Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dare To Be Square!

The Good News Gospel Of Our Salvation 
In Us To Bless Us: 
We Read The Living Word 
Rightly Used
We Are Profited Thereby! 

The Eternal Word Of God 
Has No Input From Mortal Man: 
All Of Our Benefits Are From The Loving Hand Of 
The Holy God In Whom Is All Power
To Whom All Glory, Honor, And Praise Belong! 

This Leaves Us With The Question: 
Why Are We Taking Our Burdens To Lying Mankind
Glorying In What Fallen Man Says He Can Do
Rewarding Sinful Man 
For What The Lord Christ As Savior
Shepherd, Redeemer, Friend, Hope, Help 
Daily Gives To Us For Free!?! 

Isn't This Like Stooping To Lick Dirty Water 
From The Mossy, Smelly, Gutter 
When We Are Freely Able To Use 
Our Gifted Cup Of Faith For Today 
To Dip Clean, Clear, Pure Water Of Life 
From The Crystal Fountain Of Everlasting Blessings!?! 


Let Us Dare To Be Square 
Choose To Raise Our Gaze Out Of The Gutter 
Boldly Look Upon The Beautiful Son
Aka The Sun Of Righteousness
In Whom We Live And Breathe 
Are Made Alive! 

Man Can't Save Himself 
Nor Any Another Man: 
Only Jesus Christ Saves! 

Walk Wise
Wholly Trust The Lord Christ Soley! 

Enthusiastically Glory In The Cross
Unabashedly Praise The King Of Love! 

Please Boldly Take All Your Burdens To The Lord
Unfailingly Leave Them There! 


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

THE DEVIL'S FOUR D's: Guard Your Heart!

Guard Your Heart! 

Satan Aka The Devil ... The Adversary Of Our Souls
Uses Four Little "D's" 
Against Those Of Us Who Have Chosen 
To Walk Softly Before The Lord Of Life! 

Doubt ... The Opposite Of Faith
Discontentment ... Which Encourages Us To Indulge Envy
Discouragement ... Which Promotes Lack Of Trust In God
Disregard ... For The Word Of Our God Eternal 
Which, Left Unchecked
Will Surely Lead To Destruction And Damnation! 


Know This: 
Satan Is The Father Of Lies 
So Anything That He Throws At You 
Has Not A Strand Of Truth's DNA In It! 

Doubt Decimates: 
Embrace Your Daily Gift Of Faith! 

A Contented Heart Can Eat Grass And Still Get Fat: 
The Lord Always Supplies Our Needs 
Out Of His Riches In Glory! 

A Cheap Screen To Obscure The Light Of Truth 
Who Is Love And Peace 
Your Only Way To Enjoy Eternal Life! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Never, Ever, Choose To Disrespect The Creator God
By Disregarding His Holy Word
His "Thus Saith The Lord!" 

Words Have Weight
Intent Aka Intention

The Word Of Almighty God Is Truth
Aka Saving Truth
Truth Stands Eternal! 

Faith Cannot Fail: 
Be Strong In The Lord!
Diligently Work Your Faith 
Be Eternally Blessed! 



Monday, September 20, 2021

Permission To Be Loving ... And Honest!?!

One Of The Most Lawless Statements 
Ever Uttered By A Human 

"It Is Okay
To Be Loving And Honest
At The Same Time!" 

Lord Jesus, 
Please Save Us From Our Own Folly! 

Love And Honesty Are Irrevocably Bound Together! 
Love Without Honesty Is A Lie! 
Honesty Is Truth With Love! 
Love Is Always Honest: 
God Is Love! 
Love Is Always Truthful: 
Jesus Christ Is The Truth! 

Love Lights The Pathway Home! 
Home Is Where Jesus Christ Is: 
Jesus Christ Is Home! 
Home Is Filled With Light! 
The Light Of God Is Life! 

Jesus Christ Is The Way
The Truth
The Light
The Life Of Every Man! 

The Love Of God 
The Light In Every Man! 

Almighty God Is Good! 
Good Never Changes! 
Love Never Changes! 

Love Is Honest! 
Love And Honesty Equal Life! 
Love Doesn't Lie: 
Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself! 

Please Remember This: 
The Dishonest Heart Will Never Enter The City 
Where Love Divine ... Love Eternal 


Man's Permission
To Be Loving And Honest
At The Same Time
The Excuse
To Be Hateful And Dishonest
When "Necessary!!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

UNBRIBABLE JUDGE: Mortal Airs And Graces!?!

We Can Be Awfully Silly At Times 
With The Airs And Graces We Display Among Ourselves 
As Though We, Mortals
Have Heaven Or Hell Power Over The Lives Of Others! 

Imagine That Behavior Against The Lord Christ 
Who Holds Your Life In His Hands!?! 

We Offend The Lord 
With Our Lip-Service Prayers And Praises 
Abuse Him With Our Rank Disobedience 
Base Idolatry! 


How Long Do You Believe That 
We Can Continue Doing Business As Usual 
Before The Lord, In Mercy, Says:

Any Good Parent Explains To A Child What Is Wrong 
What Is Right! 

The Parent Clearly States The Consequences 
Aka Rewards And Punishments
For Good And Bad Behavior! 

With Suitable Warning Against Bad Behavior
Encouragement To Do The Good And The Right
"Paychecks" Are Awarded As Earned! 

Our Heavenly Father 
Holy, Faithful, Just, Kind, Giving, And Forgiving! 
He Is Also The Unbribable Judge Of All Flesh: 
He Will Do What He Says He Will Do! 

Foolishness Ain't Sense 
So Please Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: 
Tread Softly! 


Saturday, September 18, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Asleep In The Midst Of The Storm!?!

The Stories Of Jesus Christ, The Obedient Walker 

Prophet Jonah, The Disobedient Runner 
In Ships On The Sea
During Raging Storms
Are Instructive To All Christians 
On Their Journey To Joy Everlasting!

Both Jesus And Jonah Were On Missions
Both Were Asleep As The Storms Raged!

Jesus Was Sleeping The Sleep Of The Just
Resting In Peace
Confident In His Father's Love
Knowing That All Is Well For The Obedient!

Jonah Was Sleeping The Sleep Of The Self-Justified
Confident In The "Rightness" Of His Act Of 
Rebellious Disobedience 
Ended Up ... By His Own Words
Being Cast Into That Raging Sea 
To Supposedly Die To Stop The Storm 
And Thereby
To Save Others!

The Storm For The Ship's Passenger
Jonah Ended Up "Resting" In A Great-Fish-Grave 
Aka The Fish's Guts
For Three Days And Three Nights!
Oh, The Horror Of It All! 

By Contrast
Upon Being Awakened
Jesus Stood In Faith ... Not Fear
Spoke Rebuke To The Raging Storm
Saved Others!
He Asked Those Saved Souls About
Their Lack Of Saving Faith!

Jesus Christ Left The Ship At Its Scheduled Stop!

The Moral Of The Story ...

Self-Justification Hurts You, Personally
Damages Others Physically, Emotionally
Financially And Spiritually!
Walk In Faith: 
Obedience Pays!

Who Are You
Who Will You Be Going Forward!?!
Think About It! 


A Base Counterfeit
The Serpent's Accursed Domain!

Friday, September 17, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Paying It Forward!?!

Please Be Reminded, Again, That 
Satan Has A Counterfeit For Every Gift, Blessing
Word Of Saving Truth That 
Almighty God Has Given Unto Mankind! 

With That Out Of The Way
Let Us Consider One Of The Substantial Rip-Offs That
His Evilness Adroitly Pulls Off: 
Paying "It" Forward! 

When A Human Pays It Forward
He Pays For What He, Himself, Needs 
A Bit More So That Some Dear Soul In Need 
May Take Advantage Of 
Gain Benefit From The Gift! 

The Truth Is ...

Man Gets Himself Some Glory 


At Times There Is No Gift At All To Be Had
By The Needy Soul! 

With Our Beloved Jesus Christ "Paying It Forward" 
We Have A Sublimity
A Perfect Gift Of Blessing!

Jesus Christ 
Paid For Salvation Which He Had No Need Of 
Or Use For
Made It Available For All Mankind 
Those Who Lived Before He Was Born
Those Who Were Alive While He Lived And At His Death 
All Who Were Born After His Death 
And Resurrection
And Ascension To Heaven 
Even Unto The Close Of Human Probation! 
That ... This ... Dear Ones
The Gift That Keeps On Giving! 

We Confessed And Repentant Sinner
Get Eternally Blessed And Saved
Our Great And Glorious Father Gets All The Glory! 

We Humbly Ask For The Gift Of Available Grace
We Will Receive Freedom From Sin Aka Soul Salvation
Which Is Definitely There For Us
Before We Know That It Is Our Greatest Need
- Best Still My Beating Heart -
In Our Own And Individual Name! 


Neither You Nor I
Can Beat Our Everlasting Father's Limitless Giving! 


Thursday, September 16, 2021

GIFT OF LOVE: Salvation Is FR2E To Me And Thee!

There's The Old Song Which Says: 

"If Salvation Was A Thing That Money Could Buy
The Rich Would Live And The Poor Would Die!" 

There's No Need To Think On This! 

Most Of Us Love Sales 
Especially Those Of The BOGO 
Aka Buy One Get One Free Variety: 
We Enjoy Acquiring Good Stuff At Great Prices! 

Still Others Of Us Love Thrifting
Rummage Sales, Garage, And Car Boot Sales! 

The Point Is That 
This Poor Man Wants A Rock-Bottom Price For His Heart's Desire 
If You Are Of The Monied Class
You Desire That Which No One Else Can Afford! 


Jesus Christ's Gift To Us Of His Salvation 
Came At Infinite Cost 
Is Available To Each One Of Us Individually
Rich Or Poor

The Father Gave Us His Son
The Son Gave His Life To Save Us!

There Is A Spanner In The Works ...

The Big Able Problem, Though
That Today Is The Day Of Salvation 
Many Of Us Are Of The Mind That Says

"Free To Me Is Cheap 
And Cheap Things Are Not Good 
And I Won't Accept 
What I Can't Physically See And Profit From!" 

The Lord's Ways
Are Not Our Ways
The Lord's Thoughts
Are Not Our Thoughts!

Oh, That We Would Spit Pride And Doubt 
Into The Fires Of Hell Where They Belong 
Accept The Priceless Gift 
Freely Given To All By Our Creator
The King Of Love And Glory! 

Pride And Doubt Build A Sinking Ship! 

Please, I Beseech Us All 
Do Not Permit The Monied Vanity Class 
To Stay Your Needy Hand From 
Accepting The Unspeakable Gift From 
The Loving Heart Of The Son Of God
The Savior Of Every Man! 

Salvation Has An "Accept By" Date: 
Be Wise For Your Self! 


The Free-To-All Gifts
Generously, Graciously, Given
By The Eternal, Holy, Faithful God
An Impossibility!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

SUCCESS AT CALVARY: It Is Jesus Christ-Alive, Alone, Who Saves!

If Our Hope In The Living  God 
Built On Anything Other Than Jesus Christ
His Righteousness
His Successfully Completed Work On The Cross Of Calvary 
The Fact That His Was A Sinless Sacrifice 
Totally Accepted By His Father
I Totally Recommend That 
We All Be Prepared To Be Completely Disappointed 
By What It Is That We Believe Is Better 
Aka More Profitable Than The Lamb Of God 
Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World! 

For Every Gift Of Almighty God 
There Is A Counterfeit Freely Sold By Satan 
As A Result
There Are Some In "Religious Royalty" 
Who Are Confidently Broadcasting That 
Jesus Christ Was Himself A Sinner 
An Abject Failure As Our Only Savior! 


If These Claims Held Water
Our Hope For Heaven Is For Nothing 
The Father Has Not Accepted His Son's Sacrifice For Sin
Christ Is Dead
Our Promised Salvation
With New Life In This Same Christ
As The Sand In A Desert Storm! 

Sinners Cannot Live
Almighty God's Presence! 

Brethren, Beloved

We Must Each Know The Word Of Our God 
For Our Own Selves! 

We Will Not Understand Everything Now 
We Will Surely Understand Hereafter!

"Pastor Preacher Priest Pope Said" 
Is Not 
Proof Of Bible Knowledge! 
Please Read And Study The LivingWord 
For Your Own Education 
Your Own Soul's Salvation! 

Neither Satan Nor Lying Mortal Man Is Our Savior: 
Jesus Christ-Alive, Alone, Saves
The Holy Spirit Teaches Those Who Are Willing 
To Humbly Learn The Truth From Him!
Come To Jesus Now! 


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Appearances Reveal A Lot!


If Your Bird, Your Cat, And Your Dog All Bark 
Which One Is The Real Guard Dog!?!

Nature Wins Out! 

Think About This ...

If Your Church Pastor Is A Noted Bass-Man 
Who Is Suddenly Singing Soprano
And Is A Man At The Church 
And The Lady Of The House Called Home
A Day Trader 
And A Night Walker 
Preaches The Most Riveting Sermons Of Truth 
About Another Jesus And Another Gospel
Is He Still The Anointed, Appointed
True, Faithful, Servant Of The Holy God!?! 

Dear Lord!
Even On Paper, This Looks Evil!

Who Is He!?! 
Who Are We!?!
What Are We All Saying And Doing!?! 

Are We All Alright With Our Lord!?! 


Goods Come In Various Sizes, Colors, Packages
For All Tastes! 
Some Are Good And Delicious! 
Some Smell Sweet But Are Deadly! 
Some Taste Horrid And Are Healthful! 

The Good And Healthful Come In Simple Colors 
Plain Packaging
The Sweet And Deadly Are Delightfully Packaged 
To Overload The Senses! 

How, Then, Does One Shun All Evil 
When Good For You Ain't Appealing To You!?! 

Work Your Gift Of Faith ...

Choose To Trust The Word Of The Lord
Follow The Great Example Aka Jesus Christ
Don't Ever Forget That Good, Right, Truth, Light
Love, Joy, Hope, Peace
Blessing Have No Need Of Added Color
A Run Through The Spin Cycle
The Tender Devotions Of The Polish Brush Or Cloth
Or A Whiff Of The Perfume Called Purity! 

All The Gifts Of God Are Good 
A Million Years From Their First Appearance 
They Will Still Look, Smell, Taste
Feel, Speak
Definitely Do As Ordered By The Creator God! 

Inside And Outside
Are The Same Thing!

Goodness Doesn't Need To Glory
Change Its Nature
Speak Itself Into Relevance
Or Be Fashionable 
To Fit In To Execute Its Mission! 

Our Good Lord Jesus 
The Same Real Savior 
Yesterday, Today, And Forever! 

There Is No Evil In Our Blessed-Forever Jesus: 
Embrace Him
Trust His Heart! 


If Something Has The Look Of Evil
Don't Make Jokes
Call It A Masquerade Costume!


A Washed Sow Is Still A Pig
A Pig In Pearls
Can Still Tear You Apart!


Monday, September 13, 2021

The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them!

There Is The Famous Expression Which Says: 
"The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them!" 
Have You Personally Considered That The Reverse Is Also True: 
"The Good That Men Do Lives After Them!?!" 


Being A Free-Will Agent
With Freedom To Choose To Do Either Right Or Wrong
Love Or Hate
Do Good Or Evil
To Dwell In The Light Of Life 
Abide In The Darkness Of Death
Which Would You Honestly And With Wisdom Choose!?! 

The Children Of The Light 
Aka The Children Of Day
The Children Of The Heavenly Father 
Should, Without Hesitation Or Reservation
Choose Love, Light, Day, Good, Right
Eternal Life! 

Anything That Is Lawless Aka Sinful 
Has A Short Shelf Life When Compared To Eternity 
So Don't Waste Time 
Going After What Shall Not See The Light Of Life 
After The Lord's Appearing! 

Goodness Grows! 
Hope Heals! 
Happiness Elevates!


Truth, Saving Truth, Radically Transforms! 

Sooo, How About Building 
A Sure House With Bricks Of Goodness 
Plastering Them With The Cement Of Truth!?! 

How About Panelling Your Walls With Trust In God!?! 

How About Having Windows Made Of Faith 
Your Stairways Constructed From Endurance!?! 

Brethren, Beloved

Please Make Your Doors Out Of Obedience 
See That Every Nail And Screw Used 
Of The Living Word 
Which Unerringly Preserves The Inhabitants! 

Do You Know The Pedigree Of Your Legacy!?! 

It Is Not Too Late To Change Direction! 
Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves
Always To The Uttermost! 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Be Grateful Aka Thankful!

Gratitude Aka Thankfulness 
A Grace ... A Gift Given! 

Are You Grateful For What You Have 
Or Are You Looking At The "Good Stuff" 
The Expensive Toys 
Which Are In The Possession Of Other People 
Are Making Yourself Miserable About Your Own Life 
You Refuse To See The Obvious!?!

You Are Greatly Beloved
Truly Blessed!


The Blind One Envies The One Who Wears Glasses! 

The Man Who Wears Cheap Shoes 
Envies The Man Who Wears Expensive Shoes 
Surprise, Surprise, No Shock
They Are Both Envied By The Man Who Has No Feet
The Man Who Has Legs But Can't Walk
The Man Who Has No Legs At All! 

We Need To Be Truly Grateful 
For Almighty God's Many Gifts Of Unmerited Favor 
Stop Being Lip Servants
Saying That You're Blessed
While Envy Is Consuming Your Heart! 

We Have Food In Abundance 
Which Gives Us Choices As To What We May Eat 
When And Where! 

We Have Clothing In Abundance 
To The Point That We Can Say 
"I Am Not Wearing That Because It's So Last Year!" 
"I Wore That Twice!" 
In Base Pridefulness! 

Oh, That We Would Realize That 
The Things We Despise 
Are The Very Things Others Would 
Literally Kill To Possess! 

Food, Shelter, Clothing
Care, Comfort
Peace With God ... And Our Brethren
Good Health 
Are Treasures Beyond Measure! 

Please Honestly Look At The Person In Smelly Rags
Barefooted And Dirt-Encased
Eating Out Of The Garbage
Living On The Street 
In Heartfelt Gratitude Say: 

"There, But For The Grace Of God, Go I!" 

Our Gifts Are Many
Our Blessing Are Innumerable
So Please Do Not Consider Them
As Cheap Things Consumable! 


Saturday, September 11, 2021


Red Bean Stew Is Delicious 
So Are A Multitude Of Other Dishes 
Based On Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge
Blessed Promise 
Outright Warning
I Am Not Willing To Sell My God-Given Birth-Right Of 
Eternal Bliss, Peace, Joy And Rest
For The Happy-Belly Joy Of One Meal! 

Would You!?! 


Almighty God's Sacrifice ... In The Person Of Jesus Christ 
Guarantees Us The Birth-Right Of Eternal Life With Christ 
Aka Immortality
A New Name
The Crown Of Life
A Forever Place In The Father's House That 
No One Else May Claim 
Either By Coercion Or Deceit
Quit-Claim Deed Or Supposed Outright Purchase! 

In The Name Of Jesus
Don't Sell What You Can't By Back!

Thirsty Or Supposedly Dying Of Hunger
We Have The Promise That Our Bread And Water Are Sure 
So Don't Stop Short Of The Father's Tents Of Safety 
To Indulge Over-Indulged Self 
To "Enjoy" The Temporary Convenience That 
Eternally Costs! 

Over-Indulgence Is Sin: 
Self-Denial Is Not! 

Waiting On Your Blessing Is No Weight! 

Weighing Convenient Fast-Food As More Valuable 
Aka More Beneficial Than Your Eternal Blessing 
Unadulterated Folly Aka Bold Sinning! 

Please Think On These Things Now 
While Abundance Is Available! 

Choosing To Miss A Meal Or Two
Just Because You Can
Will Surely Build Self-Control
Aka Staying Power
When Evil Starts Throwing About Its Ungodly Power!

Waiting For A Meal Isn't Deadly! 


Don't Live For Your Belly!
Live By Faith!

Friday, September 10, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH: Get Home Safely!


I Read A Story About A Young Lady 
Who ... During Her Mid-Teens
Had Asked Her Parents To Place A Tracker On Her Phone 
So That She Could Feel Safe Away From Them
They Would Be Comforted 
Knowing Where She Was At All Times! 

She Had Been Walking Fearful 
Of The Known Bad Company She Was Keeping! 

How Interesting! 


We Have Motivated Enemies 
Our Father Has Plainly Told Us 
We Should Be Patently Aware That 
We Have Holy "Trackers" 
The Faithful Companion
A Guardian Angel
A Recording Angel
The Comforter Who Corrects Us 
Leads Us Into All Truth Being Ever Present! 

Our Trackers 
Are Not To Keep Our Father Informed And Comforted! 
Our Trackers Are There To Guard, Guide
Protect, Correct
Influence Us To Do The Good And The Right 
To Keep A Faithful Record Of Everything In Our Lives! 


Don't You Recall That 
There Is The Lamb's Book Of Life
The Book Of Remembrance
Your Personal Life's Record!?! 

The Record Of Your Life 
Will Either Testify For You
Or Against You 
At The Judgment Bar Of Christ! 

We Have Friends In High Places 
Ministering To Us 
For Our Sure Salvation! 

Our Almighty God Provides For Us 
Before We Have A Need: 
Trust Him Always! 

Our Enemies Are Damned! 

Yes, Indeed
So Dare To Lean On Our Blessed Jesus 
Get Home Safely! 
