The Front Door!?! 

If The Answer Is Not An Emphatic "Yes!" 
What, May I Ask, Is Eating You!?! 

The Frontal Lobe Of The Brain Deals With 
Our Spirituality Aka Our Need To Worship
Our Morality Aka Our Chosen Behavior
Our Will Aka To Do Or Not To Do Right, Wrong, Dicey Or Disgusting! 

The Holy Word Says That 
In The Presence Of Two Or Three Witnesses
A Matter Should Be Established: 
King Saul, King Solomon, And Prophet Elijah Were All Depressed
Suffering From Stinking Thinking! 

Instead Of Being Obedient And Walking With The Spirit Of Truth
King Saul Went Rogue 
Ended Up Playing Footsie With That Lying Spirit, Satan
Effectively, Efficiently, Offed Himself! 

King Solomon Disobediently Went After Many Pagan Wives And Concubines 
Also Did What Many Of Us Are Doing Today 
Aka He Tried Every "Pleasure" Until Pleasure Was Pain! 

He Hated His Life 
Called Everything Vanity And Vexation Of Spirit! 

King Solomon Eventually Came To His Senses 
Was Converted 
Took The Scars With Him To His Grave! 

Elijah ... Almighty God's Faithful Prophet
Was Hunted Down Like A Wild Dog 
By The Blood-Thirsty Pagan Queen Jezebel: 
He Ran From Her 
He Wanted To Die! 

The Lord Gave Prophet Elijah  A Work To Do 
At Its Completion 
He Was Picked Up In A Fiery Chariot 
Carried To Heaven: 
He Never Tasted Death! 

One Disorder
         Three Lives
                Three Outcomes! 

Dear Ones,

Depressed Or Not
We Have Our Sacrosanct Will With Which To Bless God: 
Please Let Him Take Control Aka Have Master-Control
You Shall Know, Enjoy, Experience His Perfect Peace! 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

SELFLESSNESS: I-Statements From The Lord Jesus Christ!

There Is A Stark Difference Between 
The I-Statements Uttered Here By Our God Almighty 
Those Uttered By Lucifer 
Prior To His Being Expelled, For Cause, From Heaven's Portals! 


Our Dear Jesus Has Here Uttered Five I-Statements 
Which All Pertain To His Blessings Given For Our Benefit! 

All Of Lucifer's I-Statements Were To Himself
Benefiting Himself 
For The Destruction Of The Almighty! 

Lucifer Took Then
Now As Satan, The Adversary, Still Takes 
No Surprise
It Has Not Accrued To His Benefit! 

It Pays To Know Your Maker 
Profits To Live By His Will 
According To His Ways! 

Our Dear Savior Gave
Is Giving
Will Continue Giving To Us For All Eternity! 

Dear Ones, 

There Is A Magnificent Lesson To Be Learnt
We Are Willing To Learn It:
Love, Goodness
Kindness, Giving
Practicing Peace Over Passion And Pride 
Will Always Be Their Own Reward! 

As We Daily Choose To Blissfully Live 
By Grace Through Faith
In The Blessed Light Of The Truth 
Which Leads To Everlasting Life 
We Will Be Changing Into The Likeness Of Him 
Who Is The King Of Love!  

Love Gives! 

We Are Headed Home Where Satan Cannot Trespass: 
Don't Let Him Derail Your Journey To Joy! 

Let Us Wisely Follow Our Lord's Commands 
To Not Be Fearful Or Be Dismayed
Gratefully Claim His Promises Given! 

Doubting Decimates: 
The Obedience Of Faith Frees! 

The Lord Is The Strength Of Our Lives: 
Trust Him And Believe! 


Saturday, January 15, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Little Bits Matter In The Service Of The Lord!

The Feeding Of The Five Thousand Men 
Plus The Women And The Children 
Is Not 
Just About The Lord Jesus Performing A Great Miracle 
Making Empty Bellies Warm And Filled! 

This Signal Miracle Of The Lord 
Speaks To Something Much Deeper 
Aka Giving The Lord The Best As In All That We Have 
Allowing Him To Make Our Best Better 
Even Unto The Best That It Can Ever Be 
Providing For Many And More 
Leaving Something More Beside ... Which Will Not Be Wasted! 

The Story Of The Widow's Mite Amplifies This Miracle 
Showing That The Willing Giving Of Our Little Bits 
In Service Of The Living God We Love 
Worth Even More Than What Is Given Out Of Our Abundance 
Via Pride 
For Public Display! 


A Poor And Kind-Hearted Person 
Missing A Left Arm And A Right Leg 
Doing Willing Service 
Worth More To The Lord Than The Service Of A Rich
Able-Bodied, Self-Centered, Unwilling Person 
Who Suffers From WIIFM Aka What's In It For Me! 

Let Us ... Today
Look At The Stories Of Jesus Christ With New Eyes 
With Hearts Activated By His Love 
For His Service! 

Let Us Choose To Be Used Of Him 
Who Is Able To Turn Our Lives
- Our Coals Of Sin - 
Into Diamonds Of The First Water 
Aka Priceless Jewels For The Kind King's Crown! 

All Things Are Possible With Almighty God: 
Let Us Be Pleased To Cooperate With Christ Always
In All Ways! 


With Jesus Christ
Earthly Loss Is Heavenly Gain
Little Is Much
The Lord Our God Is In It! 


Friday, January 14, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + There Are Consequences To Conduct!

Every Human Has A Path To Travel: 
Blessed Is The Man Who Does Not Walk According To The Counsels
The Directions
The Ways Of The Ungodly! 


With Free-Will 
Freedom To Choose As Our Walking Stick
We Each Have The Ability 
To Either Walk On Strait Street And Narrow Way 
On Broad Street And Own Way! 

Decisions, Decisions! 
Man ... By Himself
In The Valley Of Decision! 

Will You Follow The Savior 
Carrying Your Own Cross All The Way To Calvary 
Will You Choose Achan's I Want It 
Samson's It Pleases My Eye
King Saul's The People Made Me Do It
Ananias And Sapphira's Nobody Will Know
Judas Iscariot's I Can Manipulate God 
Or I'll Sell The Savior For Silver!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Who Helps You To Buy A Big-Belly Horse 
Won't Help You To Feed It! 

You Can Hide And Buy Land
You Can't Hide And Reap It! 

Wha' Sweeten Goat Mout' Does Bu'n 'e En 'e Tail! 

Bottom Line ... 

There Are Consequences To Conduct!

In The Day Of Trial
Only Those Who Have Chosen The Way To Calvary
The Life In And Of Christ
Shall Receive The "Well Done!" 
The Crown Of Life! 

Please Choose To Learn From The Mistakes Of Others 
So That You Don't Suffer Their Same End! 

Choose To Endure Your Tribulations Now 
You Will Enjoy Your Celebrations Later
In The Presence Of King Jesus
Him For Whom We Are Now Waiting! 

Dare To Make Jesus Christ First And Last
Have Heaven In Your Life Now: 
Walk In The Light! 


Thursday, January 13, 2022

REGRET: The One-Way Trip In The Entrance-Only Conveyance!

Am I Become Your Enemy For Telling You The Truth
For Asking You To Rid Yourself Of Habits 
Which Will Rob You Of The Gift Of Eternal Youth!?! 


This Question Should Hit Us All Hard 
As We Sojourn On This Earth! 

Are We Treating God's Gifts As Games Of Trivial Pursuit 
The Rush To Our Pleasures As Special Treasures!?! 

The Lord Jesus Christ
For His Lived Life And His Loving Words Of Truth
Was Executed At The Request Of His Own People 
His Holy Way Accused Them Of Their Evil Ways! 

The Apostle Paul Ultimately Suffered The Same Fate 
For Telling The Truth That Saves! 

John The Baptist ... Jesus Christ's Fore-Runner
Died For Speaking Truth To Power! 

Let's Get Real Here! 

As Committed Christians Walking In The Light That 
Leads To Eternal Life
We Must Live Lives Above Reproach
And We
If We Love Our Brethren By Blood, By Faith
Or By Warmest Affection
Must Speak Up When We See Them Going In The Wrong Direction! 

An Ugly Place To Visit 
Especially When You Have To See The Cold Form Of 
A Lost Loved One 
Making The One-Way Trip 
To Dusty Bed At Long-Home 
In The Entrance-Only Conveyance! 

Sin Is For A Season! 

The New Life In Christ Lasts For The Ceaseless Ages Of Eternity! 

Please Snatch Someone Out Of The Fire: 
The Lord Will Bless You In The City Of Everlasting Day! 

Do Right ... No Matter The Earthly Cost! 

Heaven At Any Cost Is Dirt Cheap: 
Bless Someone With The Knowledge Which Will Help Them
By Almighty God's Amazing Grace
To Safely Arrive There!


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Master, Please Take Control!


Why Would You Ask The Lord To Take Control Of Your Life 
Then Bitterly Complain 
When Your Ceiling Is Your Floor And Your Floor Is Your Ceiling
Your Picture Window Is Your Backyard Door 
All That Was Soooo Easy 
Suddenly Become A Bore And A Chore!?! 

A Cooperative Act Of Love 
Between A Husband And His Wife Produces
- By Almighty God's Great Grace -
A Very Much Wanted And Dearly Loved Beautiful Baby! 

A Cooperative Act Of Love 
Between The Savior Granting Forgiveness And Salvation 
The Sinner Needing The Cleansing 
The Promised New Life 
Produces A Saint Of God And Jesus Christ! 

Two-Party Cooperation 
Necessary Patient Work 
Serviceable Product Of Choice And Design! 

Planting Good Seed On Unploughed Aka Unworked Soil 
Never Yields The Bountiful Harvest! 

With This In Mind, Beloved
Consider Yourself Blessed, Bought, And Benefited 
When Your Life Is In Flux
When No Two Days Are The Same
When You Finally Recognize That Your Heart's Request 
Placed You Squarely Under The Control Of 
The Master Who Has Everything 
In His Loving, Can't-Fail, Strong Hand! 

He Who Has Begun A Good Work In You 
Will Perform It Until The Day Of Jesus Christ! 

With Patient, Enduring, Unreproachable Faith
Enjoy Your Journey To Joy! 

Pray, Plead, And Plod On 
As You Hold On To Almighty God's Unchanging Hand! 


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Repentance Aka The U-Turn Of Life!

Repentance ... Just Like A U-Turn
It Is A Change Of Mind 
Caused By A Change Of The Heart 
Which Leads To A Change Of Action Aka Direction! 


There Was Once A Time When We Would Say That 
A Repentant Sinner Did A 360° Turn! 
This Was Until Wisdom Prevailed 
Understanding Dawned 
Knowledge Spoke Up And Noted That 
A 360° Turn Is A Circle 
Which Meant Doing As One Always Did 
But That 
A 180° Turn Resulted In A Complete Change Of Direction! 

Hallelujah, Wisdom! 

Thank You, Lord, For The Cautionary Tale Which Says: 

In All Your Getting
 Get Understanding! 

We Are Grateful, Lord
For The Knowledge Which Increases! 

Dear Ones, 

Turning Around ... Changing Direction
Without Having Your Chosen Life-Style Turned Upside-Down 
Changes Absolutely Nothing! 

Genuine Repentance Aka Repentance Of The Godly Sort
Means That Friends, Associates, Relationships
Tastes, Likes, Dislikes
Our Reservation For Our Final Port Of Call 
Must Change! 

We Can No Longer Call Upon Christ 
Do Like The Devil! 

Calling Upon Christ For Saving Truth 
Deliberately Acting Upon It 
Changes Our Life
Our Life-Style
Our Character! 

Jesus Christ The Lord
The Truth 
Living By And In The Truth 
Means Living For Our King Jesus! 

Let's Think About It! 
Let's Earnestly Pray About It
Let's Wisely Act Upon It 
Our Personal Future Depends Upon It! 


Living For Jesus Christ Now
Living A Life
Has Only Just Begun!

Monday, January 10, 2022

Created Beings Can't Game God Almighty!

A Favored Pastime In This World Today 
To Play The Victim 
Throw Down The Paint On The Paper Thick And Hard! 
Throw A Hissy Fit! 
Roll Around In A White Outfit On The Dirty Floor! 
Cuss Out Everybody In Hearing Distance! 
Call Yuh Mudda A Man 
And Then 
Get Up Clear-Eyed And Calm 
Wonder If You Need A Sun-Tan! 

Man's Got Skills! 


If You've Cracked Open The Living Word Of God
You Would Know That That Boat Don't Float 
In The Kingdom Of God! 

Blaming Others 
For You Doing You
For "Forcing" You To Do Wrong When You Know To Do Right
For Your Getting Caught With Your Hand Inside The Cookie Jar
Running A Corrupt Game Of Straight Face 
All On You! 

Adam, Eve, Cain, Achan, And Saul 
All Tried That ... And Failed


We Will Likewise Fail 
We Believe That We Are Able To Game Almighty God! 

Think, Dear Ones! 

Can You Really Fool The Eternal God 
Who Is All-Seeing
Feels All That We Feel!?! 

Wheel, And Come Again! 

The Lord Plainly, Unambiguously, Says To Us: 

Your Ways Are Not My Ways
Neither Are Your Thoughts My Thoughts! 

Punishment For Our Corrupt Behavior May Be Delayed 
Rest Assured It Will Arrive 
At The Time Appointed By The God Of Heaven
Who Has Earth As His Foot-Stool! 

Please Don't Play Satan's Games 
When The Lord God Almighty Wrote The Rule Book For Man 
Which Is Avidly Used By All 
Who Will Live Godly In Christ Jesus! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

You Will Never Realize The Value Of 
The Anchor Of Your Soul 
Until You Experience The Wrath Of The Storm! 

Be Wise: 
Load Your Soul's Anchor 
Aka Put On Jesus Christ! 


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Believe The Word Of The Infallible God!

Faith! Feelings! Facts! Failings! Future! 

The Lord Jesus Gives To Each Of Us A Daily Gift Of His Faith 
For That Day Alone 
Our Feelings Bring Up The Facts 
About Our Known Failings 
They Are Grounding Our Hopes Of 
A Future In The Father's House 
As Promised To Us By Our Savior Dear! 

Are You Going To Believe The Word Of God
The Truth That Saves
Or Are You Going To Trust Fraught Feelings 
Known Fickle Aka Flighty!?! 


We Have The Infallible Aka Trust-Worthy Word Of 
The Living God Who Never Changes! 

Our God Is Not A Time-Bound Philosopher
A Paper Tiger
A Plaster Saint
Nor A Lying Man Who Changes His Mind 
As Often As He Changes His Garments 
Direction Of Travel! 

Dear Ones, 

We May Set Our Temporal Clocks 
By The Sun Of Righteousness, The Eternal God
In Whom Is No Variableness Or Shadow Of Turning! 

Today Is The Day Of Salvation 
Our Savior Says: 

"Come Unto Me! 
Come And Dine! 
Make Your Home With Me! 
Trust Me And Obey! 
Take My Blessing 
I Have Taken Away Your Blight
Your Sin! 

Your New Life Is In Me! 

You Confessed And Repented Of Your Sin 
Because I Am Faithful And Just
I Forgive You! 

Rest In Me And Be Refreshed! 

Hold My Hand! 
By Enduring Faith, Not Fickle Feelings
Be Anchored In Me! 

I Give You Joy!" 


A Working Faith Can Never Fail 
So I Choose To Accept The Lord's Unspeakable Gift! 

Do You!?! 
Will You!?! 


Saturday, January 8, 2022


What Is The Point Of 
Having Big Money And A Bad Mind
Having Reach And No Grasp
Having A Hold But No Help
Having Your Best Life Now 
No Liberty In The Lord Jesus!?! 

What Does It Profit Us To Gain The Whole World 
Lose Our Own Souls!?! 

Will You Lose Your Battle Against Sin 
For Lack Of A Nail In A Sure Place: 
Upon What Foundation Are You Building Your House!?! 


The Truth Is That Jesus Christ 
The Truth! 

Operating On And In The Truth 
Saves Our Souls From Sin! 

Rejecting Sin Puts Us Squarely In Satan's Cross-Hairs 
Safely In The Arms Of Jesus Christ The King Who 
Lord, Life, Love, Light

A Question Must Be Asked: 
In Whom Is Your Trust Placed!?! 

The Answer Must Be Given: 
I Trust In Almighty God Through Jesus Christ! 

A Walk Must Be Started! 
The Life Will Be Changed! 
Desires Will Be Reorganized And Refined! 
Hope Will Point To Glory! 
Faith Will Lead The Way
Victory Will Open The Door 
Endurance Caused You To Pray ... 

"Jesus, Thou Son Of David
Please Have Mercy On Me!"


Salvation Saves The Day 
Paves The Way ... Home! 

Do Not Lean On Your Own Understanding: 
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Always The Answer To All Our Questionings! 

No Jesus, No Peace! 
Know Jesus And Know Peace!