Saturday, January 30, 2021

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Be Contented: Don't Self-Destruct!

Why Would You Choose To Destroy Another Person 
Knowing That Their Destruction Ensures Your Own!?! 

This Behavior 
At Its Center Is Pride
Plus Hatred And Envy 
Idolatrous Fatalism! 


We Are Christians! 
Jesus Christ Says To Us: 

"Save Yourselves From This Untoward Generation! 
Look To Me, The Author And Finisher Of Your Faith! 
Resist The Devil! 
Bring Your Burden To Me And Leave It There! 
Lean Not On Your Own Understanding! 
Love Truth! 
Hate Lies!"

Too Often
Instead Of Looking To Our Jesus 
Embracing His Light
Assimilating His Holy Character
Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith
We Covet What Is Not Ours To Own
Greedily Long After That Which 
We Should Never Have In Our Body-Temple Home 
End Up Being Less Than What We Are Created To Be 
To Become What The Light Of Day Should Never, Ever, See! 

What The Lord Has Given To You, Enjoy! 
What The Lord Has Promised To You, Anticipate! 
What Is Not Yours To Have And To Hold
Let It Pass You Like A Levite 
For It See That You Do Not Cry! 

Almighty God
- Who Has A Thousand Ways To Save You,
Amply, Lovingly, Provides: 
Be Grateful! 

Choose Life: 
Live In, By, And For Love
For ... As Our Lord Has Said:
They Shall Know Us By Our Love One For Another! 

Jesus Christ's Peace
Precious And Perfect! 

Friday, January 29, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + THE LIFE OF JOB: Something To Really Think About!

Job Had Seven Sons And Three Daughters:
Let's Call Them Seven Perfect Priests
Three Good Churches!

Job Had Substance!
By Today's ... Or Any Other Day's Standards
He Was Filthy, Stinking, Rich
With A Striking Difference:
Job Hates Evil!
Perfect In Almighty God's Sight!
Job Fears God After The Godly Sort!
And Is
An Intercessor ... A Man Of Faith And Prayer!

Job Had Seven Thousand Sheep And Three Thousand Camels!
Let's Call The Sheep Clean Sacrifice And Food!
Sheep Are Obedient!

Let's Call The Camels Burden-Bearers And Transportation!
Camels Are Unclean Animals!

Job Also Had Five Hundred Yoke Of Oxen
Five Hundred She-Asses!
Oxen Plow The Fertile Soil And Tread Out Grain!
They Are Also Clean Animals
Good For Sacrifice Unto The Holy God!

She-Asses Are Stubborn Burden-Bearers!
Nevertheless, One Will Some Day Carry
The Savior Of Us All!

For A Five And Five Split
Let's Call The Oxen Wise Virgins
The She-Asses Foolish Virgins!

Job Is The Great Householder!
Job Had One Adversary!
Job Lost All His Earthly Possessions
Through The Machinations
Malevolent Hatred Of The Adversary Of Souls
The Accuser Of The Brethren
Satan, The Damned!

Satan Thought ... Planned
Supposedly Foresaw That Decimating Job
- The Patriarch
The High Priest Of The Household -
Of Health, Wealth, And Progeny
That He, Forsaken, Broken, Rejected
Obviously Reviled By Heaven
Would Cast Away Faith
Deny Truth
Sell Eternity For Dust
Curse Almighty God
Die The Death
The Second Death
Through His Own Very Personal Sin!

Surprise, No Surprise ...

Job Kept His Integrity!
Job Prayed, Pleaded, Beseeched:

Though You Slay Me
Yet I Will Trust You!
I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
I Will Be Satisfied
When I Awake With Your Likeness!

Last Day Events ...

The Seventh Church
The Laodicean Church:
The Judging Of The People:

War Shall Be Over The Seventh-Day Sabbath 
Aka Worship!

Three Adversaries:
Three Unclean Spirits Like Frogs
The Dragon
The Beast
The False Prophet
Aka Satan
Roman Catholicism
Apostate Protestantism In America!

The Church Is Waiting!
All Are Asleep!
Some Went To Sleep Prepared!
Some Went To Sleep Unprepared!

The Loud Cry Sounds:

The Bridegroom Is Coming!!!

All The Church Of God Is Awakened!

Five Wise Virgins ... Having Kept The Faith That Cannot Fail
Have Extra Oil ... The Holy Spirit
To Refill, Replenish, Their Lamps 
Which Had Gone Out While They Slept! 

The Five Foolish Virgins
Having Not Fortified Their Souls
Their Stores Of Grace With The Oil Of Gladness
From The Spirit Of Truth
Have No Reserves With Which To Re-Light Their Lamps! 
They Are Left Bereft 
When The Wise Virgins Wisely Refused
 To Share Their Reserved Oil
Least There Not Be Enough For Any Of Them! 

The Unwise Virgins Must Depart The House Of Hope
Hope To Acquire Holy Oil From
The Sellers Who Make Oil, Light, Truth Their Trade! 

While The Five Are From Safety Absent
The Bridegroom Entered His Father's House
His Door Was Closed
All Who Were Invited
All Who Had Accepted His Invitation
All Who Chose To Be In Attendance
All Who Were Attired To Fit The Occasion
All Who Were To Attend Him
Present There ... As Stipulated 
Were Within
Blessed ... Forever! 

Sad To Say ... 

The Five Unwise Virgins
Returned To The House Of Blessing
Found The Door Closed! 

These Five Knocked With Determination! 

Their Knock Was Answered With Dedication! 

The Bridegroom Answered Their Cry! 

The Answer Gutted Them:

Depart From Me! 
I Never Knew You! 


They Died The Death
In Outer Darkness:

Eternal Separation From The Eternal God
Whose Grace And Mercy They Misused 
By Their Own Personal 
Base Neglect! 

Before Sin
Before Self
Before Satan!

Jesus Has Seven Churches
Aka Church Ages!
Jesus Had Three Temptations!
Jesus Spent Three Days In The Tomb!

Like All Who Will Enter The Great Household On High
We Must ... Like Job
Lose All To Gain All!

The Grace Of God
Given Freely To Every Human
Was Not Cheap To Acquire!
Almighty God The Father
Gave His All ... His Perfect Treasure
To Take All Of Our Sin
So That We ... Believing
May Receive All That
Jesus Christ's In Glory!

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Cheap Grace Is Not Grace!
Salvation Without A Changed Life
Blessings Without Faith And Belief Are Base!


No Man Shall Enter Heaven By Default
Because Of A Name
Through An Affiliation
Or With An Offering Of Coins!

Heaven Or Hell
Accessed By Choice
By Word, Deed ... Action:
Your Choice!
Your Decision!
Your Destination!

Jesus Christ The Righteous Judge
Won't Force You
Satan The Adversary Can't Force You
To Decide One Way Or Another!

Be An Informed Consumer
A No-Decision Decision
A Decision For Self, Sin, Satan
The Second Death!

Be Wise!
Be Well!
Be Blessed By The Light Of Truth That
The Gospel Of Grace!
Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves!

Let The Holy Spirit
Teach You
Feed You
Correct You
Direct Your Life ... Today!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

FAMILY: Jesus Called ... You Answered!

To This Day ... When A Child Is Born
The Question Is Still Asked: 
Who Does This Baby Resemble Aka Look Like!?! 

The Question Seeks To Place This Precious Little Soul 
Within The "Family!" 

Are You A Christian ... And Still Wondering 
Whether You Belong To The Family Of The Eternal God!?! 

Are You Wondering
The Family Belongs To You!?! 

Are You Being Asked By Others 
You Truly Belong To The Family Of God!?! 

Are You Doubtful Of 
Your Blood-Ties To The Lord Christ!?! 

Are You Walking In Disbelief
Refusing To Believe That Repentant-Sinner-You 
Are Truly Accepted Into 
The Well-Beloved Forever-Family Of God!?! 

Just Stop Already! 

Jesus Christ The Righteous King Called: 
You Answered! 

Jesus Christ Saves: 
You Are Infinitely Blessed! 

You ... With Obedient Endurance 
Are Known, Justified, Accepted
Sanctified, Equipped


At The Appointed Time 
You Shall Be Raised Up To Eternity ... Glorified! 

Do Not Indulge In If, But, Then, Why Me! 

Wittingly Choose To Accept That Your Savior 
Your Creator 
Your Redeemer 
Your Re-Creator Who Promises That We ... Family
Shall Be Like Our Maker, Lord And God
In All Particulars 
We Forswear Self, Sin, Sinning And Satan 
Wisely Choose To Trust Our Lord 
Willingly Obey Him Always
In All Ways! 

Brethren, Beloved

You, Me, We Belong To The King: 
Dare To Live Like You Know It
Truly Believe It! 

Peace With Almighty God
Fabulously Free!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Confidence In Self Is A Desperate Lie!

Confidence In Christ
 Is Not 
A Convenience! 
Standing Firmly Upon The Ground Of 
The Heavenly Truth In Which You Truly Believe 
Is Not 
For Convenience Or Carnal Comfort! 

Walking With Christ 
Is Not 
For The Bread And Two Fishes! 


Loving The Lord 
Is Not 
About Receiving The Promised Reward! 


Is Not 
Promised To Any One Of Us! 
Knowing Whom You Believe In ... Jesus
Why You Trust Him ... Proven Love And Faithfulness
Why You Walk According To His Word ... Truth Unchanging 
Why You Will Deny Self, Sin 
Satan For Him ... Available Grace Always Sufficient
Paramount To Our Survival 
Prosperity On This Pilgrim Journey! 

Confidence In Known-Sinful Self 
A Desperate Lie! 
Confidence In Fallen Man
A Capital Curse! 
Confidence In Christ 
Sure Salvation 


Confidence In His Unchanging Word
His Character
His Cause
The Balm Sure To Bring Perfect Peace
Restorative Rest 
No Matter The Fiery Trials Of Life In Your Home
In Your Head
In Your Heart
In Your Hand! 

Only Jesus Saves And Seals! 
Only Truth Heals And Reveals! 
Only Heaven Helps Us: 
Stand Firmly On 
Trust Dynamically Upon The Sure 
The Secure Promises Of Jesus Christ The Lord! 
Prince Shiloh
With You!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

APPROACH THE THRONE OF GRACE + PRAYER: We Are Nearing Our Heavenly Home!

We Are Human ... Weak And Poor!
God Is Almighty ... Strong And Rich!
There Must Be A Meetings Of The Minds! 

Prayer Girds Us Weak Ones With Almighty God's Strength! 
Prayer Turns Our Folly Into Wisdom! 
Prayer Gives Our Troubled Spirits
The Sweet Peace Of Almighty God
Which Passes All Human Understanding
Urges Us Willing
To Enter The Eternal Promised Land! 

We Approach The Throne Of Grace
Without The Look Called Shame-Faced
The Living God Holy Who Invited Us There To Appear, Says:

"Come Boldly! 
I Will Not Turn You Away!" 

We Are To Bring Our Wants ... Our Needs! 
We Are To Plead Our True Poverty
Not Because 
We Need Houses And Land
But Because 
We Need King Jesus
The Son Of God
The Soon-Returning Son Of Fallen Man! 


Oh, Lord, Please Hear Our Prayer! 
You Have Called To Your Side
So Help Us, Please, There Ever To Abide! 
Forgive Our Sin
Our Trespasses
Our Transgressions
Purge Us, Please, Of The Known Pharisee Leaven! 

We Know Not How To Pray As We Ought
We Come Because Our Debt You Have Bought
To Free Us
To Cleanse Us
To Heal Us
To Forgive Us 
To Take Us Home To Glory
With You Forever To Live! 
Father, Please Forgive! 

Help Us To Be Humble, Obedient, Honest, True! 
Help Us To Lift Our Hearts With Our Hands
As Members Of That Holy Band Of 
Saints Of God And Jesus Christ
For You To Take Us Away From The Power Of Him
Who Is The Purveyor Of The Demonic Device! 
In Jesus, We Rejoice! 

Help Us To Hold To Truth, Light, Love
Help Us To Walk Holy Desiring The Blessed Rest! 
Help Us To Endure The Duration Of The Sin-Cure
So That We, By Holy Right
May Enter Through 
Our Overcome-Sin-Assigned Pearl Gate Door! 

Help Us To Sing The Songs Of Zion
Even In This Strange Land
To Cheer Us On The Way
For, By Faith, We Know That
We Are Nearing Our Heavenly Home! 
This Is Our Heartfelt Prayer!
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
We Humbly Plead! 


Monday, January 25, 2021

PRAYER: Lord, I Need You And I'm Neither Afraid, Ashamed Nor Sorrowful Over That Fact!


Help Me, Dear Lord
To Exercise Faith
Instead Of Petting Doubt!
Help Me, Please, I Beseech You
To Sing Your Praise
Instead Of About Self To Pout!
Help Me To Live In Your Love
Instead Of Licking Up Lies
Which Say That You Are An Absentee Landlord
A Licensed King
Without Affection Or Ties!

I Love You, Lord!
You Love Me True!
You've Been By My Side My Whole Life Through
By Your Gift Of Grace For Today 
Strength For The Way
Truth That Doesn't Stray
Faith That Pays
Blessings That Stay
Living Light Always
Holy Companions That Care
Hope For Glory To Share
The Holy Spirit Everywhere
Jesus Christ Interceding In Heaven Up There
The School Of Jesus
Correcting My Character Here
Living Markers Showing Your Love
The World Around
Makes Loving You ... Trusting You
Viable, Good, Right, Best
The Thing That Takes Me To Your Side
Where, Truly, I Belong!

I Am Blessed, Lord
To Know That You Care Enough
To Tell Me About My Sinful, Whorish, Behavior
Where I Say I Love You The Holy God
And Yet
In Fits Of Utter Madness
Wild Abandonment Of Your Awesome Majesty
I Recklessly Go After 
The Unholy And Profane Gods That 
Can't Even Carry Themselves! 
I Repent! 
Please Forgive Me! 

When I Think On You, Lord
Your Word, Your Character
I Am Amazed And Ashamed
To Have Exercised Love And License
Faith And Doubt
Unbelief And Disbelief 
In Our Relationship! 
Please Forgive Me ... I Repent!

You Provide Food And Shelter
Things For Beauty And For Glory
Fragrances To Tickle My Mind, My Senses
Things To Tantalize My Tastebuds
Things To Tingle My Ears
Things To Thrill This Soul With Peace 
Pointing To Your Preserving Love And Care
That Sabbath Rest That Restores My Soul
For Having Spent Time
In Your Quickening Presence! 

Forgive Me For Being As That Fool
Who, Lying, Says
As If There Is No God Almighty
No Judge Of Human Flesh
Fallen Angels Damned! 

I Hear Your Voice, Lord! 
Please Never Stop Talking To Me! 
I Need You
I Am Neither Afraid
Nor Sorrowful Over That Fact!
I Desire To Be Close To You:
Please Draw Close To Me!
I Am Willing To Your Faithful Servant:
Please Commission And Equip Me!
Please Hold My Hand
Correct, Direct, Protect 
Lead, Feed
Use Me According To Your Sovereign Will
Ever In Your Holy Way! 
I Am Willing, Lord!

I Make Myself Available To You, Father
For You Are My God!
You Know My Name, My Nature
The Length Of My Days
By Your Grace Upon Me
Through Your Gift Of Faith To Me
I Choose To Strive To Be An Overcomer Of Sin
A Diligent Servant Of My King
A Child Who Humbly Walks Before You, My God
For Holy Love That Does
Not For The Promised Rewards! 

Thank You For Your Abiding Love That Eternally Lasts! 
I Am Grateful For The Knowledge That Proves That
Godly Obedience Delivers
Love To God Elevates! 
Thank You For Hearing And Answering Prayer
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name That
I Humbly Pray And Plead!
Please Come For Us Soon!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Zion ... Or Oblivion !?!


Gun Powder
The Printing Press 
Irretrievably Changed The Life Of Man ... Forever!

Jesus Christ ... By His Life
Death And Resurrection
Changed The Life For Man ... Forever! 

Jesus Christ 
Changing Our Lives Now 
He ... Our High Priest
In Heaven ... For Us ... Interceding! 

Almighty God's Truth
Gives Us 

ustification ... Rightness With Him
E levation ... Raises Us Up To God The Father
S atisfaction ... Relief From Sin And Self
U nification ... Re-Entry Into The Family Of Almighty God
S anctification ... Readiness For Eternal Life

Sin Costs:
Jesus Christ Paid! 

Salvation Costs: 
Free Mercy Paid! 

We Sinned: 
Our Blessed Savior Paid! 

Repentance Costs: 
Almighty God's Unfailing Forgiveness Pays! 

A Changed Life ... By The Holy Spirit Power Of God
Involves Change

Are You Acknowledging The Word Of God 
Denying The Power Of The Living God 
To Personally Change You!?! 

Are You Living In Sin 
Denying Its Impacts 
Unchangeable ... Inescapable ... Consequences!?!

How Is Your Forward Motion!?! 
Are You Crab-Walking
Or Snake Winding 


Are You Embracing Truth And Life 
As You Walk In The Light Of Life!?! 

Are You Headed To Zion 
Aka Eternal Separation From Almighty God!?! 

We Are Nearing Home!
The Handwriting Is On The Wall!
Now Is Not The Time 
To Play Jeopardy Or Blue's Clues! 

Dare To Personally Know ... And Fervently Love
Willing Obey 
Praise The Lord 
At The Time Of Appointing ... As An Overcomer
Receive His Blessed Reward!

Dare To Hold Our Almighty God
- In The Person Of Jesus Christ Our Lord ... And King - 
In Godly Fear ... Awe At His Majesty
Be In Perfect Peace 
In, By, And Through His Perfect - Personal - Love
For You ... For Me ... For Us!


Saturday, January 23, 2021


The Lord Christ Has Told Us To Occupy Ourselves 
Until He Comes To Escort Us Home 
To His Father's House Of Everlasting Joy: 
The Damned Devil Finds Wicked Work 
For Idle Minds And Hands! 

A Person, Man, Woman, Child, Rich, Poor
Free Or Slave
Healthy Or No
Who Believes He Has No Reason To Live
No Expected End Like Jesus Has Promised Us 
Who Choose To Believe The Holy Word Of Truth
Will Do Anything
To Anybody
For Whatever Reason
Just So That They May "Feel" Something 
If Even For A Moment! 

We Are Christians 
Through The Holy Faith Which Cannot Falter Or Fail
We Have Jesus Christ For The Anchor Of Our Souls
We Have That Faith Of Jesus New-Supplied Every Day 
As The Lubricant For Our Minds
As Oil For Our Hearts
As Energy For Our Motoring Along 
The Highways And Byways Of Life! 

Are You Ill!?! 
Pray, Confess, Repent 
Accept Forgiveness Of Sin 
Rest In Jesus! 

Are You Happy!?! 
Sing Songs Of Gladness! 

Are You Nervous, Needy!?! 
Reach For The Extended Hand Of Help, Hope 

Do You Need A Friend!?! 
Be A Friend! 
Reach Out And Touch Someone With A Kind Word
A Thoughtful Deed
A Cheerful Smile! 

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

We Are Not Alone! 
You Are Not Your Own! 
Lean On Jesus The King Of Love: 
You Are Greatly Beloved!

Friday, January 22, 2021

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer For When Hearts Are Burdened 2



Father, Forgive Me!
I Have Gone From Pillar To Post
Seeking A Home For My Heart
Perhaps Not Even Realizing That
My Heart Is Your Home!

Open My Eyes, Lord, And Help Me To See 
Those Fair And Holy Glimpses Of Truth That
You Have Waiting For And Available To Me
In The Volume Of That Book That 
Tells Me Of You And Your Holy Love For Me ... Personally!

Oh, How Often, Dear Father
Has My Heart Been Troubled Within Me
At My Seeming Lack Of Growth
At The Wayward Paths Being Used
By The Children Of Faith
At The Unholy Alliances, Even Confederacies, Being Formed
Between The Children Of The Day
The Denizens Of The Night
I Cringe!

You Promised In The Living Word
That Not One Jot Or One Tittle
A Dot Or A Dash In The Word Would Fail
Until All Be Fulfilled!
I Know That You Cannot Lie
So I Put My Trust In You
To Accomplish All You Word
For You Have Promised That 
It Shall Not Return Unto You Void, Empty
But Shall Do All That You Ordain!

Remember Me, In Mercy, I Beseech You!
As King Solomon Said:
I Am But A Child
Not Knowing How To Go Out
Or To Come In!
Please Grant Unto Me 
Your Wisdom And Understanding
To Use Your Knowledge Aright!

You Promised Not To Upbraid Me
For Asking For Wisdom:
I, In The Working Faith Gifted To Me
Choose To Accept Your Word
As Written And Preserved! 
I Trust You! 
I Am Trusting You! 
Please Help Me To Trust You
Always And In All Ways! 

Please Help Me To Hide Your Word Within My Heart!
Please Help Me To Know My End
The Length Of My Days
So That I Will Know How Frail I Am
And Will Not Sin Against Thee Again!

I And My People
Have Broken All Ten Of Your Commandments
Even Arrogantly
Uncaring That Actions Have Consequences
Unmindful Of The Reality That
Even When We Come To Our Senses
And Repent Of Our Known Sin
And You Forgive Us Our Sin
And Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness
That The Consequence 
The Fall Out Remains
The Unintended Consequence Stands
Reminding Us That There Is No Profit
In Bold Sin And Defiant Disobedience! 
Please Help Us To Humble Ourselves
So That You Will Lift Us Up
At The Time Appointed! 

Draw Me Nearer, Lord! 
Keep Me Safe By Your Dear Side! 
Open My Eyes, Lord
To See You And Emulate You
In The Beauty Of Holiness! 

Father, I Would See Jesus! 
I Will Behold His Face In Righteousness! 
I Will Be Satisfied When I Awake With His Likeness:
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
That He Is Interceding For Me! 
Please Help Me To Value Myself
At The Price That Was Paid To Grant Me
Your Free-To-All Salvation! 
Save Me, Lord! 
Keep Me Rooted And Grounded
Attached To The Rock That Fills The Whole Earth
In Jesus Christ's Holy And Matchless Name 
I Humbly Pray, And In Need, Plead! 
I Love You, Lord
Please Come For Us Soon!