Monday, May 9, 2022

Trust The Living Word: Put Satan On Trial!

Whether We Choose To Believe It Or Not
We Have An Unreliable Narrator In The Person Of Satan
The Devil
The Dragon
The Piercing Serpent Aka The God-Fraud! 


Be Wise ... For Your Own Self! 

Satan Tells All Willing To Hear Him 
That The Living God Is Unfair
That There Is No Victory Over Sin
That The Lord Will Save All Human Beings
That Dead People Watch Over And Talk To The Living
That Sunday Is Sacred
That Man Is ImmortalThat There Is No Devil And No Hell
That There Is No Need To Grow In Grace 
We Will Be Sinners Until The Day We Physically Die
That A "Little Creature" Called A Soul 
Jumps Out Of The Then-Dead Body 
Floats Up To Heaven 
To Direct Almighty God's Traffic Up There 
For The Benefit Of The Gullible Down Here! 

Let's Get Real! 

Lucifer Nka Satan Got Thrown Out Of Heaven, For Cause
So He Has A Hidden Agenda! 

The Lord Christ 
In Heaven 
In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary
Interceding For His People
His Plan Of Salvation For Us 
Open And On Public Display
Is Actively Working! 

Who Are You Going To Believe!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Always Big Doings In Every Court Case! 

Dare To Put Satan On Trial 
Via The Living Word Of God Your Creator 
See Whose Words And Works Are Reliable Aka Trustworthy! 

The Truth ... Jesus Christ The Lord ... Was Executed 
Still Lives! 

Do The Math! 


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Before The Merchants Monetized Motherhood!

Before The Merchants Monetized Motherhood 
For One Day Of The Year
The Good Lord In His Wisdom 
Commanded That Mothers Be Honored, Well, Every Day! 

There Is A Blessing That 
Attends Those Who Keep The Commandment 
Obviously, To The Disobedient, A Curse
So I Beseech Us, Beloved
Keep Operating To Receive The Good Lord's Blessing 
So That There Will Be No Curse In Your Life's Purse! 

There Are Those Amongst Us 
Who Have Recently Laid Their Dear Mothers To Rest 
I Beseech Us Who Still Have Our Mothers Here 
To Hug Them Closer
Whisper Honest Words Of Love In Their Ears! 

Flowers, Chocolates, And Perfumes Last A Little While 
Are For Public Consumption 
Kind Words, Thoughtful Deeds
Loving Care Make Marks That Last The Moment
The Minute, The Hour, Day, Week, Month, And Year
Are Logged In The Books Of Heaven 
Which No Careless Finger May Erase! 

Mothers In Israel
Adoptive Mothers
Mothers Just Because
The Lord Jesus Cemented Your High Status
When In His Dying Agonies
He Gave The Care Of His Beloved Mother, Mary
To His Beloved Disciple John! 


Let's Continue Our Loving Service For The Lord! 


Let's Love On Our Mothers Every Moment Of Every Day! 

There Is Nothing Higher Than 
The Eternal God's Holy Law! 


Saturday, May 7, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Thine Will Be Done In Me, Dear Lord!

If Nowhere Is Become Now Here 
Something Is Become Some Thing
Should Not You And I Seek After Our Holy God 
Who Sees And Knows All Things
Is In And Above All Things!?! 


We Know That We All Have Our Priorities Skewed 
And That 
The Height Of Our Values Is Really Bare Basement! 

Should Not We Seek After Our God Alive 
Who, Believed, Trusted, Honored, Worshipped
Able To Provide For And Protect Us
Direct And Correct Us
Refocus Our Thoughts When The Good Parts 
We, Short-Sighted, Decidedly Neglect!?! 

Jesus Christ The Lord
 He Who Made Blind Eyes See
The Lame To Leap
The Deaf To Hear
The Dumb To Speak
By The Risen Dead The Praises Of 
The Life-Giver To Declare
Worthy To Hear From Us 
Who Hold Him In Godly Fear: 
"I Am Thine, Oh Lord! 
Thy Will Be Done In Me!" 

We Have Heaven To Gain 
So, Dear Ones, Let Us Willingly, Wisely
Boldly, Allow Almighty God's Love 
To Amaze Us Today, Today, And Forever! 


Friday, May 6, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + GET REAL: Love Involves Labor!

Our Lord Said Two Things 
Which Should Make Us All Come-To Aka Get Real 
When It Comes To The Issue Of Love! 

"If You Love Me
Keep My Commandments!" 


"If You Love Me
Feed My Sheep And Lambs!" 


Love, According To Our Lord, Involves Labor: 
Caring For Your Own Soul 
Caring For Others! 

Nowhere In Scripture Does It Say That 
Love Is Hot And Sweaty
Buy Me This Give Me That
I Will Abuse You If You Tell Me "No!" How Dare You Do That!?! 
Because You Love Me You're My Door-Mat Got A Problem With That!?! 

It Is Time To Get Back To The Basics 
Where Love Is Kind
Never Selfish Or Cruel
Does Not Hold Grudges! 

As Committed Christians
We Seriously Need To Live Out The Love In 1 Corinthians 13 
If We Desire To Be Known As True Followers Of The King Of Love
- Our True Shepherd -
Who Alone Is Able To Get Us Safely Home To Our Father's House 
Where Life Is Heavenly, Lovely, Peaceful, And  Perfect! 

The Love That We Display As Christ's Followers 
Neither Top-Lofty, Licentious, Nor Ludicrous
With Palms Either Held Up To Receive
Or Balled-Up In A Fist To Hurt
Never Turned Down To Give 
Or Sideways To Help! 

We Get What We Give
So Let Us Share The Love That We Desire To Receive! 


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Let Us Not Be High-Minded, Hard-Mout' Goats!

We Need To Do Better! 

Consider That 
The Lord Jesus Did Not Use Goat Parts 
To Create Man! 

The Lord Took The Dust Of The Earth 
Which He, Himself, Created 
Formed Man 
He, Himself, Blew The Breath Of Life From Himself 
Into Adam's Nostrils 
Caused Him To Be ... Able! 

We Need To Know Our Value 
Through The Eyes Of Almighty God 
Stop Living Like Incendiary Devices 
Always Ready, Willing, And Able To Explode 
Do Damage To Whomever, Whenever
With Or Without Provocation Or Perks! 


The Lord Is Our Shepherd 
We Are The Sheep Of His Pasture: 
He Leads Us! 

If For Some Unknown Reason ... Or Just Because
You Decide That You Are Better Than Your Creator 
Who Has Life And Death Control Over Your Existence
Consider This: 

You, By Your Own Will
And Exercising Your God-Given Choice
Have Decided That You Are A Goat ... Your Own Leader
He Who Owns You Will Have To Follow Where You Lead! 

Satan Loves This Attitude 
 Is Glad To Follow You
Encouraging You To Go To 
The Spiritually-Dead And Eternally-Done End 
To End Existence! 

Jesus Christ Doesn't Make Mistakes: 
We Are To Go To Him To Correct Our Mistakes! 

Let Us Not Be High-Minded, Hard-Mout' Goats 
Be Gentle, Humble, Sheep 
Who Faithfully Follow The Shepherd 
Who Will Restore Our Souls! 

Look To Jesus Christ The Lord 
Be Saved! 


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Dig For Hidden Treasure!

Ponder This ... 

Have You Ever Received 
A Big, Sumptuously Wrapped, And Bow-Decorated Gift Box
And Lifted It Up To Check The Weight
Shaken It To Hear If It Rattled
Checked The Gift Card To See From Whom It Came 
You May Have Some Cheapskate Friends, Relations, And Acquaintances
Recognizing That It Is From The Generous Benefactor 
Who Always Gives Good And Perfect Gifts
Proceeded To Place That Good Gift 
In A Highly Visible And Well Lighted Corner 
Without Opening It 
You're Going To Save It For A Rainy Day 
Which Only Comes Twice A Year 
Since You Live In A Desert!?! 


Salvation Full And Free
The Open And Still Wrapped Gift 
With The Name Of Our Lord Jesus 
Prominently Displayed On The Name Tag 
With An Appetizingly-Thick Love Letter Attached Saying: 

"Open Immediately
Dig For Hid Treasure
Pearls Of Wisdom
Tried Gold
Healing Balm
Eye Salve
A White Robe Of Righteousness
An Over-Comer's Crown
Your New Name And Life
In And With Me!" 

Today Is The Day Of Salvation! 

The Book Of Love 
Given To You To Explore And Experience! 

Open The Gifted, Sure Word Of Almighty God
Line Memory's Hall 
With The Found Treasures Of Goodness 
Harvested From Your Excavations! 


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The God Who Cannot Lie Or Change!


Willful And Own-Way Was A Serious Indictment 
Against One's Character In The Old Days 
It Is Somehow Elevated To A Badge Of Honor 
In These Times Where Participation Trophies
Aka Show Up And Do Nothing
Are A Thing! 


As Committed Christians
We Cannot Walk Willfully And Unwisely Aka "Doing You!" 
Really Expect The Great God Who Inhabits Glory 
To Pleasurably Say: 

"Good One, Bucko! 
You Didn't Make My Mark 
But At Least You Were On The Planet! 
Come On Up Here 
And Make Everybody Miserable With Your Bad Attitude
Constant Complaining
And Bold Challenging Of My Sovereign Will 
Which Was For Your Safety And Eternal Security!"

"I Cast Lucifer Out For Pride, Lies, Willfulness
Envy, Deceit, Greed, Disobedience
False Worship, Dissension, Warmongering
And Hatred Of My Only Begotten Son ... Your Only Savior
But I'll Let You Into My Fiery Presence 
Where Sin And Sinners Cannot Exist 
Just Because You Were Made In Our Image 
And After Our Likeness 
And Despite The Fact That 
You Despised My Son's Personal Sacrifice 
To Personally Save You 
To Give You A Future, A Hope, And An Expected End
Which You Rejected 
While Diligently Following After Satan 
Our Sworn Enemy ... And Yours
Who Maliciously Engineered Mankind's Downfall 
By Deceiving Eve 
Who Encouraged Adam 
Who, For His Love To Her, Chose To Indulge 
Willful Disobedience!"

"I Am The God Who Cannot Lie Or Change 
But For You, Whatever! 
Enjoy The Eats And Treats!" 

Dear Ones, 

It Ain't Never Gonna Happen
So Let Us Let Almighty God's Will 
Be Our Chosen Way Of Life!

Let Us Straighten Up And Walk Right
Be To The Eternal God A Pleasure And A Delight
In The Name Of Jesus Christ The King
Our Lord, God, Savior, Redeemer, And Forever Friend
The Judge Of All Flesh!
We Will Be Forever Blessed! 


Monday, May 2, 2022

Join The Clean-Heart Club!

We Keep A Clean House 
Have Dirty Minds! 

We Display Beautiful Faces 
Practice Ugly Habits! 

We War With Each Other 
With The Devil ... Not So Much!

We Decry Bad Behavior In Others 
Excuse It In Ourselves! 

We Elevate Known Wickedness In Our Favorites As Self-Expression 
Denigrate Faithful Christians As Holy-Rollers And Jesus-Freaks! 


Upside-Down Back-To-Front "Wisdom" 
Worthless, Useless, And Pointless 
For Both Seller And Buyer 


Believing That Satan Is Your Friend 
He Says Do What You Desire
And That 
Wrong Is Right 
Going To Book You A Berth In The Lake Of Fire! 

We Cannot Paint Truth Black 
Color Lies White 
In The Belief That It Will Change Their Character: 
It Won't! 

Let's Just Accept That The Word Of God 
Ever True 
Is Good To Fix What Ails Me And You! 

Join The Clean-Heart Club: 
Look Up To 
Put On Jesus Christ 
Really Live! 


Sunday, May 1, 2022

"I Am Following My Heart!?!"

Why Would We ... As A Committed-To-Christ Christians
Ever Utter The Words: 
"I Am Following My Heart!"  
When The Lord Of Life Calls Man's Heart Deceitful 
And, In Truth, Impossible To Know By Man!?! 


We Really Need To Stop Following Popular Culture 
The Self-Help No Help At All Gurus 
Who ... With Gay Abandon
Encourage People To Doubt The Word Of Almighty God 
To Gleefully Foray Into Fashionable Foolishness! 

There Was A Time When Your Parent Told You How To Live 
You Obeyed 
You Knew That They Loved You 
Wanted What Was Best For You! 

Our Father In Heaven ... Our Parent Supreme
Has Warned Against Trusting Our Deceitful 
Aka Lying, Unholy, Proud, Desperately Wicked Heart 
Which We May Only Know The Right About 
Through His Saving Grace! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Man's Heart Desires What Soothes The Senses 
Not What Pleases Almighty God 
Satisfies The Savior-Seeking Soul! 

It Takes Amazing Grace 
To Get Us To The Heights Of Christ's Surpassing Glory 
Where No Wicked, Unregenerate, Heart May Enter! 

Grace Is Available! 
Grab It! 


Saturday, April 30, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Stop Calling The Living God A Liar!


We Need To Stop Calling The Living God A Liar: 
He Is Not A Man! 

One Of The Most Unscriptural  Things That I Came Across Recently 
Was In A Public Prayer 
Where The Person Asked The Lord 
To Forgive Their Confessed 
Unconfessed Sins 
Then Made Much Of Having Received Their "Destiny Helper" 
In Their Year Of Grief For A Lost Spouse! 


Be Wise 
Choose To Walk In The Truth Of Almighty God! 

Unconfessed Sin 
Sin Unforgiven! 

Forgiveness And Cleansing 
Ride The Steed Called Confessed Sin!  

Mysticism Aka The Destiny Helper 
Has No Place In Jesus Christ's Christianity! 

The Lord Jesus Christ 
Our Helper! 

The Holy Spirit 
Our Comforter 
He, As Promised, Will Lead Us Into All Truth! 

By Their Good Influence And Protecting Care
Holy Angels Help Us 
- Who Choose To Accept The Lord's Free Gift Of Salvation -
To Safely Get Home To Our Father's House! 

Dear Ones, 

"Thus Saith The Lord!" 
Means And Makes The Difference Between Life And Death! 

Let's Not Add To Or Subtract From The Word Of God 
Let's Stop Making Simple Things Complex And Convoluted 
To Enrich Wicked Men And Seducers 
Who Want Our Money 
For Their Lying Clanging Bells And Tinkling Cymbals! 

Please Let Your Conversation Be In Heaven 
So That You Don't Fall For Lies On Earth! 

Almighty God Is All! 


Forgive Us, Lord
As We Confess And Repent
Help Us, I Beseech You
From Walking In The Truth
Never To Relent!

Friday, April 29, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Don't Let Satan Turn You Around!


In All Things, Give Thanks!?! 
How Does One Give Thanks For Wood Ants In Your Floor 
And Hornets In Your Attic!?! 

How Are We Supposed To Be Thankful For The Problems
Pressures, Parasites, And Plague-Rats In Our Lives!?! 

With Humility! 


Wanting To Give Thanks Is Not The Issue! 
Being Obedient 
Doing The Will Of Almighty God 
He Asks Us To
The Command! 

We Are Soldiers Of The Cross! 
We, For Love, And With Willing Hearts
Offer Up Our Highest Worship 
Aka Obedience With Our Highest Praise Aka "Hallelujah!" 
We Know That He Who Says "Do!" 
Has Already Done 
Has Overcome For Us! 

Jesus Christ's Request 
A Test Of Our Faith ... Which Works By Love
Our Trust In Him Which Can Never Be Misplaced! 

Dear Ones, 

We Must Go Through To Come Through 
We Must Get Up To Stand Up 
To Go On Up ... To Jesus Christ's Glory! 

Let Us Remember This Day That 
Our Lord Jesus Equips Us 
Accompanies Us To Accomplish All That He Asks Of Us! 

Please Let Us Join Together This Day 
Choose To Defeat Satan 
By Thanking Our Savior Who Satisfies Our Souls 
Through All The Changing Scenes And Seasons Of 
This Short But Eventful Life! 

Don't Let Satan Turn You Around! 
May The Lord Jesus Christ
Our Hope For Glory, Satisfy, Save, Sanctify
Seal Us All Who Are Willing!


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Careless Words Cost!

Careless Words Cost 
Costly Words Cure Us Of Carelessness! 

We Used To Have An Old Expression 
About Paying For Your Mouth 
And If People Used To Have To Go Down To Coleridge Street
At The Court Building
To Pay For Their Often Useless Talk
They Wouldn't Talk Foolishness! 


There Is Bible For Your Feet In This Matter! 

Our Words Justify Us! 
Our Words Condemn Us! 

The Old Folk 
The School Master And Mistress 
Used To Tell Us Not To Talk Idle! 

Dear Ones, 

Many Of Us Believe That 
The Only Bad Words Are Swear Words 
We Should Sincerely Look At Unkind, Careless
Lawless, Crude, And Cruel 
Aka Candy-Coated Venomous Words! 

We May Spend Our Word-Money Carelessly 
Start Using "Words On Credit" 
The Debt-Collector That 
No One Can Turn Around Or Escape From 
Will One Day Be Right At Our Side! 

Have You Counted The Cost Of 
Self-Condemnation And Other-Denigration!?! 

Same Tongue Different Day Hell To Pay 
Stands Up Against 
Same Day Different Tongue Glory To Share! 

The Call Is Yours Alone To Make! 

I Sincerely Pray That 
We Will All Choose To Speak Peace
Share Love
Give God Glory! 

Words Lift Or Lower! 
Choose The Good Portion! 


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN: The Strait Way Struggle!


Onward And Upward 
On The Strait And Narrow Way 
We Will Never Reach The Heavenly Home Safely 
We Allow Our Attention From This Path To Stray! 


There Will Always Be The Way Faster
The Way More Fun
The Way Less Strenuous
The Way Where Doing Without Is Just A Song! 


If Anyone "Helps" A Butterfly Out Of His Cocoon
He Will Never Fly 
He Will Soon Die! 

If A Humming Bird Forgets Who He Is 
Why He Does What He Does
He Will Become The Feast On The Table Of 
The One Who Will Handle Him 
According To What He Shows Himself To Be 
Not By The Reputation For Which He Is Known! 

Dear Ones, 

A Ground-Dove Will Never Rise 
To The Heights Achieved By An Eagle! 

Please Choose To Live In Your Place 
Near To The Heart Of God 
Through The Lord Christ Jesus 


Though Belittled
Denied, Disregarded
Dare To Firmly Hold The Line That 
Leads To Surpassing Glory! 

There Is Always Darkness Before Dawn! 

Jesus Christ Saves: 
Be Strong In The Lord
In The Power Of His Might! 


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

LIES NEED SCAFFOLDING: Truth Stands ... Alone!

You, Me, We Have To Love The Truth! 

We Should All Know By Now That 
People Get Punished For Speaking The Truth! 

We Should Also Know That 
Even If The Crud Is Beaten Out Of The Truth
And Its Back Is Shredded Into Ribbons
It's Spat Upon
Its Beard Is Ripped Out
And A Crown Of Thorns Is Driven Into Its Head
And It's Made To Bear Its Own Cross
And It's Pinned To A Tree Reserved For The Cursed 
With Nails Driven Into Its Hands And Feet 
And It's Suspended Between Heaven And Earth
And A Spear Is Driven With Malice Into Its Side 
Causing Innocent Blood And Cleansing Water To Gush Forth
And It Dies 
And Is Wrapped Up And Placed In A Borrowed Tomb 
And Shut Up In Deep Darkness To Be Unseen For A Time
Truth Will Never See Corruption 
Will Rise Again 
To Publish Glad Tidings Of 
Peace With Almighty God! 

Lies Are Generated In The Darkness 
Will Never Survive The Light Of Truth! 

Lies Need Scaffolding: 
Truth Stands ... Alone! 

Please Stick To 
Stand Up For The Truth! 

The Truth Is Jesus Christ: 
He Is Life And Light! 
Love Him! 
