Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Heavenly Father, Hear My Prayer

Heavenly Father, hear my prayer!
 My prayer is humble simple
If not, Holy Spirit make clear.
I need to be with my Jesus
Help me to Him draw closer, and
May Your Holy Angels hover near!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection and Return of Jesus Christ

Born in a stable
To a virgin young

Baptised and was tempted
Preached, and did heal the throng

Scourged and crucified
Nails one, two and three

Rose on the third day
He returned to Glory

Holy Ghost as fire came down
The promised Comforter had come

Reject, or accept Him
 He’s coming back anyhow

The trumpet is sounding
The King is on His way

Every eye will see
Every tongue will confess

For some - He'll be The Hope Received!
For others - He'll be Dear Lord, We've Been Deceived!

Father, help us all to make the right decision. AMEN.

Monday, January 5, 2015

I Want The LOG!

I Want the LOG!

Sarah and Clita were little girls who lived a simple life, in a simple village, in a simple house, and were reared by simple parents.

Yup. Their lives were simple, but oh so amazing, because of the log that their parents insisted upon them learning about, and making it an integral part of their lives.

At first, learning about the log seemed so silly!

“Why do we need to learn about the log?” asked Clita.

“We see logs fallen around the house, and in the woods, all the time!” whined Sarah.

“Now, children. Listen carefully!” said Papa.

“This log is not just any old tree, or any piece of old wood! This log is the Lamb of God!”

“The Lamb of God?!” exclaimed Sarah and Clita in stereo.

“Yes!” crowed Papa. “The log IS the LAMB OF GOD!”

“You see, a long time ago, before the fall of the human race, Almighty God, The Word, and The Spirit, agreed that Jesus, the Son of the Father, the Lamb without Blemish, the Pet, if you will, would pay the ultimate price for sin after man disobeyed the Almighty and sinned.”

“Jesus was His Father's pet, and His was the blameless life to be sacrificed as a lamb without spot, or blemish, to die, once, for all, so that we might be redeemed from death!”

“Jesus, also the Author of Life and the Bread of Life, took sin unto Himself, which sin lead unto death, to give sinful man, like us, new life by His personal sacrifice!”

“The Pet Lamb, The Favorite, The Blessed Hope, The Hope of Glory, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Deliverer, Our Friend, gave his righteous life for our sinful one!”

“The Best of Heaven took the worst of earth so that men may be renewed and reformed -in order to conform to The Consolation - so that our filthy rags may be restored to the newness of life!

“The LOG. leads to Light, and gives Life!”

“Always remember the LOG for He IS ... the Lamb of God!”

Sarah and Clita cheered, and were forever blessed for having learned of The Lamb of God!

Won't you join them?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bold Sinners

Bold Sinners

They sin by day, they sin by night
They see no reason not to fight
The Holy Spirit is calling them
To repentance – but He has no hold on them?!
Or so they say!

They please no man, they please no friend
On Jesus Christ they don't depend
They want to know what good for them God has ever done
And proudly walk away seeking more mischief to run!
Against people they believe defenseless!

And when they've filled their cups to overflowing
Almighty God checks their balances to see their owings
And when they see the price to be paid
They think that He has some great mistake made!
God doesn't use accountants! God has Recording Angels!

O fickle fate! A fateful fit
Is what they have, when they receive the initial hit
But proudest sinners that they be
See no reason to bow down to the King, whoever he!?
The King of Love!

So, then, for their pride, their intentional arrogance
The humbling hand of God upon them is felt
Until they acknowledge that God Almighty o'er all rules
The choice is theirs – bow, bend or break – they get to choose!
You love God - Bow before Him!
You know you are a sinner - Bend to His Will!
You are your own god ... Break ... Good night.

Dear Ones: 

Let us be careful how we walk about this earth. All of our decisions have consequences - not just for now, but as it pertains to New Earth. So, I beg you, please answer the Savior when He calls you, while His hand of chastening is light, and while you've got an opportunity your life to renew! We are assuredly running out of "play" time!




Friday, January 2, 2015




Like lightning! Flashing
From east to west
That’s how my Lord shall come!
All eyes on earth shall Him behold
And no one shall be wondering
“Who comes?!”

Until that day
False Christs shall abound
Fooling the people
With miracles profound
So that if possible the very elect, too
Will be following them around!

Let no one deceive you!
That’s what the Master said
There be crooks and robbers so don’t be misled
For I’ve told you plainly, and well in advance
So don’t let Satan deceive you 
And on your prosperity prance!

Keep watch!
And pray!
Call me!
I hear and I care!!
Evil concupiscence forswear!
My coming is very near!

Luke 21:34-36Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Prayer: Grant Me The Mercy of Heaven!

Father, my heart is open to Your leading - grant me the mercy of Heaven!
Help me not to trust to, nor trust in, luck!
Help me Father to daily seek Your face 
as I travel along life’s pathways in this New Year.
Help me, Father, not to look with eyes of covetousness 
upon the dainties of those around me, for I do not know 
how the acquired their possessions, nor do I want to know, and
help me to stay contented with Your provision, whatever that may be.
Father, I ask for spiritual blinkers to be placed upon my eyes 
so that I can only see the straight path ahead, 
and help me to not yield to the temptations of the baubles and bounties 
of this dark world as they walk beside me to entice me from Your Light.
Even though I can’t store up earthly sustenance already utilized, 
help me to store Your spiritual food deep in my heart 
against the dark days that shall soon befall all men. 
Father, I am weak! 
Help me to be strong by, and in, Your Light for You say in Your word that 
Your strength is made perfect in weakness!
Father, I ask You to forgive me my sins,  
those I have remembered and confessed, 
and those long-forgotten and unconfessed sins, 
and I beseech You to help me to forgive myself,
 and to walk ever forward in faith. 
Today, Lord, I lay me down on the altar of sacrifice 
and I ask Your acceptance of my offering 
for Jesus' blood has made me clean.
I thank You for the many blessings 
You have already bestowed upon me, Lord, 
those seen and unseen, 
those known and unknown, 
those unexpected, and those unappreciated, 
and I earnestly pray for the soon coming of our Lord, Christ.
Father, I beseech You, by Your Grace, and in mercy, 
to bless me time and again so that I may bless another. 
Help me not to be tight-fisted with Your bounty 
but to open my hand, and my heart, to truly bless others in word, and in deeds,
so that Your Name may be glorified.
Help me, Father, to contend valiantly for the Faith, 
and keep me on the straight and narrow way to Glory.
Through it all, Father, keep me from becoming like Lot's wife.
Help me, Lord, not to look back, 
neither literally, nor figuratively as in my heart for what was.
Help me to look to what is possible to a life lived in You.
Help me to trust You, and in You, especially when I can't see You.
Help me, Lord, to love even as Jesus loves, and please engender
within me an unquenchable longing for ... Home,
for I am a pilgrim, and a stranger, in this vale of tears.
Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. 
I love You, Lord.

January 1, 2015 - The Lord IS My Light AND My Salvation!


May you continue to find your joy in the Lord, Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Prayer: By Your Grace Lord!

Father,  please help me to let go of 
the bitter taste of yesterday with its sorrows and regrets
for it taints my enjoyment of Your daily provision.
By Your Grace, Lord, help me to affix a 
strangle hold on Your promise of the
tomorrow that is Eternity with Jesus Christ,
and help me to live victoriously in You, today.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Seek the Savior!

When my Sorry Situation Confronts my Sad Circumstance I Seek the Savior!
When my Circumstance Confounds my ability to Control my Situation I Seek the Savior!
When my Capacity for Careful Consideration gets Circumvented by Circumstance I Seek the Savior!
When my Consideration of my Challenges is Crippled by Crass Causes and Crazy Conventions 
I seek the Savior.
In short, no matter my lot, I seek my Savior!

I will early seek my Savior
I care not what my lot may be
Jesus has called me - I will follow
And He will always take care of me

I will early seek my Savior
My situation does not me define
Jesus has called me - I will follow
And He will always me guide

I will early seek my Savior
Conventions and company don’t speak for me
Jesus has called me - I will follow
And His word daily in me abides

I did early seek my Savior
And the road has been e’er long
Jesus called me - and I follow
And He put in my heart this song:

Follow me, My Little One
Bear your burden - I’ll carry you along
Give no thought for heavy loads and living
With Me in your heart
‘To Eternity you’ll be singing!

I sing my song along the way
Situations and circumstance
With me hold no sway
I look  to the Son
With the sun in my face
And before you know it
I am walking apace

I early sought my Savior Friend
He walks beside me and He forfends
 Give Him your hand - He will take care 
What e'er your fight, or blight, or plight
Seek now the Savior for
Soon we'll take flight!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Whose Word Is It?

What Does YOUR Bible Say?

Listening to some preachers
Often makes me doubt what I hear
So because the Lord has warned us
I delve into His Word myself without fear!

"Study to show thyself approved!"
Were our Dear Lord’s good words
To teach us about diligence
And not letting others exert undue influence!

Open the Word - great treasure is hidden!
Dig until you find it - the Master has given
These pearls of great price for us to possess
And keep close e’er the strife or distress!

The day is a-coming 
When the world will be starved
Not for bread or for water
But for hearing the Word!

Please, don’t be like lost sheep
Ingest the Word and e’en share 
Amongst those that are hungry
And living in despair!

With the known Word in your stomach
With these pearls in your care
The Devil can wreak havoc
But he can’t you ensnare!

Hear it, and love it
Bury it deep, and set a guard
Upon this treasure from Heaven
Your membership card!

Remember the logo
From the company credit card?
If you’re a Christian - express it, and
Don’t leave the Word at your yard!

Friday, December 26, 2014

I Want To Get Paid!



I Want To Get Paid!

I don’t know about you but
I want to get paid!
Not with black pennies
But with gold crowns
Not with dread trumpets
But with Angel songs
Not with the tare bundles
But with the Glory Throng!
I want to get paid!

I want to get paid!
And I’m going to the Judge
Who will ensure
That that which I get
Is truly commensurate
With my labor of love and 
My faithfulness!
I want to get paid!

I’ve loved, and I’ve labored
Counselled with, and exemplified
The life of a true believer -
Christ’s cross I’ve not denied!
I’ve ministered to the miserly, the miserable, the cross
To those that were little children
And to those who suffered loss!

I’ve cared for the contemptuous and
I’ve been a good steward to the “Boss”
Who cheats me of my wages
For worldly work that pays dross!
 I gave to the ungrateful and
I blessed the banished thief
I loved and I labored on
Often without relief!

I’ve tried to be a light
To those who could not agree
That Jesus is the answer
The Truth, the Life, the Way
And kept to my position
No matter what they’d say!

And though the road has been long
I’ve held fast to my conviction!
In me is found no dereliction!
I love His people!
I fast!
 I pray!
My Jesus is coming and
In my heart is the song:
I’m about to get paid!

Dear Ones: 

This is no boast! God’s people are privileged to know what their payment is, and when/where it will be delivered, and to joyfully look forward to that Great Day! 

I encourage us all to hold fast to our profession in faith and in faithfulness, and to keep our prize in constant view!

John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I Get The Impression

I get the impression
That some people think
That God is a fool
To trot out on occasion
And set down on the center stool
To be used to amuse
Like He's just some cheap tool!

I get the impression
That some people think
That God is a stool
To sit on upon occasion
While we play the fool
Acting all cool
Like we were back in school!

I get the impression
That some people think
That God is a tool
To dig out on the occasion
Of some emergency dire
To be sharpened and e’en inflated
When we face the mire and the fire!

I may be wrong
But impressions do count
For I, too, am guilty
Of neglecting and least counting
The role of the Master
As we tread life’s vale!
He’s here for all seasons
Not just for the soul’s travail!

So, please, join now with me
Let the Master take charge
Let Him be the leader and
In your life loom large!

The fool is what Satan thinks Him!
The tool - it was His cross!
The stool is where we sit by Him
As He tells of the great cost
That He paid to redeem us
To save us - His children - from eternal loss!

Please don’t minimize Him
You can’t Him maximize
He is God - the Creator
In Him our lives we realize!

So bless Him!
Exalt Him!
To His Great Name - give praise!
Sing glory, hallelujah
For soon He will us raise!

John 1:1-5, 10-14 (KJV)

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Minister of Music's Ministry

The Minister of Music
He is a giant of man
He sets the tone for worship
And manipulates us till we can’t stand!

How is this even possible
In the great church of God
For the singing of the gospel
To turn into real bacchanal?

One day I stopped and watched as
The worship tone was set
And without a pause for reflection
It was jump up and wave as you sweat!

It was then that Barry Manilow’s
"I write the song that makes the whole world sing"
Stood up in front of me
For those words were the words of Satan
Yukking it up ever so gleefully!

Making Christians rely on their emotions
Will greatly make Satan’s day
When, appearing as an angel of light
He’ll get us not written down to disobey!

It is all a great deception
Priming  Christians for the fall
When they shall run into the desert
Looking for the King of All - not Jesus!

The deception is really quite simple
Set your reason aside and just feel
How wonderful it is to bow down
And worship the one who fulfills your felt needs!

Reason, my friend, is the key that
Our God stipulated that we use
When it comes to living in this life
And not trust tingling sensations that confuse!

Yon minister does not work for King Jesus
His boss is Lucifer DeVil
The arch enemy, deceiver, Old Satan
Who wants to see us all dead and in hell

Jump up and wave - feel the spirit
Not the one that Almighty God sends down
But the one being sold by the Devil
To confound, lead astray, and break you down

Fire that Minister of Music
His music comes with hell's strings attached
To the agenda as written down by Satan
To cost you your robe and your gold crown!

Our God is not a god of disorder!
Our God is not a liar  nor a thief!
Our God is not willing that any should perish
That’s you and me, friend, let’s seek relief!

Let’s seek relief from our Jesus - He’s faithful
Let’s turn to Jesus - He makes the Way
Let us invite God’s Holy Spirit
To lead us and guide us - lest we stray!

Reject the hot and sweaty emotion!
Reject the need to feel fire when you pray!
Reject the urge to empty yourself with a mantra
By repeating the same phrase ad nauseum every day!

Don’t let that Music Minister fool you
Into emptying yourself so he can prey
Upon the unwitting and the unwary
So keep your head on, watch unto pray!

That fallen angel who ministered in heaven
Hates us and has a despite
Against any that makes a claim upon Jesus
And has pledged to cost us our flight!

Believe the God of the Bible
He will guide you and hallow your prayers
Remember it’s the Almighty you are serving
Reject feeling, walk by faith -  not in blind sight nor in fear!

Psalm 100 King James Version (KJV)

100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Music Moves Minds

Music Can Mix-Up Minds

Music Can Mess Up Minds


Music Affects Attitude!

Music, therefore, is NEVER Neutral!

Be Vigilant to Consume a Healthful Musical Diet!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Living Stream

The Living Stream

One day I happened on a stream 
Called the Grace of God
Where all who bathed emerged again
Clean, blessed, and ready to rejoice!

This stream was like no other stream
Where one only could get wet
This stream it flowed, and flowered, and
Covered in joy, not regret!

All those who entered in the stream
Were those who saw their need for
A cleansing and a renewing of
The spirit plagued by the sins they abhor!

These were the ones who accepted the call
Of Jesus via Hill Calvary
And recognized that without it they would be lost
And chose to let Him bear their cross!

The Grace of God - that stream profound
Draws in one who is lost and 
Releases one who’s been found!

It washes, it cleanses
It refines and it heals
It covers, and establishes
Those who before Him kneel
And confess, and repent
Seeking renewal and reform
E’en setting aside Earth - the crown with the thorns
And seeking the jewel of Heaven
Eternal, everlasting
With Jesus, the Savior
The Redeemer, our Friend
Who made the way easy 
For this man to be cleansed
In His stream 
By God’s Grace
His glory to share!

Step in now, walk boldly
Into the cleansing stream
When it covers your head - don’t cower
For it’s then it releases the Power!

Don’t be afraid now!
He who loves - holds you
He who died - stands
He who arose is e’er ready 
To protect and console you!
Be strong! He will shield you!
He is the Great I AM!

He is calling, always calling
He is knocking at your heart’s door
He is able, ever ready
To sit with you and to show  
How to walk in His faith
His testimony to share
So that others beholding
Will want Him their burden to take care!

So, my brother, my sister
All you who believe
Get ready with the help of King Jesus
Your freedom to receive!

Walk into the water!
Walk into the flood  
For it heals, and it cleanses
All because of  Living Blood!

Friday, December 19, 2014

In The Heart Of Jesus



For the past two days,‭ ‬the words,‭ “At‬ the Heart of Jesus/Why Should you be lonely/There's a full supply‭” ‬have been going through my thoughts constantly,‭ ‬and I have been humming the tune to those words at the strangest times.

To my mind,‭ ‬there was something that I needed to understand,‭ ‬remember,‭ ‬think of,‭ ‬hold onto,‭ ‬fix upon, and trust in the Lord for or about. But what?

Finally,‭ ‬just before the start of the Sabbath, I remembered that the first word of the song was IN the heart of Jesus, and I suddenly felt free. Some burden that I had been carrying, unconsciously? was gone, and so I had to go and find a traditional performance of this hymn, a much loved old favorite which seemed to have somehow been put on the back-burner of my life.

How was it possible for me to mistake an AT for an IN?

If I am AT the door of a venue for a performance - I am ONLOOKER.
If I am IN(side) the door of a venue for a performance - I am a PARTICIPANT! I am engaged!

Look at these words of the Master:

 Revelation 3:20 King James Version (KJV)

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

This difference is significant, and speaks a great deal about us and our walk with Jesus.

As a young lady, this song, In the Heart of Jesus, had always touched me in the place of my need, whether I was sad, stressed, tired, lonely, feeling happy or unhappy, feeling loved or unloved, bewildered, feeling friendless and especially whenever/wherever I saw,  or heard something that impacted that part of me where the Love of God resided.

I am writing this, and I can feel my heart remembering and swelling, and tears are welling up.

There is something about this song that holds the gospel, that lights a path, comforts the heart, speaks peace, delivers truth, and says:

“So what about it? Don’t you know that He knows you?
“Don’t you believe that He truly loved you unto death?
“Won’t you trust Him in His faithfulness to deliver you?
“Won’t you cast your cares upon Him?
“Won’t you love Him back, and thereby go home to His rest?
“He is the God of All Hope. Accept Him!”

I get all that, and much more from this old hymn.

I invite you to prayerfully read the following words of the hymn and let the words speak to you, and then listen to a beautiful rendition of the same, and I pray that whatever the situation, and wherever your locale, that the comfort of the Holy Spirit may be yours. He is faithful!

1. In the heart of Jesus, there is love for you,
Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true;
Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh,
When the heart of Jesus has a full supply?

2. In the mind of Jesus there is thought for you,
Warm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dew;
Why should you be fearful, why take anxious thought,
Since the mind of Jesus cares for those He bought?

3. In the field of Jesus there is work for you;
Such as even angels might rejoice to do;
Why stand idly sighing for some life-work grand,
While the field of Jesus seeks your reaping hand?

4. In the home of Jesus there’s a place for you;
Glorious, bright, and joyous, calm and peaceful, too;
Why then, like a wanderer, roam with weary pace,
If the home of Jesus holds for you a place?

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #2817

Be well, and be gloriously blessed,