Monday, February 23, 2015

We have OPTIONS!!

We have the option to live
We have the option to die
We have the option to tell the truth
We have the option to lie!

We have the option to Christ believe
We have the option to achieve
We have the option to God’s Spirit grieve
We have the option to deceive!

We have the option to remember
We have the option to forget
We have the option to option our options
We have the option to regret!

We have the option to win life’s race
We have the option to fail
We have the option to accept God’s Grace
We have the option to seal our coffins with nails!

Whatever decision we make this day
Whether we win or lose
We have the option to exercise our freewill
Heaven or Hell! WE CHOOSE!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Jesus Takes Care

If you trust, He takes cares!
Become proud - He dismays!
He punishes His enemies -
They will not go free!
Ignore God’s commandment
And then you will see!

He’s patient!
He’s powerful!
He walks on the clouds
And when He is angry
He thunders right loud!

No one but our God
Can e’er be called good
No, not even one of us
On this side the flood!

Evil in thinking!
Wicked in work!
Unkind to our elders
We behave just like jerks!

And yet, when we bring home
Our chickens to roost
We yell and protest that
Someone’s picked our goose!

The fat feathered nest-egg
We stole and set by
Is sitting on a warm plate
Mash and gravy nearby!

Do good! - It’ll attend you!
Plant peace, and make pies!
Give alms to the needy, and
You’ll reap twice by and by!

God’s love is vast ocean
God’s grace is deep sea
God’s power is infinite
Yup! It’s even bigger than pi! 

Knock - He’ll answer you
Speak, and He’ll hear!
Pray, for His comfort
Is near and ready to share!

Don’t worry about the dirt
The desire, the despair
Reach out to King Jesus
And you’ll know that He cares!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

VESPERS: At The End Of The Sabbath - Bait And Switch!

Bait and Switch

Satan would have us all to believe 
That God did a bait and switch!
That He substituted Evil Jesus as Lord
And tossed Good Satan into the ditch!

Satan would have us all to know
That he is the deliverer
That he is the one that set us free
From bondage in the Garden of Eden!

Satan insists that it is he who set us free
From Jesus and his mind-slavery
By giving us knowledge so we’d recognize
Jesus, and tell him to go away from us as
We need him not, for he’s a liar!

For Satan as good god 
Gives us godhood too
So that we can do what feels good
And take what’s desirable too!

Okay, my Friend, enough with this fairy tale
That Satan keeps sell/telling!
He, Satan, is the Liar, Deceiver, Purveyor of Sin
And you need your Book of Decodering!

Great the Bible - front and back
Joined together pushes back any attack
Precept and Promise, line upon line
Teach defense against Satan
His false prophets and their rhymes!

Trust the Book! It is God’s will for us on show!

Please confess, repent and pray
To receive you your share
Of the Kingdom Restored
For our King is at the door
Of your heart - He is knocking!
Open you unto Him for
He won’t just barge in
Like some beings I know!

Shore up your defenses!
Watch unto prayer!
Call Jesus Christ - the Redeemer
Almighty to save!

He is your true assurance
Against Satan’s sneak attacks
Hold Jesus up now I tell you
He is soon coming back
To give you Final Victory
To put Satan in chains
One thousand years long!
And then, for the Ultimate Show of the Age
He’ll release that Old Satan
For Armageddon’s Battle Stage
You don’t want to miss that
You want the best seats in the House!
Come on, and get ready!
Jesus' House must have a Spouse!

Gold, gold all around you!
You’ll walk on gold, too!
The River Water of Life
Is also there running through!
And guards - those Mighty Angels
Who excel in great strength
Are there as companions
No dogs they’ll let through!
So sit back, and relax,
And enjoy you the Show
Enjoy, too, this lil’ spoiler!
Satan ain’t returning no mo’!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Happy Sabbath Happy Rest!

Happy Sabbath!
Happy Rest !
God invites each one
To come and be blessed
To set all work aside
To give a relieved sigh
And abide
In King Jesus!

Happy Sabbath!
Happy Rest!
All our work has been done
We worked unto rest
And we have been blessed
For our hope is here placed
In Him who won the Race
On King Jesus!

Happy Sabbath!
Happy Rest!
So gracious
How blessed
Calls us to desist
From care, work and stress
To turn our hearts and our eyes
To God who sanctifies
With truth from on high
To Our Father!

Come now, please draw nigh
Lift your voice to the sky
Praise Him who can't die
And on whom we rely
Praise King Jesus!

Got any Peas?

The modern church is thus defined
By three single peas
No! Not the peas you put in the pot
But the ones that so the people please!

First up is the Popularity P
Oh, how the brethren just love it
If you have reach, access and a strong grip
They’ll grab you for their fob pocket!

Second is the P of Personality
How the people love themselves a winner
They don’t fret, nor yell, as long as the rhetoric’s swell
Even if it’s leading them past heaven and straight on into hell!

And lastly there’s the P of the panache that is Prosperity
That prefers the riches of the earth - not the riches of God in heaven
But the Bible plainly says “use it here - you’ve had your pay!"
So what’s left when you’ve thrown Glory far away?

Dear Ones:

The Early Church also had P’s but they bore not even a passing
resemblance to the P’s in this Modern Church movement.

We have lost our sense of self as Children of the Master,
and we have been miscued on the direction and mission of the Church -
not the various denominations - the Church of The Living God which
Jesus Christ died to save unto Himself.

The Early Church lived as they believed, and chose poverty, peace-keeping
and proselytizing, suffered persecutions, powered on through
prayer, and many went to prison.

They achieved their Crown through the borne Cross!

We want to wear our crown without bearing our cross! Hmmm?

Time to change
Time to rearrange
Time to get out of the range
Of that old Devil!

Time to reassess
Time to confess
Time to get clean from the mess
That is modern religion!

Time to look at the Cross
Time to think of the cost
Time to know what will be lost
And do a 180!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sinning Is No Pleasure

Sinning is no pleasure
It gives the body no ease
It comes through the heart of man
And gives one “Lost Kingdom” disease!

Sinning is a false profit
It gives the soul no rest
It nags, and gives the conscience fleas
Until the soul repents and confess!

Sinning is an act of rebellion
It’s as witchcraft is what God says
It is better to let Christ guide your life
So that you may have eternal days!

Turn your loss through sin
Into a Jesus Christ win!

Professors of the Bible

Why are you a Professor of the Bible
When you don’t believe in the God of the Book?
Don’t you know that if you’re a chef, that
You should joyously eat whatever it is that you cook?

Who, would you tell me, is this Historical Jesus?
Who is this man that stands an inanity on your pretty page?
Who is this person you derisively call just a goodman -
Whom you say turns people into automatons lacking a regulatory gauge?

How can you life study the Bible, that book so precious and holy
And it not make any redemptive impression upon you
Who indulge in pithy diagnostics and diatribe
And preach half truths, and beautiful, and whole, and white lies?

Is the God of the Bible real or, perhaps, imaginary?
Is the God of the Good Book really the Almighty?
Or is he the little god who just sings an old story
Fit only for a head full of the fairy story of living way up in Glory?

Why, Prof., have you left your first love?
Why, Doc., have you lost your faith?
Where, then, did you meet with the Dark Lord
Who would love to spit in our King Jesus’ face?

The Bible that you so calmly disparage
Tells a beautiful story of the blessed marriage
Between the Lord and His white-dressed Bride
But, just in case you don’t know it, just let me tell you
He is taking her to His Paradise Home in the sky!

We who believe make up she who is the Bride that
The Lord Jesus has redeemed and justified purified!
She has kept her garments white, and her lamp ever at the ready
And her claim to life in Glory won't/cannot be denied!

Repent, you apostate teacher, of your dreadful heresies
Repent, for our Lord will by all be glorified
You may refuse to praise Him, and give Him His due here
But you’ll bend your knee - and confess Him - before your eternally die!

The Bible is the Holy Word via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
The Bible no private interpretation allows
Deny all you want - that changes not even one thing
Our God is coming - and He is on His way even now!

Faith overcomes!
Overcoming is victory!
Therefore, faith is victory!
Pursue faith!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Father, This is Just a Short Note

Father, this is just a short note to say that 
I love You!
I need You!
I trust You!
Father, I bless You for Your Hand of provision, and my deliverance, each and every day.
The trials are many (no cross no crown!) - that's not so bad - but it's the petty comments
against my chosen lifestyle that are a bit hard to take.
"Come and have fun!"
I don't want to have their idea of fun!
" You're going to die anyway!"
Lord I'll die in You - not without You, 
and definitely not regretful!
I know that I'll live again for You know my name, 
and it's written down with those of the saints of all ages!
Glory be to Jesus - I'll see Him as He is, with nothing between!
Home, home, my heart is beating!
Home, home, is all it says!
Home, home to be with my Jesus
Father, help me count the ways!
My transport to heaven is coming and
Yes! It's already on the way!
Thank You!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Movie Trailer: The Grinding Down of America

Greetings, Dear Ones!

Here is the trailer for the movie entitled The Grinding Down of America!

Approximately 20 minutes long, it is a hard-hitting, open your eyes, get your Bible, and trust God for deliverance show. It is, in my estimation, a must-see not-tv show. There is a link within the trailer to see the movie in its entirety.

FYI: Some of the stars in the movie are: Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Lucifer, Hitler, President Obama, The Bible, The Family, The Home, The School, Communism, Socialism, and more.

Enjoy in the hope that our God will come, and will not keep silence.



The Grinding Down Of America (Full Movie)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Need To Prove God Exists?!?!

I don’t need to prove that God exists
By any word from the brilliant scientists
I open my eyes and can list all His Works
Without their much hissing and twists!

There's flowers and trees, green grass and leaves
And wind - who can explain the wind?
There's man like myself - sea mountains and shelves
Oh, why bother listing? Try talking to God and forget your self!

I’m alive because the Great I am
Holds me in His hand
I live in hope because Jesus Christ, the Lord
Died at the hand of  Satan-inspired cruel man!

I walk because my Jesus walked
Down the lonesome road
I talk because the Lord of Life
Is sitting upon the Throne!

I see because the King of Love
Showed Himself the Light of the World
I breathe because Jesus molded my lungs -
He created me - and said that I can!

Now, you vain creature
Look at yourself, and know that God is your maker
Stop riding in clouds and talking loud
As if you’re The Good God’s adviser!

You’re a worm - a little puff and some dust
And it is time that you realize it
For if the God you despise should squeeze your nose
All that’s left is your shell in some open-back clothes!

Bless the Lord! Change your ways!
Become chaste! Give God praise!
Yes! Give to God what you know is His due
For He sees - and knows - whatever you do!


Jesus is the Word
And the Word is Truth
Therefore, Jesus is the Truth!
Trust Him!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Your Best Life Now?!?

You do not want your best life now
In this old world of woe
For when all is said and done here below
Where, friend, will you go?

My Jesus has prepared a place for me
In the Father’s House
In a land fairer than the day -
And there is no night there!

Eye hath not seen nor ear heard
The plans that God has for His people
So think twice, friend, lest you should end
Up like those that are now called sheeple!

Don’t follow that great multitude
Who deny the Lord His right
To govern over all their lives
Though He has the might!

Don’t let Satan influence you to deny the Lord
As you well know that he has done
Reject him and his minions
And reach gladly for the Son!

Jesus, the Son, sacrificed Himself for you
Upon that shameful tree
Accept His death, His life raised on high
For He loves you mightily!

Study to show yourself approved
A watchman worthy of his hire
Bear your burdens and trials now
And tomorrow there won’t be any yelling about the fire!

Things don’t satisfy the soul!
Things, my friend, benight the soul
Of those who trust in the goods/gods of this world
And try to keep our Jesus under the sole!

Don’t be deceived! God is not mocked!
Know well that there is a reckoning
Coming for all mankind
Both the good and those unbecoming!

King Jesus is coming! All Heaven is coming!
Jesus’ rewards He is bringing in His hand
To give to each as he has worked -
I pray that you worked according to His Plan!

Work now! Night comes!
Live life for Jesus! Don’t live like a sow!
Look to the Light!
Make now your vow:
Heaven! I am going! And how!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Prayer: Lord, Make My Pathway

Lord, make my pathway up the mountain rocky
So that I may have something to grip
For if the way is smooth, Lord, 
You know that I will surely slip!

Lord make my way straight and narrow
And help me walk like the proverbial arrow
For You know, Lord, that anything less
Will find me in hell's bar playing faro!

Fulfill my needs, Lord, don't give me my wants
For my eyes are bigger than my stomach
'Cause if my wants are wantonly met
The end result is much throwing up and sorrow!

Lord, keep contented ever my heart
Whether with little or much
Keep my hand in Yours, Lord,
For this world's cup is surely filling up!

Help me, Lord, to keep my eye on the Son
And my heart on the Holy Spirit
Help me to love You as I ought
For Beloved Jesus my lost life bought!

Vespers at the End of the Sabbath of The Lover of Your Soul

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He GAVE His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

In this word from the disciple whom Jesus loved, and to whom He gave the greatest Revelation of the Ages, is the greatest love note ever written.

We, as Christians, must not go with the world in the belief that there is a "day" set aside for celebrating love! No!

Our Almighty God gave us the example of what the true celebration of love really is! Sacrifice!

God gave His best for us, so that we might be saved!

Love is not an emotion. Love IS!

Love is not acting. Love is action!

Love is caring enough to do enough to save the beloved.

Jesus Christ, the Lover of our souls, loved us enough to give the very best - His Life - for us!

How is that for love?

Now go and love someone ... in Jesus' Name!


God is Love
And Love is Life!
Therefore, God is Life!
Seek God for Love in Life!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Believe and Behave!

Believe and Behave
Bless God and don’t be a slave
To the world and its beckoning caves
Of sin where the soul decays!

Believe and Behave
Bless God and don’t be a slave
To the emotional highs and lows
That carry you to Satan through its flows!

Believe and Behave
Bless God and don’t be a slave
To neither money nor men
Nor carnality in the den and glen!

Please, Friend, believe that this life is ending
For your soul there’s contending
Satanic Forces are offending and
Jesus Saves is defending!

Stop and look and listen and STOP
To choose the right side - not the suicide
For there’s either Life with the Loved Glad
Or Loved Life with the Lost Sad!

A decision then must now be made
For even a “no decision” card is the decision played
And the wrong decision equals eternal death in spades
Eternal separation - no Life in Bright Glades!

Believe and know that Christ Jesus Saves!
Behave now as you have for so long prayed!
Pray, pray, and sing His praise in oh so glad song
And you will indeed Live Forever ... e’er long!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Life Is FREE!

Don’t lose your life over a penny
Don’t give up New Life for a pound
The Master is bringing His rewards for all with Him
And, believe me, there is going to be a throng!

The things in this world loud call you
The call of New World is still, soft, see
And if old world’s joys are what fills your eyes
New World for you won’t hold glee!

No jangling, no murmuring
No grasping, no pretty no petty besetting sins
No warmonger, whore-master, fornicator
Will find welcome when he beholds the King!

Think once, think twice you who are traveling
The path that offers no return
On your investment of time, talent, love and labor
Save filthy lucre and whirl around this dark world!

Our Master, the King of all Creation
Our Savior, Redeemer, our Friend
Is gently calling all to faith - and a life of fulfillment
Through repentance, and forsaking the ken of men!

The picture I hold in my heart of the coming Kingdom
Of love, joy, peace, and rest forevermore
Is not even a shadow of all the Master has
For those who are His children
Eyes, ears, have never seen or even heard the whole!

I have chosen to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation
I have chosen not to set my heart on this common world
I have lifted my heart to behold the Promise
And I know, thank God, I’ll not be marked for a stubborn goat!

I’m a sheep, a woolly sheep -  and thankful for it!
I won’t be stubborn - you’ll find no goat parts in me!
I’m trusting Jesus to deliver on the Promise of Calvary
Eternity’s the Place! - come along, please join me!
It’s beautiful, and wonderfully duty free!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Prayer: Father, Keep Me

Father, if experiencing all my trials
will keep me in Your care, give me trials.
If misfortune and earthly woes
will keep me praying at Your Door, Lord,
I will take them.
And, Lord, since living for Jesus
guarantees me a bright crown,
help me to live, to love, and
to give a helping hand -
not a snub, to Your children.
Bless me, Lord, so that I 
may bless another.
I love You.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lord, Where's My Soup?

Lord, where’s My Soup?
You said cast your bread upon the water
And this I gladly did
You said it would soon return to me
And, yes, I am eating my fill!

But, Lord, there must be some mistake
For in my understanding
Putting bread in water to soak
Should give me soup upon the landing!

Bread on water multiplies -
Soup is the resulting
And I know when soup is made
Inclusions make for great-tasting multiplying!

Soup does not one ingredient make
I know for I made some the other day!
There was chicken, sweet potato and English, too
Carrots, beans, cabbage, an onion or two
Sweet pepper, marjoram, thyme and parsley galore
And Gran’other dumplings
Lord, a treat was in store!

My soup even had in Split Peas and more
And a dash of sugar so the peas wouldn’t make my stomach sore
Lovely pumpkins, and a few dried pepper flakes
And a dash of sea salt, for old savory’s sake!

Now, Lord, You know that I speaking true!
Where de soup You promised, Father?
I’m depending on You!

Lord, I am not ungrateful for the bread
Some people don’t have any
And I know I could be dead!

But, Believer I am, Your’s is the word I trust
Maybe I’m getting anxious
Hence all this lotta fuss!
But, this my heart speaks -
I don’t covet nor lust
Cast bread upon water makes soup for certain sure
I have my bib, bowl and spoon ready
Lord, when You gine pour?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stop with The Pleading! Jesus IS Alive!

Christian, please stop your pleading!
It is time for you to apply
The blood that Jesus shed, and
Remember -  for you - He was already crucified!

Live the life of an over-comer!
Live the life of the truly blessed!
Jesus gave you the perfect weapon
And on His Word you can rely and find rest!

Do you remember the story of
That long-ago Passover night
When the Angel of Death was to visit the land
And any not covered by the blood would permanently take flight?

The Hebrews were told how to avoid
God’s Executing Judgment Hand
For an unblemished, unspotted Pascal Lamb
Held the remedy to avoiding getting themselves 
On the list of the permanently damned!

Were they not instructed to kill Innocent the Lamb 
And how to use his blood for protection?
Did they put the blood in the basin on the floor
Or did they with hyssop apply the blood
To the lintel and the two posts of the door?

We are told in Revelation 12 how to overcome the flood
Of Satan, and his machinations
Accusations, charges and manipulations
By using our testimony and Jesus’ blood!

Having the Blood available to you
And using it are two different propositions!
Jesus provided the weapon - use it, Friend
It will keep you upright 'til the end!

Why plead for what has already been provided
And is readily available to God's children?
Apply the Blood to your heart - and testify - sing like a lark:
"Christ was clean! Innocent! Satan, in me, you have no part!"

Don’t plead! Apply!
By His Blood, you’re justified!
 Jesus Christ himself has rescued you
So lift your head high!

Jesus Christ’s Blood paid your cost
As He hung upon sin’s dread cross
So Satan has no place to accuse you!
You’ll overcome Satan - whenever he stops by
 If you apply the Lamb's Blood, always apply!

Lift up your head, oh Believer!
Look in the face of The Accuser!
And valiantly set your new heart to "apply!"
And, in the Light of Life abiding
For in Jesus you're confiding
Throw the Blood of Sin's Sacrifice
Squarely in Satan's deceiving eyes!


Forget what's between 
the WE 
and the WIN!
Those are just details!

QUESTION: Since God is for us, who could possibly be against us?

ANSWER: Nothing and his brother Nobody!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Vespers At The End Of The Sabbath

Joshus 24:14-15 (KJV)

 14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Walking with the Lord Jesus Christ must be an act of the Will for we cannot inherit our walk with the Lord from our parents, nor can it be passed on to us by association, nor by associating with Christ-followers.

We must make the decision, out of the intellect, to, this very day, and each and every day hereafter, to walk in the Light of God's Love if we desire to be saved to Eternal Life.

We must come to the realization that we need to - every single day that we breathe - consciously make the decision to give over our will and our way, to the care and safekeeping of The Creator God who loved - and loves - us enough to have sent His Only Begotten Son to become sin for us, and to die on that shameful tree, so that we might have abundant life.

John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Jesus Christ stated that He had to be lifted up, as Moses' brazen serpent, so that by so doing, He would draw all men to Himself.

John 3:14
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

John 12:32
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

It, therefore, must be understood, that as those who had been bitten in the desert by the vile serpent, because of sin, had to look upon the replica of the serpent to be healed, we, too, must look UP on the Crucified Jesus who became sin for us, and confess, and repent of our sin, so that we may be saved.

Jesus Christ is still calling, and drawing mankind to Himself. Won't you answer His call that you may be saved?

Look upon Jesus, sinless is He

Author: Franklin E. Belden

Look upon Jesus, sinless is He;
Father, impute His life unto me.
My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,
Cover with His life, whiter than snow.


Cover with His life, whiter than snow;
Fullness of His life then shall I know;
My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,
Cover with His life, whiter than snow.

Deep are the wounds transgression has made;
Red are the stains; my soul is afraid.
O to be covered, Jesus, with Thee,
Safe from the law that now judgeth me!

Prayer: Dis Is De Trut'

Having money don' mek me a good parent
Having nuh money don' mek me a poor
I thank You, Lord, fuh de two pennies yuh does give me
And I glad dat Heav'n waiting when, fin'ly, I walk outta de door.

and repeated in