Monday, March 16, 2015

Prayer: Help Me, Lord, To Remember

When ugly sin within me roils and boils
Help me to reject it, and from it recoil
When my known sin I must confess
Lord, help me never again it to possess!

When sin masquerades in pretty dress
Let me suspect it, and thusly address
All the pitfalls, and pranks, and put-ups inspired
To my Lord who has me through Jesus' blood covered!

When I’m acting all lily-livered
Not wanting to offend my friends though they do slither
Help me, Lord, to remember that Jesus Christ bought
Me new life when His Precious Life was made nought!

When I’m behaving stupidly
Saying and doing things right foolishly
Lord, I plead for, and accept, the rod of correction You apply
For I do not want to lose my home with my Jesus Christ on High!

Lord, I love You! Yes, I do!
And for this Old Satan has targeted me for attack
But, thank You, Father, for Mercy and Grace
For because of Christ’s sacrifice I will win this race!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Prayer: Give Me One Word!

Father, when my life on earth is at its end
Give me one word on which my last breath I'll spend
Let that one word be the call of victory
"Jesus, My Lord! I come! Receive me!

If I may some soul encounter today
Listing from sin and living in decay
Lord, a kind word to this soul let me say
"Come unto Jesus
For He is the Light of Life on this benighted way!"

Let me, Dear Lord, a pattern of my Jesus display
Give me the strength to hold life's vanities in contempt
Grant me a heart like my Master's heart
And let me never from His right paths depart!

And, Lord, let this, my heart, be a residence fit
Beautiful, and bright, and shining with godly light
Let this heart-home be worthy of The King
And may it contain a voice to bless My King above anything!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

VESPERS At The End Of The Sabbath: Who Will Feed God's Sheep?

Faith without works is dead!
Faith is the victory that sheds
Worldly wants and affections!
Faith will get us to heaven 
For by The Living God we are lead!

Acts 20:27-34
27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.
32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
33 I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel.
34 Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.

Who Will Feed God's Sheep?

Everybody wants a piece of the action
Christianity is up for sale
There is much buying and selling of the Lord’s flock
And some of the seller’s are having fire sales!

Where, Lord, do we go for respite?
Where, Lord, is the Watchman on the wall?
Where, Lord, is the willing, able, pastor who is
Willing to call: “Enough of this! Foul ball!”

Lord, Your people are so hungry
Yet they are being fed
Food, that has no nourishing substance
For it has only pesticides, formaldehyde, lead!

Mercy! Lord! Mercy! Have Mercy!
Upon this people, here at the last
Ending - for earth’s day is almost over
And the leaders’ unjust laws are over us cast!

Those who should preach the gospel are selling it
They are offering milk instead of meat
They are feeding food that leaves us hungry
When, Lord, You know, we should be replete!

Send help, Dear Father, send a faithful witness
Send messengers who truly fear and love our God
Send witnesses who don’t need witness protection
For they are standing under the wings of the Living God!

Father, we lay here, this sad petition
Give an ear, listen, help us, Lord this day
Protect the sheep, Dear Father, from the ravening wolves
Who wear designer clothing at the expense of Your people living on short pay!

Open the eyes of Your Faithful Children
Remove, Lord, the scales from their seeking eyes
Reveal to them the infidels, charlatans, false priest and false prophets
And the false Christs seeking to blind eyes with their disguise!

You have promised this people your protection
You have promised that Your Word won’t return vain
You have promised to finish the good work that You have promised
You have promised that believers' living will not be in vain!

Deliver, as promised, for You are Creator
Deliver, as promised, for You are the Lord
Deliver, as promised, You, the Angel of the Covenant
Deliver, as promised, for You are our Almighty God!

Friday, March 13, 2015

HAPPY SABBATH and Pastors Pedaling Pablum

Preacher, why are you pedaling pablum?
Why, Sir, do you obfuscate?
Don’t you know we are nearing the City
Where sinners cannot enter in the Gate?

Why do you declare and decree that
God has promised earthly riches to all
When you know that is not what the Word says
And you know that you’re misrepresenting the Lord?

Why do you tell believers that Jesus wants them
To be perfectly happy in this life
When you know that we are just passing through?
Have you no fear of the Father
For it seems that Satan is ruling you?!

Why do you make the faithful believe that
Our God just needs a belly rub
Like He is just a Happy Buddha
Who gives spurious profits, peace and love?

Why do you not preach sin and repentance?
Why do you not preach salvation and grace?
Why do you not preach of the coming Judgment
When the lost will face permanent disgrace?

Why are you telling the people that God does not care
What we say, do, or are?
Don’t you know that God will hold you responsible
For those lost souls at the Judgment Bar?

Won’t you stop lying to the lost, worn and wandering?
Won’t you stop making Christianity a disgrace?
Won’t you stop making the faith of the faithful
Something you can pick up like a win at a horse race?

Repent, be reformed, seek God’s revelation!
Stop letting feelings and experiences guide your way
For Jesus Christ, Himself, He the Creator, said
“Come, let us reason today!”

Almighty God is the God of All Order
Almighty God gives every man a measuring cup
And the way you are misleading God’s people
Tells all that your cup is filling up!

So, if you want God’s wrath poured out upon you
Without mercy, undiluted, full strength
Continue the lawlessness that you are doing
And, believe me, upon you God’s indignation will be shed!

“Come out from among her my people!"
This message from God is a loud cry!
Come out, and live God’s people, for why, pray tell
Should you give up eternal life and forever die?

Buy truth, sell it not, all ye faithful!
Trust God and not mammon esteem!
Wear faith, hope, love, and charity for garments
And the Great God will bless you indeed!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

JOB AVAILABLE: Servant of God


for the position of


Company:                             Heaven At The Last, Corner of Kings Highway and Eternity, Let's Go!
Chairman of The Board:    God The. Almighty
Chief Operating Officer:    Jesus Christ Bridegroom Lamb Savior Redeemer-Friend
Communications Director: Holy The. Spirit


A. Certified Follower of Immanuel with passes in:

1. Pray Without Ceasing
2. Confession of All Sin
3. Repentance With Humility
4. Broken and Contrite Spirit
5. Old Man Set Aside
6. Fruit of The Spirit
7. Personal Cross Calmly Carried
8. Rejection of The World
9. Hated of Men
10. Original-10 Commandment Keeper


Salary:                      Unlimited
Bonuses:                   Innumerable
Travel Allowance:    Off The Chart
Vacation:                  None Needed
Sick Leave:              Unnecessary
Training:                   Inexpressible
Uniform Provided:   White Linen Robe (Graded: Indestructible)
Jewelry Allowance:  Covers complete cost of The Gold Crown and accompanying Gold Harp
Housing:                   Must Be Seen To Be Believed


This is a permanent position, and involves the separation of self from all things in the Corporeal Realm, and all applications will be carefully vetted to screen out the following:

1. New Age Theology
2. Another Gospel
3. Do What Thou Wilt
4. Vain Philosophy
5. All categories of ISMS
6. Hidden Agendas
7. Divide and Conquer
8. Disputings 
9. Demigoguery
10. Denial of ROM.5:8
11. Denial of MATT.28:6

1. No persons holding God’s Traffic Director (GTD) certification, Seeking Elevation Through Fatuity (SELF) degrees, Neither Wise nor Omnipotent (NWO) licenses, nor those certified at Fallen Angel Truth Syndrome (FATS) level need apply unless they have received a subsequent Amendment #7373682623 to their certifications. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy!

2. If you are in the TUTC&FJC (Take Up Thy Cross & Follow Jesus Christ) training, but have not yet fully qualified in either ACTS2/38 or ACTS22-16, please submit your application marked with either the Code #7729469 or Code #73848466464 for fast-track processing.


The Company, Heaven At The Last, as chaired by God The. Almighty, is a lean and clean and righteous-operating organization.

All who would be Servants of God are required - without exception and no excuse -  to walk the Straight and Narrow Way (S&N Way).

As you walk the Straight and Narrow Way, you may expect to visit some, or all - time permitting - of the following facilities:

1. The School of Hard Knocks
2. Christianity is Comfort for a Fool Cafe
3. Self-Denial is Stupidity Cabaret
4. If You Are Kind Get Behind Boutique at The Mall of All Nations
5. Good The Shepherd at Green Pastures
6. The Valley at The Shadow of Death  
7. Hated for Christ's Sake Ministries
8. Prosperity Gospel Hall
9. Feel Good Theology Mission and Mansion
10 Apostate Palace, and
11. Jesus Is Mine - The Musical at Hisway Station

You will receive, as a part of your Benefits Package, the Gift of Justification, at the time that you accept the position which also comes with a Blood-Bought, all expense paid, one-way ticket on Sanctification Airways.

By the time of your arrival at Company Headquarters, you will have passed through Mortification of Thy Members, and received Bodily Glorification which is permanent in nature, and which has the Immortality Badge attached.

BUT ... before you board your flight to Heaven At the Last, you will receive the training manual entitled B.I.B.L.E., which contains all the basic instructions before leaving everything and everybody else behind. You cannot learn the instructions for anybody else, but we encourage you to share what you learn with any and everybody you meet on the S&N Way.

We encourage you to immerse yourself in these instructions and making them a part of your reason for living. The instructions therein contained will make you an individual fit to be called Servant of God, so please treasure your B.I.B.L.E. manual.


All persons who apply to be Servants of God have a personally assigned Powerful and Holy Angel for protection.

All persons who apply to be Servants of God also - and most importantly - have the Indwelling Comforter sent from our Chief Operating Officer, Jesus Redeemer-Friend, and authorized by our Chairperson, God The. Almighty, Himself!

We take care of our own, and we do, and have done, and will do, all within our Righteous Powers to ensure your successful graduation into the Heaven At The Last family!

We will see you soonest in Heaven At The Last and, as we say here:

"God Speed!"

N.B.:  Please affix this Public Yet Personal Identification Number (PYPIN# 266337733-746) to your application to prove that you are not a robot, or your application will be summarily rejected.

2. Applications will be accepted until Thief In The. Night, our Financial Controller, designates that the CUP Budget is at the maximum. Ladye Grace is still reviewing applications, so please get yours in post haste!

SOMSTTL Job Request No. 253774647

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

God's Traffic Director!?

Who can direct God’s traffic?
Surely not a creature of the dust
And definitely not a fallen cherub
Nor even those who believe He is Love!

God is All-seeing
All-knowing, Ever-present
His will is sovereign - can’t be set aside
And those who believe that they can direct Him
You poor things! 
You're falling for deadly delusions and devilish lies!

Can a creature control his creator?
Can the created demand the Creator submit to its commands?
What kind of creator would the Creator be
If no cut-off switch prepar-ed He
If need He ever to ditch
A creature who has gone rogue
And is acting the witch?

Our Creator IS the God of All Order!
Our Creator has no need of our advice!
We, the created, come from His Hand
Which bespeaks of a right mighty plan
No matter the Crow’s genius game of playing Hangman!

So for you who feel
That your chord brings God to heel
I suggest you take a look at your owners manual!
God is the Controller!
Fail the test - seek a boulder
And ask it to cover you in the Great Distress!

God is real!
God has no mother!
God is The Lord of all umbilical cords!
Bow you before Him - for He is Love!
Secure His affection!
Give Him all worship and praise!
Give Him your devotion!
Give Him faithful love!
For He keeps wonderful records
At His House up above!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

God Ain't Never Purchased No Pajamas!

My God does not wear pajamas
He is not blind, deaf, nor dumb
He is neither short, nor tall, bub
He is the God of The Outcomes!

My God is also My Father
He listens faithfully to my every prayer
And if something is amiss with the asking
He doesn’t leave me with fears, and in tears!

My God is the God of Full Disclosure
He tells the beginning, and the end
It is then up to me how to operate
While remembering He is looking at how I contend!

I can go to My God with any problem
A concern, a sorrow, or just to say “Hello!”
He always has for me a ready answer
E'en if it is “Yes!” “Wait.” or just a plain “NO!”

What I am trying to say to you is
You can really, really, trust My God!
He is no paper saint, nor a plaster
He made us all! 
And, no! He can’t faint, fail nor fall!

So, please, get a grip of yourself, friend
Trust my God who is The God of Always
Available to those who look/come to Him
So put away the plastic, and let us say our prayers!

"Our Father, up in Heaven
Who condescends to hear man
Bless this, your child, who is asking
For help with the problems made by man!

Lord, we humans are unkind, even
Cruel and unkind to each other day by day
I pray, Dear Lord, for Your soon coming
Hurry! We are in self-destruct mode and
There is much death-dealing and decay!

There are children daily dying
The Fathers are lying
The Mothers sell themselves just to buy a happy meal
And the politicians! Oh yes! The great ones who us lead
Behave like leperous beggars
Carrying hog-lice, selling hornets nests
And sneezing, and sneezing, rabid fleas!

Father, our situation is precarious
'Cause we wear blinders, and dark glasses, late at night
We cover our ears with Dr Dre’s Beats
And listen to the deepest Bose super-bass
Whilst we call 911 singing
7-11’s 411 in basketball heat!

Have mercy, Lord, on us who believe You
Who trust You - in hope - as we pray
Give us You Grace to stand in this battle
For Father, Our Lord is Your Son -
He also is The Son of Man -
Who perfected Redemption's Holy Plan! AMEN."

Monday, March 9, 2015

Prized Memory Chest

I have an untidy table
That’s set up shop within my mind
It holds the trials and troubles of yesterday
And sins that I can’t seem to leave behind!

One day, I sat talking to Jesus
And wondered why this should be 
He looked at me so tenderly
And I just started to glow!

“Little One,” said Jesus, so kindly
“You say you trust Me, but no!”
“You give me all your troubles and trials,
But the sins, you just won’t let them all go!”

“I promised that I would cast all confessed sin
Into the Sea of My Forgetfulness!
I’ve forgotten, and forgiven you of them, but
You’ve locked them in your prized memory chest!”

“This is not what I want, Child, for you
For stored sin is like a diseased boil with a crust!
You pick it, and pick it, until you’ve torn the crust off
And it is soon running all over with pus!”

“No! Child of Mine! I offer you better!
I paid the price of your crimes!
I took to myself all your sins -
I love you enough to have died!
So, look to Me!
Give it up! 
Go all in!”

“I AM the Lord of All Creation!
I AM the Lamb of Calvary!
I AM the High Priest of the New Covenant!
I AM the Great King who set you free!”

“Look at my hands! Do you see these nail prints?
This is because I love you so much!
So if you say you love, and trust, Me
Wipe your table clean, and please fold it up!”

“With no space available for storage
No favorite spot for a safe hiding place
You will be free from Satan constantly accusing you
And calling you a Christian Disgrace!”

“My Child:
 I AM able to bear all!
I AM able to carry your load!
I AM the Lover of your Soul!
I AM Your Savior! Your Redeemer! 
I’ve got this!
I’ll see you at The Victor’s Abode!”

Saturday, March 7, 2015

VESPERS At the End of the Sabbath - Which god is God?

I believe God’s truth but
You believe Old Satan’s bold lies
My God's Holy Spirit lives inside me
Your god lives in your clouded eyes, and
He does nothing to help or protect you
For he has no Heaven-given bona fides!

I know my God is faithful
I feel His loving care - EVERY DAY!
Your god has no love for you
And he surely does not seem to care
If you are sad - or happy
If you are having a day - or night - mare
For he is the one who neglects you and
He is not one to offer an ear!

"Come unto me!" says my Heavenly Father
"Come, and you will find rest!"
Your god is the god of all trouble
He’ll stir up - and set you upon - an ant’s nest for
He wastes no time to comfort - or guide you
Into places where you can shine and be at your best!

I ask you: "Which one is the Real God?
Which one welcomes us into rest?
Which one is the One who created us
And answers us when trouble’s on the chest?

I tell you your god is a masquerader!
He is wearing a carnival costume!
He has no right to your allegiance for
He can’t even create a simple bloom!

Infidel, Deceiver, Father of Lies, He
Who suffered from the disease of the I’s
He coveted the Throne of our Father
And seeks to deny us the right to be in bliss!
And if you think that he is your friend
Take a peak at his published hit-list!

How, then, can you choose to honor that god
Who can do nothing to help himself?
Too proud to say: “Father, I’m sorry!”
Too arrogant before His God to bow down
And because he is an incorrigible
He plays the Burning-Man Song:

“Don’t be a Jesus follower
His life is totally the pits
He wants you to pray and to worship
And, ewwww! that gives me the spits!
Come play with me - I really party!
Come party with me - I’m happy to play!
Kick you some puppies as you pass by
Party every day until you die!
Why rest and reflect on your past sins
Come to Bacchanal - I’m teaching some lovely new ones!
I’m the god of Feels and Sensations, and
With me in the lead you’ll experience all!”

Well, my friend, I don’t know about you, but
I will stay with my Almighty God!
The One who loves me enough to chastise me
The One who helps me when I mess up, and fall
The One I cry to when I worry
The One I lean upon when sorrow calls
The One who is The Lord, The True Shepherd
The One God who can destroy Satan’s 8-ball!

No masquerader god will I follow
No party-animal leader for me
No funster who is always about gaming
No specter called Satan will pick me off!

I - a Christian - will walk holy, and in order
I - a Child of the King, and Redeemed - will stand tall
I - a True Believer - in Hill Calvary
I - a Sinner turned Saint - await my Heavenly Call!


Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
I don't care what Satan's minions do to me
Jesus isn't leaving me behind!
They can take my possessions
They can cook me like steak
Jesus Christ IS the One I worship
And from that they can't me shake!
In Jesus I will fight this battle
Through The Holy Spirit, I won't Him forsake
Do all, and more - you won't shake me!
I won't ever my Jesus forsake!

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Gauntlet

I know that I'm throwing down a gauntlet
In that Old Satan's evil face
But there is nothing that he can do to me
For Jesus Christ stood up in my place!

Satan did his best to destroy me
He left no avenue untouched
He tried to maim, to break down, evil kill me
He thought he had me in his clutch!

But then one day I met Sweet Jesus
The King of whose I am
The Savior, my Lord, my Redeemer
For whose sin He left Heaven above, and came down.

To defeat Satan, Jesus had to die a death that was shameful
Jesus had to bear all the sin and the shame
Of the whole world, yesterday, today and tomorrow
He had to sleep in the cold, dank, ground!

But victory of victories
At sunrise, Jesus Christ arose the first day
And ascended, triumphant, unto The Father
Such a glorious day! Great day!

So, Satan, do what you know you want to
You have no part in this regenerated child
Who believes in, and holds on, to her Master
You know, Jesus, The Christ, crucified
Who paid my price - I stand a champion
Who died that I can now live
Get thee behind me, you Liar, you Hypocrite, you Murderer
Jesus Christ already crushed your wicked head!

Glory! Oh Glory! Hallelujah!
Come, My Lord! Come, Angel Band!
Come, wing me to my home up in glory!
For I earned me, through Christ's blood, my bona fides!

HAPPY SABBATH!! Prayer: Father, Thank You!

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for my spared life!
Help me to remember
that I will always need You!
Help me to never forget that
since I have no reason to regret that!
You, Lord, are Good, and You are Faithful.
Help me to never allow my eyes
to dictate what I shall be fed, and help me
to be contented with Your walking speed.
I ask You to help me to trust You as a
blessed child of a Beloved Father.
Thank You for the blessings and the
bounties You provide to me each and 
every day, and I ask You to keep me
steadfast, and don't let me ever again stray.
I love You, Lord, for You alone, are worthy.

Lizard Tongue

I am tired of hearing the Gospel
Preached with The Lizard Tongue
For it tickles my ears with its message
That Jesus Christ won’t ever frown
At lies, deceits, fornication
Licentiousness, bacchanal
Vainglory, and doctrines of devils
And the putting of white pearls on a black sow! 

Pastor, take your cold tongue out my earhole
Preach the Word - undiluted - as it comes
Straight  - from the Word of The Father
No chaser - send it, send it right down!

If I want my ears to be tickled
I have q-tips in my medicine chest
I put some water on them for sensation
And have myself a tickle-fest!

God’s Holy Word is The Truth, and
It needs not polish, spin, color, nor excuse
Tell the people what The Lord God told you
Anything else - do me a favor, and
Give it a pass, please
Just refuse!

My soul - it will be thankful
My heart - it will be glad
The Father - He will commend you
And Satan, welllll ... he'll be right mad!

I can live with that!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blessed Assurance

Blessed assurance!
God’s faithfulness is great!
Think of His Kingdom!
Hurry! Time’s late!

Redeemed is the proclamation!
His joy is mine!
Ready your white garments, and
Leave sin’s suitcase behind!

Calvary lifted burdens!
Holy hands bore cruel nails!
Victory in Jesus -
My eyes have no more scales!

Yon pilgrim, there a stranger
They have traveled so long
To reach the Home of the Faithful
To acquire white robe and gold crown!

Jesus Christ is leading
The Holy Spirit's pleading
God made He the Way, so
Stand up for Jesus - He slept in your cold grave!

And because of His great victory
You’re no longer a slave
So pick you up your sword now
And in glorious battle engage!

No retreat! No quarter!
No rabble on the Line!
No fainting! Hey! No falling!
We are covered! Don’t look behind!

With eyes ever fixed forward
Christ’s heart on open display
Christ’s blood is our armor-all
We will not cease nor give way
To that enemy of our own souls
To that foul fiend of the night
Whose stratagems are ignominious
Ignoble, and a right fright!

Sound you off the song number
Call the time and the tune
Mark you step, and step deftly
Board Fair Zion’s galloon!

We will not be becalm-ed
We will not be o’erblown
We will not be torpedoed
Jesus Christ is manning the ‘phones!

So stiffen your spine with your praying
Steady your heart with the Promises
No more time to be wasted -
You’re no more earth-bounded
For you have a date with Destiny
With the King of Love, oh, so Divine
The Table is set - Banquet Hall is bedecked
With such great displays it’ll take Eternity to inspect!

Remember you your manners!
Follow you your guide!
The King! At last! He is coming!
So let your joyous praise rise!

A joyful hallelujah!
A resoundingly great anthem!
Thank you, God, for this - the victory!
No sin again! Hallelujah!
Never see sin again! AMEN!

Name "IT" and Claim "IT!?"

My "friend" got angry with me
Because of the stance that I take
She thinks that for a Christian I am foolish
And she calls me a big fat fake!

My "friend" has been following the trend that
Is totally sweeping the church
Believing that if you can name it you can claim it
And you won’t be left behind, and in the lurch!

Well, I should tell you that we had
A great parting of the ways
Because I refuse to join in the movement
That purports to reach God in many ways!

I don’t care what my "friend" thinks of me
I don’t want my best life now
For anyone who wants their best life in the corporeal
Really doesn’t need Jesus anyhow!

So if you have a problem with my lack of possessions
If you have a problem with my empty purse
If you have a problem with my unfashionable clothing
Don’t feel sorry for me! I don’t view my lack as being a curse!

Jesus Christ has promised me a mansion
If I trust in, and believe Him, and walk
Straight along the narrow path way to Glory
And ignore the heathens, and their lotta long talk!

So I will make my own declaration
I will state here my own case
I will not follow the multitude to do evil
And I will not play at Satan’s Burning Place!

I am going to name King Jesus
And I am going to call Him my God
And I am readily going to claim Him
As my Savior, my Redeemer, and my Lord!

Mine, mine, mine!
King Jesus is mine!
He knows my name!
And He’s not leaving me behind!
To Him I give glory!
To Him I offer my praise!
Sorry, "friend!" I can’t join you at your party
'Cause I ain’t burning in that great blaze!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Prayer: Help Me To Let You Do For Me

Heavenly Father,
help me to walk confidently in Your Light,
 and to do what is right in Your Sight this day, and always.

Help me, Lord, to not take care
of another problem for myself today, for my 
taking care of them in my own strength 
never causes them come out to my benefit. 

Help me to not decide that I can
make my own way plain, for my decision-making 
often leaves me writhing in pain inside. 

Please, Father, help me to let go of my willful self and
allow You do what You know is best for me.

Help me, Lord, to remember that
my one right decision led me to You, Who, 
for the love of this great sinner, 
met Your death at Calvary to purchase 
my pardon, and to set me free
from a burdensome life of sinning.

And, Lord, that freedom that You purchased for me, 
I offer it to You as my sacrifice today, and I
beseech You to accept this offering, for it comes
from my freewill. 

I also ask You, please, to carry me, step by step,
along the rough way, and throughout this toilsome day.
I love You, Lord. AMEN.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Satan Hates My Jesus

Since Satan hates my Jesus
Why, then, would he not hate me?
I am no match for his evil but,
Thank God, I know Jesus competes for me!

I cannot match wits with Satan
I have no shape-shifting ability
I am as God ordained it - I’m a pilgrim
And I won’t engage in vain philosophy!

Satan has six plus thousand years of experience
Studying man and using his wiles to defeat we
Who are unwary, oft unguarded, and often foolish
Thinking that Satan’s a friend when he’s sweet-talking for a fee!

Open your eyes, and give your heart to King Jesus
Trust His Word - He paid blood to save humanity
And if there was only one that He could die for
He would’ve done it for He loves us, truly loves us, don’t you see?

Here’s a heads-up for you, my friends and dear ones
Don’t get emotional, and don’t you get yourselves trapped
By earth's pretty baubles, and rotting, and rusting, bounty
Trust you in God if you want, really want, everlasting riches, and
Sign on to the Ship of Zion that’s
Bound for Heaven’s awesome, and wondrously great, glory!

Monday, March 2, 2015

MOVIE - Story of William Tyndale (God's Outlaw)

Mankind's Three Temptations

There are only three temptations
That every man must face
The same three presented to our Jesus
When Satan He had to face!

Temptations’ categories are very specific
There is no need to go out looking for more
They are in your face and are clearly defined so
Draw near, and we shall have a look and explore!

The first temptation faced by our Savior Jesus
Is common, so common to woman and man
It is the Temptation to Appetite and Indulgence, and
Turning yourself into the proverbial garbage can!

Garbage in, garbage out - eye, ear, head and belly
We become that which we consume
So take a page from the Words of our Jesus
And tell Satan it ain’t all about the sweet food!

Second on tap was the Temptation of Presumption
When you tempt God to cover you as you go and do some crap
Believing that God has no choice but to be at your disposal
As you do the things that can cause you to take a dirt nap!

And then there’s Temptation Number 3! Ah, yes! This is the big one
The Temptation to Worship Satan and not worship Almighty God
And, believe me, this temptation is the real deal-breaker
For it resulted in Song Leader Lucifer’s inglorious fall!

As it did through the ages, in the last days, the issue of worship
Will be used to determine where each one of us is going to spend Eternity
Use your commonsense, your reasoning ability, your love for Jesus
To keep you upright as they push you up against the wall for failing to fall!

So, think hard about what this story is telling you
Protect your eyes, ears, heart, head, belly, and libido
Beg the Lord for His Mercy, Grace, Covering and Consolation
So that on that Day you won’t be begging rocks to hide you from God!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Bible Is Full Of Bread

My Bible is a pillow
That is full of bread
It heals, sustains and leads me
And comfortest my head!

What nonsense am I talking?!
No, my Friend! I am no fool!
If you will listen for a moment
I will tell you a story true!

My Old Granny gave me a Bible
When said she that I was of an age
To know the right, the wrong and the ugly
It listed all on its page!

The Bible had stories of adventure
Idolatry, carnage and hard bondage
It contains stories of love and redemption
And even a High King sacrifice on a page!

Granny said the Bible is good for what ails me
No matter what situation I’m in
I only have to pray: “God help me!”
And read the words of the Sage!

The Bible has no pedestrian magic
It contains no sleight of hand
But it contains miracles of abundance
Straight from the Son of Man!

This Bible has food for the hungry
It tells of the raising of the dead
It tells of compassion for the unhealthy
And fixes those with demons in the head!

My Book contains all the wisdom of the wisest
King to ever have lived
It contains stories of great and fearsome dragons
And the King who kills them dead!

But in all the stories contained there
My favorite by far is the one
That tells that if I walk the straight and narrow
I will be exempted from the Judgment Bar!

It asks me to confess and repent of
All the wrong that I have done
And ask the Father by His Spirit to forgive me
Through the Blood of His Beloved Son
That covers and cleanses me from
The past, and the present, too
I just need to daily give Him my will
And I will walk holy too!

It promises that though I walk through The Valley of The Shadow 
I have nary an evil to fear
For The Savior is walking beside me
And He keeps every foe at bay!

And then one day that is coming
The King of Love, and Heaven’s throng
Will burst through the rolling scroll
And there will be triumphant singing
Which will be very,very loud
From all those who have kept the commandments
And maintained their souls in the Light
Joined by those of the Saints of all ages
Raised from the rest of the long night
To wing their way up to Home in Glory
Led by their King, Prince Immanuel
Where each will receive a crown that is golden
And find rest, and be eternally loved, and fed!

So, here! I have a bible for you!
Make it your very best friend as
It will comfort, guide, and sustain you
For it truly is Life-carrying Bread!

So you see that I am not lying
My Bible is no book of the dead
My Bible is living, dynamic, and its
Where I go to be led, comforted and fed!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

VESPERS at The End Of The Sabbath: You Can't Change God's Mind!

Thank You
for the Blessed Sabbath Rest!

Our Call To Remembrance:

God is The Lord and He loves us, and
You can’t change His Mind!

God sacrificed His Son to save us, and
Nothing you would do could change His Mind!

God loves to bless us, and
You can’t change His Mind!

God loves us sinners, and
You can’t change His Mind!

God is The Lord, and He hates sin, and
Changing its name won’t change His Mind!

God’s  Holy Spirit chides and comforts us, and
You can’t change His Mind!

God is coming for His Children, and
Satan can’t change His Mind!

God will punish the evil-doers, and
They can’t change His Mind!

God is kind, and makes daily provision for us, and
New World Orders can't change His Mind!

God has made a home in Pleasant Pastures for us, and
You can’t change His Mind, for
We - who love Him - are nestled in the Heart of the Divine!


please - I beseech you of the Household of Faith -

Don't let

Love, life, nor living
Loss nor cross
Situation nor circumstance
Father nor Mother
Brother nor Sister
Predator nor President
King nor culture

Close your mind off from, or cause you to forget, the fact that:

God Almighty is coming for His Children, and
Not one will be left behind, for
God is The Lord, and He loves us, and
He can't change His Mind!

Heavenly Father,
We thank You for the Sabbath
for we have been bountifully blessed,
 and gloriously refreshed! 
And now we ask You, Father, 
to bless and keep us during the coming new week 
until we come again before You 
to worship and bow down in humility and gladness. 
We thank You for Your Grace and Hand of Provision, 
and Your Mercy towards us,
 and we offer You our praise. 
We love You, Lord, 
and we look with hope and assurance 
to that Great Day 
when we shall see You, 
face to face. 

HAPPY SABBATH + Satan Can't Tell The Future

Satan can’t tell the future
Even if he had a crystal ball
'Cause it is not within his realm
Listen up! He is not the Lord!

Satan cannot create life
His reality is to destroy
He ever lives to reap a harvest of the unbelievers
Who choose to be in his employ!

Satan can deceive you
Satan can lead you astray
Satan will seek to destroy you - 
Choose Jesus, and run
Runway, far away!

Rebuke Satan!
Bless the Lord!
Stand on God’s promises!
Cover up in the Word!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Talking to Jesus

Lord, I don't feel like praying
Your voice I do not hear
I have asked, and asked for a blessing
But You really don't seem to care!

My car broke down on the highway
My kitty has gone astray
My pantry is standing quite empty
And the refrigerator has nothing to share

Dear Child,
I know what you need, and provide it
That broken down car spared your life
Your kitty was carrying rabies
And you were eating away your life.

I always answer the prayers of my children
I counted the hairs on their heads
Your trials are for your perfection
And will lead you to eternal life!

Look well at all that befalls you
And know that My hand is there
What was meant to you for evil
In Me will turn out for good!

I called you for My purpose
You say you love your Lord
There is nothing that can take you from Me
For you're covered in My Blood!

Just keep praying to Me, I do hear you
I always answer for your good
Don't worry about the words - just call on Me
For I saved you by My Blood.