Monday, October 20, 2014

What Wondrous Love

What Wondrous Love

He loves me.
Why should I care?
I didn't ask Him!
Please go away!

He offers me gifts.
I don't want them!
I didn't ask Him!
Please go away!

He promises life –
No sorrow, no shame!
I didn't ask Him!
He wouldn't go away!

He pleaded!
He beseeched!
He loves me!
Oh, did He teach!
He was willing!
He died!
He went away!
I cried!

Three days later He arose
Defeated the foe
Went to the Father up above
Oh, how I need HIM!

Heart opened now
I am in love
He sent His Spirit
Showed more love
Bless His name
He despised the shame
He will come again –
I really need HIM!

Oh, praise our God
Jesus bore all for love
Of you and me
He'll come again
'Tis very plain
To destroy the last
Vestige of sin's stain
And at last His Beloved Bride claim –
HE's coming for ME!

Praise to our God who
Time, and again
Redeeming Love
His Heart proclaimed
I love HIM
Oh, I love HIM so
Through Grace of God
I'm not letting go –


Friday, October 17, 2014

Good Christian

Good Christian

I heard one day of Good Christian
And for a moment I couldn't understand
If over there Good Christian see
Then over yonder Bad Christian be.

Good Christian as we're sure to know
Is gentle, helpful, no worldly flow
Means then Bad Christian is likely
Suffering chronic, and putting on a hyper-show.

Good Christian is eager, approachable too
Bad Christian suffers lassitude and ingratitude, who knew?
Good Christian has fine morals he wears like a skin
Bad Christian – catch him offside – he swears at his kin!

Good Christian seeks to his wisdom share
Bad Christian shows knowledge with so great a flair
Good Christian exhibits a right kindly glow
Bad Christian never fears to tell who he knows.

I tell you all this so that you would know
Wherever the rabbit, the fox it will show!
Good Christian, Bad Christian, the wheat and the tare
Together, a-growing, same garden they share!

Our Bible tells us to watch the fruit
Because a bad tree never a good fruit seed
Bitter water cannot good water contain
And hot mout' will speak what cold heart enchain!

So when you see Christian Good and Bad
Look to Jesus, and then be glad
For Gentleness, goodness, and honesty, see right
In the mien of him who is following the Light! **BJC**


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Have Faith in GOD!

Have Faith in GOD!

Have faith in God
He is your great Creator
Have faith in God
He made the earth, the seas
Have faith in God
His love for you is infinite
Have Faith, Dear Ones, in God!

Have faith in God
The Father – He is Holy!
Have faith in God
The Son – He is your Savior and Friend!
Have faith in God
The Holy Spirit – the Comforter!
Have faith, Dear Ones, in God!

Have faith in God
He made the Plan of Redemption
Have faith in God
His Son, our Sacrifice
He lived and died
And rose again to glory
Have faith in God
The King is coming soon!

Fret no yourself
O'er Satan's wily deceits, friend
Love you your Lord
His Precepts you must live
Offer your prayers and praise
Each passing day, friend
Reach out your hands
The Savior He will guide!

Give Him your burdens
You know that He can bear them
Live for His Kingdom coming very soon
To take us Home with Loved Ones gone before, friend
The battle's won!
And, yes, indeed, we know it!
Keep your faith, Dear Ones, in GOD! **BJC**


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lord, Prepare Me

Father, Have mercy on me,  a sinner.  
Father, I am digging into Your Holy Word seeking after knowledge, and I ask You to help me to see Your truth, 
and not the truth that evil men would have me 
believe for their gain as I search through the many and various study materials to aid my understanding of Your Word.  
I ask You to shield my eyes, my ears, and my heart from the personal interpretations, outright lies, and carefully 
crafted deceits of the enemy of my soul, and help me, Lord, 
to keep my eye on the prize, Home. 
Oh, how my heart longs for Home. Home with Jesus. 
You have promised in Your Holy Word that You 
will have a people prepared and ready to meet the King. 
Please, I beseech You, help me, under the agency of 
Your Holy Spirit, to be ready, possessing all 
the fruit of Your Spirit, and living as only a 
Child of the King, can. I love You, Lord. 
Please come soon. AMEN

If Only

If Only

If only are the saddest words,
Ever uttered by a man,
Because they speak of the broken dreams,
Of someone who now needs a hand!

If only is a feeling
Brought on by sad regrets
Of things we should have done differently
And now wish we could correct!

If only — broken promises,
Hopes buried, unspoken words,
All the things we never accomplished,
But, you know, there’s ever the Lord!

So don’t worry about unchangeable things
Get down on your knees and pray
To live life according to His will
And “If only” won't ever come your way! **BJC**

The Contrite Heart

The Contrite Heart

If only ...

I should have ...

I could have ...

Maybe if ...

Perhaps I ...

So Sorry for Self-inflicted Sorrow.



Unchangeable!                  It's ... Too late!


But I Can … REPENT!

Joel 2: 13 – And rend your heart, and not your garments, and

turn unto the Lord your God: for He [is] gracious and

merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth

Him of the evil.


2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to show thyself approved unto God, a

workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the

word of truth.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Hidden Meaning Behind the Word IMPOSSIBLE

The Hidden Meaning Behind the Word IMPOSSIBLE

Most days, minding my own business is easy for me but this particular day was not one of them. 
 I sat and openly listened to the conversation going on around me because the theme of it was how “impossible” this is to handle, how “impossible” that was to overcome, and how life was “impossible.” Everything in the conversation was impossible.

I was so intrigued by what I heard that my thoughts went off on a tangent of their own as I tried to figure out why we, humans, believe that impossible is a word worthy of use, and why we automatically default to impossibilities when faced with life’s challenges.

I started writing the various definitions for the word “Impossible” on my notepad and was astounded to notice that there was a pattern emerging:

The Hidden Meaning Behind the Word IMPOSSIBLE
The Light of Life
Parts of Impossible
The Dark Side
Inc(k) - to write what you know
Congruous - things that fit
In-Us - is the answer to everything (remember that you are the temple of God, and the Holy Spirit lives in you)
1 Corinthians 3:16
Con - I fooled you
Inc(k) - to write what you know
Conceive - birth the concept
Able - you can do it
Con - I fooled you
Logic - let’s reason this out
Ill - you’re going be sick before you finish
Uni - single mindedness
Imagine - the possibilities
Able - you can do it
Un-Able - you can’t do it
Able - you can do it
Desire - you must want it
Un-Able - you can’t even see it
Able - you can do it
Suit - put on your armor to do battle
Suitable - it’s good enough for you
Un-Able - you can’t do it
Able - you can do it
Ten - they’re 10 reasons why you can do it
Un-Able - you can’t do it
Ten - they’re 10 reasons why you can’t do it
Able - you can do it
Think - that it’s possible and doable
Un-able - you can’t do it
Think - impossible
Able - it can be done
Work - put your back and mental effort into it
Un-able - it can’t be done AND
Un-able - you can’t do it
Probe - dig for deeper meaning
Probable - it’s doable
Able - you can do it
Imp - I’m going to give trouble
Bab(b)le - You’re talking nonsense
Proper - it’s all good
Prop - lean on the Father
Rope - wrap up with truth
Imp - I’m going to give trouble
Rope - I’m going to tie you in knots
I’m Able - yes, I am!
Practice - you’ve got to work at it
Practicable - it can be done
Imp - I’m going to give you trouble
Able - you can do it
Surmountable - you can overcome it
Insure - look to your faith for insurance
Un-Able - you can’t do it
Prep - you need to prepare yourself
Poster - write down what you know
peter (out) - your strength will fail before you accomplish this

The more I looked at the word “Impossible” and all the things it means, I realized that there was mischief afoot.
That’s when I saw the “Imp” who freely ran around wreaking havoc whenever we uttered the word “Impossible” which was the Pandora’s box in which he dwelt — obviously, he was not alone.
When I considered the kinds of friends someone like this would keep company with, I realized that it was time to expose him for what he is — a liar and a cheat and a perjurer and a trickster. A demon.
He was carrying his friends, Ill, Unable, Peter, Babble, Con and Rope to confuse, confound, puzzle and perplex us and cause us to throw up our hands in defeat. This is how they do it:

The imp makes us feel ill and useless and the con tricks us into feeling as though our strength has petered so that rope can tie us up in so many knots so that our thoughts defy logic rendering us unable to think of 10 things to put on a poster to give us the will to suit up and mount an attack to work toward our goals. In so doing, we will throw up our hands in disgust and cry “Impossible” and give up the fight.

          Now, since we know how they lead us to failure and disillusionment, here’s how we can fight 

Nothing is impossible with God! Acknowledge it, believe it and live 

it. We need to realize and accept that in each of us is the means to 

solving all our problems. We need to be single-minded in the pursuit 

of our goals, after saying “Thy will be done!.”

We must remember that we are indeed able and that we must suit up 

for our success – must look the part – and make preparations to 

succeed. We must acknowledge that we can’t do “it” by ourselves and 

that our back prop is the Father.

We should then write (ink) down on our poster the 10 things which we 

believe make this “thing” which we desire, possible, after we have 

ascertained that it is indeed good and proper for us to have it.

We must then probe for the truth of the thing we desire, and imagine 

that it is ours for the taking.

We are then required to put all things in perspective to make sure that 

these things match, or belong together.

We should then map out the logical steps to be taken to achieve this

goal, and then take out insurance from the Father against those 

naysayers who are purveyors of self-doubt and indecision.

Thereafter, with work, i.e., mental and physical effort, clear focus and 

faith that all things are possible, we will overcome.

Anything and Everything is now indeed possible! 


Impossible is not a word

That I care to conceive

Because it makes a liar of

The King whom I believe!

And since the King whom I believe

Has never let me down

Impossible is not a word

Around me to be found!

For me, all things are possible

Impossible holds no dread

Believe God — He will deliver

And impossible will be dead! **BJC**

Friday, October 10, 2014

God Made YOU Unique!

Greetings, Dear Ones!

     Blessings upon you, and yours!

     The poem today is for all of our young people who may be having a problem realizing or remembering that they are special, and an unique individual made by our Creator God to be like no other person on this Earth!

Psalm 139: 13-16 NLT
13You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.
      Please don't forget to share!



If I should look around the world
I’d see only one of me,
Someone may look a little like,
But I’m me, you know, just me!

If I would just remember,
That I’m unique — I’m me!
I’d never have a problem
Finding out who’s really me!

No one thinks like me, walks like me,
Talks like me, nor runs,
Because on the day that I was born
God said: “Make that one last run!”

Today I have decided
To remember who I really am
Since God thought I was special
I know they’ll never be another one! **BJC**

Thursday, October 9, 2014

YOU are Invited to a ... PITY PARTY!

Pity Party

I host a Pity Party
When things are going wrong
The guests who come are just like me
But they don’t stay very long.

Feeling Sorry for My Self and Oh Poor Me
Are always first to arrive
And by the time Misery comes along
The party’s really alive!

A few hours in their company
Make me feel worst than before
And so I can’t wait for them to leave
To reclaim the life I adore!

I realize there’s no reason to fret
My life is a lot better than most
I tell my “friends” thanks for their time
And invite them to get lost! **BJC**

Jesus Loves ME!! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Devil

The Devil

The Devil plays a dirty game
He has his own rule book
Don’t think you can outwit him
Cause you’re going to end up on his hook!

The Devil is a liar
His words are truth reversed
And if you are unwary
He’ll draw you in head first!

You cannot fight the Devil
Without sword, buckler and shield
For if you fight him unguarded
To him you’ll always yield!

Take Jesus — He’s the fighting sword
Buckler and shield — His truth
Swath mightily — you will stand firm

And you’ll get through your youth! **BJC**

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Prayer to Humble Self

Heavenly Father,
Help me to humble myself before You 
when Your Hand of chastisement is upon me.  
Father, help me, I beseech You, to bend to Your Will 
for my life before I am forced to break under your judgments. 
I ask this mercy in the name of Jesus Christ.