Monday, May 16, 2022

Recapture Childlike Innocence!

Humble, Curious, Teachable
Enthusiastic, Trusting
Faithful, Innocent, And Loving 
Are All Childlike Traits! 


Our Blessed Jesus Desires Us To Become 
As Greatly-Beloved, Grateful, Thankful, Little Children 
Who Have No Hang-Ups About Or Fears Because Of Him! 

Jesus Christ, In His Earthly Sojourn, Loved Children 
Called Them To His Side
Lifted Them Up
Touched Them
Blessed Them! 

Do You See Yourself!?! 

Called, Uplifted, Held Close
Blessed Of And By Our Faithful, Loving, Kind
Caring, Compassionate Father In Heaven 
Who Blesses, Teaches, Keeps
Goes With Us-Willing 
To Discover And Absorb His Wisdom
Beauty, Nature, Holiness, Artistry
Will, Ways, And Wonders! 

We Are Loved, Desired, Called! 

We Need To Answer
Accept, Understand, And Obey! 

We Must Get Rid Of The Guile 
Aka The Practiced Deceit Of Adulthood 
Recapture The Innocence Of The Child 
Accept That Our Father Knows Best 
Trust Him Unabashedly, Unwaveringly
Wholly And Solely! 

Are You Willing To Let Go 
Let Your Father God Be The Boss Of You!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Be Profitably Childlike 
And Not 
Uselessly Childish! 

By Grace Through Faith
Let Undying-Love Love You 
Personally Lead You Home! 

Our Father Is Waiting 
There Will Be A Joyous Celebration!


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Law-Abiding, Immoral, Or Amoral!?!

Would You Ask For And Accept Help From 
Someone That You Knew Hated You!?! 

Are You A Commandment Keeper!?! 

Are You Immoral Knowing Right From Wrong 
Maliciously Doing It Anyhow!?! 


Are You Perhaps Fashionably Amoral
Neither Recognizing Nor Accepting That 
There Should Be Any Law Governing Your Behavior!?! 

Are You Living Out The Word That 
You Are The Light Of The World 
Being That Beam That 
Encourages Others To Walk Safely To Safety!?! 

Are You Living As The Tasty Salt Of The Earth 
Which Generates A Deep Thirst In Others 
Who Are Desiring To Know The Mine Aka The Mind 
From Whence Your Flavor
Your Joy, Peace, Goodness, Sweet Temper
Temperance And Gentleness Comes!?! 


Satan Hates Our Lord Jesus And, So, He Hates Us: 
Do Not Desire His Dainties Which Are Laced With Death! 

An Amoral And An Immoral Christian Isn't! 

Love For Our Lord Christ 
Commands And Displays Our Obedience! 
Our Lights Brilliantly Shine 
Our Salt-Selves Season! 

Please Let No Created Being 
Encourage You To Long For What Can't Pay 
To Walk On The Path Own-Way! 

Commandment-Keepers Don't Die 
To Then Nash Their Teeth And Wail In Outer Darkness! 
Commandment-Keepers Sleep 
To Rise Up And Reap The Sweets 
Aka Enjoy The Myriad Blessings Of The Living Kingdom! 

Be Wise! 


Saturday, May 14, 2022




Thank You, Lord
For Your Grace That Is Sufficient
Your Mercy Ever Free
And That
The Fact Remains That
The Prayer Of Faith Will Always Reach Thee! 

Please Help Us To Ever Remember That 
The Devil Is The Liar
His Words Are Truth Reversed
And That 
His Mission Is To Have Us Continue To Live
Under The Wretched Conditions That 
Initiated The Curse!

Please Help Us To Be Wise
Unto Our Own Soul's Salvation! 

Please Help Us To Ever Trust You 
Walk In The Light Of The Truth! 

Please Help Us To Uplift Your Holy Name 
Bless Ourselves By Worshiping You 
Through Faithful, Enduring, Obedience
Which Will See Us Ascending With You One Glad Day
To Enter Your Blessed Rest
In The Land Of No Night
The Land Of Eternal Youth!

Please Open Our Eyes
Unstop Our Ears
Help Us To Not Only Hear And Embrace The Truth
But To Act Decisively
On Your Living, Holy, Word Which Works! 

You Have Promised That 
Your Word Will Not Return Unto You Void, Empty
But Will Accomplish The Mission Of 
Getting Us Who Are Willing
Back Into Your House Of Love 
Which Has Room For All Who Will Look Up
To Jesus Christ, The King 
To Be Saved And To Eternally Live! 

Please Accept Our Heartfelt Confession And Repentance
Forgive And Cleanse Us As You Promised
Welcome Us Into The Fold Of Safely
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name That
We Humbly Pray And In Dire Need Plead!

Friday, May 13, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Hope Brings Us Joy And Peace!

A Person Without Hope 
Like A Boat That Won't-Can't Float: 
Both Are Going Down! 


Look At The Shooting Star! 

Where Is It Going!?! 

Is It Able To Go Back To The Once Appointed Place 
Continue On Its Formerly Appointed Track!?! 

Can Water Hope To Fall ... Up!?! 
Uhhh, Nope! 

If We Choose To Take Up Our Appointment With The Lord Of Life
We Have Every Reason To Get Up And Git 
Aka Go About Our Master's Business Knowing That 
He Has Already Handled Ours! 

Dear Ones, 

When Our Lives Are In The Master's Hands
We Have ... We Know ... We Do ... We Are ... We Grow 
It Shows This Rude, Wild, And Wicked World 
What The Lord Jesus Christ ... The Author Of Hope
Does In The Life Of One Who Calls Him, Creator, Lord, God
King, Redeemer, Friend
Sure Salvation! 

Jesus Christ Cannot Save What Is Destroyed: 
What Is Destroyed Needs No Savior! 

Remember The Great Flood In Noah's Time!
Remember Sodom And Gomorrah!

Remember, Remember 
Don't Ever Forget ... 

People Will Be Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge! 

We, As Faithful Christians, Know The Word 
So Let Us Live The Life Of The One Who Calls Us 
To Hope In Him! 

Never, Ever, Forget That 
Hope Brings Us Joy And Peace! 
Jesus Christ ... The Only One Righteous
Peace ... Our Perfect Peace!


Hope In God And
     Obey The Word And
 Pray For Faith To
                    Endure The Testing Time! 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Physical Satisfaction Won't Appease Our Spiritual Desire!

What Is The Point Of Having Everything That 
Your Stony Aka Carnal Heart Desires 
At Your Very Fingers To Use And Abuse
Refuse, Keep, Share, And Discard 
According To Your Will 
Be Totally Empty On The Inside
Having No Hope
No Eternal Future
No God-Designed And God-Given Expected End!?! 


We Are Almighty God's Property 
By Creation 
By Redemption! 

We Do Not Have The Right To Destroy 
What Is Not Our Own! 

Why Would We
Knowing To Whom We Belong
What He Has Called Us To Be
What He Has Done
Is Doing
Will Do For Us
Walk Around Like Empty Shells 
Willingly Choose To Eat The Husks That 
The Swine, The Pigs, The Porkers Gladly Eat 
When We May Comfortably Sit At The Kind King's Table 
Have Him Delightedly Serve Us 
He Sacrificially Loves Us!?! 

Dear Ones, 

An Upward Look 
Followed By An Inward Cleanse 
In Order For All Of Us! 

Physical Satisfaction 
Will Never Appease A Spiritual Longing! 

The Lord Said So
So Let Us As His Dearly Beloved, Obedient, Children 
Get To The Springs Of Living Water 
Then Feed Substantially On The Bread Of Life! 

Almighty God's Grace Is Sufficient 
His Mercy Is Free 
Jesus Christ's Salvation 
Gifted To Me And To Thee! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Earthly Pleasures Vainly Call You! 


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Do You Know Who You Are In Christ Jesus!?!

Men Identify As Women! 
Women Identify As Men! 
Men Identify As Babies! 
Women Identify As Pet-Dogs! 
How Are You Identifying Yourself!?! 

Who Or What Is Creating An Identity For You!?! 

Do You Know Who You Are In Christ Jesus!?! 


Children Live What They Learn 
If We As Children Of The Heavenly Father 
Do Not Follow Him As He Is Known Through His Preserved Word 
Aka The Transcript Of His Unchangeable, Holy, Character
We Will Identify With Those Around Us 
Who Have No Respect For What Is Good And Perfect
Who Have Chosen The Path Of Least Resistance 
Which Allows Them To Enjoy What Tickles Their Tonsils, Their Fancy 
Their Unregenerate Self! 

Follow Fad
Follow Fashion
Follow Feelings 
Becomes The Be-All And End-All Of Existence 
We Float On Any And Every Wind Of Change! 

Dear Ones, 

With No Known Destination
Any Destination ... Good, Bad, Safe, Unsafe
Your Port Of Call! 

If You Have No Anchor For Your Soul
Your Soul Will Find Anchor 
Where The Strong, Loud, And Clamorous Winds Push It! 

We ... As Committed Christians ... Are Not Anchorless! 

We Belong To The Kind King Who Knows Our Names And Nature 
Who Calls Us Who Know His Voice To His Side! 

Please Don't Sell Gold To Get Silver Like Judas! 

Know Whose You Are
Confidently Walk In His Will
In His Way
Having A Meek And Gentle Spirit 
Against Which There Is No Law! 

Be Molded By Christ 
So That You Are Not Damned Like The Devil! 


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

No One On This Planet Walks Alone!

How Often Have We Heard Friends, Family, Acquaintances
Even Not-Yet-Friends 
Boldly Even Arrogantly And Aggressively Say: 
"I Don't Need Anybody! 
I Can Make It On My Own!?!" 

Were You Impressed By Or Were You Saddened For 
The Proud Sayer And Lonely Bird Caught In A Storm Of Despair 
Unable Or Unwilling To Humble Themselves Before The Lord 
Say With Longing Heart: 

"Oh Lord, Please Help Me Now! 
I'm Not Just Alone But I Am So Very  Lonely
And Deathly Afraid
And So Very Weak! 

Please Pity Me In My Distress And Have Mercy! 

You Said To Come Boldly
With All My Burdens
My Sorrows And My Joys
And Share Them With You 
Because Without You
Joys Turn Into Sorrows
But With You, Burdens Are Lifted
And Earthly Sorrows Turn Into Heavenly Joys! 

Please Open My Eyes To See Your Light That 
Leads To Abundantly Living And Eternal Life! 

Please Grant Me A Heart Of Flesh 
So That I Will Walk Obediently 
And In Perfect Peace With You! 

Please Help Me To Be The Friend That 
I Would Want To Have For A Friend
And Help Me To Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself 
According To Your Living Word!" 


Be Careful! 

No One On This Planet Walks Alone! 

You, Me, We, Either Walk In Accord 
Under The Headship Of Jesus Christ The Lord 
Satan By The Fallen Angels Walks Companionably With You! 

Let's Examine Ourselves Right Now! 


Monday, May 9, 2022

Trust The Living Word: Put Satan On Trial!

Whether We Choose To Believe It Or Not
We Have An Unreliable Narrator In The Person Of Satan
The Devil
The Dragon
The Piercing Serpent Aka The God-Fraud! 


Be Wise ... For Your Own Self! 

Satan Tells All Willing To Hear Him 
That The Living God Is Unfair
That There Is No Victory Over Sin
That The Lord Will Save All Human Beings
That Dead People Watch Over And Talk To The Living
That Sunday Is Sacred
That Man Is ImmortalThat There Is No Devil And No Hell
That There Is No Need To Grow In Grace 
We Will Be Sinners Until The Day We Physically Die
That A "Little Creature" Called A Soul 
Jumps Out Of The Then-Dead Body 
Floats Up To Heaven 
To Direct Almighty God's Traffic Up There 
For The Benefit Of The Gullible Down Here! 

Let's Get Real! 

Lucifer Nka Satan Got Thrown Out Of Heaven, For Cause
So He Has A Hidden Agenda! 

The Lord Christ 
In Heaven 
In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary
Interceding For His People
His Plan Of Salvation For Us 
Open And On Public Display
Is Actively Working! 

Who Are You Going To Believe!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Always Big Doings In Every Court Case! 

Dare To Put Satan On Trial 
Via The Living Word Of God Your Creator 
See Whose Words And Works Are Reliable Aka Trustworthy! 

The Truth ... Jesus Christ The Lord ... Was Executed 
Still Lives! 

Do The Math! 


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Before The Merchants Monetized Motherhood!

Before The Merchants Monetized Motherhood 
For One Day Of The Year
The Good Lord In His Wisdom 
Commanded That Mothers Be Honored, Well, Every Day! 

There Is A Blessing That 
Attends Those Who Keep The Commandment 
Obviously, To The Disobedient, A Curse
So I Beseech Us, Beloved
Keep Operating To Receive The Good Lord's Blessing 
So That There Will Be No Curse In Your Life's Purse! 

There Are Those Amongst Us 
Who Have Recently Laid Their Dear Mothers To Rest 
I Beseech Us Who Still Have Our Mothers Here 
To Hug Them Closer
Whisper Honest Words Of Love In Their Ears! 

Flowers, Chocolates, And Perfumes Last A Little While 
Are For Public Consumption 
Kind Words, Thoughtful Deeds
Loving Care Make Marks That Last The Moment
The Minute, The Hour, Day, Week, Month, And Year
Are Logged In The Books Of Heaven 
Which No Careless Finger May Erase! 

Mothers In Israel
Adoptive Mothers
Mothers Just Because
The Lord Jesus Cemented Your High Status
When In His Dying Agonies
He Gave The Care Of His Beloved Mother, Mary
To His Beloved Disciple John! 


Let's Continue Our Loving Service For The Lord! 


Let's Love On Our Mothers Every Moment Of Every Day! 

There Is Nothing Higher Than 
The Eternal God's Holy Law! 


Saturday, May 7, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Thine Will Be Done In Me, Dear Lord!

If Nowhere Is Become Now Here 
Something Is Become Some Thing
Should Not You And I Seek After Our Holy God 
Who Sees And Knows All Things
Is In And Above All Things!?! 


We Know That We All Have Our Priorities Skewed 
And That 
The Height Of Our Values Is Really Bare Basement! 

Should Not We Seek After Our God Alive 
Who, Believed, Trusted, Honored, Worshipped
Able To Provide For And Protect Us
Direct And Correct Us
Refocus Our Thoughts When The Good Parts 
We, Short-Sighted, Decidedly Neglect!?! 

Jesus Christ The Lord
 He Who Made Blind Eyes See
The Lame To Leap
The Deaf To Hear
The Dumb To Speak
By The Risen Dead The Praises Of 
The Life-Giver To Declare
Worthy To Hear From Us 
Who Hold Him In Godly Fear: 
"I Am Thine, Oh Lord! 
Thy Will Be Done In Me!" 

We Have Heaven To Gain 
So, Dear Ones, Let Us Willingly, Wisely
Boldly, Allow Almighty God's Love 
To Amaze Us Today, Today, And Forever! 


Friday, May 6, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + GET REAL: Love Involves Labor!

Our Lord Said Two Things 
Which Should Make Us All Come-To Aka Get Real 
When It Comes To The Issue Of Love! 

"If You Love Me
Keep My Commandments!" 


"If You Love Me
Feed My Sheep And Lambs!" 


Love, According To Our Lord, Involves Labor: 
Caring For Your Own Soul 
Caring For Others! 

Nowhere In Scripture Does It Say That 
Love Is Hot And Sweaty
Buy Me This Give Me That
I Will Abuse You If You Tell Me "No!" How Dare You Do That!?! 
Because You Love Me You're My Door-Mat Got A Problem With That!?! 

It Is Time To Get Back To The Basics 
Where Love Is Kind
Never Selfish Or Cruel
Does Not Hold Grudges! 

As Committed Christians
We Seriously Need To Live Out The Love In 1 Corinthians 13 
If We Desire To Be Known As True Followers Of The King Of Love
- Our True Shepherd -
Who Alone Is Able To Get Us Safely Home To Our Father's House 
Where Life Is Heavenly, Lovely, Peaceful, And  Perfect! 

The Love That We Display As Christ's Followers 
Neither Top-Lofty, Licentious, Nor Ludicrous
With Palms Either Held Up To Receive
Or Balled-Up In A Fist To Hurt
Never Turned Down To Give 
Or Sideways To Help! 

We Get What We Give
So Let Us Share The Love That We Desire To Receive! 


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Let Us Not Be High-Minded, Hard-Mout' Goats!

We Need To Do Better! 

Consider That 
The Lord Jesus Did Not Use Goat Parts 
To Create Man! 

The Lord Took The Dust Of The Earth 
Which He, Himself, Created 
Formed Man 
He, Himself, Blew The Breath Of Life From Himself 
Into Adam's Nostrils 
Caused Him To Be ... Able! 

We Need To Know Our Value 
Through The Eyes Of Almighty God 
Stop Living Like Incendiary Devices 
Always Ready, Willing, And Able To Explode 
Do Damage To Whomever, Whenever
With Or Without Provocation Or Perks! 


The Lord Is Our Shepherd 
We Are The Sheep Of His Pasture: 
He Leads Us! 

If For Some Unknown Reason ... Or Just Because
You Decide That You Are Better Than Your Creator 
Who Has Life And Death Control Over Your Existence
Consider This: 

You, By Your Own Will
And Exercising Your God-Given Choice
Have Decided That You Are A Goat ... Your Own Leader
He Who Owns You Will Have To Follow Where You Lead! 

Satan Loves This Attitude 
 Is Glad To Follow You
Encouraging You To Go To 
The Spiritually-Dead And Eternally-Done End 
To End Existence! 

Jesus Christ Doesn't Make Mistakes: 
We Are To Go To Him To Correct Our Mistakes! 

Let Us Not Be High-Minded, Hard-Mout' Goats 
Be Gentle, Humble, Sheep 
Who Faithfully Follow The Shepherd 
Who Will Restore Our Souls! 

Look To Jesus Christ The Lord 
Be Saved! 


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Dig For Hidden Treasure!

Ponder This ... 

Have You Ever Received 
A Big, Sumptuously Wrapped, And Bow-Decorated Gift Box
And Lifted It Up To Check The Weight
Shaken It To Hear If It Rattled
Checked The Gift Card To See From Whom It Came 
You May Have Some Cheapskate Friends, Relations, And Acquaintances
Recognizing That It Is From The Generous Benefactor 
Who Always Gives Good And Perfect Gifts
Proceeded To Place That Good Gift 
In A Highly Visible And Well Lighted Corner 
Without Opening It 
You're Going To Save It For A Rainy Day 
Which Only Comes Twice A Year 
Since You Live In A Desert!?! 


Salvation Full And Free
The Open And Still Wrapped Gift 
With The Name Of Our Lord Jesus 
Prominently Displayed On The Name Tag 
With An Appetizingly-Thick Love Letter Attached Saying: 

"Open Immediately
Dig For Hid Treasure
Pearls Of Wisdom
Tried Gold
Healing Balm
Eye Salve
A White Robe Of Righteousness
An Over-Comer's Crown
Your New Name And Life
In And With Me!" 

Today Is The Day Of Salvation! 

The Book Of Love 
Given To You To Explore And Experience! 

Open The Gifted, Sure Word Of Almighty God
Line Memory's Hall 
With The Found Treasures Of Goodness 
Harvested From Your Excavations! 
