Monday, December 8, 2014

Recall of the Fall + Repentance; and some Musical Refreshment

Recall of The Fall

I recently sat and did recall
All the things that I've done as a result of the fall
I've lied and cheated, stolen and compromised
Walked in my own way, and often reviled!
I've ignored wise counsel and
Crucified Christ time and again!
I've raised up myself higher than my Creator
And oft' ended up less than I was created!
There's been fornication, adultery, gambling,
Warmongering, hating and despising
Grasping and backbiting!
I've realized that one wrong to do was as good as any other!
No skin off my back
For they were all as light as the proverbial feather!
But then one dry day, reality set in
And nary a dry spot was found under my wet chin!
The conscience that I had long successfully ignored
Soon cast me, without preamble, upon the hard floor
Where revulsion and remonstrance vied
For prominence e'en pre-eminence
Oh, how I blubbered!
How sorrowfully I cried!
Alas, this poor soul
A lot like Cain and Esau
Cried out – not in repentance – but because
I – guilty – was brought to great shame!
Now, I must eat crow!
A dish most unpleasant, or so I've been told
But eat it without seasoning I must
Not even a drop to be left in the bowl!
It was then that I heard Old Ishbel's choice words –
"If you are truly sorry, repent!
If not, don't relent, for
To do otherwise
Is to minimize
Who you've offended, and yourself!"

It was then that I chose to get rid of all the hems and haws,
And get down to the real business of asking the Lord
For the character of gold in the fire of life tried
Righteous clothing made of linen clean and white, and
the anointing of the Salve
To heal my world-scarred eyes.

He said to me:

Come as you are!
Repent, and be renewed!”


Walk thou in the straight and narrow for
The Spirit will help you!”

So, hear me, I tell you:

Don't believe your own publicity!”
Acknowledge your Savior
And He will direct you!”

I endeavored from that day
That for me there would be
No more broad nor illicit high way!

I am trusting The Promising
I am basking in The Comforting
I am treasuring The Holy Word, and
From here on in, you see
Straight will be The Pathway to

Blessing for Me!

Create In Me a Clean Heart

Psalm 51

To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bath-sheba.

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving-kindness:
according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Wash me throughly from mine iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I acknowledge my transgressions:
and my sin is ever before me.
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity;
and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts:
and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean:
wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Make me to hear joy and gladness;
that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
Hide thy face from my sins,
and blot out all mine iniquities.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence;
and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation;
and uphold me with thy free spirit.
13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways;
and sinners shall be converted unto thee.
14 Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation:
and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.
15 O Lord, open thou my lips;
and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.
16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it:
thou delightest not in burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:
a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Day By Day

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Prayer: Spare Me!

Prayer: Spare me!

FATHER, spare me from the curse of riches
for I fear that in my ease and abundance 
I will see no need for You.
Instead, Father, I pray that you will grant just enough
so that I will never forget from where my help comes.
Spare me, Lord, from an abundance of self-confidence,
for I fear that in my reliance on self,
You will become redundant
and serve no useful purpose in my life.
What ever pinnacle I, with Your blessing, may reach,
spare me, Father, from the rabid desire for the world's applause
for I fear that I may become so enamored of that dainty
that I will think myself a god to whom adulation is due,
and think myself ascended to be on equal with my Lord.
Spare me from that deadly sin called greed,
and teach me instead to be contented with what I have
so that I may eat grass and be ever so satisfied
because Your blessed hand has provided.
Father, help me to be happy for my neighbor when
good fortune smiles upon her, and help me to not covet
her possessions for myself because
I know, in my heart, that in due season
You will bless me also.
Help me to patiently wait upon You
for I know that You are able.
I love You.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Sabbath Rest




We are:

S incerely seeking Christ's righteousness as we serve the
A lmighty God of all grace who restores and
B ountifully blesses His children, and
B estows
A ll great and marvellous things upon
T he faithful ones who
H ope and abide in His love!! We
R est our bodies from all our labors and

E levate our spirits to the Throne of Grace as
S weet peace descends to calm our souls as we
T ransform from rushing to refreshing.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Real BEAUTY – An Acrostic

The Real BEAUTY – An Acrostic

B ecause I believe in the Lord, I shall be saved as I

E arly seek my Savior.

A nd even if worms destroy this body, I shall see God for

U nder His wings I safely abide as He daily

T eaches me His ways, and helps me never to

Y ield to temptation!

BEAUTY - An Acrostic

BEAUTY – An Acrostic

B eauty is as beauty does

E ver for roses – even for doves

A lways helpful, keenly alive

U nlikely ungracious, is never snide

T ruly thankful, spiritual, kind

Y es, precious, happy, peaceful, sublime!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Oh, Death, Be Not Proud

Sincere condolences 

to the FENTY Family

on the death of their beloved 


11/24/47 - 12/03/2014

Oh, Death, Be Not proud!

Oh, Death, be not proud!
You can't hold him forever!
The Lord Jesus Christ, He paid Alfred's sinner's price
And the day is coming soon, when his captivity is over
That Jesus Christ, himself, shall grandly shout:
Alfred, my child! AWAKE!

Oh, at that time, with a glad shout of victory
With body glorious, Alfred will immortal rise
With the Saints of God, and Christ
And with every Angel
In a cloudy train
They'll journey through the sky!

Alfred shall at the Pearly Gates
Receive his badge of honor
White stone, new name
Golden harp and yes, a crown
A victor's palm
A grand welcome home from his Jesus
All mortal combat ended
No tears, no sorrow, never again to say goodbye!

Our tears will fall
Right now, but just for a little season
We won't mourn o'er-long as those heathen do
Alfred died in the Lord
Yes, it was in Jesus' peace and safety
For there was no conflict between
His Master and himself!

We will comfort ourselves
With the peace that Jesus gives us
Knowing we'll meet e'er long
Never again to say goodbye! **

Rest easy, Dear One, until the resurrection!

1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17 KJV

13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning

them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which

have no hope

14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them

also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which

are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent

them which are asleep.

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout,

with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:

and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together

with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we

ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Prayer To Be Kept From The Sin of Presumption

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Father, I come before You, and beseech You to keep me from 
committing the sin of presumption.
Help me, Father, to always remember that there is not anything that I can do, 
that I can do without You. Help me, also, to always keep before me 
that it is because of You, that I have my being; that I am a child, 
a sheep in Your pasture, and that I am to go, and be, 
and do what You require of me. 
Help me to daily seek Your will for my day and my way, and that I will, with
a humble and contrite heart, commit my stubborn will to Your leading. 
Help me, also, to remember that though it seems to this finite mind that You are silent, 
that You always answer the prayers of the faithful, 
whether that answer is yes, no, wait, or Your Grace is sufficient for what 
ever state, or estate, in which I may find myself. Father, help me to stand firm in the
faith of Jesus for, at times, the sufficiency of Your Grace 
feels an awful lot like welcome to the pain. 
Help me to understand, and accept, that 
Your way is not mine, neither are Your thoughts mine,
and please give me the grace 
that I desperately need to be steadfast and true to You
in the midst of my storms. And, Father, for those days 
when I do get ahead of myself, whether in anxiety, fear or distress,
or sheer willfulness, I pray for Your mercy, and forgiveness, 
and plead to be strengthened along the treacherous pathway that is this life. 
Through it all, Father, I offer You my prayers, my praise, and my worship, 
in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, the King, and ask in faith that
You will bless me, Lord, 
so that I may bless another out of Your bounteous hand of provision.
I love You, Lord, and I thank You for hearing and answering my prayer.

A Joyful Hallelujah
(Lynn R. - this is for you!) We sang this in CAMVOL nearly 40 years ago!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

TRUTH - An Acrostic

TRUTH – An Acrostic

T ruth is of God! It is

R eal and uncolored; is

U nchanging, and everlasting;

T raversing time and space; has a

H eavenly hope, is built on love, and always heals!





Monday, December 1, 2014

We are FREE - An Acrostic

We Are FREE – An Acrostic

We are

F aithful to Jesus Christ

R edeemed by His blood

E ver blessed in His Grace, and

E nfolded in His Love!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Do Not Listen To Satan!

Do Not Listen to Satan!

I told you do not to listen to that Old Satan

He is not your friend, I believe is what I said!

He's just trying to take you away from Jesus

Any means, any method, using women and often other men!

Satan, he does not like us humans

He despises the very essence of common man

Because, to him, we have taken what should have been his

And given it to Jesus, the Christ, the Prince Immanuel!

Satan dislikes, e'en loathes, anything that our King loves

He proved that fact, in First Man's Eden home

He longs for the praise, and the worship, that belongs to

He who sits upon the Everlasting Throne!

Don't believe him, when he says, that he can give you

The desires, and even the very longings of your heart!

He tried that one once, oh, yes, with his Creator!

He only wants to get you to walk into the dark!

Take you a lesson, in survival, from our King Jesus

When he was tempted, of Old Satan, long ago!

Jesus said: It is written! Get thee behind me!

Worship God! Eating bread is not everything!

Please, do not let, old Satan, catch you off-guard

Be thou prepared – like Gideon's 300 men

Be alert, on your guard, listen, look out for danger

Trusting in Him whose word will always conquer sin!

Bless the Lord! Worship the King! Trust not in fables!

Trust not your eyes, your ears, nor the longings in your heart

Seek not the world, its dainties, nor its bounties

Look to your Lord, the King of Everything!

Read the Word, not cunning fables, don't listen to smooth words

Which are designed for the be-knighting of the soul

Don't give in to him – Satan wants only our soul death!

Give in to Jesus, the King of Everything!

Give your all to Jesus, the King of Everything!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SABBATH - An Acrostic


S abbath is a memorial of God's creative work
A llowing those who remember to receive
B lessings from above
B e still, and put away your work and rest, and
A ttend to your Creator
T he Holy One, The King of Heaven, our
H igh Priest – Jesus Christ, the Lord!

Friday, November 28, 2014

HE - The Lord of The Sabbath - is Here!

Thank You, Father, for the blessing of another Sabbath in Your Presence!

He is Here by The Gaither Vocal Band

Ode to Christian Education

In times of change, the LEARNER will inherit the earth
while the LEARNED will be beautifully equipped
for a world that no longer exists. — Eric Hoffer, American Philosopher

I don’t know about the rest of you
But I grew up in a church school
It all started on a Monday morning
When we had to line up in a long queue

There were children from first form to fifth
And the smaller ones in something called Prep
But the bottom line that I can tell you about
Is that there were no shoulders carrying chips!

We had to study all the usual stuff
Mathematics, English, History and the like
We also had to learn to do a craft
Just in case the economy didn’t last

The emphasis at our church school, was on raising good students
Good people, and especially good citizens for the world to come
So naturally we had to study our memory verses
And learn about something called Facing Life!

I remember my first form teacher, Sister Josiah
Big of heart and body too
She taught me that I could do anything
And showed me how to prove it too!

Sister Watts taught us girls home economics,
Sewing, crochet, embroidery, and cooking
She said any woman who had skills like these
Would always know how her family to feed

Brother Forde taught us our Facing Life class
Dealing with everything from relationships to dealing with self
He taught us that we needed to be strong decision-makers
Never fearful to take care of our selves!

I remember having a terrible temper, and one day was asked to apologize
The apology wasn’t deserved, I didn’t feel sorry, and it showed
So Sister Bayne, our principal, she called me aside, and said
Betty! If you don’t mean it, don’t ever compromise!”

Our church school went further than was necessary
And brought in a celebrity guest to teach,
Her name was Marva Manning and I’ve never forgotten
Anything that she said in her speech

Ms. Manning taught us about dressing on a budget
And how to get our clothing to segue from day to night
She taught us how to be quietly elegant
And how to modulate our voices just right!

And finally there was my fifth form teacher
Sister Maitland, that was her name
She’s the person I’ll always remember
Because of a wonderful game she played.

It was our last semester in high school
When Sister Maitland said she could tell us, each one, who we were
Of course no one believed her
And then the Class was in total uproar!

Sister Maitland had a new name for every student she taught
Which she said epitomized the attributes we displayed
I remember waiting with bated breath
Until my name Sister Maitland gave!

My name, according to the good Sister
Was “Always Willing to Try!”
She explained that that name suited me perfectly
Because I was never afraid to give life a try!

In all the years since I’ve left my church school
I’ve tried valiantly to live up to my second given name
And I can tell you without fear of contradiction
That I have proudly lived up to, and worn, my name!

The results of many of the lessons we learnt
Were often not obvious until we left school
And that was when respect for self, and others, and faith in our Almighty God
Carried us forth to live life most nobly

Our teachers were men and women of great faith
Who strongly believed that teaching was their calling to serve
They loved us, each one, as if we were their own special child
And proudly taught us and guided us to the Word.

So, if you still have doubts about, the value of a Christian education
Look around you as we celebrate today
You’ll see gallant men, noble women, willing workers, lifelong learners, not one shirker

Gladly serving each other in the world, through the Word. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanks Giving! - An Acrostic


Thanksgiving is not just about food, family, fun favorite films and friends. In reality, Thanksgiving is all about:

T  hinking
H  ow 
A  wesome and
N  aturally and never-endingly
K  ind our
S  avior and
G  od is for
I   mputing to us His
V  alues, and
I   mparting to us a willingness to accept His
N  ecessary
G  race so that we may be saved!

I am THANKFUL for 



For What are YOU thankful?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Prayer to Receive a Mustard Seed Faith

Father, have mercy on me.
With every passing day of my life
I realize more and more that I lack faith.
I talk all the time about how much faith I have in You
And how I know that You will never fail me nor forsake me.
Problem is, Father, it is a very shallow faith because it works
As long as things go how I want them to go. 
Father, I am sorry for this good time faith that I have been practicing 
Whereby I have been looking at my situation, and not at You,
And I ask You, in mercy, to give me enduring faith. 
I am pleading, Lord, for the faith, the mustard seed faith
Of which the Master spoke. I need that faith which
lets me sit, or rest, in quiet and enduring confidence, 
Unshaken at the convulsions taking place around me. 
Help me to forget what tomorrow holds and, instead,
Remember Who holds tomorrow.
Help me to submit my will, and my way, to You and help me 
To accept, without murmur or complaint,
That all my trials are for the perfecting of my character.
Grant me, Lord, faith as big as a mustard seed
So that I can not just say that I have faith,
But that I will be unwavering in my belief that I truly have 
The faith which orders my life, so that my life, and living, will be an
Exemplar of Your faith, and faithfulness, working in me.
I ask this mercy in the matchless name of Christ, the King,
And I thank You for the gift that is today.

Oh, For a Faith That Will Not Shrink
by Morgan State University Alumni Choir

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Prayer for The Fruits of the Spirit

Heavenly Father,
Have mercy on me because I am not happy.
Father, I am not happy because I just found out that I not only look like my daddy, 
but I also have his character.  
I lie, cheat, steal, and I bear false witness against my neighbors.
I am selfish and disobedient, and often walk in my own way.
I totally lack self-control and am often faithless to those in charity with me.
I may not like making a noise but, oh, how I enjoy causing a good riot.
I am not a nice person and I am asking You, my Heavenly Father
to make me like You!
I ask You, in the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous to
give me Your DNA, Your character. I want, no, I need the fruits of Your Spirit.
Grant me love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, kindness, forbearance, 
Self-control, and faithfulness. 
Lord, I really need the self-control and
I am pleading for the working of Your Holy Spirit to
help me to will and to do of Your good pleasure.
I don't want to be like my daddy anymore.
I need to become like You, my Father.
Have mercy, and bless.

Monday, November 24, 2014

I Am Not Judging Him!

Dear Ones,

I pray that all is well with you, and with yours!

I am not a happy camper, and justifiably so! I will explain.

I Am Not Judging Him!" is written especially for the ladies amongst the brethren who mistakenly believe that every pastor, elder, lay preacher, teacher, and more, is a vessel specifically chosen by the Almighty God and, as such, are sanctified for His service, and are living circumspect lives, i.e., above reproach. Nothing can be further from the truth!

Many of these so-called ministers of the gospel called themselves, and they are laying siege, and laying waste, to many of members of the Lord's flock, whilst at the same time crying "Touch not the Lord's anointed!" What drivel!

Please, ladies, I beg of you, stop letting these unregenerate  ministers make you believe that you must submit to them no matter what they call upon you to do.

Please remember that the Lord has no fools  (i.e.,  Psalm 14:1The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God " They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.) in His Kingdom.

And, for heaven's sake, stop prefacing every thing you say with: "Pastor said this" and "Pastor said that!" He is NOT Jesus Christ, and he definitely can't do anything to save you!

God Almighty gave you a brain to use for YOURSELF so before you put your mouth in gear favoring these jackals, take your brain out of park, and ask God what HE says!

Rant over.

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,


I Am Not Judging Him!

I am not judging him!
The Bible said by their fruits we will know them
And he is an ackee tree bearing hog plums!
I am not judging him!

I am not judging him!
He is always preaching to the young people about fidelity
Yet he asked me a “question,” and he also has a wife!?!
I am not judging him!

I am not judging him!
He shouted to me - in front of everybody - to wait for him in his office after service!
Stupid me! I waited, and he pounced, and that heathen even tore my flounce!
I am not judging him!

I am not judging him!
He wanted me to type a letter as he dictated
Said letter to my chest whilst ... and he was inebriated, too!
I am not judging him!

I am not judging him!
What gave him the right to call my house after hours
To ask me to “comfort” him and tell him what "color unmentionables" I am wearing!
I am not judging him!

I am not judging him!
He is creating his own judgment
By being a Judas goat among the Lord's sheep and lambs!
I am not judging him!
I am NOT judging him!
Jesus Christ

Matthew 7:18-23 (KJV)

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Old Saint

The Old Saint

The Old Saint sat down by her bedside
The old chair fit her body like a glove
The old Bible in her hand was worn smoothly
The old words on her warm heart still moved

Those old words in the Book became new each morning
The Old Saint's old faith became renewed
The old Bible's old treasures just glistened  
For new life is contained inside them

Each line on the old face told a story
Each line on the old hand told a chore
Each line around old eyes spoke of a vision
Every line spoke that story of old

Old religion, old faith, old mercy
Old peace, old love, old grace
Old Jesus, old cross, old resurrection
For new life everlasting is the goal

The Old Saint's old body will be new soon
Her old faith had seen new mercy every day
Her old faith unshaken, she'll see the new city
That city called by all Jerusalem

The Old Saint had said her old prayer for 40 years now
It comforted her to talk to Him each and everyday
She felt prepared for battle, and emboldened
For her Lord will be coming any day

Heavenly Father:
Keep this old heart faithful to the end, please!
Keep these old eyes trained by faith on my Jesus
The same one Old Satan denied, and then tried.
Oh, Lord, no matter the pain
No matter the change or sacrifice
Keep me faithful, for I want my prize
Just give me any old mansion in the skies.
My heart is content
My body may be bent
But my faith in my Jesus I won't relent.
My spirit feels young
To Jesus I belong
Bless me, save me, e'er long
I love you, Lord, will forever be my song.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

I Will WAIT For YOU!! by Janette...Ikz

Dear Ones!

I just had to share this poetry performance and poet with you!

This young lady, Janette ...Ikz (love the play on the word!!) has done an amazing work that speaks to alllllll of us women who have known the pain and frustration of waiting, and waiting, and still waiting for him when all we needed to do was wait on HIM!! I love it!

Give a listen! She tells the story like only a survivor can!

Enjoy, and be blessed!