Saturday, August 15, 2015


One day I met Mr. Evil
His last name was So-Good
He was a stunning bold sinner
And before Me he proudly stood!

Then I came across the Saintly Good Evil
Loving, Faithful, and Kind
He was bruised and battered
But he did not repine!

Some people see these men as interchangeable
Some people thought them twins
But those who listened to The Master
Knew them to be stone cold enemies
Never, Ever friends!

They both had similar missions:

"Go ye into The World!
Take up a Position!
Let Your Voice be Heard!
Create Division! Division!"

Problems very soon surfaced -
Someone had flipped The Script
These gentlemen's Birth Certificates were altered
Information checked out Absurdly Sick!
Messages didn't fit the lip!

Good Good had become Good Evil!
Evil Evil had become Evil Good!
The Masterful Deception was Total
And The People faced The Flood 
Of Right Wrongs
Wrong Rights
Light Darks
Dark Lights
Bitterly Sweet
Sweetly Bitter
Sinful Saints and
Saintly Sins
Both Day and Night
With Glitter Glitter!

Life became Dire
Dire unto The Fire
Which could would turn This Old World
Into a veritable Funeral Pyre!

But ... despite The Deception
In a small glade
Lived Gaude S. Good
Whose son was Savior who
By The Crosswise Way
He always stood
Preaching and teaching
Giving of himself
Warning, ever warning to
Don't trust The Elf
Whose tongue was lizard
Whose words were forked
Who thrived on Deception
Desire and Things Dark!

Gaude S. Good, Jr. - Savior baptized
Outed The Devil
Exposing The Lies
And giving His People
Hope Bona Fides
To hold
To help
To heed
To heal
To feed and to succor
To Salvation Lead
Despite Deadly Deeds
Starving Souls He Feeds!

He Feels for His Fellows
He Prays for their Souls
His Inward Light Burning
His Eyes as Flame Glows
His Passion over-flowing
His Heart is on Show
He will not a Soul surrender!
No! No! No!

All that His Father gave Him
All unto Him go
Full of contrition
Of Sin do repent
He draws and he Shepherds them
Into The Safe Fold
None will be cast out
Into The Night Cold!

Blessed are The Sheep
Savior holds Dear
For Now and Forever
They Abide in His Care
Until The Finale
When All will be Revealed
When The Saints of The Ages
Will before God The Father 
In Holy Worship kneel!

Put a Pin in a Ball Balloon
All The Air Flows Out!

Put a Jesus Pin in Your Sin
The Devil Flees as He Cries Out!

Blood is Still Blood!

All who would to The Savior flee
Listen, now -
Let Me speak to thee!
The Holy Word
Quite plainly cries
Woe unto them who
The Living Word profane!

Good can never be Evil!
Evil can never be Good!
Renaming can't change that for -
Without God -
Blood is still Blood!

Glitter does not make Good Character
But Character can make shame!
Keep good companions
Act ever always from Sweet Love!

Look to King Jesus -
Not the Lord of The Dung Flies
Who is ever deceptive
Who on Holy Love lies!

Trust God time and again!
Evil Sin is The Enemy!
My cry to You, Dear One:
"Refrain! Refrain!"

Mine and The Lord's

My Failures are Mine!
My Successes are from Lord!

The Lies are Mine!
#TruthIsOfThe Lord!

The Dreams are Mine!
Hope is from The Lord!

The Moment is Mine!
Tomorrow is from The Lord!

The Plan is Mine!
The Decision is from The Lord!

Sickness is Mine!
Healing is from The Lord!

Sorrow is Mine!
Comfort is from The Lord!

Wresting is Mine!
Victory is from The Lord!

Salvation is Mine!
Redemption is from The Lord!

Sin is Mine!
Forgiveness is from The Lord!

Confession is Mine!
New Life is from The Lord!

Praying is Mine!
Peace and Rest are from The Lord!

The Needs are Mine!
Provision is from The Lord!

The Walk is Mine!
Direction is from The Lord!

Trouble is Mine!
Mercy is from The Lord!

Death is Mine!
The Saving Blood is from The Lord!

Grace is from The Lord!

Overcoming is Mine!
The Crown is from The Lord!

Heaven will be Mine!
The Blessing is from The Lord!


With God, I Am Never Alone!

God and I Make A Majority!

God Rules!

Friday, August 14, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH + The Inheritance!

Daddy said that when he died, I would have an inheritance
Daddy died - I held out My hand
Done gone! 
Run away!

When she married, her husband said
When he dies she will have an inheritance
Hubby died
Bills and taxes multiplied!

She went to Jesus
And he said:
"I died! You have an inheritance!
Glory supplied bona fide!"

But she?
She stuttered
And ... lied:

"I wanted the World!"

And that is when Life became Base 
As she whirled and twirled!

She became ... You Me!
Frolic became Folly!
Dancing was no more Jolly!
Things became a drag! - I was eating ... dust!

I got up out of The Dirt and
Called to Jesus - He didn't desert
And I prayed earnestly for My Cleansing
After behaving like a totally sinful jerk!

My Inheritance from The Divine
Is Mine - take or decline - I make The Choice
Not Circumstance 
Not Human Whim
Never HIM!

I Trust in The Lord!
He is Ever Faithful 
With Punishment and Reward!
My Inheritance is Mine!
I, alone, make The Receipt or Rejection Call.

We can't Hold 
The World and The Lord 
at one and the same time!

Take the World 
We Give Up 
Our Heavenly Inheritance!

We Receive 
The Eternal
Totally Touchable
The Believing
Overcoming Child 
God All-Glorious!

Contrariwise Blessing!

You Hit Me - Bless You!
You Spat on Me - Bless You!
You Gambled for My Clothes - Bless You!
You Pierced My Side - Bless You!

You Took My Life, but
I Bless You with Eternal Life, so
Remove Now from The Life of Strife, for
I Give You My Life!

I Live!
I Love You!
I Lift You Up, so
Stand ... and Give
A Testimony of Your Hope!

Don't Grope!
I Am Your Hope!
Stop Holding his Rope!
Tell him "Nope!" -
His Bloat does not Float!
Get In My Salvation Boat -
I Made The Sea!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Declaration: In My Soul

I believe in The God I have not seen
I listen to The Voice I recognize in My Soul
I am protected by Heavenly Angels excelling in Strength
Against all Worldly Wisdom, I March to the beat of The Unseen Drum

My Dance is to The Music of The Spheres
My knowledge is what The Prophets of Old longed to know
I see Tomorrow through The Eyes of Hope
Lit by The Light of The World

I will walk in Heavenly Places
In That Great Day
Because He who started a Good Work in Me
Will finish it

Of Myself, I am Not Worthy
But, by Jesus' Faith and The Mercy of God, and
The Comfort of The Holy Spirit
These Eyes which have not seen
These ears which have not heard
This Heart which has not conceived
Shall, upon awakening from My Soul's Sleep
Behold The King
In an immortal, incorruptible body
And shall to Glory rise

I shall drink from The Water of Life freely
I shall know God ... even as I am known
I shall worship
I shall bow down before My Maker

I shall wing, unfettered, to Worlds unknown
I shall know Peace
I shall have Rest
All this I shall have
Because I have a Living Faith

And ...?
So ...?

I Believe In
Honor and
Worship ...
The True and Living
Omnipresent God
Who is worthy to be Praised!

So ... I shall Sing!

What God?!

I cringed at The Venom!
My skin crawled at The Sarcasm!
I felt sad at The Fulfillment
Of The Prophecy
Of The Scoffers at The Time of The End.

This was a person so-called intelligent
Better he should be called Satan's tool
For to hear him speaking
Was to hear The Voice of the Bible Fool!

"What God?
There is no God!
My bad!
Soooo Sorry!
You really believe in that Sky God?!
You have got to be stupid
To believe in such a great Fraud!
Since I came along
I have been hearing
 'He is returning!'
'He's Coming!'
'He is on His Way!'
He hasn't come!!
Has he lost his compass?
Doesn't he know the "direction?"
How come he can't find his way here?!
When he comes I will believe in Him!
Until then ... Get out of my way!"

Lord, Jesus!
"He has nothing for us!
We don't want him!
Leave us alone!
Let us just live as we like, and have fun, and play!
There is nothing after this life!
Get out of my face you ignoramus!
Got to play fast for soon we die!"

My heart felt like lead dropping into my stomach!
I felt the hair growing on top of my head!
The fear of Almighty God rose within me
For if I was God he would be lying down dead
For here he was - On God's planet
Drunk ... on the Oxygen The Creator God provides
Living ... off of God's Grace - He pays no compensation
Body Daily Healing
Fate Daily Sealing
Loving the Sin Card
Living in Lard
Waiting for the Lake Frying Pan
And himself therein to bake!

He is Food for The Fraud!
I am Fool for God
Who, all through the changing scenes of my life
Has proved Himself germane
To me time, time, and again
And I will not Him now profane!

Oh, Lord, open their eyes
Wash away the dirt and the flies and
The lies that are obscuring their Sight
Give them Bright Light
Before the descent of Final Night
Have Mercy
Pity them
In their plight!

I walked away ... sad
A prayer was all That I had to offer
Lord, let it be enough!

I walked away ... Glad
For it showed
That we are getting
Closer to Home!

My Lord
I love You!
You truly make my heart glad!

One More Day ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Worship Dance?!?

Leviticus 10:1-3 King James Version (KJV)

10 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not.

2 And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.

3 Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.



They danced before The Altar
Dressed parading like common street whores
While The Saints gazed on in satisfaction
At the finale standing rendering applause!?!

Far from Grace
This Church has fallen
Embracing Sinful Pork christened Righteous Beef
With sharpened knife and fork, poised, at the ready
Eating with relish and pleased relief!

How much further down The Dark Tunnel of Deception
How much more of the World's work will they steal
Presenting same on The Altar of Salvation
Turning somersaults panties shining 
Like dog stones and pearly white teeth!

Even the men are getting in on the action
Tumbling in the aisles, breaking the table of Altar Bread
If it weren't so reprehensible it would be funny
They're fortunate that it's this day or they'd have be struck dead!

They can't believe that they are worshiping King Jesus
They can't believe they are praising The Lord
They can't believe they have The Holy Spirit's approbation
When their display is only fit for Satan - The Fraud
Who instigated their wicked heinous display
Of disrespect and denial of God's Holiness
As they indulged in riotous demonic pagan altar play!

The Living God is The God of All Order
Worship Him in Beauty - it's His Due
Holy Worship - is our call to Order
Not dancing like we're at The Dance Hall Retinue Review!

Where, where, are all The Old Sign Posts Way Marks?
Where is the fear and trembling, I ask you?
Where is the Love and the Honor
Where is The Glory given to The Holy God Above?

Turn, turn, turn away from The Devil
Stop giving Satan your control
Stop following the World into the cesspit
Look up! Walk away! Run, I tell you
Return to The True Worship of Almighty God!

We can't 
The Godhead 
Our Level!

Jesus Christ 
came down 
bring us up 
God's Level!

The Work IS Finished!

Personal Puzzler: What Does This Mean To You?

1. Clean Body
Dirty Soul!

2. Clean Food
Dirty Bowl!

3. Living in Hell
Heaven's the Goal!

4. Devil Dole
Christ's Fold!

What Does This Mean To You?

To Me:

I was born a sinner.
I may bathe me outwardly but still ... I sin.

Clean Outwardly - inwardly a white-washed tomb, full of sin and trespasses. 
I need The Cleansing!

Jesus Christ died after giving us His Living, Holy Word. He lives, and He gives us His Holy Life.

The Word of God is Clean and Nourishing Food going into an Unclean Vessel - Me - who can be is clean only through My Acknowledgment of His Supreme Sacrifice, and My Personal Acceptance of His Saving Grace.

Satan directs The Leaders Sinners Unbelievers of This Earth. 
God Rules and Reigns over in The Affairs of Men.

Satan makes The Body of The Believer exceedingly uncomfortable but ... Since Jesus Christ is The Lord, and guards, guides and protects, keeping Heaven in sight will make even living in and enduring Hell a Badge of Delight ... until The Day dawns.

The Devil delights in delivering The Depraved their Damnation even as he Doles out Disease and Destruction to Those that Delight in The Delivering Lord.

The Devil may hurt and The Devil may destroy, even kill The Body BUT he can never destroy The Soul of The Saint which Soul finds its Rest in The Fold of The Father of The Faithful.

God in Zion Reigneth
In this, This Mortal Soul Delights
Until The Day that The Change Comes
And, Immortal, I take flight
To Rest in Peace in The Pasture
In The Kingdom of Light
Nevermore to walk in The Darkest
Evermore to have My God in My Sight!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Never Alone!

Noah - Faithful!

Abraham - Friend!

And David?
A Man After God's Own Heart!

Oh, to be a Faithful Friend after God's Own Heart!

What a Declaration
Coming from The Mouth of God!

To be considered faithful by God
To be considered God's own friend
And to hear God claim Me as a servant after His Own Heart
Will bless My Frail Heart no end!

Oh, Loving God
Oh, how on this day
My Soul doth beam
All bright with Blessing from Your Throne!
I walk as One - never alone
Covered by The Blood
That truly does Atone!
I give You Praise!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Kinda Sorta Maybe Probably Assuredly Christian?!?!

I was kinda sorta maybe perhaps Happy
I was kinda sorta probably maybe Sad
I was kinda sorta  probably distinctly Miserable
But I was definitely distinctly assuredly positively Bad!

I was kinda sorta maybe probably serving Jesus
I was kinda sorta probably definitely serving The Fraud
I was kinda sorta probably assuredly definitely fooling Myself
For I was definitely decidedly distinctly not fooling God!

I kinda think I maybe probably honestly knew where this life would lead me
But I definitely assuredly knew The Day I truly faced The Cross
And that is when I definitely assuredly positively knew I needed a cleansing
And that is when lying to Myself out the window flew!

My Cleansing definitely brought me serious intense soul-searching
My Healing assuredly came with myriad tears
My Ascension to The Roll of True Believer
Assuredly positively came when I honestly willingly wisely accepted 
The Gift of Eternal Life that Jesus Christ gave!

I am positive I am Changed
I am assured that Jesus Forgave
And live, or die, neither Sin nor Death 
Can keep Me from gaining The Life of The Saved!

I am 
Assuredly Convinced 
Jesus Christ 
My Lord and Savior
The I AM Saved Me ... by His Grace!

My Eye Lead Me!

I once let My Eye Lead Me
Down The Primrose Garden Path
And when The Journey was all over
I had purchased for Myself a Golden Calf!

My Eye had an annoying habit
Of buying what did My stomach overfill
And it always left me feeling
Like I was a trussed-up chicken waiting 
For the Butcher to come and kill!

You would think that I would acquire some Commonsense
But you would be wrong on that very score
I again let My Eye make another purchase
And Hell came knocking trying to break down My front door!

Lord, if ever I needed You
Today would be The Day
Please Help Me for
Devil Dog and You Ate Bought It
Are playing "We Got A Covetous Pup To Make Pay!"

Lord, I know that I have been Seriously Lawless
But I finally have had My Fill
Lust of This Flesh
Lust of My Eye
Pride of This Life
Have been holding sway
But if You would condescend to help a Foolish One
I promise to live My Life evermore as You Command
Help Me, for I'm about to be undone!

"Child, rescuing You is No Condescension
When Lifting You up is My Sacrificial Goal
Repent, turn away, walk on in My Light
And soon You Will Walk on The Eternal Shore.

Turn, turn, away from The Dead Things
The Dying Joys of The World
Come to Me - I AM Your Savior
With Me Life Ends in Great Reward!"

From That Day until This Day 
On which we are conversing
I have put My Shoulder to the Gospel Plow
And by God's Grace and a Living Faith
I'm Walking Straight and Behaving like 
Chubby, The Contented Cow!

This World No Longer Fills These Eyes of Mine!

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I am Satisfied with Little!
I am Satisfied with Much!
I am Grateful to have Something
Even if it is only Water for Lunch!

I do not Covet what I don't have
I don't Seek After Things only to then Regret
I am Satisfied with God's Provision
I have Sufficient - My Daily Needs Are Met!

Oh, that Men would Praise The Lord!