Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Answer To All Our Questionings!

How Wise Are You!?! 
How Foolish Can You Get!?! 

How Calm Are You!?! 
How Angry Can You Get!?! 

Are You A Serpent!?! 
Will You Be A Dove!?! 
Are You Listening To The Holy Spirit!?! 
Will You Ascend To The Courts Above!?! 
Are You, By Faith, With Hope
Yielding To The King Of Love!?! 


There's An Old Song With A Lyric Which Says: 
"There Are More Questions Than Answers!" 

I Beg To Differ Because I Met A Man
The God-Man
The Man Of Sorrows Well Acquainted With Grief
The Shepherd Of Rest
The Only Way To Life Everlasting
The Light Of The World
The Savior Of Every Man
Water Indeed
Bread Indeed
Immanuel - God With Us
Shiloh - The Prince Of Peace
The Truth! 

Are You A Peace-Maker 
Or A Strife-Maker!?! 

Are You A War-Monger Against Sin 
Or Warring Against The Truth!? 

Dear Ones, 

Anyone With Questions, Honest Questions
Who Does Not Despise The Truth 
Aka King Jesus With The Non-Detachable Handle 
"The Lord Of Earth And Glory
The Creator
Our Only Savior
Our Redeemer And One True Friend
The Law-Giver And Life-Sustainer Who Bids Us To Come To Him 
So That We Many Reason Together
The True And Only Holy God 
By Whom We Live And Breathe And Have Our Being
The One Who Liberally Gives Wisdom 
And Will Not Chastise Us Who Lack Wisdom 
For Asking For Wisdom
The Answer To All Our Questioning! 


Believe The Gospel
Be Very Courageous In The Face Of Opposition 
Do Not Despise The Truth For He, Jesus Christ 
Aka It,  The Road-Map
The Only Way To Live
The Only Way To Everlasting Life! 

Despise The Truth ... Which Is Good
At Your Own Peril! 


Saturday, June 18, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Whatever You Want, Satan Will Promise!

Satan And Sin Are One! 
Faith And Trust Are One
Obedience And Endurance Are One! 

Sin Leads To Sorrow Aka Grief Which 
The Strong Arm Of Discipline! 

With This In Mind, Beloved
Let Us Respond To The Statement: 

"Whatever You Want
Satan Will Promise!" 

First, Satan Can't Promise You Anything 
You're Not Playing Pat-A-Cake Or Footsy With Him! 

Secondly, By God's Grace
Christians Should Be Too Wise To Be Foolish 
Where Satan Is Concerned 
When The Lord, In Mercy
Taught Us About The Wiles Of That Devil! 

Thirdly, Growing In Grace 
Has Its Own Sorrow, Its Own Griefs
So Why Would Committed Christians Seek Out 
What Can't Raise Us Up To Glory!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Elders Used To Tell Us:
"See With Your Eyes But Don't Touch!" 
Regarding What Could Cause Us Harm! 

The Good Book Tells Us That 
Only With Our Eyes Shall We Behold 
The Destruction Of The Wicked, Sinful, Unrepentant Ones! 

Why, Then, Would You Want Something From Someone 
Who Is Going Somewhere Decidedly Unpleasant!?! 

Let Us Stay On The Path Of Purity 
Where The Refiner's Fire 
Getting Rid Of The Rust Of Ruin 
The Dust Of Desolation! 

Satan Can't Give You What He Doesn't Have 
So Don't Cast Your Pearls Before Swine! 

The Promises Of The Living God Are Sure 
Aka "Yea!" And "Amen!" 
Count The Costs 
Let Godly Sorrow Be Your Grace Today! 


Friday, June 17, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + The For-Real Bargain!

Freedom In Christ! 
Freedom Through Christ! 

Free Is Our Friend 
Jesus Christ Is In It! 

The Merchants Of The Earth 
Get Us To Buy Their Merchandise With 
"Buy One, Get One!" 
Or "Buy Two Get One!" Sales Pitches 
Knowing Full Well That 
We Are Going To Spend More 
On Other Things As Well! 

They Make A Killing 
We Get A Bargain, We Believe! 

Listen Up, Dear Ones! 
There's A For-Real Bargain Up For Grabs 
For All Who Are Willing To See The Light 
Save Themselves From Sin And Sorrow 


No Personal Investment Of Dollar Bills 
Or Fuel 
Or Frazzled Nerves 
Or Angry Outbursts Are Required! 

There Is No Limited Stock! 
There Is No Early Bird Special! 
There Is No Rain-Check 
There Is No Disappointment! 

Imagine That ...

Jesus Christ's Free-To-All Salvation
With Sufficient Grace
Free Mercy
Free Education In The School Of Jesus
Free Guardian Security Angel
Free Peace And Rest Now
Free White Linen Robe Of Righteousness
Free Gold Crown
Free Gold Harp
New Life
A Free City Of God Dwelling
A Country Estate
Inter-Stellar Transport
Eternal Life
Joys Forevermore
More That Eye Has Not Seen Nor Ear Has Ever Heard! 

Unspeakable Gifts ... Treasures! 

How To Get It All, You Ask!?! 


Just Say: 

"Yes, Lord! 
I Trust You! 
I Believe You! 
I'll Worship You And Obey!" 

This, Dear Ones
The True Blessing Of This Lifetime! 
Accept It And Be Eternally Blessed! 


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Don't Rob Yourself Of Everlasting Life!

Do You Know The Difference Between 
An Open Invitation And An Open Ticket 
Understand Their Impress And Impact Upon John Q. Public 
Committed To The Church Christians 
Committed To Christ Christians!?! 


There Is No Christian Church Without Jesus Christ 
Aka The Foundation! 

All Humans Have Been Given 
An Open Invitation To Come To Jesus Christ For Salvation! 

All Committed Christians Know That 
They Have An Open Invitation 
To Boldly Approach The Throne Of Grace 
To Obtain Mercy 
Find Grace To Help In Their Time Of Need! 

All Committed To Christ Christians Know That 
No Human Has An Open Ticket To Get To Glory 
On Their Own Terms
On Their Own Schedule
At Their Own  Expense
According To Their Own "Feelings!" 

Dear Ones, 

Tread Softly Before The Lord 
Do Not Permit Nit-Picking
To Cost You Your Share Of The Blessed Hope 
Your Creator-Savior Lacks The Philosopher's Wet Noodle For A Spine 
Is Not Impressed By Your Many Ward-Robe Changes 
Even As He Commands That 
Your "Yes!" Be "Yes!" And Your "No!" Be "No!" 
Anything Else Leads One Into Sin! 

The Lord Christ Has Made His Will And His Way Plain 
By His Inflexible Word 
So Don't Rob Yourself Of Everlasting Life 
You Went To School And The Living God Didn't! 

Heads-Up, Dear Ones! 
The Living God Is The School: 
Let's Buy The Free Clue 
Get A Solid Grip On Saving Truth!


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

OUR DEBT IS PAID: Know The LORD Jesus Christ!

Instead Of Being Sold-Out To Sin
We Need To Seriously Seek-Out Our Savior! 

We Need To Make A Donation Of All Known Sin 
-  Inherited, Cultivated, Or That Sin That So Easily Besets Us - 
To Our Blessed Lord Jesus Who Already Paid For It 
So That We No Longer Need To Be Burdened With It! 

We Seriously Need To Keep Ourselves Unspotted By The World 
Not Conformed To Its Destructive And Spiritually-Defiling Ways 
And, Instead
Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Our Minds 
By Searching The Words Of Life 
As We Dig For Its Hidden Treasure! 

We Definitely Need To Discard All Bad Habits 
Since Habits Build Character 
Our Character Determines Our Destiny
Our Final Destination! 

Most Of All, Dear Ones, 

Let Us Discard Self Who Loves To Have The Preeminence 
Aka The Lead In Our Lives
Desires To Inhabit The Throne That Is Our Heart 
Which Should Be Occupied Only By Our Kind King Jesus! 

Let Us Remember That
Self Is A Willing Sinner 
Who Indulges Unseemly Thoughts 
Which Encourage Unkind Words 
Which Stimulate Unholy Deeds 
Which Seed An Ungodly Character 
Which Sends Us To An Unprofitable Destination 
Aka Outer Darkness From Which There Is No Return! 

Dare To Declutter Your Life: 
Let The Word Dwell In You Richly! 

Jesus Christ Is Knocking: 
Open The Door! 


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Salvation Is Not A Gamble!

There Is No Gambling With Jesus Christ The Lord! 


A Word Of Caution! 

We Do Not Get A Chance At Salvation: 
There Is No Risk Involved! 

We Do Not Have An Opportunity For Salvation: 
There Is No Investment Involved! 

We Have Been Given The Gift Of Salvation: 
There Is The Matter Of Acceptance Required! 

Dear Ones, 

If I ... A Mere Mortal
- A Finite Being With A Published Expiration Date -
Am Your FFL Aka Friend For Life 
And I Alert You To Expect A Wonderful Gift By Special Delivery
Same Day Service, Signature Required
And Provide You With The Tracking Information
And Sign You Up For The "Delivery In Progress!" Package Notification
Wouldn't You Be At Your Front Door Waiting
Big Smile, Arms Outstretched
Itching To Have That Package In Your Hot Little Hands 
You Have Faith In Our Friendship, Our Relationship 
You Want Whatever It Is That I Have Sent 
Because  My Gifts Never Disappoint!?! 

I Can't Give You The Breath Of Life
Seal You Against The Day Of Vengeance
Nor Give You The Crown Of Life 
You Trust Me And Believe Me
A Fallible Human
At My Imprecise, Changeable Word! 

What's Wrong With This Picture!?! 

Think About It And Do The Necessary! 

Trust, And Trust In, The Eternal God 
Who Always Gives Good And Perfect Gifts! 


Monday, June 13, 2022

The Lure Of The Devil!

It Must Be A Terrible Burden To Own
Possess ... Have Several Houses 
Not Be Able To Call Any Of Them Home! 


Such Is The Lot Of All Who Choose 
To Be More And Other Than Who The Lord Created Them To Be 
Without The Lord, Our Creator, Being Actively Involved! 

We Cannot Be Saints 
Without Having The Blessings Of The Savior! 

We Cannot Be Helpless ... And Be Helped 
Without Having The Helper 
Who Is The Holy Spirit Who Leads Us Into All Truth 
Helping, Holding, And Healing Us! 

We Cannot Be Safe 
Walking Down The Lonesome Road 
Where Known Predators, Deceitful Snakes
Roaring Lions And Snarling Dragons Are Stalking 
Without The Unfailing Protection Of 
Holy Angels Excelling In Strength! 

Dear Ones, 

The Lure Of The Devil 
To Have Us Believe That 
We Do Not Need The Saving Grace Of The Living God 
And That 
We Have No Need Of A Meddling Absentee Landlord For A Father 
Who Has Too Many Rules For Us To Live By! 

Look Around!?! 

How Is The Life Without Rules Working Out 
For Our Myriad Straying Brethren!?! 

Law-Less, Rule-Less
Clue-Less, Direction-Less
Careless, Anchor-Less
Indisciplined, Unprincipled, Unfeeling
Spiritually And Morally Bankrupt 
Make For A Fully-Loaded Plate Of Unremitting Sorrow! 

Help Us, Lord! 

Dear Ones, 

Dare To Have A Faith And Prayer Life 
You Desire A Pointed, Peace-Filled Life! 

Jesus Christ, The King Of Love, Makes Life Liveable! 


With Jesus Christ Our Lord

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Used Of Man Or Useful To The Eternal God!

People Love Useful Things! 
Are You Useful!?! 

People Love Door-Mats, Absorbent Towels, And Big Blankets! 
Are You Useful Or Being Used!?!

 Absorbent Towels Wipe Away What Mars The Body! 

Blankets Cover Up And Warm 
Cover Up And Hide Someone From Something! 

Door-Mats Remove Debris From Soiled Feet And Shoes 
Hold It In Place So Others Never Find Out 
What Another Stepped In Or Walked Through! 


Are You Useful To Jesus Christ The Lord!?! 

Can You Be Trusted To Carry The Message Of Salvation 
Telling The World That He Who Calls Them Covers Their Sin
Wipes Away Their Tears
Is Ready And Available 
Willing To Walk With Them 
Through The Green Pastures Of Life 
The Desert Of Desolation 
On Through To The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death 
All The While Being The Shoulder, The Rest
The Refuge Upon Which We May Rely!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The "Wise" Ones Of This Earth With The Unregenerate Hearts 
Consider Those For Whom Christ Died 
To Be Nothing But Useful Idiots And Disposable Units: 
It Is Not True! 

The Lord Has Need Of Thee! 

Will You Be Amongst The Wise Unto Salvation 
Teach, Tell, Show To Others Who Are Lost In Sin That 
Jesus Christ Saves 
And That 
They Can Be Used Of And Useful To The Lord Of Life 
Where It Will Make A Real Difference!?! 

Please Live Like One Loved By The Lord Of Life
Live For The Lord To Live With The Lord! 

Glory Awaits! 


Saturday, June 11, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Follow The Lord's Instructions!

When The Living God
The God Of Saving Grace Who Inhabits Glory
Asks Us To Call Upon Him By Prayer And Supplication
It Is Because He Knows Things That We Can't Possibly Know 
It Is Also Because He, Our Creator, Savior, Redeemer
One True And Everlasting Friend
Willing, Ready, And Able To Reveal 
The Unknowns Of This Life To Us 
To Better Our Present Ungodly, Unholy, Unprofitable Condition! 


Did You Think To Pray Today Even If It Was Only: 
"Lord, Have Mercy!?!" 

There Is Nothing Worse In This Life Than Being A Created Being 
"Knowing Everything About Everything 
And Needing No One For Anything!" 
Talk About Being Delusional! 

Dear Ones, 

If There Is An Instruction Given In The Living Word
Follow The Instruction 
Our Instructor Knows What Is Best For Us 
At All Ages And Stages Of Our Transitory 
Aka Bound To Change Life! 

We Need The Lord Who Sees Our Plight 
Cares Enough To Bless Us! 

We Are Growing Children Who Need Direction
Correction, Protection, And Provision: 
Our God Known Holy Has It All
It Is Free To Us All ... Today! 

Please Remember That If No Call Aka No Prayer Is Offered
Then No Answer Will Be Provided! 

Please, I Beseech Us All, Humble Yourself 
Urgently Call On The Lord Jesus Christ Who Feels For You: 
Pray In Saving Faith ... And Obey! 

Blessings Are On The Wing! 


Friday, June 10, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Bold Affronts To Modernity!

As Committed Christians, Pilgrims
Strangers In A Strange Land
Peculiar People
Square Pegs In Round Holes
Bold Affronts To Modernity
We Are Constantly Under Attack From 
The Enemy Of Souls! 

Are We Not Also Within The Safety Of The Safe Fold
Protected By The Strong Tower
Under The Sheltering Wings Of The Holy God!?! 

Which Is Stronger: 
The Storms Of Satan 
The Shelter Of The Savior!?! 

Which Is More Powerful: 
Satan's Curse 
Our Savior's Blessing!?! 
The Sword Of Sin 
The Shield Of Salvation!?! 


In Life And At The Judgment 
There Will Only Be Two Types Of People: 
Those For Jesus Christ The King 
Those For Satan The Damned! 

When All Of The Trials 
Torments Of This Short Sojourn Are Over
On The Day Of The Eternal God's Appointing
There Will Be Two Types Of People: 
The Saints Of God And Christ 
Aka The Righteous And Holy Ones 
Who Leaned On The Everlasting Arms 
By Truly Trusting His Living Word Of Truth 


The Unrepentant Sinners 
Aka The Unholy And The Filthy Ones 
Who Leaned On Their Own Understanding 
Preferring The Lies Of Satan 
They Had No Love For The Truth Of Almighty God! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Not Be Rebellious! 
Let Us Pray Today To Remain Faithful
Having Endurance
Exercising Wisdom 
To Ever Stand Up For And With Our Lord Jesus! 

We Are Nearing Home! 


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Tickets On The Old Ship Of Zion Are Free!

Heads Up! 
When We  Accept That 
There Is Security In Almighty God's Protection
We Will
- With The Confidence That Resides 
Within Our Daily Gift Of Faith Received From 
Our Savior, Lord, God, And King -
Ask Him 
- Who We Love Because He Loved Us First -
To Hear Our Heartfelt Prayers 
To Be Our Defence, Our Guardian, And Our Guide
To Deliver Us Not Just From The Devil, Evil Diseases, And Disasters
But From The Blackness And Darkness Of  The Second Death! 


Our Relationship With Our Blessed Jesus 
Involves Relations And A Ship! 

If We Are Walking, Living, Being In Accord With King Jesus
Our Relations, Interactions, Involvement With Each Other 
Will Be Related To The Agreed-Upon Goal: 

Together Forever!
At The Sound Of The Last Trumpet! 

This Is Where The Good Ship Of Zion Comes In! 

Dear Ones, 

To Get On Board The Ship
We Have To Know About The Ship 
Have A Desire To Get On Board! 

We Have To Know Where The Ship Is Going 
Have A Desire To Go There! 

We Have To Know The Ship's Operator 
Their Reputation For Service And Support
Their Performance Record
Whether They Stand Behind Their Product! 

We Have To Decide By The Available Public Evidence
Whether We Are Willing, Ready, To Go All In 
Accept That Tickets Are Free 
And That 
Our Desire Will Take Us Into The Presence Of 
The Only One Divine! 

Please Read Your Bible: 
Jesus Christ Delivers You! 

Are You Going!?! 


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

CHOOSE TO BE MORE: The Change Must Come!

If You Really Believed That 
The All-Knowing God Was Ever-Present 
Ever Seeing All That You Are Doing
Hearing All That You Are Saying
Aware Of All That You Are Thinking
How Would You Actually Live Your Life From Day To Day
Moment By Moment!?! 

What Is Stopping You From Believing The Infallible Word 
Which Tells Us What The Lord Is Unerringly Doing 
At This Very Moment!?! 


Are We ... Because Of Unbelief And Willful Blindness
Becoming Like The Fool Who Says In His Heart That 
There Is No God 
Acknowledging The Knowing, Seeing, Present God Means That 
Our Present Ungodly Thoughts, Words, Actions, And Activities 
Must Be Renounced, Repudiated
Changed To Reflect One's New Standing 
As Revealed Through The Word
Ways Of The Eternal And Only Wise God!?! 

There Are Many Men And Many Minds 
One Holy God
One Way To The Holy God
One Narrow Road To His Glory 
That's The Reason Why We Are Told 
To Buy Eye-Salve From The Lord Jesus! 

Blinded Eyes 
Go Where Dull Sense Says! 

Re-Sighted Eyes 
Go Where The Healing, Sealing, Savior Sends! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Called To Be Better 
To Rise Higher Than Where We Are 
Through Almighty God's Grace 
Which Causes Us To Be, To Do, To Say, To See
To Be Saved And Blessed! 

Let Us Choose To Be More 
By Him Who Is The Door! 

Let Us Live In And For Jesus Christ The Lord: 
He Is Right Here! 
Give Him Honor, Glory, And Praise! 


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

REJOICING: Praying And Praising!

Let's Investigate Rejoicing 
Aka Praying And Praising! 

Praying Lifts Us Up To Our Eternal God 
Praise In Song 
A Defence Against Despair And Discouragement! 

Satan The Damned Poisonously Hates Praying And Praising
For This Reason
The Fact That Our Dear Savior Asks Us To Pray Without Ceasing
To Offer Unfeigned Praise Over His Glorious Works And Eternal Majesty 
Why We Should Hungrily, Thirstily, Unfailingly Indulge! 

Within Praying Is A Pry Bar 
To Get Us Away From Sin
To Walk Wisely In The Gifted Free-To-All Salvation! 

Within Praising Is Raising
A Pin
A Ping! 

When The Sharp Pin Of 
Despondency, Despair, And Discouragement Dig Into You
You Feel That Ping Of Hurt On Your Nerves
You Know That It Is Time 
To Start Raising Your Head, Heart, And Voice 
As You Bless God 
While Praising Him For Another Reason To Believe His Word
Trust His Promises
To Damn That Satan 
By Working Your Day's Faith To A Nubbin ... And To Death! 


Let Us Choose This Day To Look For Blessings
For Reasons For Praying And Praising
Let Us Bless Almighty God For Our Privilege
Our Invitation
To Boldly Approach The Throne Of Grace! 


Thank You, Jesus, For The Purchased Peace! 
I Give You Thanks And Praise
For My Blessings Already Experienced 
Those Even Now On The Way!


Life May Leave You With Nothing
With Jesus Christ
As Your Eternal Portion
You Will Have Everything!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Humble-Pride!?! Prideful-Humility!?!

There Can Be No Pride 
When We Are Praying To Or Praising The Lord God Almighty! 


When We Approach The Throne Of Grace
It Is For A Purpose Which Should In All Aspects 
Please Our Creator 
Should Ever Be For His Glory And Our Good! 

Can You See Why The Lord Accepted The Prayer Of 
The Publican Who Recognized His Wretched Condition 
Saw His Great Need For 
The Mercy, The Saving Grace, Of The Eternal God 
Summarily Rejected The Pompous, Privileged
Posturing Pronouncements Of The Prideful Pharisee 
Who Behaved As Though He Was Doing The Living God A Favor 
By Cataloging His "Virtues" 
In That Very Public Sphere For The World To Hear!?! 

Dear Ones, 

If There Is Even The Mildest Stench Of Pride In Our Prayers
We Have Got Ourselves A Problump 
Aka A Problem Which Will Cause Us To Be Lumped With The Proud
Disobedient, Unrepentant Workers Of Iniquity! 

Let's Make It A Point 
To Ever Remember To Humble Ourselves 
Seek The Lord's Face ... His Presence! 

Pride Got Lucifer Evicted From Heaven: 
Pride Will Keep Us From Entering! 

Please Remember Also That 
There Is No Such Thing As Humble-Pride Or Prideful-Humility! 

There Are No Two-Color Saints' Robes: 
The Robe Of Righteousness 
Clean And White Linen! 

Please Make A Note 
Behave According To Your Preferred Eternal Destination's 
Code Of Conduct! 
