Sunday, July 17, 2022

Despising Our Own Splotchy Patch Of Almighty God's Goodness For ... Plastic Turf!?!


Oh, How I Pray For Us All That 
We Will Take Heed To The Living Word That 
Calls Us To Trust In And Walk By Faith With Our God Almighty 
Stop Trusting And Believing In Fables And Get Rich Quick Schemes! 

Dear Ones, 

The Elders Always Quoted This  Word: 
"The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side!" 
Which Contains Truth, Fact, Warning, And Encouragement! 

We May See Lush Green Grass On Someone's Side Of The Fence 
Covet Same 
While Despising Our Own Splotchy Patch Of Our God's Goodness 
Until We Realize ... By Bitter Experience ... That 
Our Neighbor's Luxury Yard Of Green Goodness 
Ain't Nothing But Plastic Turf 
Or Real Green Grass Acquired At Mind-Numbing Cost 
Through Unconscionable Sacrifice 
With Inordinate Expense To Maintain 


Their Designer-Cupboard Is Bare! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Great God Is The One Creator 
Who Is Our Soul's Sole Provider 
He Is Not A Man That He Should Lie
Nor The Son Of Man That He Should Change 
He Is Having A Bad Day! 

Almighty God Is
Because He Is
We Are ... Able To Trust Him 
We Are Ready And Willing To Believe That 
He Can Do All That He Has Promised 
By The Shedding Of His Own Precious 
Known-Innocent Can Never Be Guilty, Blood! 

The Lord Jesus Christ 
The  Strength Of Our Lives 
Because He Lives
We May Rest In His Love And Saving Grace 
Be Strengthened To Face 
Whatever Tomorrows He Permits Us To Face 
Under The Shelter Of His Wings! 


Be Encouraged For You Are Greatly Blessed: 
Trust In The Lord Jesus With All Your Strength! 


Saturday, July 16, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Prayer: Father, I Choose To Boast Of My Lord Christ!


Heavenly Father, 
I Come To You As A Child
Trusting You At Your Sovereign Word That 
You Will Train Me Up In The Way That I Should Go 
So That I Will Put Away Childish Things
Grow Up In Your Saving Grace 
So That Nothing That The Adversary Of My Soul Does
To Try And Turn Me Away From
The Path Of Righteousness 
Will Entice Me To Depart From The Light That 
Leads To Your Everlasting Life! 

I Come To You As An Eager Student
In The Eternity School Of My Lord Jesus 
Who, Alone, Saves 
I Ask You For The Eraser
To Clean The Tablet That Is My Heart
Of All Useless, Unprofitable, Ungodly Things 
Which Would Stunt My Growth
As A Child Of The Everlasting Father
The Prince Of Peace! 

In Saving Faith, Father 
I Beseech You For Your Writing Instrument That 
Will Burn The Truth Into My Heart Permanently 
So That My Thoughts Are Ever With You
My Words To My Brethren
Will Be The Wonderful Words Of Life! 

Father, I Choose To Boast Of My Lord Christ 
So I Come To You As A Willing Worker 
Desiring To Utilize A Space As A Worker In The Fields 
Which The Master Said Are Ripe For Harvest 
But For Which The Workers Are Few 
To Reap His White Wheat 
Bring That Goodly Harvest Home To His Barn! 

Father, My Hope Is In The Lord 
I Plead With You To Teach And Feed Me
Lead And Guide Me
Direct And Correct Me
Protect And Provide For Me
Commission And Accompany Me 
As I Seek To Do Your Holy Bidding
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name That 
I, Poor And Needy, Humbly Plead! 

Friday, July 15, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Let The Perfect Law Of The Lord Convert You!

If We Perfect What We Practice
Does It Not Stand To Reason That 
If We Choose To Practice Committing Our Favorite Sin That 
We Will Become Adept, Proficient
Really Good At Committing That Sin!?! 

Does It Not Also Stand To Reason That 
If We Practice, By Almighty God's Great Grace
To Be Obedient To Him Even Unto Death
To Have A Meek And Gentle Spirit Against Which There Is No Law
To Honor, Worship, And Praise Him From Whom All Our Blessings Flow
That We Shall Become His Perfected Saints!?! 


It Is As The Old Saying Goes: 

"If You Have Two Dogs
The Dog You Feed Is The Dog Which Will Grow!" 

I Sincerely Pray That 
The Great School-Master Who Leads Us Into All Truth 
Will Cause Us To Understand And Accept That 
The Holy God Will Never Help Us To Be Perfect 
To Sin Again His Holiness, His Holy Name! 

The "Perfect Sinner" Will Be Utterly Destroyed 
With The Perfect Destruction! 

Please Let Us, By Free-Will, Choose To Be Perfect 
Even As Our Father In Heaven Is Perfect 
So That We May Abide In His Holy And Fiery Presence 
In His Perfect Peace! 

Let The Perfect Law Of The Lord Convert You 
To Be Like Jesus Today! 


Thursday, July 14, 2022

A Boatload Of Hogwash!

In The Old Days
Much Talk Was Heard About The Sweet-Skin Bucky
Who Just Also Happened To Be A Silver-Tongued Snake 
A Lily-Livered Coward! 

How Is That For A Warning By Description Of 
A Gentleman-Caller To Roundly Refuse!?! 


In Our Journey To Joy
To Hill Zion 
Where Pleasures Forevermore Do Not Cloy 
As In Make You Sick To Your Very Stomach
You Will Be Accosted By That Certain Glib Someone 
Whom You Have Never Met 
But Who, With Dulcet Tones, Will Tell You 
All There Is To Know About What You Surely Need
Where You Are Headed 
But Where You Should Boldly Go Instead
Whom It Is That You Have Unforgivably Offended
Why You Should Turn Away From The Light 
That Allegedly Leads To Everlasting Life 
- Which You Can Never Attain - 
And, Instead 
"Follow De Leader, Leader, Leader
Follow De Leader!" 
Just Let "It" All Hang Out 
Tomorrow Ye Die! 

Dear Ones, 

That Is A Boatload Of Hogwash 
Coming Out Of The Fire-Hose Powered By Satan The Damned 
Who Is Known To Appear As An Angel Of Light! 

Satan Tried To "Sell This Tee-Shirt" To Our Blessed Jesus 
Was Roundly Rebuffed With The Perfect For All Problems 
"Thus Saith The Lord!" 

Please Let Us Choose To Follow The Way, Ways
Will Of Our Blessed Jesus 
Allow Satan ... That Silver-Tongued Snake
To Head To Hell By Himself! 

The Devil's Deceits Destroy! 
Jesus Christ Saves: 
Walk In His Holy Light! 


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

You Can't Take Off Your HAT!?!

Brethren, Beloved, 

How Well Are You Wearing Your HAT!?! 

I Do Not Wear A Hat! 

If You Knew What Almighty God Knows
You Would Wear Your HAT Humbly And Thankfully
Giving God His Praise For What He Is Accomplishing In Your Life! 

I Don't Wear A Hat!

You're A Christian Aren't You!?! 

Yes, I Am! 

Then You're Wearing A HAT ... A Customized HAT! 

What Are You Talking About!?!

I Am Talking About HAT 
Aka Hardships, Adversities, And Temptations! 
Every Committed-To-Christ Christian Has That HAT! 

I Wish Someone Had Told Me This Earlier! 


So That I Could Just Take It Off And Be Free! 

Oh, Dear!?! 

What Do You Mean By "Oh, Dear!?!" 

I Mean That You Can't Take Off Your HAT! 
Your HAT Is Necessary For Your Everlasting Salvation
Your Present Peace
Your Hope
For The Anchor That Secures You To The Rock Of Our Salvation 
In These Times 
Living With This Untoward Generation! 

It's My Turn To Say: "Oh, Dear!" 

You're Welcome! 

Thank You Kindly! 

Please Remember That Your Custom-Made HAT 
Removed By Your Master-Maker
The One You Trust Who Is The Truth: 
Draw Near To Him! 


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Persistently Pray For Power To Press On!

Jesus Christ The King Of Glory
The Only Begotten Son Of 
The True And Living, Holy And Eternal God
The Messiah
The Anointed One After Whom Christians Are Named 
The One Who Calls Us To Faithfully Follow Him 
Up To The Loving Father's Peaceful House! 

We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder As We Follow Our Dear Savior 
There Is A Raptor ... A Flying Predator 
Aka Satan, The Piercing Serpent, The Dragon
Who Will Do All To Focus Our Rapt Attention 
Away From The Holy One Who, Alone, Saves! 

We Can't Allow Ourselves To Be Diverted 
By The Myriad Images, Real Or Imagined
In The Rafters Above Our Heads! 

We, By Faith, Must Choose 
To Disembark Our Flimsy Raft Called Temporary-Thing 
Get On Board The Solid And Secure Old Ship Of Zion 
Which Goes In One Direction 
To Its Only Port Of Call 
On Its Only Voyage! 

The Old Ship Of Zion 
Will Always Stop To Pick Up Passengers! 

Some Passengers Who Have Not Found Their Strength In Jesus 
Will Jump Ship 
Or Disembark The Old Ship 
There Is No Earthly Entertainment 
The Atmosphere Is Clean ... Too Clean
Bereft Of Those Things 
Which Take The Heart Away From The Lord Christ! 


We Can Neither Safely Love A Lie 
Nor Live A Lie! 

Only The Truth Will Bless The Spirit 
Satisfy You Aka The Living Soul
The Soul In Its Search For Sure And Secure Salvation! 

Please Persistently Pray For Power To Press On! 


Monday, July 11, 2022

Red-Rag In Round House!

Let's Consider The Roaring Red Rag That 
Resides In That Round-House Called A Mouth! 
What Has It  Done To You 
For You Lately!?! 

Have You Considered Training Your Tongue 
So That It Will Readily Speak Of The Goodness Of 
The Eternal God Instead Of Lauding Satan Whose Behavior 
Worse Than An Alms-House Louse!?! 


The Old Folk Used To Tell Us: 
"Mout' Open: Story Jump Out!" 

That's A Caution To Hold Dear! 

We Are Not Guppies To Just Open Our Mouths 
To Catch Whatever Is Passing! 

Please Note That We Were Not Told That 
The Truth Would Issue Forth Which Plainly Told Us That 
Whatever Story Would Fit The Occasion
Be It Bold Lie 
"White" Lie
Or Technicolor Fantasy
Some Story Is Going To Be Told 
Even If It Is Not The Strict 
Gospel Truth! 

Dear Ones, 

Do You Know 
Live By Almighty God's Truth
No Matter The Cost!?! 

Please Let Us  Remember That 
The Unbaptized-By-Grace Red Rag Called A Tongue 
Has No Conscience
No Friend
No Tether! 

Please, With The Wisdom Of The Wise
Wisely Call On The Lord 
Let Him Put His Living Word Into Your Mouth 
To Bless Yourself And Others! 

Truth Can't Die! 


Sunday, July 10, 2022

New Life In Christ!

Sin Makes You Blind To The Truth! 
Being Blind To The Truth Puts You In A Bind 
Being In This Bind 
From Which You Cannot Extricate Yourself By Yourself
Sin Efficiently And Effectively Causes You To Be Marked 
As One To Be Placed In The Garbage Bin 
To Be Burned At The Behest Of Almighty God 
In The Appointed Hour! 


The Song-Writer
In Agreeing With The Living Word Of The Eternal God, Says: 

"Sin Will Take You Farther Than You Want To Go!" 

Believe It! 

Sin, Like Fire
Does Not Have It In Its Make-Up 
To Just Be Contented With A Lil' Bit
Or A Goodly Portion! 

Sin, Like Fire, Wants All, Everything
Will Take It All, No Limits
Unless The Creator ... The Life-Giver
The Bread Of Life
The Water Of Life
The Sustainer Of Life
The Re-Creator Of Life
Puts A Decided Stop To Sin Aka The Raging Fire In Our Life 
With Our Permission ... At Our Request 
Through Our Acceptance Of His Free-To-All Salvation! 

Dear Ones, 

Ask For Help!
Accept The Assistance!
Allow The Holy Spirit To Work In Your Life
Appreciate The Gift Of New Life In Jesus Christ 
- Whom We All Adore - 
In Order To Ascend To Glory To Live With Him Eternally! 

Deny Satan The Father Of Lies
And With Joy 
Accept Jesus Christ The Father Of Lights!


Saturday, July 9, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Would You Take 1,000 Carefree Days Now And ...!?!

Which Would You Prefer To Have By Your Side: 
A Dozen Bruised, Broke, Honest 
Faithful Performing Christians
With The Meek And Gentle Spirit 
Against Which There Is No Law 
One Hundred Polished, Rich, Dishonest
Unfaithful, Disrespectful Evil-Doers 
Who Can Purchase Man-Judgment 
Cannot Buy-Off The Judge Of All Flesh!?! 


Would You Put You Your Life 
In The Hands Of Men Who Pervert Justice And Judgment 
Would You Bless Yourself 
Place Your Life And Times 
Into The Hands Of Him Who Gave You Life 
Determines The Length Of Your Days Upon This Earth!?! 

Would You Take 1,000 Care-Free Days Now 
Lose Eternity To Come 
Would You Accept 1001 Days Of Joy And Sorrow Now 
Receive The Joys Of Everlasting Life 
On The Blood-Promised Tomorrow 
By Standing In And Exercising Jesus Christ's Gift To You Of 
A Portion Of His Unfailing Faith!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Please Be Wise And Recognize That 
Your Decision Now 
The Difference Between Short Time And Almost Sweet Things 
Whilst Headed For Damnation 


Eternity And Everlasting Joys 
In The Holy God's Sweet, Sweet, Tomorrow 
In The Heavenly Canaan! 

Let Us Dare To Actively And Aggressively Learn The Difference 
Between Sweet Things And Everlasting Joys 
Only One Comes Without Sorrow! 

Jesus Successfully Saves! 


Friday, July 8, 2022



There Is No Excuse For Sin
There Is No Reason For Sin


Our God Almighty ... In Mercy Towards Us 
Provided Us With Our Only Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life 
- The Great Physician
The Shepherd Of Rest
Our Perfect Peace - 
Upon Whom We Have Every Reason To Call 
No Excuse For Not Calling His Name In Our Time Of Need 
Aka Every Moment Of Every Day! 

Dear Ones, 

If You Have Ever Heard A Person In A Doctor's Treatment Room 
Despairingly Crying In Pain From A Non-Life-Threatening Condition 
Utter The Words: 
"I Am So Tired!" 
You Then Hear The Doctor Beseeching Them To Hold On
To Let Said Doctor Help Them
To Permit The Doctor To Change Their Medication 
To Something That Will Surely Help Them 
To Be Comfortable At Home
You Will Truly Understand Our Wretched State 
When We Recognize Our Need Of Our Savior 
Of Our Sin! 

Remember This ...

In Our Agony
We Hear Our Great Physician Pleading With Us 
To Let Him Change Our Ways And Heal Our Hurts 
Trust Him To Feed Us The Medication Called Truth 
And Bind Up Our Wounds With The Balm Of Gilead
And Use The Good Food Called Faith 
To Believe Him On His Word To Bless Us To Walk Wisely 
While Standing Firmly On The Promises Of The Eternal God! 

Sin Is As Pain! 
Pain Is A Warning! 
Warnings Work For The Wise! 
The Wise Person Chooses The Best Portion Aka Life In Christ 
They Are Healed! 

Sin Kills: 
Salvation Gives Us New Life! 
Be Wise! 


Thursday, July 7, 2022

Winding Up As Two Nuts Short Of A Pack!?!

Handling Hardships With Almighty God's Gift Of Grace 
Makes One Hardy To Endure The Trials Of This Life! 

"Ohhh, Sure!" 

Says The One Who Desires To Live The Life Of Riley 
On Easy Street! 


We All Know That There Is No Human 
Who Would Not Prefer Life On Easy Street! 

The Problem Is That The Introduction Of Sin 
Caused Our Maker, God, And King To Curse Humanity 
With Labor, Work, To Be Able To Eat His Daily Bread! 

Therefore, Anyone 
- From The Womb To The Tomb - 
Who Chooses To Work At Not-Working And Playing To Play
And In Essence
Choosing The Life Of The Hedonist
Constantly Seeking Pleasures Forevermore On This Earth
In This Vale Of Tears
Standing Up In His Self-Chosen Lot
Directly Against The Will Of Almighty God! 

How Do You Think That Is Going To End!?! 

How Often Have You Seen 
The Disasters Of Living The High Life 
When Its Practitioners Effectively And Efficiently 
Crash And Burn
Flame Out
Or Wind Up As Two Nuts Short Of A Pack!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Work ... As Ordained By The Holy God
For Our Blessing: 
Choosing To Live On The Party Boat Is Not! 

Choosing To Honor The Lord Is A Blessing: 
Choosing To Honor Ourselves Is Not! 

Idle Hands Are The Devil's Workshop! 

Be Wise And Work Now 
For Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work! 

Live With Love For The Lord 
Not For The Pride Of Life! 

Wha' Sweet'n Goat Mout' Does Bu'n 'e 'n 'e Tail! 
Take Heed! 
Jesus Christ Is Lord! 


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Devil's Cherry!

Do You Have The Right To Do Wrong!?! 
Are You Letting A Nightshade Sing You A Love Song!?! 


We Are Clearly Instructed By Our Lord Jesus 
Not To Let Anyone, Spirit Or Flesh, Deceive Us 
So "No!" None Of Us Has The Right To Do Wrong! 

In The Plant Realm
We Have Nightshade Vegetables 
Aka Tomatoes, Potatoes, Eggplant
All Peppers, To Name A Few 
And Also 
The Deadly Nightshade 
Aka Belladonna 
Aka Devil's Cherry! 

Just Because We Like, Love, Salivate At The Word "Cherry" 
It Does Not Give Us The Right To Eat Of 
The Belladonna Plant 
Or To Give Of It To Anyone! 

Dear Ones, 

It Is Amazing To Know That 
There Is A Plant Named To Suit Satan's Character! 

How Sad, Ironic, To Know That His Name, Devil
Affixed, Prefixed, To A Fruit Aka Cherry! 
Another Forbidden Fruit! 

Our Lord Jesus Christ
Is Keeping The Night-Watch
So That We Do Not Have To Fear
That Nightshade Satan!

Dear Ones, 

Warning Labels Are Slapped On Things 
To Save Us From Ourselves! 

Children Have Parents To Guide Them Aright! 

Humans Have The Savior
The Word Of God
To Guide Us With Kindly Light! 

When Our Foolish Desires Supercede Wisdom And Understanding 
"I Breathe So Therefore I Am!" 
We Get Into The Realm Of Playing Russian Roulette 
Aka Taking Your Life Into Your Own Hands
For Kicks And Street Cred! 

We Do Not Have The Right 
To Willfully Do Wrong With The Lord's Property: 
We Are Not Our Own! 

Let Us Worship And Bow Before The Lord Our Maker! 


Live So That Satan
Has No Part In You!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

When Self Matters!


Here Are Three Times That 
The Word "Self" Should Freely Utter From Our Mouths: 


If You Have Surrendered Your Self To Your Savior
Then There Is Less Self 
Definitely More Of The Savior
Self-Control Becomes The "Savings-Card" 
Notably In Constant Use! 

Self-Consumed Dies
Self-Sufficiency Atrophies
Self-Serving Skips Town
Self-Aggrandizement Runs Away From Home 
Nobody Loves It! 

As Committed-To-Christ Christians
We Must Live With That Hope Which Says: 
"My Change Is Going To Come!" 

This Is Possible 
The Lord Christ Has Purchased Us 
New Character And New Clothing 
Aka Internal Character And External Clothing 
Aka Christ-Like Character 
The Robe Of Christ's Righteousness! 

This Is Big Doings 
It Can Only Be Accomplished By 
Our Cooperating With Christ 
Through The Working Of The Holy Spirit 
Who Assuredly Leads Us Into All Truth! 

Dear Ones, 

This Is Not A Work For The Faint-Hearted
The Fickle
Or The Fool Who Says In His Heart That 
There Is No God! 

Let Us Not Settle For "Easy Living" 
Leave The Family Of God! 

Anything Worth Having
Is Worth Laboring For!

Know This ...

The Stench Of Self 
Will Never Waft Through The Portals Of Glory 
The Heart For Christ Will Find Eternal Rest There! 

Understand This ...

It's Time To Turn Brown Things White Through Christ 
Since There's No Self-Cleaning For Christians! 

Get At It ...

Indulge In Self-Examination Through The Holy Word 
Aka The Lens Of The Lord! 


Monday, July 4, 2022

It's A Blessing To Depend Upon Our Father God!

Remind Yourself ...

Independent ... And Still A Runt ... Weak! 
Stunted, Under-Developed ... And Still Fronting! 

How Often Have You Confidently Said That 
You Knew That You Could Depend On Someone To Pamper You 
So That You Could Pridefully Swan About
Aka Glide About Poised And Confident!?! 

Did You Reap The Expected Gain!?! 
Would You Do It Again!?! 

Do You  Understand That Your Gamble On Frail Flesh 
Always In Vain!?! 


Remember The Proud Creature Who Thought That 
He Could Run His Life Better Than His Creator Could 
Determined That His Self-Serving System Of Governance 
Was Better Than The Unselfish One Set Forth By Almighty God! 

Dear Ones, 

Blinkers Are Placed On Beasts Of Burden 
To Stop Them From Being Distracted 
To Keep Them Focused On Their Scheduled Work! 
We Are Not Beasts: 
Dare To See! 

For Whom
By What Means
For What Purpose 
Have You Declared Your Independence From The Lord!?! 

What Have You Got To Show 
For Unwisely Walking As A Wastrel, A Prodigal
On The Wild Side Of Life!?! 

All Of Us Have ... At One Point Or Another 
Chosen To Be Professor And Student 
In The Self-Directed Program Called Self-Centeredness 
For Which An Honor's Degree In Hard Knocks Was Issued! 

Let's Wise Up Today 
Return To Our Father's House Of Love 
We Finally Recognize That 
We Cannot Even Walk Without Him Holding Our Hand! 

It's A Blessing To Depend Upon Our Father! 

Please Don't Let Pride Rob You: 
Choose The Eternal Inheritance Over Temporary Independence! 
